人教版高三Unit Seven A Christmas Carol

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Periond One
admission______(v) fool________(adj)
badly off______(opposite) compose______(n)________(n)
novel_________(n) indeed_________(syn)
goose_______(pl.) self_______(adj)
anyway______(syn) of late_______(syn)_______(syn)
warm_______(n)________(v) employ______(n)_________(n)
野心,雄心 无论如何 笔迹 承认
丰富的 引人注意的 影子 的确
良心 小说家 工资 温暖(n)
标准 占有,使忙碌 高尚的 愚蠢的
1.care for/care about
⑴Care for想要(want,feel like),喜欢,照顾,担心(worry about),
___________ a drink?
I don’t _____ _____ ______TV.
The mother _____ _____the sick child day and night.
Don’t ____ _____ _____.
⑵Care about在乎,介意,对…感兴趣(特殊疑问句时about可以省略)
She ____________ clothes.It’s all the same to her.
I don’t _______ who will take charge.
2.anyway无论如何,总之=anyhow(in spite of that,at least)
I will go _______, _________you say.
3.leave sb alone别管某人,不理会某人(=let sb be)。
I have told you to _____________.
lLeave behind忘带某物,留下… leave out忽略掉,排除在外
leave word with留信息给… leave for动身去某地
The word is wrongly spelt.You _______ a letter.
It won’t rain.You can __________ your umbrella.
It’s time we _____________ Shanghai.
Please _________ my secretary if I am not in.
sb to do 留下某人将要做某事
Leave sb/sth doing让某个动作一直在进行
Sth undone留下某事未做
Don’t leave him ______(wait) outside in the rain.
The illness is said to resust in total blindness if __________(leave,untreat)
He left me ______(buy) the ticket for the film.
leave n. 假期;不在期间
He had ______________.
4.want (n.) 缺少,缺乏(=lack,常和of连用)
The plants died from ______ water.
In want贫困
He is now living in want.
in want of=in need of缺少,缺乏
The house is _________ repair.=The hours wants _______.
The meeting ______________.
My sister occupies a high position in the Department of Environment.
The seat is already __________.
⑶occupy oneself in doing sth/with sth忙于做某事
The child _______________ playing the flute.
occupied adj. 忙碌的,被占用的
7.admit承认,容纳,接受( admitted, admitted)
This ticket ___________to the football match.
⑵容纳, 容许
The cinema _________________________.
这座电影院大约可坐 2000 人。
He ________________.
He never ________________.
John has _______________________.
⑷接受(入学、住院等)admit…into…/be admitted into…
She __________________ Beijing University.
admission n. 准许进入, 入场费
⑴n.雄心,抱负(be filled with/be full of ambition)
Her son __________________to become a inventor.
achieve/realize one’s ambition达到目标/实现某人的抱负
below standard低于标准 up to standard达到标准
The kilogram is the international standard of weight.
He wrote ____________.
喜爱,照顾 水平,标准 工资,工钱
引人注意的 关闭 温暖
影子,阴影 店员,办事员 丰富的
大衣,外套 不管,随…去 有眼力,有眼光
1. He was a_________into Nanjing Normal University.
2. She was fully a_________with her three children.
3. “Did you hear the explosion last night?”“I_______ I did.”
4. It was f_______of him to idle away the precious time.
5. The entrance is in c_________ use.Don’t block it.
6. He was touched by the w_______ of their welcome.
7. His a________ is to become a famous singer.
8. She is a s_______ pretty girl.
9. He is a s_________ man.He never shares anything with others.
10. The plants die from w_____ of water.
Period Two Fast Reading
1.Learn to read a playscript.
2.Master the language points.
I Procedures:
Step One:Pre-reading by discussing Christmas Eve,Christmas and Santa Claus.
How is Christmas celebrated in the western countries? What Christmas songs do people sing?
What do you know about Sant Claus?
In groups of four and discuss these questions and take notes of the main ideas.
Step Two:Reading to the tape.
Now please listen and read aloud to the tape of A Christmas Carol (1).Pay attention to the pronounceation and intonation.
Step Three:Reading
Read aloud the text again and underline the expressions usefull to you.
Step Four:Understanding language points.
Make sure the students are clear about the sentences in the play.
Step Five:Answer post-reading questions
1.How do you think Ebenezer treat his employees?
2.What is typical of Scrooge?
3.What is typical of Santa Claus?
4.What is the true spirit of Christmas?
Step Six:Practice
Finish relevant exercises and check answers with students.If any questions,deal with them more carefully.
II.Language points:
1.too…to do太…以至于不能,可和so…that…和enough to句型转换
如:He is too young to dress himself.=He is so young that he can’t dress himself.=He isn’t old enough to dress himself.
He is too anxious to go home.
where引导定语从句时,先行词一般在定语从句中作地点状语,相当于in /at which.有时当先行词为point、case、situation、stage等词时,后面也常跟where引导的定语从句。有时,表示“从…某个地方时”用from where来表示。
1. After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town _______he grew up as a child.
A. which B.where C.that D.when
2.He has got him into a dangerous situateion ________he is likely to lose control over the plane.
A. where B. which C. while D. why
3. They stood on top of the building,______they could see the whole city.
A.on which B.from where C. from it D. from that
⑵where引导表语从句、宾语从句等名词性从句=the place where…(where在句中充当地点状语,what引导从句时,则在句中充当主语、宾语等名词性成分)
-You are not good at English and I am poor in maths.
-That is ______we should help each other.
A.why B.where C.how D.what
At last the soldiers reached _____the locals called the Golden Triangle.
A.that B.where C.when D.what
⑶地点状语从句 =to/in/at the place where…(不能等同in which)
You’d make make a mark ________ you have questions.
A.in which B.where C.the place where D.不填
I have kept the photo ______I can see it every day,as it remainds me of my university days.
A.which B.when C.in which D.where
3.do sb good=do good to sb对有好处,对…有益
do sb harm=do harm to对…有害处 do wrong to sb冤枉某人,不公平对待
Too much drinking will ________________________.
4.bring in profits赚取利润
5.It is the time of the year,when doesn’t think about oneself…此句中,when引导的定语从句修饰前面的表示时间的先行词the time,when在定语从句中作状语,但当关系词在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,在非限制性定语从句中用关系代词which,在限制性从句中用关系词that或which.。试比较:
Spring Festival is a time _______Chinese people have a get-together.
July 7,1937 is a day ______Chinese people will never forget.
July 7,1937,______which Chinese people will never forget,is an important day in Chinese history.
6.Many thousands are in want of basic needs.数以千计的人缺少基本物品。
in want of缺少
in need od需要
in favour of支持
in praise of赞扬
in honor of为祝贺,为纪念
in face of 面临
in hope of希望
in search of搜寻
in charge of负责
in memory of为纪念
7.Those who are badly off must go there.那些穷鬼必须到那儿去。
be badly off穷困
be well off经济上富裕
8.My businesss occupies me constantly.我的生意让我够忙的了。
occupy sb in doing sth/with sth是忙于做某事(=be occupied in doing/with sth)
I ___________________in ¬¬_______.
不管,把…撇在一边 对…有益
贫困 缺乏,需要
使…忙于 如果方便的话
获利,赚钱 一整天的工资
太…以至于不… 庆祝圣诞节
到…目前为止 关门
Period Three Careful Reading
1.Reach a full comprehendsion on the rest of the play,and pay attention to how Ebenezer Scrooge changed.
2.Learn the language points by heart.
Teaching procedures:
Step One: Revision
Dictate the words and useful expressions learnt in the previous period.
Step Two: Reading
1.Skim the the rest of the play and answer the following questions.
What is Santa Claus’ role in getting Ebenezer Scrooge changed?
Why doesn’t Scrooge want to watch the scenes Santa shows him?
What is the talk between young Scrooge and the girl about?
Why doesn’t she love Scrooge any more?
What does it mean if people weigh everything by gain?
Why does Mrs Crachit want to drink a toast to Mr Scrooge?
Would it be Scrooge’s fault if Tiny Tim died in the future?
2.After checking answers with the students and get them to read aloud the paly after the tape-recorder.
Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonateion.
Step Three: Language points
Deal with language points with the students.
1.care about
2.but the shadows of the past=anly the …
3.have an eye for
4.I wish I had…(got it all wrong)=but I didn’t.
5.of late
6.twice the size of=twice as big as…
7.on the contrary
8.toast to=drink a toast to
9.wish you a Merry Christmas
10.thank him for his feast
11.flow into one single ambition
Step Four:Reinforcement
Get the students to read aloud the play and underline these language points.
After their reading,get them to finish off the following exercises:
Put he following into English;
…的两倍大 远远不足
肯定有 有眼力,判断力
最近 因为…而谢谢
截然相反 祝…圣诞节快乐
在乎 如下,以下
Step Five:Summary
Summarize the main ideas of the two parts of the play to the students and make them learn something from the play.
Assign homework.
Learn the language by heart.
Retell the play.
Period 4 Grammar Adverbials
1. Teach the Grammar item:Adverbial
2. Finish of the relevant exercises.
Step One: RevisionRevise the contents of the previous class.
Step Two: Grammar(Adverbial)
一、 可用作状语的有副词、名词、代词、数词、形容词、不定式、分词、介词短语和从句等。
1. 副词作状语 He speaks the language badly but reads it well.
2. 名词作状语 Wait a moment,please.
3. 指示代词、不定代词作状语 I can’t eat that much.
4. 数词作状语I hate riding two on a bike.
5. 形容词作状语new-born,white-hot
6. .不定式作状语At the top we stopped to look at the view.
7. 分词作状语Arriving at the station,we learned that the train had already gone.
8. 介词短语作状语At the moment he was out of work.
9. 从句作状语We chatted as we walked.Even if he laughs,she adores him.
Shall we do the shopping tomorrow?(时间状语)
There are plenty of fish in the sea.(地点状语)
For reasons of health,he was unable to finish the book.(原因状语)
Turning to the right,you will find someone standing in the doorway.(条件)
Oddly enough,we didn’t meet.(程度状语)
They played cricket in spite of the rain.(让步状语)
He is quick in action(方面状语)
My train starts at six,arriving at Chicago at ten.(伴随状语)
Frankly,I don’t like it.(修饰句子)
He was too ill to stay.Accordingly,we sent him home.
Step Three:Exercise for Adervibial.
Get the students to finish the exercises related to the Adverbial
Homework: Get the students to revise the grammar item:Adverbial. Dictate useful phrases and sentences.
Do some translating work while listening.
Finish the exercises related to the grammar item:the Adverbial1.
1 The car helps to keep families together______it is used for picnic,outings,and other shared activities.
A.so that B.even if C.unless D.when
2 Fran is an honest girl;I say it,______I don’t like her.
A.even though, B.as if C.as long as D.as though
3._______he term is finished.I am going to rest a few days and then take a trip.
A.Now that B.Even if C.As if D.So that
4 Doctor Gowen says that_______what forceful arguments against cigarette harm these are many people insist on smoking.
A.though B.however C.no matter D.even if
5.—Why didn’t you help the littlee boy?
---Oh,sorry.He had struggled to his feet _____I ran over.
A.before B.after C.until D.since
6.I have kept that photo ______I can see it every day.
A.which B.in which C.where D.whether
7.Catherine’s mother forbids her to go anywhere ______ another member of the family is along.
A.without B.if C.unless D.with
8.—Mum,can I go out to play football with Jessica?
---No, you can’t______ your homework is being done.
A.before B.until C.as D.when
9.Last night someone rang me up at midnight,but they hang up____I could answer the phone.
A.before B.as C.until D.after
10. He had to be called two or three times______ he would come to his dinner.
A.before B.until C.as D.when
After they finish the exercise,check the answers with the students.
Period 5 Integrating Skills
1. Reach full comprehension of the play.
2. Review the grammar Adverbial
Step One: Revision
Revise the points of the previous lesson..
Step Two:Reading
Read the second part of the play and answer the following questions based on the second part of the play.
Step Three:Language points
1. Let’s observe another scene,as you might have in your life to come.as此处是一个定语从句,as代替先行词scene,在句中作宾语.
As is well-known, Taiwan is part of China.
He was a foreigner, as I detected from his acent.
2. as late最近
3. indeed的确
4. toast祝酒 We drink a toast to the bride and groom.We toasted to them.
Check the language points of this unit.
Step Four: Reading aloud
Get the students to read aloud the play after the tape and make sure their intonation and pronunciation are right.After their reading, get them to finish the following exercises.

Scan the play and answer these questions
1. What is Santa Claus’ role in changing Mr Scrooge’s attitude?
2 What is the talk between young crooge and the girl?
3 Why does she love Scrooge any more?
4 What does it mean if people weigh everything by gain?
5 Why does Mr Crachit not want to drink a toast to Mr Scrooge?
6 What’s wrong with Tiny Tim? Would it be Scrooge’s fault if Tiny Tim died in the future?
I 根据汉语写出单词或词组
一天的工资 如果方便的话 对有好处
不要管 需要,缺少 穷困
不管我的事 关心钱 有眼光
拒绝 充足的 标准
使忙碌 雄心
影子,阴影 自私的
被录取为… 鼓掌
高尚的 的确,实在地 外衣
1 The seat is already __________(被占)。
2 He is an ordinary _______(职员)in the company.3
3 She is a _______(迷人的) lovely girl.
4 The door is in ________(经常的)use.Don’t block it
5 The country is _______(丰富的) in natural resources.
6. The boy has been _______(录取) into University.
7. It’s _______(愚蠢的)of him to say those silly words to his mother.
8 I can’t afford to make the ______(懒惰的)people merry.
9 One of his ________(志向)is to become a millionaire.
10 He wrote in such a hurry that he himself couldn’t recongnise his own______(笔迹)
Finish the exercises.

Comprehension Work of Unit 7
Part 1
Task 1.Questions:
1. When does the story happen?
2. What are the main characters in the play? And their relationships?
Ebenezer Scrooge---
Bob Cratchit---------
A gentleman---------
Santa Clause---------
Task 2.Detailed reading (True or false )
1`.Scrooge was willing to let Bob have a day off because it would be Christmas the next day.
2.Scrooge was invited by his niece and he accepted the invitation happily.
3.Scrooge’s nephew is a poor, mean person.
4.Scrooge is merry with the coming of Christmas.
5.Scrooge didn’t want to give the poor any money because he thought they were idle.
6.In Scrooge’s dream he met his old friend---Jacob Marley.
Part 2
Task 3.Read scene 2 and then fill in the form with correct information
Scrooge’s reaction:
Task 4.Mutiple choice:
1. What’s “the golden idol”?
A. A sculpture made of gold B .a better young man than Scrooge. C. a football star admired by his girlfriend
2. “ Only one, Gain, was left” What does it mean?
A. Scrooge only seeks for money and profits B. Scrooge is becoming selfish and greedy.
C. All of the above.
3.Who thinks Mr.Scrooge is a mean, hard, selfish person?
A .Mr.Cratchit B. Mrs Cratchit C. the little girl D. Tiny Tom
4.Why Scrooge doesn’t want to watch the scenes Santa Clause shows to him?
A. He regretted what he had done. B. He thinks it is annoying. C. It is a waste of time to do so.
5.How did Bob Cratchit feel when he saw Srooge and his turkey?
A. satisfied B interested C. angry D. surprised
6. What’s Santa Clause role?
A. guide B. doctor C. judge
Consolidation: Fill in the blanks
It was the day before ________ and the ______ was terribly cold. Bob waned to have a day____
in order to have a good Christmas dinner but his boss, Scrooge, who was c_____ , mean and only interested in making ______didn’t allow him to do so at first. Scrooge’s nephew ----Fred wanted to______ Scrooge to attend their Christmas dinner but he was r_______. A gentleman who wanted to ______ some money for the poor was also_____ down by Scrooge. At last when all the other left Scrooge had a ______, in which he met Santa Claus.
Scrooge’s girlfriend tells him another _____ has ________. She thinks he only_______ for money and decides to ____ from him. Santa Clause shows him another scene. Bob wishes Merry Christmas to him in his family celebration, but his wife regards Scrooges as a _______, ______, and _________old man. As a result, they don’t have money to buy ______ for Tiny Tom. Scrooge ______ what he has dome. He must do something to make up for it. He orders and has a huge turkey ___ to Bob. On Christmas Day, Scrooge visits Bob and wishes his family a ______




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