人教版高三Unit Eight Learning a foreign language

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Period One
Ⅰ 词汇预习作业
motivation (v.) associate__________(n.)
memorize_________(n.)_________(n.) acquisition___________(v.)
anxiety___________(adj.) secure__________(n.)
patience__________(n.) junior_________(opposite.)
Ⅱ 词汇用法
1. motivation n.
motivate vt. 激发,刺激--- motivate sb to do
What ¬¬________ him to do such a thing?
2. stick
(1) 粘贴; 刺,戳
I stuck a stamp ______ the envelop.

(2)坚持,固执 stick to
(3) 突出 stick out
His head
stick around 在附近逗留或等待
stick at 迟疑,顾虑;继续做------
(4)被------困住 ,陷入,不能动弹
Our car stuck/ in the mud.
Are you ________ on the question?
(5) 棍,棒
a stick of chalk
He walks with the help of a stick..

3. effective adj.
(1) 有效的 ~ + against/in
+to do
Windows screens are mosquitoes.
4. acquire vt.
(1) 学习(知识,技术) 养成(习惯、行为、嗜好)
She acquired a knowledge of French.
(2) 取得,获得
The museum has just____________ a famous painting ___ Pablo Picasso.
5. make sense of 了解------的意思 ,理解------
Can you _______________ what this author says?
He has no sense of business.
有意义,有道理,讲得通_______________ 常识         
幽默感___________    神志失常,发疯        
a man of good sense        差的方向感__________________
There is no sense/______in criticizing him.

6. adopt
(1) 采纳;接受
Our school
They are not my real parents. I’m __________.
one’s _______ son/daughter某人的养子/养女
(3)adoption n. adoptive adj. 收养的
an adoptive father / mother 养父/养母
Soon the _________ child became very fond of her ___________ parents.
7. secure
(1)adj. 有保证的,安全的;可靠的;有把握的
Our victory is _______.
feel secure
Our house is secure from/against flood.
(2)v. 确保---, 获得, 弄到手secure sth. for sb / secure sb. sth
She has secured a good job.
8. broaden vt.
broaden one’s horizons
broaden the united front 扩大统一战线
adj. / n. + en →v. ( widen deepen lengthen heighten sharpen)
9. (1) a pile of = piles of 一大堆,很多的;堆积如山的
一大堆工作 a pile (piles) of work
很多朋友 piles of friends
(2) pile + n + with
She piled potatoes onto his plate.
==She piled his plate with potatoes.
(3) pile up vi. ①--- 堆积起来,把---- 堆起来 ②(车子)追撞在一起
10. awful adj.
(1)可怕的,吓人的 可怕的景象 an awful scene
(2)好差劲的, 很恶劣的 awful manners 极不礼貌的
好臭的味道!What an awful smell!
awfully adv. 极,非常的
He is an awfully nice guy.
Ⅲ 复习巩固
1.记住新单词______________ 2. 被困住________________
3. 取得快的进步________________ 4. 获得法语知识___________________
5. 第六感_________________ 6. 养子______________________
7. 采取有效措施发展城市_____________________
1. Reading something in English, I always get s_______ when I come across a new word.
2. I used to like English, but now I feel as if I’m not making any p__________.
3. We have textbooks, teachers and classmates to i__________ and assist us in the process.
4. Active learners are able to a________ new skills faster.
5. Self-confident, s_______ students are more successful language learners.
6. And, perhaps most puzzling of all, how we were able to make s_______ of what we heard.
7. There are programs for junior and s________ middle school as well as colleges.
8. One year is not enough to learn all about a country or a culture, of course, but it is enough to b________ your horizons and your understanding of the world.
Period 2 Reading
Teaching aims:
1. Read about learning a foreign language
2. Train the students abilities
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Greeting
Greet ss as usual.
Step 2 Revision
Review the words and phrases in period one.
Step 3. Reading
Task1 Skim the text and decide which language (mother tongue or foreign language) each of the sentences below describes.
A We learn quite fast.
B We are not taught but learn anyway.
C Some people think that we are born with an ability to learn this.
D We can learn faster if we develop study skills.
E Most people have mastered this by the age of five.
F We learn this in a special place where we can get help.
G It takes longer to learn this ,
H We learn this by communicating with others.
Task2 Ask students to read the passage again, and find the main idea of each paragraph.
1. (T or F)Learning a language is just memorizing words, phrases and structures.
2. (T or F)We learnt or acquired our mother tongue by receiving much formal instruction.
3. What most puzzles us when we are learning a language?
1. At what age have most children mastered their mother tongue?
2. How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue?
Some believe that__________________--- .
Others think that________________________----
3. What do they agree with?
Para3. Learning a foreign language is different from learning one’s mother tongue
1. Do we have many opportunities to learn a foreign language?
2. (T or F) Learning a foreign language is faster than learning Chinese. ( )
3. (T or F) Learning a foreign takes more time than learning the mother tongue. ( )
4. How can we learn a foreign language better?
Para4. Why are some people better at learning a foreign language than others?
The characteristics mentioned in the text are:
1. interested in understanding their own thinking
4. ____________________________________
1. (T or F) If the learner is anxious and relaxed, he will acquire language better.( )
2. What kind of students are more successful language learners?
3. What qualities contribute to learners’ increased ability to learn?
1. What do most learn English for?
2. ( T or F) Those who have less interest and ability than others can’t improve.( )
3. ( T or F) Learning a foreign language to be twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.( )
Task3 post reading
Ask students read again and try to retell the passage according to the answers.
Step 4 Homework
Read the passage and try to retell and remember the text better.
Period 3 Careful Reading
Teaching aims
Enable students to grasp the phrases and important sentences.
Teaching Procedures
Step1 Greeting
Greet the students as usual.
Step2 Revision
Ask students to retell or recite the passage
Step3 Language points
1.Some believe that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and that our brain adjusts itself to the language we hear around us 有人认为, 我们具有学习语言地特殊能力, 而且我们的大脑会自动调节接受我们听到地身边的语言。
(1)句中believe 后带有两个宾语从句。即 that we---- ,and that 。
(2)句中adjust oneself to + n 意为:使自己适应 此短语也可用 adapt oneself to
如:She soon adjusted (herself)to his way of life.
adjust 还有“调节,调整”之意
如:I had the brakes of my bicycle adjusted.
Will you please adjust the clock? It’s slow.
(3)句中equip 的意思是make able/ fit/ prepared 根据需要可用 for 或 with
Your education will equip you for your future life.
equip还有 provide with what is necessary for doing something
They equipped with themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.
That hospital is well equipped.
2. Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn others things, such as walking or solving problems, and what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt, not a language-specific part of the brain.
in the same way 以同样的方式
Children do not often think in the same way their parents do.
We are facing the same problems as we did years age.
This is the same watch as I lost about a week age.
另外, (the) way 在表示 “方式” 用作先行词时, 其限定性定语从句通常以in which 或 that 引导。
There are various ways in which we can help.
I don’t like the way that (in which) you laughed at her.
No one can understand the way I miss David. (the same = how)
You should do the way the doctor tells you to. (the way = as)
3. But once you consider the situation further, you will realize that this is indeed the case.
但是, 只要进一步考虑一下, 你就会认识到的确是这种情况。
(1) once此处作连词,引出时间状语从句,意为 as soon as , when
Once you practice a bit you will find it’s quite easy.
Once printed, the book will be popular.
(2) further (adv.) 表抽象意义 “更进一步, 深入”
Don’t try my patience any further.
Can I have the time to consider the matter further?
further还可表示具体地理意义上的 “更远” ,相当于farther
It’s not safe to go any further.
further 还可以作形容词
Are there any further questions?
Please let me know if you require any______ information.
Period Four Grammar
Review the Subjunctive Mood (1)
1. 用于虚拟条件句中
从句 从句
与现在事实相反 谓语动词用过去式,
动词用were 谓语动词+should/would/could/might
与过去事实相反 谓语动词用had+过去分词 谓语动词用should/would/could/might
+have +过去分词
与原来事实相反 谓语动词用过去式
were to+动词原形 谓语动词用should/would/could/might
If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.
If the hurricane had happened during the day-time, there would have been more deaths.
If it were to rain tomorrow, we should not go out.
当虚拟条件句中有动词were, had,should 或情态动词时,可将if省去,而将were,had,should 或情态动词提到主语之前,形成省略倒装。
Were it to rain to morrow,we should not go out.
Had it not rained yesterday, he would have come to the part.
Should there be a flood, what should we do?
3.有时假设的情况并不是以条件从句表现出来, 而是通过一个介词短语来表示。
No doctor would have noticed the tiny teeth marks of the snake on your skin.
(if the snake had bitten you)
He would have given you more help, but he has been so busy.
(if he had not been so busy)

1. so busy,she would come to help you.
A. Should my daughter B. Was my daughter not
C. If my daughter were not D. If my daughter is not
2. _________ your letter, I would have started off two days ago.
A. If I received B Should I receive
C If I could have received D Had I received
3. But for the snow, we ________ earlier.
A. will arrive B should have arrived
C arrive D arrived
4. If I ________ with her last summer, I _______ with her now.
A worked; am getting on well
B had worked; would get on very well
C had worked; would have got on very well
D had worked; will get on very well
5. The plant is dead. I ________ it more water.
A. will give B. would have given
C. must give D. should have given
6. If the whole operation _______ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.
A. was not planned B. has not been planned
B. had not been planned D. were not planned
7. If I ________ harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.
A had worked B worked
C were to work D were working
8. Were she to leave right now, she_________ there on Sunday.
A had got B might have got
C would get D has got
9. If only I _______ more careful that day!
A could be B would have been
C should be D had been
10. __________ for my illness, I would have lent him a helping hand.
A Not being B Had it not been
C Without being D Not having been
Poerid 5 Integrating Skills
Goals: 1. Read about studying abroad
2. Complete an application form
Step 1 Talking about studying abroad.
Before we read the text, let’s discuss the benefits of studying abroad. Why do people go studying abroad?

Step 2 Read aloud to the tape, and, underline all the expressions useful to you.
Useful expesssion from STUDY ABOAD
spend time in a country in the past
study abroad a distant dream
find both opportunities and means
offer exchange programs at various academic levels
at a reasonable cost live with
the best option for worry about
exchange student make friends with
from different backgrounds broaden one’s horizons
improve one’s understanding of--- for first time
affect the whole family take an active part
contact students
Step 3 Transferring information
Scan the text for advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad to fill the form.
Studying abroad
advantages disadvantages

Step 4 Thinking and speaking
If you were offered a chance to study abroad for a year, would you like to go? Why or why not?




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