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Unit 11 Scientific achievement ѧϰĿ±êµ¼º½ XUE XI MU BIAO DAO HANG ѧϰÌáʾ »° Ìâ 1.Talk about science and scientific achievement. 2.Write a persuasion essay. 1.ÖصãÕÆÎÕÓëÖÐÐÄ»°Ìâ¡°¿Æѧ³É¾Í¡±ÓйصÄÓïÑÔ֪ʶºÍ¼¼ÄÜ¡£ 2.ѧ»áд˵Ã÷ÎÄ¡£ ¹¦ ÄÜ 1.If I got the money, I would¡ I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to¡ I hope that¡; My plan is to¡ 2.I¡¯ d like to¡ I¡¯ m thinking of¡ Á·Ï°±íʾintentions£¨Òâͼ£©ºÍwishes£¨Ô¸Íû£©µÄ³£ÓþäÐÍ£¬ÊìÁ·ÕÆÎÕÆäÓ÷¨¡£ ´Ê »ã likely, overseas, grasp, master, arrange, rely, failure, achieve, announce, locate 1.ÕÆÎÕ±¾µ¥Ôªµ¥´ÊµÄ³£¼ûÓ÷¨£¬×¢ÒâÆä¹¹³É¡£ 2.ÖصãÕÆÎÕ²¢ÄÜÊìÁ·ÔËÓÃËùÁдÊ×éµÄÓ÷¨¡£ set foot, rely on, put forward, come to life Óï ·¨ Word Formation (abbreviation) £º ad (advertisement) ¹ã¸æ CSA (Chinese Space Agency) Öйúº½Ìì¾Ö IT (information technology) ÐÅÏ¢¼¼Êõ NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) ±±´óÎ÷Ñó¹«Ô¼×éÖ¯ 1.Á˽âÓ¢ÓïÖÐ×î³£ÓõÄÅÉÉú·¨¡¢¸´ºÏ·¨ºÍת»»·¨ÈýÖÖ¹¹´Ê·½·¨¡£ 2.ÖصãÕÆÎÕÏÂÁÐËÄÖÖËõÂÔ¹¹´Ê·¨£º½Ø¶Ï´Ê£¬Ê××ÖĸÁ¬Ð´´Ê£¬Ê××ÖĸƴÒô´ÊºÍƴ׺´Ê¡£ µ¥ÔªÒªµã Word study 1.engineering 2.solar 3.significant 4.mankind 5.constitution 6.zone 7.private 8.grasp 9.master 10.perfect 11.arrange 12.rely 13.failure 14.locate 15.valley 16.brand 17.luggage 18.achieve 19.organ 20.boom 21.breakthrough 22.agency 23.announce 24.evolution 25.supercomputer 26.likely 1.¹¤³Ì£»¹¤³Ìѧ 2.Ì«ÑôµÄ£»ÈÕ¹âµÄ 3.ÒâÒåÖØ´óµÄ 4.ÈËÀà 5.ÏÜ·¨ 6.ÇøÓò£»µØ´ø 7.˽È˵ģ»·Ç¹«¿ªµÄ 8.ץס£»Àí½â 9.˶ʿ£»Ö÷ÈË 10.ÍêÃÀµÄ£»ÀíÏëµÄ 11.°²ÅÅ£»ÕûÀí£»²¼Öà 12.ÒÀ¿¿£»Ö¸Íû 13.ʧ°Ü£»Ê§°ÜµÄÈË 14.°Ñ¡¡ÉèÖÃÔÚ£»Ê¹¡¡×øÂäÓÚ£»Ö¸³ö¡¡µÄλÖà 15.ɽ¹È 16.É̱ꣻÅÆ×Ó 17.ÐÐÀî 18.´óµÀ£»ÊµÏÖ£»Íê³Éª¤19.Æ÷¹Ù£»»ú¹Ø£»·çÇÙ 20.·±ÈÙÆÚ£»Ñ¸ËÙ·¢Õ¹ÆÚ 21.ÖØ´óÍ»ÆÆ 22.´úÀí£¨»ú¹¹£© 23.Ðû²¼£»Ðû¸æ 24.·¢Õ¹£»Õ¹¿ª 25.³¬¼¶¼ÆËã»ú 26.¿ÉÄܵģ»Ô¤ÆÚµÄ Useful expressions 1.genetic engineering 2.the theory of gravity 3.nuclear science 4.solar energy 5.great scientific achievements 6.have something in common 7.the first person to travel in time 8.a cure for AIDS 9.a manned space ship 10.start a company 11.spend time doing sth. 12.in store 13.it is likely that 14.more than 15.set up 16.in the late 1990s 17.the Chinese Academy of sciences 18.within the next ten years 19.a growing number of 1.»ùÒò¹¤³Ì 2.ÍòÓÐÒýÁ¦ÀíÂÛ 3.ºË¿Æѧ 4.Ì«ÑôÄÜ 5.ΰ´óµÄ¿Æѧ³É¾Íª¤6.Óй²Í¬Ö®´¦ 7.ʱ¼äÂÃÐеÚÒ»ÈË 8.°¬×̲¡ÖÎÁÆ·½·¨ 9.ÔØÈË·É´¬ 10.¿ª°ìÒ»¼Ò¹«Ë¾ 11.»¨Ê±¼ä×öijÊÂ12.´æ´¢ 13.ºÜÓпÉÄÜ¡¡ 14.²»½ö½ö£¬¶àÓÚ 15.½¨Á¢ 16.ÔÚ20ÊÀ¼Í90Äê´úÄ© 17.ÖпÆÔº 18.ÔÚ½ÓÏÂÀ´µÄÊ®ÄêÀï 19.²»Í£Ôö¼ÓÊýÁ¿µÄ Sentence patterns & Communicative English 1.If I got the money,I would ¡ 2.My plan is to ¡ 3.I hope that ¡ 4.I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to ¡ 5.I¡¯d like to ¡ 6.I¡¯m thinking of ¡ Grammar Word-formation: 1.prefix and suffix 2.compounds ¹¹´Ê·¨: 1.ǰ׺£¬ºó׺ 2.ºÏ³É´Ê Topics &ª¤Writing 1.Talk about science and scientific achievement. 2.Practise expressing intensions and wishes. 3.Learn about Word-formation. 4.Write a persuasion essay. Language points. 1£®constitution 1) ÏÜ·¨the Constitution of the United States / the American Constitution 2) Ìå¸ñ£¬ÌåÖÊHe has a weak constitution 3) ¹¹Ô죬¹¹³Éthe constitution of starch (µí·ÛµÄ¹¹³É) 2£®achievement (U)È¡µÃ£¬Íê³É£¨C£©³É¾Í£¬³É¼¨£¨V£©achieve development government movement equipment vt Íê³É ´ïµ½£¨Ä¿µÄ£©£¬µÃµ½ 1£© By hard working we can achieve anything. 2£© We have achieved success in developing the product. 3£®Mankind ÈËÀà manmade (adj) Manly ÓÐÄÐ×ÓÆø¸ÅµÄ£»¸ÕÇ¿µÄ 4£®in store(for sb./sth.):coming in the future;about to happen e.g.There is a surprise in store for you. I can see trouble in store. 5£®Likely 1) be likely to do sth ºÜ¿ÉÄÜ£¨·¢ÉúijÖÖÇé¿ö£©Our team is likely to win the game. 2) it is likely that + ´Ó¾ä It is likely that we¡¯ll go on a picnic in the forest tomorrow. ±æÎö£ºlikely, possibleÓëprobable Likely ³£Óôʣ¬Ö¸¡°´Ó±íÃæÏÖÏó¿´ºÜÓпÉÄÜ¡± Possible Ö¸¡°ÓÉÓÚÓÐÊʵ±µÄÌõ¼þºÍ·½·¨£¬Ä³Ê¿ÉÄÜ·¢Éú»ò×öµ½¡±£¬Ç¿µ÷¡°¿Í¹ÛÉÏÓпÉÄÜ¡±£¬µ«¡°Êµ¼ÊÏ£ÍûºÜС¡±¡£ Probable ÓïÆø±Èpossible Ç¿£¬Ö¸¡°Óиù¾Ý¡¢ºÏÇéÀí¡¢ÖµµÃÏàÐŵÄÊÂÎ´øÓдó¸Å£¬ºÜ¿ÉÄܵÄÒâ˼¡± Likely Ö®ºó³£¸ú²»¶¨Ê½£¨be likely to do sth£© ¶øpossibleÓëprobableÖ®ºóͨ³£²»¸ú²»¶¨Ê½£» Likely µÄÖ÷Óï¿ÉÒÔÊÇÈË£¬¶øpossibleÓëprobableµÄÖ÷Óï²»ÄÜÊÇÈË¡£ 6£®set up 1) ½¨Á¢£¬³ÉÁ¢ Set up home Edison set up a chemical lab of his own at the age of ten. 2) Ê÷Á¢ÆðÀ´Let¡¯s set up the tent first. 3) ʹ£¨×Ô¼º»òËûÈË£©´ÓÊÂijְҵ£¨as£© He has set himself up as a bookseller. Ëû¿ªÊ¼¾ÓªÊé¼®¡£ set about doing sth ×ÅÊÖ×ö set out to do sth Set an example set fire to µã»ð£»·Å»ðSet off ³ö·¢£¬¶¯ÉíSet foot in (on) µÇÉÏ£»Éæ×㣻·ÃÎÊ set foot in/on sth.: enter or visit(a place);arrive e.g. Don¡¯t ever set foot in this house again! Who was the first man to set foot on the moon. 7£®Private adj ˽È˵ģ»Ë½Á¢µÄ£»²»¹«¿ªµÄ Private property Private school a private door ±ãÃÅin private ÔÚ˽Ï£¬ÃØÃܵØin public ¹«¿ªµØ 8£®grasp vt 1) ץס grasp sb by the arm 2) (= understand ) ÕÆÎÕ£¬ Áì»á Grasp sb¡¯s meaning 3) n (³£Óõ¥Êý)¡¡½ôÎÕ£»°ÑÎÕ£»Àí½â£»Àí½âÁ¦ ¡¡¡¡Beyond sb¡¯s grasp Á¦Á¿´ï²»µ½ Grasp all, lose all. ÑùÑù¶¼Òª£¬È«Êýʧµô¡£ Within sb¡¯s grasp Á¦Á¿´ïµÃµ½ Mistress n Å®Ö÷ÈË Masterless adj ÎÞÖ÷µÄ Mastermind n ·Ç³£´ÏÃ÷µÄÈË Masterkey n ÍòÄÜÔ¿³× Masterpiece(masterwork) n ½Ü×÷ The master of the house ¼Ò³¤ Master and man¹ÍÖ÷Óë¹Í¹¤ A master in literature ÎÄѧ´óʦ Master of Arts (MA) ÎÄѧ˶ʿ Master of Science (MS) Àíѧ˶ʿ Bachelor ѧʿ doctor ²©Ê¿ vt ÕÆÎÕ£»¾«Í¨£»¿ØÖÆ£»Í³ÖÎ Master a foreign language Man can master nature. 10. perfect adj ÀíÏëµÄ£»ÍêÃÀµÄ£»¾ø¶ÔµÄ£»ÍêÈ«µÄ£»£¨¶¯´ÊµÄ£©Íê³ÉµÄ His reading is perfect. He is a perfect stranger to us. The perfect tense vt ʹÍêÃÀ They worked hard to perfect their dance. Practice makes perfect ÊìÄÜÉúÇÉ Be perfect in English ¾«Í¨Ó¢Óï 11£®arrange vt °²ÅÅ£¬³ï»®£»ÕûÀí£¬²¼Öà 1£© We have arranged a party. 2£© He arranged the books on the shelf. n arrangement (C pl) °²ÅÅ£»×¼±¸¹¤×÷ £¨U£¬C£©ÕûÀí£»ÅÅÁУ»²¼Öà 12. have an effect on ¶Ô¡¡²úÉúÓ°Ïì Take effect ¿ªÊ¼ÉúЧ£»¿ªÊ¼ÊµÐÐ In effect = in fact ʵ¼ÊÉÏ 13. rely on / upon : depend on¡ÒÀÀµ£¬ÒÀ¿¿£»ÐÅÀµ£¬ÐÅÈÎ We should rely on our own efforts. ÎÒÃÇÓ¦¸Ã×ÔÁ¦¸üÉú¡£ You may rely on it that she won¡¯t be late.Äã¿ÉÒÔ·ÅÐÄ£¬Ëý²»»á³Ùµ½µÄ¡£ 14£®make it clear £¨that£©¡±íÃ÷£¬½²Çå³þ e.g. She made it clear that she objected to the proposal. She made clear her objections. 15£®Failure (v fail) ʧ°Ü(U)£¬Ê§°ÜµÄÈË»òÊ£¨C£© Failure is the mother of success. He is a failure as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.Ëû²»ÊÇÒ»¸ö³É¹¦µÄÒÕÊõ¼Ò£¬µ«ÊǸö³É¹¦µÄÃÀÊõÀÏʦ¡£ 16£®come to life: back to normal state, esp. of mindËÕÐѹýÀ´£¬»Ö¸´ÉúÆø£¬»îÔ¾ÆðÀ´ After three hours¡¯ saving, the injured man came to life. When I mentioned our plans for a trip abroad, the kids came back to life at once. 17. mark n ºÛ¼££»·ûºÅ£»É̱ꣻ·ÖÊý£»ÌØÕ÷ an ink mark a question mark full marks make a mark ×÷±ê¼Ç vt ×ö±ê¼Ç£»ÁôºÛ¼£ÓÚ£»±íÃ÷£»Åú·ÖÊý£¬ÆÀ³É¼¨ a dirt road marked with footprints ÁôÓнÅÓ¡µÄÄà· be marked with ±ê×Å¡¡£»(ÈË¡¢¶¯ÎïµÈÉíÉÏ)¾ßÓÐ Her face is marked with sadness. ËýÃ涱¯°§¡£ mark examination papers. 18. outstanding 1) ½Ü³öµÄ£¬Í»³öµÄ £¨ stand out £©Ò»Ãû½Ü³öµÄѧÉú an outstanding student 2) δÍê½áµÄ£»Î´ÇåµÄ£»Î´¸¶µÄ Outstanding debts δ¸¶ÇåµÄÇ·¿î 19£®Breakthrough n ÖØ´óÍ»ÆÆ£¬Í»Î§£»Í»ÆÆÐԵķ¢ÏÖ£¬³É¾Í A military breakthrough ¾üÊÂÍ»ÆÆA scientific breakthrough ¿Æѧ³É¾Í 20£®enable en-ʹ+ableÄÜ¡¡µÄ enrich enlarge strengthen strength(Á¦Á¿)+ en (ʹ) vt ¼ÓÇ¿£¬ÔöÇ¿ vi ±äÇ¿ they strengthened the city wall.. the wind strengthened. deep--deepen Sharp¡ªsharpen Wide--widen 21. organ n Æ÷¹Ù£»·çÇÙ£»»ú¹¹£¬»ú¹Ø The eyes are the organ of sight. state organs a government organ adj organic ÓлúÎïµÄ£»ÓлúÌåµÄ n organism (C)ÉúÎÓлúÌ壬Óлú×éÖ¯ vt organize ×éÖ¯ N organization ÍÅÌ壬»ú¹¹£¬×éÖ¯ 22. put forward Ìá³ö£¨½¨Òé¡¢Òâ¼û£©£»ÍƼö£¬ÌáÃû He put forward a better plan. We put her forward as chairman of the committee. 23. aim (sth) at sth/doing sth (°Ñ¡¡)Ãé×¼£»Ä¿µÄÔÚÓÚ£»Æóͼ He aimed his gun at the target. Those girls worked out every morning, aiming at losing weight. ֪ʶµã½²½â 1£® You and your team are working on a cure for Aids. ÄãºÍÄãµÄ¶ÓÔ±ÕýÔÚ´ÓÊ°¬×̲¡µÄÖÎÁƹ¤×÷¡£ £¨1£©work on ¡°´ÓÊÂÓÚ£¨Ä³Ï×÷£©¡±£»¡°É跨˵·þ¡± eg: They worked on the old car late into the night. ËûÃÇÐÞÕâÁ¾¾ÉÆû³µÒ»Ö±ÐÞµ½ÉîÒ¹¡£ What are you doing? We are working on some wood-cuts. ÄãÃÇÔÚ¸Éʲôѽ£¿ÎÒÃÇÕýÔÚ´´×÷һЩľ¿Ì¡£ Can you work on him to change his mind?ÄãÄÜ˵·þËû¸Ä±äÖ÷ÒâÂ𣿠£¨2£©work at ¡°Ñ§Ï°£¬Ñо¿£¬ÖÂÁ¦ÓÚ¡¡¡± eg: They have worked at this subject for many years. ËûÃÇÑо¿ÕâÃÅ¿ÆѧºÃ¶àÄêÁË¡£ £¨3£©work out ×ö³ö£»Ëã³ö£»Éè¼Æ³ö eg: This problem will not work out. ÕâµÀÌâËã²»³öÀ´¡£ They have worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to Mars. ËûÃÇÒѾÉè¼Æ³öÒ»ÖÖÏò»ðÐÇ·¢ÉäÓîÖæ·É´¬µÄ·½·¨¡£ 2£®extremely adv. to a very high degree ¼«¶ËµØ£»¼«¶ÈµØ eg: It was an extremely difficult and dangerous task. ÕâÊÇÒ»Ï¶ÈÀ§ÄѺÍΣÏյŤ×÷¡£ extreme adj. reaching the highest degree ¼«¶ÈµÄ eg: extreme patience/kindness ¼«¶ÈµÄÄÍÐÄ/ÈÊ´È in extreme pain ÔÚ¼«¶ÈÍ´¿àÖÐ 3£® cure (1)n. ¢Ù[C] curing or being cured ÖÎÁÆ£»ÖÎÓú¡£ eg: His cure took six months. ËûµÄ²¡»¨ÁËÁù¸öÔÂÖÎÁÆ¡£ ¢Ú[C]substance or treatment which cures ÖÎÁƵÄÒ©ÎÖÎÁÆ·¨ eg: Is there a certain cure for cancer yet? Æù½ñ¶Ô°©Ö¢ÓÐÖÎÁÆ·½·¨Â𣿠£¨2£©vt. & vi. bring sb. back to health; get rid of one¡¯s illness/habits eg: This medicine will cure your headache. ÕâÒ©¿ÉÒÔÖκÃÄãµÄÍ·Í´¡£ A few days¡¯ rest will cure you. ÐÝÏ¢¼¸ÌìÄã¾ÍȬÓúÁË¡£ ¢Û£¨´Ê×飩 cure sb. of one¡¯s illness or bad habits ÖÎÓú¼²²¡£¬¸Äµô»µÏ°¹ß eg: Moving to the country cured her of asthma. °áµ½ÏçÏÂËýµÄÏø´²¡¾ÍºÃÁË¡£ He was cured of his habit of smoking. Ëû¸ÄµôÁËÎüÑ̵ĻµÏ°¹ß¡£ 4£® You are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars. ÄãÕýÔÚ´ÓÊÂÏò»ðÐÇ·¢ÉäÔØÈËÓîÖæ·É´¬µÄ¹¤×÷¡£ £¨1£©manned adj. (of machines esp. in space) having men on board £¨·É´¬µÈ£©ÔØÈ赀 eg: the development of manned from unmanned space craft´ÓÎÞÈËÏòÔØÈË·É´¬µÄ·¢Õ¹ £¨2£©man-made adj. produced by the work of men; not found in nature ÈËÔìµÄ eg: The lake is a man-made one. ÕâÊǸöÈ˹¤ºþ¡£ We have sent up many man-made satellites. ÎÒÃÇ·¢ÉäÁ˶àÉÙ¿ÅÈËÔìÎÀÐÇ¡£ Éú´ÊºÍ´Ê×é 1£®likely adj. (1) that is expected ºÜ¿ÉÄÜ·¢ÉúµÄ£»ÓÐÏ£ÍûµÄ eg: Is he likely to win? ËûÓпÉÄÜ»ñʤÂ𣿠The most likely result is a draw. ×î¿ÉÄܵĽá¹ûÊDz»·Öʤ¸º¡£ (2)that seems reasonable, suitable or right for a purpose ËƺõºÏÀíµÄ eg: That¡¯s a likely excuse. ÄÇËƺõÊǸöºÏÀíµÄ½è¿Ú¡£ (3)be likely to do¡ ºÜ¿ÉÄܻᡡ It¡¯s likely that¡ ¿ÉÄܻᣨÓУ¬·¢Éú£©¡¡ eg: He is not likely to succeed. Ëû´ó¸Å²»»á³É¹¦¡£ It is likely that he will be late. =He is likely to be late. Ëû¿ÉÄÜ»á³Ùµ½¡£ 2£® grasp vt. , vi. & n. (1)v. ¢Ùseize firmly with hand(s) or arm(s) ץס£»±§×¡£»½ôÎÕ eg: The boy grasped his mother¡¯s hand firmly. ÄǸöСÄк¢½ôÎÕסÂèÂèµÄÊÖ¡£ He grasped the rope and pulled it. Ëû×¥½ôÉþ×ÓÓÃÁ¦À¡£ ¢Úunderstand with the mind ÁìÎò£»Àí½â eg: I couldn¡¯t grasp the teacher¡¯s meaning. ÎÒûÁìÎòÀÏʦµÄÒâ˼¡£ (2)n. firm hold or grip; power of grasping ½ôÎÕ£»×¥½ô£»ÁìÎòÁ¦ eg: He doesn¡¯t have a thorough grasp of the problem. ËûûÓг¹µ×Àí½âÕâ¸öÎÊÌâ¡£ (3)¶ÌÓbeyond/within a person¡¯s grasp ΪijÈËËù²»ÄÜ/ÄÜ×¥µ½µÄ£»ÎªÄ³ÈËËù²»ÄÜ/ÄÜÀí½âµÄ¡£ 3£® master vt. , vi & n. (1) vt. ¢Ùbecome the master of; overcome ³ÉΪ¡¡µÄÖ÷ÈË£»Õ÷·þ£»¿ØÖÆ eg: master one¡¯s temper/feelings ¿ØÖÆÆ¢Æø/¸ÐÇé It¡¯s difficult to master nature. Õ÷·þ´ó×ÔÈ»ÊÇÀ§Äѵġ£ ¢Úgain as a skill ¾«Í¨£»ÊìÁ· eg: master English ¾«Í¨Ó¢Óï master foreign affairs ¾«Í¨Íâ½»ÊÂÎñ He never mastered the art of the public speaking. Ëû´ÓδÕÆÎÕµ±ÖÚÑݽ²µÄÒÕÊõ¡£ (2)n. ¢Ùman who has others working for him Ö÷ÈË£¬¹ÍÖ÷ ¢Úmale head of a household ¼ÒÀïµÄÄÐÖ÷ÈË ¢Ûcaptain of a merchant ship ÉÌ´¬µÄ´¬³¤ ¢Ümale teacher ÄнÌʦ eg: the master of the house Ò»¼ÒÖ®³¤ the maths master Êýѧ½Ìʦ a master¡¯s degree ˶ʿѧλ 4£®arrange vt. & vi. (1)put in order °²ÅÅ£»ÅÅÁУ»²¼Öà eg: She is good at arranging flowers. ËýÉó¤²å»¨¡£ Before going away, he arranged his business affairs. ËûÀ뿪֮ǰ£¬Ëû°ÑÒµÎñ¶¼°²ÅźÃÁË¡£ (2)make plans in advance Ô¤×ö¼Æ»® eg: The Tourist Bureau arranged everything for our journey to Rome. ÂÃÓξÖΪÎÒÃÇÈ¥ÂÞÂíµÄÂÃÐÐ×¼±¸ÁËÒ»ÇС£ (3)arrange+ n. +for +n. Ϊ¡¡°²ÅÅ¡¡ eg: Mother arranged an appointment for me with the dentist. ĸÇ×ÌæÎÒÏòÑÀÒ½Ô¤Ô¼¹ÒºÅ¡£ (4)arrange sb. to do ¡ °²ÅÅijÈË×ö¡¡ eg: I have arranged him to meet her. ÎÒ°²ÅÅËûºÍËý¼ûÃæ¡£ (5)arrange with sb. to do ¡ Ô¼¶¨ÓëijÈË×ö¡¡ eg: We arranged with his team to play a game of baseball. ÎÒÃÇÔ¼ºÃºÍËûÃǶӴòÒ»³¡°ôÇò¡£ (6)arrange that ¡ É̶¨£¬°²ÅÅ¡£ eg: He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week. = He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week. Ëû°²ÅÅ°Ñ»áÒéÑÓºóÒ»ÖÜÕÙ¿ª¡£ 5£® failure n. (1)[U] failing; lack of success ʧ°Ü£»²»³É¹¦ eg: Failure is the mother of success. ʧ°ÜÄ˳ɹ¦Ö®Ä¸¡£ (2)[C] instance of failing; person, attempt or thing that fails ʧ°ÜµÄÊÂÀý£»Ê§°ÜµÄÈË£¬Æóͼ»òʧ°ÜµÄÊÂÎï eg: He was a failure as a teacher. Ëû²»ÊǸöºÃÀÏʦ¡£ Success came after many failures. ʧ°Ü¶à´ÎÖ®ºóÖÕÓڳɹ¦¡£ 6£® locate vt. & vi. (1)discover, show the locality of ÕÒ³ö¡¡µÄλÖã¬Ö¸³ö¡¡µÄλÖà eg: locate a town on a map ÔÚµØͼÉÏÕÒ³öÒ»³ÇÊеÄλÖà (2)establish in a place ÔÚÒ»µØµãÉèÖà eg: a new school to be located in the suburbs ½«ÉèÖÃÔÚ½¼ÇøµÄÒ»ËùÐÂѧУ (3)be located λÓÚ eg: Our school is located in the center of the town. ÎÒÃÇѧУ×øÂäÓÚÊÐÖÐÐÄ¡£ (4)±È½Ïlocation n. [U] locating or being located Ö¸¶¨Î»Öà [C] position or place λÖ㻵ط½ eg: The hill is a good location for the new church. ÄÇɽÇðÊǽ¨ÖþнÌÌõĺõص㡣 7£® organ n. (1)any part of an animal body or plant ¶¯Ö²ÎïÆ÷¹Ù eg: the organs of speech, the tongue, teeth, lips, etc. ÓïÑÔÆ÷¹Ù£¨ÈçÉà¡¢ÑÀ¡¢´½µÈ£© (2)organization ×éÖ¯£¬»ú¹¹ eg: Parliament is the chief organ of the government. ¹ú»áÊÇÕþ¸®µÄÖ÷Òª»ú¹Ø¡£ (3)musical instrument from which sounds are produced by air forced through pipes, played by keys pressed with the fingers and pedals pressed with the feet ·çÇ٠ͬ¡¢½üÒå´Ê±æÎö 1£®likely, possible Óëprobable £¨1£©ÈýÕß¾ù±í¿ÉÄÜÐÔ£¬µ«Òâ˼Óбð¡£possibleÖ¸¿Í¹ÛÉÏÓпÉÄÜÐÔ£¬µ«ÍùÍùº¬ÓÐÏ£ÍûºÜСµÄÒâζ£»probable±Èpossible¿ÉÄÜÐÔÉÔ´ó£¬ÓС°½ÏΪ¿ÉÄÜ¡¢´ó¸Å¡±£¬Ö¸ÓÐʵ¼ÊÒÀ¾Ý£»likelyÊÇ´ÓÍâ±í¼£ÏóÅжÏÓпÉÄÜ·¢ÉúµÄÊ¡£ eg£º It¡¯s possible, though not probable, that he will come tomorrow. ËûÃ÷Ìì¿ÉÄÜÀ´£¬µ«Ò²²»Ò»¶¨×¼À´¡£ She is likely to ring me tonight. ½ñÍíËýºÜ¿ÉÄܸøÎÒÀ´µç»°¡£ £¨2£©possible ²»ÄÜÓÃÈË×öÖ÷Óï¡£possible ³£ÓÃÓÚÏÂÁоäÐÍ£º It is possible to do sth. It is possible for sb. to do sth. It is possible that ¡ eg: Is it possible to say so?¿ÉÄÜÕâÑù˵Â𣿠It is possible for me to do it. ÎÒ¿ÉÄÜ×öÄǼþÊ¡£ £¨3£©probable Ò²²»ÄÜÓÃÈË×öÖ÷Óï¡£Ò»°ãÖ»ÓÃÓÚÏÂÃæ¾äÐÍÖУº It is probable that ¡ eg: It is probable that he will come. ËûºÜ¿ÉÄÜÒªÀ´¡£ £¨4£©likely ¼È¿ÉÓÃÈË×÷Ö÷ÓҲ¿ÉÓÃÎï×öÖ÷Óͨ¿ÉÓÃÓÚ¡°It is likely that ¡¡±¾äÐÍÖС£ eg: He is likely to come. = It is likely that he will come. Ëû¿ÉÄÜÒªÀ´¡£µ«²»ÄÜ˵£ºIt is likely for him to come. £¨5£©impossible, improbable, unlikely Ó÷¨ÓëÉÏÊöÀàËÆ¡£ 2£®catch, grasp, seize Óësnatch catchÊÇÆÕͨÓÃÓÓá°É跨ץס£¬×½×¡¡±µÄÒâ˼£» grasp±íʾÀÎÀεء°×¥×¡¡±£»seizeÖ¸¡°Í»È»ÓÃÁ¦×¥×¡Ê¹²»ÌÓÍÑ¡±£»snatch ±íʾѸËÙµÄÀ³¶¶¯×÷¡¢³öÆä²»ÒâµØ¡°×¥È¡¡±¡£ eg: The police caught the thief as he ran. С͵ÌÓÅÜʱ±»¾¯²ìץסÁË¡£ He grasped his gun and rushed out. Ëû×¥Æðǹ¾Í³åÁ˳öÈ¥¡£ He seized the gun from the enemy soldier. Ëû´ÓµÐÈËÊ¿±øÊÖÖжá¹ýÁËǹ¡£ The thief snatched her handbag and ran off. С͵ÇÀ×ßÁËËýµÄÊÖÌá°ü¾ÍÅÜÁË¡£ ֪ʶµã²¹³ä 1£®Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing. ÎÞÂÛÖйú½«À´»áÓÐʲôÑùµÄ³É¾Í£¬ÆäÖÐÐí¶à¿ÉÄܾ͵®ÉúÔÚ±±¾©µÄÎ÷±±²¿¡£ £¨1£©in store ¾ÍÒªµ½À´£¬±Ø½«·¢Éú eg: Who knows what the future has in store for us? ËÖªµÀÎÒÃǽ«À´×¢¶¨ÈçºÎ£¿ £¨2£©in store Ò²Óд¢´æ×Å£¬±¸ÓõÄÒâ˼ eg: The runner kept some energy in store for spurting at the end. ÄÇÃûÈüÅܵÄÈËΪ×îºó³å´ÌÖü´æ¾«Á¦¡£ 2£® Zhongguancun was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s and quickly became the leader of China¡¯s hi-tech industry. ÔÚ20ÊÀ½ç90Äê´úÄ©Öйشå×÷Ϊ¸ßпƼ¼ÌØÇø±»´´Á¢²¢Ñ¸ËÙ³ÉΪÖйú¸ß¿Æ¼¼¹¤ÒµµÄÏÈ·æ¡£ £¨1£©set up¡ªestablish ½¨Á¢ eg: The government has set up a working party to look into the problem. Õþ¸®³ÉÁ¢¹¤×÷×éµ÷²é´ËÎÊÌâ¡£ £¨2£©in the late 1990s ÓÖ¿Éд³Éin the late 1990¡¯s ¶þÊ®ÊÀ¼Í¾ÅÊ®Äê´úÄ© in the early 1980s ¶þÊ®ÊÀ¼Í°ËÊ®Äê´ú³õ £¨3£©hi-tech= high technology ¸ß¿Æ¼¼£¬¸ß¼¼Êõ 3£® When I got my master¡¯s degree, I wanted to return home but couldn¡¯t find a company where I could use what I had learnt. µ±ÎÒ»ñµÃ˶ʿѧλʱ£¬ÎÒÏë»Øµ½¼ÒÏ磬¿ÉÊÇÎÒûÄÜÕÒµ½Ñ§ÓÐËùÓõĹ«Ë¾¡£ £¨1£©±¾¾äÊÇÒ»¸ö¸´ºÏ¾ä¡£When I got my master¡¯s degree Ϊʱ¼ä×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÐÞÊÎÖ÷¾äνÓﶯ´Êwanted¡£wantedºÍcouldn¡¯t findΪ²¢ÁÐνÓﶯ´Ê£¬Óɲ¢ÁÐÁ¬´ÊbutÁ¬½Ó¡£where I could use what I had learntΪ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÐÞÊÎÏÈÐдÊcompany¡£what I had learnt Ϊ±öÓï´Ó¾ä¡£ £¨2£©a master¡¯s degree ˶ʿѧλ a doctor¡¯s degree ²©Ê¿Ñ§Î»a bachelor¡¯s degree ѧʿѧλ ÓÖÈ磺Master of Arts ÎÄѧ˶ʿ Doctor of Law ·¨Ñ§²©Ê¿Bachelor of Science Àíѧѧʿ 4£®I will never forget how happy I was when I set foot in China again and was back with my friends and family. ÎÒÓÀÔ¶²»»áÍü¼Çµ±ÔÙ´Î̤ÉÏÖйúÍÁµØºÍÎÒµÄÅóÓѼ°Ç×ÈËÍžÛʱ£¬ÄÇÖָоõÓжàÐÒ¸£¡£ £¨1£©±¾¾äÊǸ´ºÏ¾ä¡£How happy I was ¡Îª±öÓï´Ó¾ä¡£when I set foot in China again and was back with ¡ Ϊʱ¼ä×´Óï´Ó¾ä¡£ £¨2£©set foot in/on ½øÈ룬̤½ø eg: She said she wouldn¡¯t set foot in the room until it had been properly cleaned. Ëý˵ֱµ½ÕâÎÝ×ÓÊÕÊ°ºÃÁËËý²Åס½øÈ¥¡£ No man has ever set foot on that deserted island. ûÓÐÈËÔø¹â¹Ë¹ýÄǸö»ÄÎߵĵº¡£ 5£® ¡°Relying on science, technology, and knowledge to increase economic power¡±¡ª makes it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future. ¡°ÒÀ¿¿¿Æѧ£¬¼¼Êõ£¬ÖªÊ¶·¢Õ¹¾³£¡±£¬Ëü²ûÃ÷ÁË¿ÆѧºÍÉÌÒµÄܹ»ÇÒ±ØÐë½áºÏÔÚÒ»Æð¹²´´Î´À´¡£ £¨1£©´Ë¾äΪ¸´ºÏ¾ä¡£itΪÐÎʽ±öÓ´ú±íthatÒýµ¼µÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä¡£ £¨2£©rely on/uponÐÅÀµ£¬ÒÀÀµ eg: He can always be relied upon or help. ËûµÄ°ïÖúÊÇÓÀÔ¶¿ÉÒÀÀµµÄ¡£ You may rely on my early arrival. Äã·ÅÐĺÃÁË£¬ÎÒ»áÔçµ½µÄ¡£ £¨3£©make¡clear ±íÃ÷£¬½²Çå³þ eg: Have I made myself clear? ÎÒ½²Çå³þÁËÂ𣿠They wanted to make it clear that they did an important and necessary job. ËûÃÇÏë˵Ã÷ËûÃÇ×ö×ÅÒ»ÏîÖØÒªÇÒ±ØÒªµÄ¹¤×÷¡£ 6£® ¡but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in Zhongguanzun. µ«ÊÇÎÒÃÇΪËùÓÐÕâЩÔÚÖйش帻ÓлîÁ¦µÄм¼ÊõºÍ׿ԽµÄÏë·¨¶ø¸Ðµ½¼¤¶¯¡£ £¨1£©that are coming to life in Zhongguancun Ϊ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÐÞÊÎÏÈÐдÊideas¡£ £¨2£©come to life ËÕÐÑ£»»Ö¸´ÉúÆø eg: We all thought he was drowned, but after an hour¡¯s artificial respiration he came back to life. ÎÒÃǶ¼ÒÔΪËûÑÍËÀÁË£¬µ«¾¹ýһСʱµÄÈ˹¤ºôÎüºó£¬ËûÓÖËÕÐÑÁË¡£ When I told the students the good news, they all came to life. µ±ÎÒ¸æËßѧÉúÃÇÕâ¸öºÃÏûϢʱ£¬ËûÃǶ¼»îÔ¾ÆðÀ´ÁË¡£ µäÐͲ¡¾äÕï¶Ï 1£® ²¡¾ä£ºYufang has come to China for three years. Õï¶Ï£ºYufang has been in China for three years. µã²¦£ºcomeΪÖÕÖ¹ÐÔ¶¯´Ê£¬ÓÃÓÚÏÖÔÚÍê³Éʱʱ̬£¬²»ÄÜÓë±íÒ»¶Îʱ¼äµÄ×´ÓïÁ¬Óᣠ2£® ²¡¾ä£ºWhere has he gone is to be found out. Õï¶Ï£ºWhere he has gone is to be found out. µã²¦£ºÖ÷Óï´Ó¾äÓ¦ÓóÂÊö¾äÓïÐò¡£ 3£® ²¡¾ä£ºWhen I got my master¡¯s degree, I wanted to return back to China. Õï¶Ï£ºWhen I got my master¡¯s degree, I wanted to return to China. µã²¦£ºreturnÒâ˼ÊÇ¡°come back¡±£¬²»ÓëbackÁ¬Óᣠ4£® ²¡¾ä£ºI would rather you tell me the truth. Õï¶Ï£ºI would rather you told me the truth. µã²¦£ºwould rather ºóÃæ´øµÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä±íʾһÖÖÔ¸Íû£¬¶¯´ÊÒªÓùýȥʽÀ´±íʾÐéÄâÓïÆø¡£ 5£® ²¡¾ä£ºThe old man stays very health. Õï¶Ï£ºThe old man stays very healthy. µã²¦£ºstayΪϵ¶¯´Ê£¬ÒâΪ¡°±£³Ö£¨×´Ì¬£©¡±£¬ºóÓÃÐÎÈÝ´Ê×÷±íÓï¡£ 6£® ²¡¾ä£ºGreat changes have been taken place in China. Õï¶Ï£ºGreat changes have taken place in China. µã²¦£ºtake place ¡°·¢Éú£¬¾ÙÐС±£¬²»Óñ»¶¯Óï̬¡£ 7£® ²¡¾ä£ºThis lesson is more easier than that one. Õï¶Ï£ºThis lesson is much easier than that one. µã²¦£ºÐÎÈݴʱȽϼ¶Ç°²»¿ÉÓÃmore, ¶ø¿ÉÒÔÓÃmuch, even, still, a great deal, a lot, farµÈ¼ÓÇ¿ÓïÆø¡£ 8£® ²¡¾ä£ºAll the answers are not correct. I can¡¯t find one correct answer. Õï¶Ï£ºNone of the answers are correct. I can¡¯t find one correct answer. µã²¦£ºall¡notºÍnot all¡±íʾ²¿·Ö·ñ¶¨£¬ÒâΪ¡°²¢·Ç¶¼¡¡¡±£¬¶ønone±íʾȫ²¿·ñ¶¨£¬ÒâΪ¡°¶¼²»¡¡¡±¡£ 9£® ²¡¾ä£ºI don¡¯t like the way which you speak to me. Õï¶Ï£ºI don¡¯t like the way that you speak to me. µã²¦£ºÔÚwayºóÃæÒýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾äʱ£¬¿ÉÓÃthat, in which »òÊ¡ÂÔ¡£ 10£® ²¡¾ä£ºZhongguancun has had a positive affect on business as well as science. Õï¶Ï£ºZhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science. µã²¦£ºaffect vt. ¡°Ó°Ï족£» effect n. ¡°Ó°Ï족£¬have a good/bad effect on ÒâΪ¡°¶Ô¡¡ÓкÃ/²»Á¼µÄÓ°Ï족¡£ µäÐÍÀýÌ⾫Îö <1>Chinese arts have won the ________ of a lot of people outside China. A.enjoyment B.appreciation C.entertainment D.reputation ½âÎö£ºenjoymentÒâΪ¡°¿ìÀÖ£¬¸ßÐË¡±£»appreciationÒâΪ¡°ÐÀÉÍ¡±£»entertainmentÒâΪ¡°Õдý£¬¶Ô´ý¡±£»reputationÒâΪ¡°ÃûÓþ£¬ÃûÉù¡±£¬¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâÀ´¿´Ñ¡BÏî¡£´ð°¸£ºB <2>The environmentalists said wild goats, ________ on the vast grasslands was a good phenomenon of the better environment. A.escape B.absence C.attendance D.appearance ½âÎö£º¸ÃÌâÒ²ÊÇÒ»¸ö´Ê»ã±æÎöÌ⣬ͬʱҲ¿¼²é¹¹´Ê·¨ÖªÊ¶¡£escapeÒâΪ¡°ÌÓÅÜ£¬±ÜÃ⡱£¬absenceÒâΪ¡°È±Ï¯¡±£¬attendanceÒâΪ¡°µ½³¡¡¢³öϯ£¬»¤Àí¡¢ÕÕÁÏ¡±£¬ÕâÈý¸ö´Ê¶¼Óë¾äÒâ²»Ïà·û£¬Ö»ÓÐappearance¡°³öÏÖ¡±·ûºÏÌâÒâ¡£´ð°¸£ºD <3>Mr. Smith used to smoke ________ but he has given it up now. A.seriously B.heavily C.badly D.hardly ½âÎö£º¸ÃÌ⿼²é´ÊÒå±æÎö¡¢¶¯´Ê´îÅäºÍ¹¹´Ê·¨ÖªÊ¶¡£´Ó´ÊÒåÉÏ¿´£¬hardlyΪƵ¶È¸±´Ê£¬Òª·ÅÔÚνÓﶯ´ÊµÄÇ°Ã棬Ê×ÏÈÓ¦½«DÑ¡ÏîÅųýµô¡£ÁíÍâÈý¸ö´Ê¾ùΪ·½Ê½¸±´Ê£¬ËäÈ»¶¼¿ÉÒÔÖÃÓÚ²»¼°Îﶯ´ÊÖ®ºó£¬µ«º¬Òå´îÅä¸÷²»Ïàͬ¡£Ö»ÓÐheavilyÏ°¹ßÉÏÓë ¡°drink, smoke, rain, snow¡± µÈ¶¯´Ê´îÅä¡£¹ÊBΪÕýÈ·Ñ¡Ïî¡£´ð°¸£ºB ˼·¿ªÍØ 1.(2004Äê¸ß¿¼È«¹ú¾í¢ñ)Sarah, hurry up. I¡¯m afraid you can¡¯t have time to before the party. A.get changed B.get changeª¤ C.get changing D.get to change ½âÎö£º±¾Ì⿼²égetµÄÓ÷¨¡£ÌâÒâÊÇ¡°ÈøÀ£¬¿ìµã°É!¿ÖÅÂÔÚÑç»áÇ°Äãûʱ¼ä»»Ò·þ¡±¡£get¿ÉÓÃ×÷ϵ¶¯´Ê£¬ºó½Ó¹ýÈ¥·Ö´Ê£¬±íʾ±»¶¯Óï̬£¬È磺get lost¡°ÃÔ·¡±£¬get dressed¡°´©ÉÏÒ·þ¡±£¬get injured¡°ÊÜÉË¡±£¬get paid¡°ÁìÈ¡¹¤×Ê¡±µÈ¡£´Ë´¦get changedÒâΪ¡°»»Ò·þ¡±¡£´ð°¸ÎªA¡£ÓÖÈç±¾µ¥Ôª¿ÎÎÄÖеÄÒ»¾ä»°£ºThe centre itself got started in the early 1980s, when Chen Chunxian, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, opened a private research and development institute.´ð°¸£ºA 2.(2004Äê¸ß¿¼ºþÄϾí)I work in a business almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A.how B.whichª¤ C.where D.that ½âÎö£º±¾Ì⿼²é¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä¡£ÌâÒâÊÇ¡°ÎÒÔÚÒ»¼Ò¹«Ë¾Éϰ࣬ÔÚÕâÀXºõÿ¸öÈ˶¼Ôڵȴý×Å·É»ÆÌÚ´ïµÄ»ú»á¡±¡£¾äÖÐalmost everyone is waiting for a great chanceÊÇÒ»¸ö¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÐÞÊÎÇ°ÃæµÄÏÈÐдÊbusiness¡£Óɾä×ӵĽṹ¿ÉÖª£¬businessÔÚ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐÓ¦ÊÇ×÷µØµã×´Ó¼´almost everyone is waiting for a great chance in the business£¬¹ÊÒýµ¼´ÊÒªÓùØϵ¸±´Êwhere¡£´ð°¸ÎªC¡£ÓÖÈç±¾µ¥Ôª¿ÎÎÄÖеÄÒ»¾ä»°£ºI want to return home but couldn¡¯t find a company where I could use what I had learnt.´ð°¸£ºC 3.(2004Äê¸ß¿¼±±¾©¾í)Now that she is out of a job, Lucy going back to school, but she hasn¡¯t decided yet. A.had considered B.has been considering C.considered D.is going to consider ½âÎö£º±¾Ì⿼²é¶¯´ÊµÄʱ̬Çø±ð¡£´ÓÌâ¸ÉÖеÄisºÍhasn¡¯t decidedÁ½¸ö¶¯×÷À´¿´£¬¾ä×ÓÓõÄÊÇÏÖÔÚʱ̬£¬¸ù¾Ýʱ̬һÖÂÔÔò£¬¿ÉÏÈÅųýA¡¢CÁ½Ïî¡£ÌâÒâÊÇ¡°Â¶Î÷ʧҵÁË£¬ËýÒ»Ö±ÔÚ¿¼ÂÇ»ØÈ¥ÉÏѧ£¬µ«»¹Ã»ÓÐ×îÖÕ¾ö¶¨¡±¡£¿ÉÖªÓ¦ÓÃÏÖÔÚÍê³É½øÐÐʱ£¬±íʾһ¶Îʱ¼äÒÔÀ´Ò»Ö±ÔÚ×öijÊ¡£¹Ê´ð°¸ÎªB¡£ÓÖÈç±¾µ¥Ôª¿ÎÎÄÖеÄÒ»¾ä»°£ºSince the early 1990s, China has been enjoying a boom in scientific and technology development. ´ð°¸£ºB 4.(2004ÄêÉϺ£´ºÕÐ)Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage the girl and took her away, into the woods. A.seizing;disappearedª¤ B.seized;disappeared C.seizing;disappearingª¤ D.seized;disappearing ½âÎö£º±¾Ì⿼²éʶ±ð¾ä×ӽṹµÄÄÜÁ¦ÒÔ¼°·ÇνÓﶯ´ÊµÄÓ÷¨¡£ÌâÒâΪ¡°Í»È»£¬Ò»¸ö¼ÝÊ»×ÅÒ»Á¾½ðÉ«Âí³µµÄÄÐÈËÇÀ×ßÁËÄǸöÅ®º¢£¬Ö®ºóÏûʧÔÚÄÇƬÊ÷ÁÖÀ¡£¾ä×ÓµÄÖ÷ÓïÊÇa tall man£»driving a golden carriageÊǷִʶÌÓï×÷¶¨Ó¾äÖеÄandÁ¬½ÓµÄÊÇνÓﶯ´ÊseizedºÍtook£»ÒòΪ¶ººÅ²»ÄÜÆðÁ¬½Ó×÷Ó㬹ʵڶþ¸ö¿Õ°×´¦µÄ¶¯´ÊÓëÇ°ÃæµÄseizedºÍtook²»ÊDz¢ÁеÄνÓﶯ´Ê£¬¶øÓ¦ÊÇ×÷½á¹û×´ÓÒòΪdisappearÓëmanÊÇÖ÷¶¯¹Øϵ£¬¹ÊÓÃÆäÏÖÔÚ·Ö´ÊÐÎʽ×÷×´Óï¡£´ð°¸ÎªD¡£ÓÖÈç±¾µ¥Ôª¿ÎÎÄÖеÄÒ»¾ä»°£ºIn 2001, Chinese scientists announced that they had completed mapping out their part of the international human genome project, proving that Chinese scientists are among the world¡¯s best.´ð°¸£ºD 5.(2003Äê¸ß¿¼ÉϺ£¾í)The discovery of new evidence led to . A.the thief having caughtª¤ B.catching the thief C.the thief being caughtª¤ D.the thief to be caught ½âÎö£º±¾Ì⿼²é¶¯´Ê¶ÌÓïlead toµÄÓ÷¨¡£lead toÒâΪ¡°µ¼Ö£¬ÒýÆ𡱣¬ÆäÖÐtoÊǽé´Ê£¬ºó½ÓÃû´Ê»ò¶¯Ãû´Ê¡£ÌâÒâÊÇ¡°ÐÂÖ¤¾ÝµÄ·¢ÏÖµ¼ÖÂÁËÄǸöÔôµÄ±»×½¡±¡£ÏÔÈ»£¬catchÓëthe thiefÖ®¼äÊDZ»¶¯¹Øϵ£¬¹ÊÒªÓö¯Ãû´ÊµÄ±»¶¯Ê½¡£´ð°¸ÎªC¡£ÓÖÈç±¾µ¥ÔªÖеÄÒ»¾ä»°£ºThe programme was started in March 1986 and has led to several breakthroughs in science and technology.´ð°¸£ºC ÄÜÁ¦ÌáÉý ¡ì6.1 µ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ 1.The theory by Einstein was later to prove true, but at that time few people could accept it. A.put out B.put togetherª¤ C.put aside D.put forward ½âÎö£º¡°°®Òò˹̹Ìá³öµÄÀíÂÛ¡±¡£put out¡°ÆËÃ𡱣»put together¡°×éºÏ£»ÕûÀí¡±£»put aside¡°¸éÖã»´æ·Å¡±£»put forward¡°Ìá³ö£»ÍƼö¡±¡£´ð°¸£ºD 2.I don¡¯t think Jack is a man to be when we are in trouble and need his help. A.hoped for B.related to C.expected from D.relied on ½âÎö£º¡°½Ü¿ËÊÇÒ»¸ö²»¿É¿¿µÄÈË¡±¡£rely on¡°ÒÀ¿¿£»ÐÅÀµ¡±¡£´ð°¸£ºD 3.An earthquake shook the city last night and hundreds of houses . A.got to damage B.got damagedª¤ C.got damage D.got damaging ½âÎö£º¡°get+done¡±ÊDZ»¶¯Óï̬µÄÒ»ÖÖÐÎʽ£¬get damagedÒâΪ¡°±»»Ù»µ¡±¡£´ð°¸£ºB 4.Later, I wanted to return home but couldn¡¯t find a company I could use I had learnt. A.that;what B.when;whatª¤ C.where;what D.where;that ½âÎö£º¡°ÔÚ¹«Ë¾ÀïÎÒ¿ÉÒÔʹÓÃÎÒËùѧµÄ֪ʶ¡±¡£whereÒýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£»whatÒýµ¼±öÓï´Ó¾ä¡£´ð°¸£ºC 5.Mr.White is now in Beijing and runs a company in Zhongguancun together with some Chinese friends. A.to base B.basingª¤ C.to be based D.based ½âÎö£º¹«Ë¾×øÂäÔÚÖйش壬¼´ÒÔÖйشåΪ»ùµØ£¬ÓùýÈ¥·Ö´Êbased×÷¶¨ÓÏ൱ÓÚwhich is based¡£´ð°¸£ºD 6.The earliest influences upon children will most likely have the strongest effects their personalities. A.toward B.onª¤ C.over D.for ½âÎö£ºhave effect on/uponÊǹ̶¨´îÅ䣬ÒâΪ¡°¶Ô¡¡ÓÐÓ°Ï족¡£´ð°¸£ºB 7.Now there is just one point I wish you to make quite clear. A.where B.which C.whether D.when ½âÎö£ºpointÔÚºóÃæµÄ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷makeµÄ±öÓ¹ÊÒýµ¼´ÊÓÃwhich¡£´ð°¸£ºB 8.Just as the doctor , your wife is not exactly fat, but rather well-built for her age. A.gets it B.makes itª¤ C.puts it D.means it ½âÎö£ºget it¡°Ã÷°×ÁË£¬ÖªµÀÁË¡±£»make it¡°µ½´ï£»³É¹¦¡±£»put it¡°Ëµ£¬±í´ï¡±£»mean it¡°Ëµ»°ËãÊý¡±¡£´ð°¸£ºC 9.They say the recorder costs 150 dollars. But I don¡¯t think it¡¯s worth much. A.that B.asª¤ C.even D.rather ½âÎö£º¡°²»ÖµÄÇô¶àÇ®¡±£¬ÓÃthat much£¬´ËʱthatÏ൱ÓÚso¡£´ð°¸£ºA 10.When I mentioned our plans for a trip abroad, the kids life at once. A.came to B.got to C.return to D.went to ½âÎö£ºcome to lifeÊǹ̶¨¶ÌÓÒâΪ¡°±äµÃ»îÔ¾ÆðÀ´¡±¡£´ð°¸£ºA 11.He got full marks in this math exam, that he was among the class¡¯ best. A.to prove B.provedª¤ C.having proved D.proving ½âÎö£º´Ë´¦ÓÃÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê×÷½á¹û×´ÓÏ൱ÓÚand proved¡£´ð°¸£ºD 12.Firemen said the fire wasunder control, but they warned that the change in the weather might new fires. A.lead to B.bring inª¤ C.result from D.break out ½âÎö£ºÌìÆøµÄ±ä»¯¿ÉÄÜÒýÆðеĻðÔÖ¡£lead to¡°ÒýÆ𣬵¼Ö¡±£»bring in¡°Òý½ø£¬×¬Ç®¡±£»result from¡°ÆðÒòÓÚ¡±£»break out¡°±¬·¢£¬·¢Éú¡±£¬ÊDz»¼°Îﶯ´Ê¶ÌÓï¡£´ð°¸£ºA 13. great progress we have made, we should not be conceited. A.However B.Howª¤ C.Whatever D.What ½âÎö£ºwhateverÒýµ¼Èò½×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬Ï൱ÓÚno matter what¡£ÒòprogressÊÇÃû´Ê£¬¹ÊÇ°Ãæ²»ÄÜÓÃhowever¡£ ´ð°¸£ºC 14.He is the only one of the students who a winner of scholarship for three years. A.is B.areª¤ C.have been D.has been ½âÎö£º´Ë´¦¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÐÞÊÎthe only one£¬¹Ê´Ó¾äÖеÄνÓﶯ´ÊÓõ¥ÊýÐÎʽ¡£´ð°¸£ºD 15.The success you have achieved today may be for your whole future. A.accessible B.significant C.temporary D.challenging ½âÎö£ºÄã½ñÌìÈ¡µÃµÄ³É¹¦»òÐí¶ÔÄãÕû¸öÈËÉú¶¼ºÜÖØÒª¡£accessible¡°¿ÉʹÓõġ±£»significant¡°ÖØÒªµÄ¡±£»temporary¡°ÔÝʱµÄ¡±£»challenging¡°¾ßÓÐÌôÕ½ÐԵġ±¡£´ð°¸£ºB ¿ÎÎÄÒëÎÄ ÖÐ¹Ø´å ²»¹ÜÖйú½«À´»á´´Ôì³ö¶àôΰ´óµÄ³É¾Í£¬ËûÃǺÜÓпÉÄܾ͵®ÉúÔÚ±±¾©µÄÎ÷±±²¿¡£Öйش壬ÔÚ±±¾©º£µíÇø£¬ÊÇÖйú¿Æ¼¼µÄÐÂÖÐÐÄ¡£ËüÊÇÖпÆÔºÒÔ¼°±±¾©´óѧ¡¢Ç廪´óѧµÈÊ®¼¸ËùÖøÃû¸ßУµÄËùÔڵء£ ÖйشåÔÚ20ÊÀ¼Í90Äê´úÄ©µÄʱºò²Å½¨ÎªÒ»¸öÌرð¾¼ÃÇø£¬µ«ºÜ¿ì¾Í³ÉÁËÖйú¸ßм¼Êõ¹¤ÒµµÄÁìµ¼Á¦Á¿¡£¸ÃÖÐÐı¾Éí´´°ìÓÚ20ÊÀ¼Í80Äê´ú³õ£¬ÖпÆÔºÑо¿Ô±³Â´ºÏÍÊ×ÏÈÔÚ´Ë¿ª°ìÁËÒ»¼Ò˽ÈËÑо¿·¢Õ¹Ñ§Ôº¡£ÔÚ½ÓÏÂÀ´µÄ10ÄêÀ´óÔ¼ÓÐÒ»°Ù¶à¼Ò¿Æ¼¼¹«Ë¾°áµ½Õâ¸öµØÇøÀ´£¬ÕâÑù£¬ÐµĿƼ¼ÖÐÐÄΧÈÆ×ŵ±³õµÄÖйش廨԰·¢Õ¹ÆðÀ´ÁË¡£ËûÃǶ¼ÓÐ×Ô¼ºµÄÌØÉ«£¬µ«ËûÃÇÒ²¶¼Óй²Í¬µã£¬¼´:ʹµÃÖйشå³ÉΪһ¸ö³É¹¦µä·¶µÄ´´Ð¾«ÉñºÍ¿Æѧ¼¼Êõ¡£ ÖйشåÒ²ÓµÓÐÒ»ÅúÈËÊýÕýÔÚÖðÄêÔö³¤µÄº£Íâ¹éÀ´µÄѧ×Ó£¬ËûÃÇץס»ú»áÀ´ÊµÏÖËûÃǵÄÔ¸Íû¡£ÏîÓà·½¾ÍÊÇÔÚº£Íâѧϰ¹¤×÷ºó¹é¹úµÄѧ×ÓÖ®Ò»¡£ÖйشåʵÏÖÁËÀûÓÃ×Ô¼ºËùѧΪ¹úЧÁ¦µÄÃÎÏë¡£ 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late?Ëû¿ÉÄÜ»áÀ´µÃºÜÍíÂ𣿠It is not likely that she should have said so.Ëý²»¿ÉÄÜÕâô˵¡£ adv.´ó¸Å£¬»òÐí£¬ºÜ¿ÉÄÜ£»Í¨³£Óëmost, very, quiteµÈÁ¬ÓᣠHe will very likely pass the exam.Ëû¿ÉÄÜ»áͨ¹ý¿¼ÊԵġ£ Most likely his attempt will fail.ºÜ¿ÉÄÜËûµÄ³¢ÊÔ»áʧ°Ü¡£ 3.private adj.˽Á¢µÄ£¬Ë½È˵ģ¬·Ç¹«¿ªµÄ He attended a private school in town.ËûÔø¾Í¶ÁÓÚ³ÇÀïµÄÒ»Ëù˽Á¢Ñ§Ð£¡£ You can get a private doctor to operate on him.Äã¿ÉÒÔÕÒ¸ö˽ÈËÒ½ÉúΪËû×öÊÖÊõ¡£ This is my private view.ÕâÊÇÎÒ¸öÈ˵Ŀ´·¨¡£ He is here on private business.ËûÊÇÒò˽ÊÂÀ´ÕâÀïµÄ¡£ It¡¯s wrong to read people¡¯s private letters without permission.δ¾ÔÊÐí¿´Ë½ÈËÐżþÊDz»¶ÔµÄ¡£ I wish to have a private talk with you.ÎÒÏë˽ÏÂÓëÄã̸̸¡£ in private¡°Ë½Ïµأ¬ÃØÃܵأ¬²»¹«¿ªµØ¡± It isn¡¯t the sort of thing one should talk of in private.Õâ²»ÊÇÄÇÖÖ¿ÉÒÔ˽ÏÂ̸ÂÛµÄÊÂÇé¡£ He can be very rude in private, though in public he¡¯s usually polite.ËûËäÈ»ÔÚ¹«¹²³¡ºÏ±ò±òÓÐÀñ£¬µ«Ë½µ×ÏÂÈ´ºÜ´ÖÒ°¡£ 4.grasp vt.ץס£¬×¥ÀΣ¬Àí½â He reached out, grasped my hand, and shook it.ËûÉì³öÊÖ£¬×¥×¡ÎÒµÄÊÖÎÕÁËһϡ£ He grasped her firmly by the arm.Ëû½ô½ôץסËýµÄÊÖ±Û¡£ If you grasp the rope I will pull you up.Äã×¥½ôÉþ×Ó£¬ÎÒ°ÑÄãÀÉÏÀ´¡£ Grasp your chances while you can.Ö»ÒªÓпÉÄÜ£¬¾ÍҪץסÄãµÄ»ú»á¡£ You must grasp this opportunity to study abroad.ÄãҪץסÕâ´Î³ö¹úѧϰµÄ»ú»á¡£ I didn¡¯t quite grasp what he was talking about.¶ÔËûËù½²µÄ£¬ÎÒ²»Ì«Àí½â¡£ I grasped the main points of the speech.ÎÒÀí½âÁËÕâ´Î½²»°µÄÒªµã¡£ 5.set foot inµ½´ï£¬½øÈ룬̤ÉÏ I left him, determined never to set foot in that house again.ÎÒÀ뿪ÁËËû£¬¾öÐÄÔÙÒ²²»Ì¤½øÄǸö¼ÒÃÅ¡£ She had never set foot in a place as grand as this before.ËýÒÔÇ°´Óûµ½¹ýÕâô´óµÄµØ·½¡£ I¡¯ll never set foot in Tokyo again.ÎÒÔÙÒ²²»»á̤½ø¶«¾©Ò»²½¡£ 6.failure n.ʧ°Ü[U]£»Ê§°ÜµÄÊ»òÈË[C] Failure is the mother of success.ʧ°ÜÄ˳ɹ¦Ö®Ä¸¡£ His plans ended in failure.ËûµÄ¼Æ»®ÒÔʧ°Ü¶ø¸æÖÕ¡£ It was clear that the policy was a failure.ºÜÃ÷ÏÔ£¬ÄÇÏîÕþ²ßʧ°ÜÁË¡£ But this plan, too, can be nothing but a failure.µ«ÕâÏî¼Æ»®Ò²Ö»ÄÜ»áʧ°Ü¡£ Gary was a failure as a football player.×÷Ϊһ¸ö×ãÇòÔ˶¯Ô±£¬¼ÓÀïÊǸöʧ°ÜÕß¡£ Success comes after many failures.³É¹¦ÊÇÔ´Óںܶà´ÎµÄʧ°ÜºóµÃÀ´µÄ¡£ 7.locate vt.ÉèÖÃ(»ú¹Ø¡¢µêÆ̵È)£¬ÉèÁ¢(¹¤³§¡¢°ì¹«ÊÒµÈ)£»È·¶¨¡¡µÄλÖà They decided to locate their new office in Hong Kong.ËûÃǾö¶¨ÔÚÏã¸ÛÉèÁ¢ÐµİìÊ´¦¡£ We located the island on the map.ÎÒÃÇÔÚµØͼÉÏÈ·¶¨ÄǸöµºµÄλÖᣠbe located in/on¡ ×øÂäÓÚ¡¡£¬Î»ÓÚ¡¡ Our school is located in the centre of the town.ÎÒÃÇѧУ×øÂäÓÚÊÐÕòµÄÖÐÐÄ¡£ The country is located in the southern part of Africa.¸Ã¹úλÓÚ·ÇÖÞÄϲ¿¡£ 8.luggage n.(×ܳÆ)ÐÐÀî He did not have much luggage.ËûûÓкܶàÐÐÀî¡£ You are only allowed to take one piece of hand luggage onto a plane.ÄãÖ»¿ÉЯ´øÒ»¼þÊÖÌáÐÐÀîÉÏ·É»ú¡£ They left their luggage at the station.ËûÃÇ°ÑÐÐÀîÍüÔÚÁ˳µÕ¾¡£ ×¢£ºluggageÊDz»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê¡£ 9.put forwardÌá³ö£¬½¨Ò飬ÍƼö He had no desire to put forward his plan.Ëû²»ÏëÌá³öËûµÄ¼Æ»®¡£ Are you serious in putting forward such a view?ÄãÕæµÄÒªÌá³öÕâÖÖ¹ÛµãÂ𣿠The theory was laughed at when it was first put forward.Õâ¸öÀíÂÛ¸ÕÌá³öʱ£¬¾ÍÊܵ½Á˳°Ð¦¡£ We put him forward for the position of chairman.ÎÒÃÇÍƾÙËûµ±Ö÷ϯ¡£ 10.announce vt.Ðû²¼£¬Ðû¸æ£¬ÏÔʾ He phoned me to announce his decision.Ëû´òµç»°¸øÎÒ£¬Ðû²¼ÁËËûµÄ¾ö¶¨¡£ The government announced its new economic policies.Õþ¸®·¢²¼ÁËеľ¼ÃÕþ²ß¡£ We have announced our engagement to some friends only.ÎÒÃÇÖ»¸æ֪ijЩÅóÓÑÓйØÎÒÃǶ©»éµÄÊ¡£ It has been announced that he will resign.ËûÒѾ½«´ÇÖ°µÄÏûÏ¢Ðû²¼ÁË¡£ He announced that he would pay his debts.ËûÐû²¼Ëû½«³¥»¹Õ®Îñ¡£ Please announce to your class that there will be no school tomorrow.Çë¸æÖªÄãÃÇ°àµÄѧÉúÃ÷Ìì²»ÉϿΡ£ A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.ÎÂůµÄÑô¹âÏÔʾ´ºÌì¼´½«À´µ½¡£ ·¢É¢Ë¼Î¬ 1.rely on ÒÀ¿¿£¬ÒÀÀµ£¬ÐÅÀµ£¬Ö¸Íû We may rely on his promises.ÎÒÃÇ¿ÉÒÔÐÅÀµËûµÄŵÑÔ¡£ The man is not to be relied on.Õâ¸öÈ˲»¿É¿¿¡£ We must rely on our own efforts.ÎÒÃÇÒ»¶¨Òª¿¿×Ô¼ºµÄŬÁ¦¡£ They rely heavily on us for help.ËûÃǺÜÒÀÀµÎÒÃǵİïÖú¡£ rely on sb.to do sth.Ö¸ÍûijÈË×öijÊ£¬ÏàÐÅijÈË»á×öijÊ You can rely on Peter to do what he promises.Äã¿ÉÒÔÏàÐűËÌØ»á×öËû´ðÓ¦×öµÄʵġ£ I rely on her to pay back the money.ÎÒÏàÐÅËý»á»¹Ç®¡£ rely on one¡¯s doing sth.Ö¸ÍûijÈË×öijÊ£¬ÏàÐÅijÈË»á×öijÊ Don¡¯t rely on my seeing you off.²»ÒªÖ¸ÍûÎÒΪÄãËÍÐС£ We can¡¯t rely on his coming in time.ÎÒÃDz»ÄÜÖ¸ÍûËû»á°´Ê±À´µ½¡£ rely on it that¡ ÏàÐÅ¡¡£¬Ö¸Íû¡¡ You may rely on it that he will come to meet you.Äã·ÅÐĺÃÁË£¬Ëû»áÀ´½Ó¼ûÄãµÄ¡£ 2.arrange vt.°²ÅÅ£¬³ï»®£¬ÕûÀí£¬²¼Öà I have to arrange my affairs before going away.ÔÚ×ß֮ǰ£¬ÎҵðÑÎÒµÄÊÂÇé°²Åźá£ Please arrange the books on the shelves.Çë°Ñ¼Ü×ÓÉϵÄÊéÕûÀíºÃ¡£ She helped me arrange the flowers.Ëý°ïÖúÎÒÑø»¨¡£ The travel agency has arranged everything for our trips to Canada.ÂÃÐÐÉçÒÑΪÎÒÃǵļÓÄôóÖ®ÐÐ×¼±¸ºÃÒ»ÇС£ arrange to do sth. °²ÅÅ×öijÊ£¬Ô¤¶¨×öijÊ I¡¯ve arranged to see her tomorrow morning.ÎÒ°²ÅÅÃ÷ÌìÉÏÎç»á¼ûËý¡£ He arranged to meet us at the hotel at one o¡¯clock.ËûÔ¤¶¨1µãµ½±ö¹ÝÓëÎÒÃǼûÃæ¡£ arrange for °²ÅÅ£¬×¼±¸ I have to arrange for everything.ÎÒ±ØÐë×¼±¸ºÃÒ»ÇС£ I¡¯ll arrange for a car to pick you up at the airport.ÎһᰲÅÅÒ»Á¾Æû³µµ½»ú³¡È¥½ÓÄã¡£ They have arranged for another man to take his place.ËûÃÇÒÑ°²ÅÅÁíÒ»¸öÈËÈ¥½ÓÌæËûµÄλÖᣠUnit 2 Fact and fantasy ѧϰĿ±ê ±¾µ¥ÔªÒÔ̸ÂÛ¡°¿ÆѧÓë»ÃÏ롱Ϊ»°Ì⣬ʹѧÉúÁ˽â¿ÆѧÓë»ÃÏëµÄÇø±ð£¬ÈÏʶµ½Ñ§Ï°¿ÆѧµÄÖØÒªÐÔ£»Í¬Ê±Í¨¹ý¶Ô·¨¹ú¿Æѧ»ÃÏëºÍðÏÕСѧ¼ÒÈåÀÕ•·²¶ûÄÉ£¨Jules Verne£©¼°Æä×÷Æ·µÄ½éÉÜ£¬¼¤·¢Ñ§Éú̽Ë÷ÓîÖæ°ÂÃصÄÐËȤ¡£Ñ§Ï°Ó¢Óï¹¹´Ê·¨¡£ÔÚÁ·Ï°Ð´»ÃÏë¶ÌÎÄ¡°´´ÔìÒ»¸öÀàËÆÈËÀàµÄÉúÎµÄʵ¼ùÖУ¬ÅàÑøÊéÃæ±í´ïÄÜÁ¦£¬Í¬Ê±ÍØչѧÉú´´ÔìÐÔ˼ά¡£ µ¥ÔªÒªµã Word study 1.fantasy 2.league 3.distance 4.ballon 5.fiction 6.servant 7.whale 8.hunter 9.collision 10.permanent 11.guest 12.voyage 13.aboard 14.prisoner 15.gentle 16.marble 17.paraphrase 18.matter 19.phenomena 20.attention 21.labour 22.hesitate 23.butcher 24.curtain 25.lip 1.»ÃÏë×÷Æ·£»ÏëÏóµÄ²úÎï 2.ÁªÃË£»Àï¸ñ£¨¾Éʱ³¤¶Èµ¥Î»£© 3.¾àÀë 4.ÆøÇò 5.С˵£»Ðé¹¹µÄÊ 6.ÆÍÈË£»¹«ÎñÔ± 7.¾¨£»¾Þ´óµÄÈË»òÊ 8.ÁÔÈË£»ËÑË÷Õß9.Åöײ£»³åÍ» 10.ÓÀ¾ÃµÄ£»¹Ì¶¨²»±äµÄ 11.¿ÍÈË£»¿Í×ù½ÌÊÚ 12.º½º££»º½¿Õ 13.ÔÚ´¬£¨·É»ú¡¢³µ£©ÉÏ 14.·ý²£»·¸ÈË 15.ÎÂÈáµÄ£»ÓÐÀñòµÄ 16.´óÀíʯ 17.ÒâÒ룻ÊÍÒå 18.ÊÂÇ飻ÎïÖÊ 19.ÏÖÏó£»Ææ¼£ 20.×¢ÒâÁ¦£»ÁôÐÄ 21.ŬÁ¦£»ÀͶ¯¹ûʵ 22.ÓÌÔ¥£»³ì³ù 23.ÍÀ·ò£»ÂòÈâÕß 24.´°Á±£»Ä» 25.×ì´½£»´½×´Îï Useful expressions 1.make a sketch 2.science fiction 3.in the far future 4.come true 5.to make a living 6.lay the foundation 7.sea monster 8.set out to do sth. 9.turn out 10.from that day on 11.begin with¡ 12.extinct volcano 13.instead of 14.search for 15.dream of 16.throw light upon 17.attract one¡¯s attention 18.slow down 19.in height 20.cut up 1.¼òµ¥ÃèÊö£»ÁÐÌá¸Ù 2.¿Æ»ÃС˵ 3.ÔÚÒ£Ô¶µÄδÀ´ 4.ʵÏÖ 5.ıÉú 6.µì¶¨»ù´¡ 7.º£Éú¹ÖÎï 8.×ÅÊÖ×öijÊ 9.½á¹ûÊÇ 10.×Ô´ÓÄÇÌìÆð 11.ÒÔ¡¡Îª¿ªÊ¼ 12.ËÀ»ðɽ 13.¶ø²»ÊÇ 14.ÕÒÑ° 15.Ãε½ 16.²ûÃ÷ijÊ£»Ê¹Ä³ÊÂÏԵ÷dz£Çå³þ 17.ÒýÆðijÈË×¢Òâ 18.ʹ¼õËÙÂýÐÐ 19.Ôڸ߶ÈÉÏ 20.ÇÐËé Sentence patterns & Communicative English 1.Jules spent many years in Paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects. 2.Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr.Benjamin Franklin¡¯s experiments with electricity. 3.By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. 4.He also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time. 5.In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. 6.Dressed in diving suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship. 7.Passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper. 8.But I found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided that I would pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature. 9.While unfinished, he was ugly, but now he was a living horror. 10.Under water travel and space travel have many things in common. Grammar Word-formation Topics &Writing Write a short passage about man¡¯s great dream of creating life. ÓïÑԵ㽲½â 1. The French writer Jules Verne wrote famous books, such as 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 days.·¨¹ú×÷¼ÒÈåÀÕ•·²¶ûÄÉдÁ˺ܶàÖøÃûÊé¼®£¬±ÈÈ硶º£µ×Á½ÍòÀï¡·ºÍ¡¶°ËÊ®Ìì»·ÓεØÇò¡·¡£ £¨1£©Jules Verne ÈåÀÕ•·²¶ûÄÉ¡£·¨¹ú¿Æѧ»ÃÏë¼ÒºÍðÏÕС˵¼Ò¡£ £¨2£©such as ¢Ùlike; for example Ïñ£»ÖîÈ磻ÀýÈç eg: Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.À¼»¨ºÍ±¨´º»¨Ö®ÀàµÄÒ°»¨Ô½À´Ô½ÉÙÁË¡£ ¢Úeverything that·²ÊÇ eg: Such as remains after tax will be yours when I die.ÎÒËÀºóÈ«²¿²Æ²ú³ýÁ˽»Ë°ÒÔÍâÈ«²¿¸øÄã¡£ £¨3£©league n. ¢Ù former measure of distance (about 3 miles or 4.8 km) Àï¸ñ£¨¾Éʱ³¤¶Èµ¥Î»£¬Ô¼3Ó¢Àï»ò4.8¹«À¡£ eg: The horse can run 50 leagues a day. ÕâÆ¥ÂíÒ»ÌìÄÜÅÜ240¹«Àï¡£ ¢Úgroup of people or countries combined for a particular purpose ÁªÃË£»Í¬ÃË eg: The League of Nations is an international organization.¹ú¼ÊÁªÃËÊÇÒ»¸ö¹ú¼Ê×éÖ¯¡£ 2. Try the small science quiz below to see if you know any better. ÊÔÊÔÏÂÃæµÄ¿ÆѧС²âÑ飬¿´¿´ÄãÊÇ·ñÁ˽âµÃ¶àЩ¡£ any better ¸üºÃ any adv. (used with faster, slower, better, etc. , in questions and after if/whether ÓÃÓÚÒÉÎʾäÖУ¬Óëfaster, slower, betterµÈÁ¬Óã»ÓÃÓÚif/whetherÖ®ºó)to any degree; at allÔÚÈκγ̶ÈÉÏ£»Ë¿ºÁ eg: I can¡¯t run any faster. ÎÒÎÞ·¨Åܵøü¿ìÁË¡£ Is your father any better? Ä㸸Ç×ÓÐËùºÃתÁËÂ𣿠3. What is the distance from the earth to the moon? µØÇòµ½ÔÂÇòµÄ¾àÀëÊǶàÉÙ£¿ (1) distance n. [C, U] ¢Ù (amount of) space between two points or places ¾àÀ룻¼ä¾à A good cyclist can cover a distance of over a hundred miles a day.×ÔÐгµÆïµÃºÃµÄÈËÒ»Ìì¿ÉÒÔÐÐʻһ°Ù¶àÓ¢Àï¡£ ¢Údistant place or point Ô¶´¦£»Ô¶·½ eg: At a distance of six miles you can¡¯t see much.¾àÀëÁùÓ¢ÀïÒÔÍâµÄ¶«Î÷ºÜÄÑ¿´Çå¡£ (2) at a distance £¨ÉÔ£©Ô¶´¦£¬±íʾһ¶¨µÄ¾àÀ룬½ü¾àÀë»òÓÃÒÔ˵Ã÷¾ßÌåµÄ¾àÀ룬Æä²»¶¨¹Ú´ÊaÓÐʱ¿ÉÒÔÂÔÈ¥»ò¸ÄÓÃsome¡£ eg: This picture looks better at a distance. Õâ·ù»Ô¶¿´¾ÍºÃЩ¡£ (3) in the distance (far away) ÔÚ£¨½Ï£©Ô¶´¦£¬Ç¿µ÷¾àÀëÖ®Ô¶¡£ eg: They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.ËûÃÇÆÚÍû×Å·¢ÏÖÔ¶´¦µÐÈ˵ļ£Ïó¡£ (4) keep sb. at a distance ÓëijÈ˱£³ÖÒ»¶¨¾àÀ룻²»Ô¸ÓëijÈËÇ×½ü eg: He always keeps anyone at a distance. Ëû×ÜÊDz»Ô¸ÓëÈκÎÈËÇ×½ü£º 4. How fast does a balloon travel? How about an airplane? How about a space shuttle? Ò»Ö»ÆøÇòÄÜ×߶à¿ì£¿Ò»¼Ü·É»úÄØ£¿»¹ÓÐÒ»¼Üº½Ìì·É»úÄØ£¿ (1)ballon ¢Ùn. brightly-coloured rubber bag that is filled with air, used as a child¡¯s toy or a decoration£¨ÓÃ×÷Íæ¾ß»ò×°ÊÎÆ·µÄ£©ÆøÇò eg: They bought their son a lot of balloons yesterday.×òÌìËûÃǸøËûÃǵĶù×ÓÂòÁ˺ܶàÆøÇò¡£ ¢Úv. swell out like a balloon ÈçÆøÇòÒ»°ãÅòÕÍ eg: Her skirt ballooned in the wind. ËýµÄȹ×ÓÈ÷紵µÃ¹ÄÆðÀ´ÁË¡£ ¢Ûgo ballooning ³ËÆøÇò eg: They like to go ballooning at weekends. ËûÃÇÖÜĩϲ»¶³ËÆøÇòÍæ¡£ (2)How/What about ¡£¿¡¡ÔõôÑù£¿³£³£ÓÃÀ´´òÌýÏûÏ¢»òÌá³ö½¨Ò飬Õ÷Çó¶Ô·½Òâ¼û£¬ºó½ÓÃû´Ê£¬´ú´Ê»ò¶¯Ãû´Ê¡£ eg: How about your mother? Does she feel better today?ÄãÂèÂèÔõôÑùÌý£¿Ëý½ñÌì¾õµÃºÃµã¶ùÁËÂ𣿠(3)space shuttle¡ªspacecraft designed for repeated use, eg between earth and a space station or the moon º½Ìì·É»ú£»Ì«¿Õ´©Ëó»ú eg: I have never seen a space shuttle. ÎÒ´Óδ¿´¼û¹ýº½Ìì·É»ú¡£ ֪ʶµã½²½â 1. Fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of the animal as they saw. ÌîдÏÂÒ»Ò³µÄͼ±í²¢°´ËûÃÇ¿´µ½µÄ¶¯ÎïµÄÑù×Ó¸øÄÇÖÖ¶¯Îï×÷Ò»¸öËÙд¡£ sketch n. ¢Ùrough quickly-made drawing, without many detailsËØÃ裻ËÙд£»²Ýͼ ¢Úmake a sketch of ¡ ×÷Ò»¸ö¡¡µÄËÙд eg: He was good at making a sketch of face. ËûÉó¤×÷Ã沿ËØÃè¡£ ¢Ûshort account or description, giving only basic details ¼ò¶ÌµÄ³ÂÊö»òËØÃè ¢Ügive a sketch of ¡¸ÅÊö¡¡ eg: Please give a sketch of your plans. Çë¸ÅÊöÒ»ÏÂÄãµÄ¼Æ»®¡£ 2. description n. describing; picture in words ÃèÊö£»Ãè»æ £¨1£©give sb. a brief description of ¡ÏòijÈ˼òÒªµØÃèÊö¡¡ eg: Can you give me a brief description of what has happened?ÄãÄÜÏòÎÒ¼òÒªÃèÊöÒ»ÏÂËù·¢ÉúµÄÊÂÂ𣿠£¨2£©beyond description ÄÑÒÔÃèÊö eg: Her beauty is beyond description. ËýµÄÃÀòÄÑÒÔÓÃÓïÑÔÀ´ÃèÊö¡£ £¨3£©give/make a description of ¡¶Ô¡¡¼ÓÒÔÃèÊö eg: He made a description of the thief.ËûÃèÊöÁËС͵µÄÄ£Ñù¡£ £¨4£©describe v. say what sb./sth. is like; depict sth. in words ÃèÊöijÈË/ijÊÂÎï¡£³£¹¹³Édescribe sb./sth. (to/for sb.) eg: Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.ÄǾ°É«Ö®ÃÀÄÑÒÔÑÔ´«¡£ 3. Why does Sam need to know the time? ΪʲôÈøÄ·ÐèÒªÖªµÀʱ¼ä£¿ needµÄÓ÷¨Ð¡½á£º £¨1£©need×÷Çé̬¶¯´Ê£¬Í¨³£ÓÃÓÚÒÉÎʾ䡢·ñ¶¨¾ä¡¢Ìõ¼þ¾ä¡¢whether/ifÃû´Ê´Ó¾ä»òº¬·ñ¶¨ÒâÒåµÄ¾ä×ÓÖС£ eg: I do not see why we need discuss it further.ÎÒ¿´ÎÒÃÇûÓбØÒªÌÖÂÛÏÂÈ¥ÁË¡£ That¡¯s all settled. It needn¡¯t be talked about.ÄÇÒÑÈ«²¿½â¾öÁË£¬Ã»ÓбØÒªÔÙÌÖÂÛÁË¡£ £¨2£©needÓÖÊÇʵÒ嶯´Ê£¬¸÷Öֱ仯ºÍÓ÷¨ÓëÆÕͨʵÒ嶯´ÊÏàͬ¡£ eg: ¢ÙThey need a rest after a long walk.³¤¾àÀëÐÐ×ߺóËûÃÇÐèÒªÐÝϢһϡ£ ¢ÚI need you to work for me, young man! С»ï×Ó£¬ÎÒÐèÒªÄãΪÎÒ¹¤×÷£¡ ¢ÛI need to consult a dictionary. ÎÒÐèÒª²é×ֵ䡣 £¨3£©need½Ó¶¯Ãû´ÊÖ÷¶¯ÐÎʽ£¬±íʾ±»¶¯º¬Ò壬Õâʱ¶¯Ãû´ÊºÍÖ÷ÓïÖ®¼äÓж¯±ö¹Øϵ£¬need doing¿Éת»»Îªneed to be done½á¹¹£¬Òâ˼Ïàͬ¡£ My hair needs washing badly.(=My hair needs to be washed badly.)ÎÒµÄÍ··¢·Ç³£ÐèҪϴһϴ¡£ The garden needs watering.(= The garden needs to be watered.)»¨Ô°ÐèҪϴˮ¡£ 4. fiction n. (1)[C] sth. invented or imagined Ð鹹֮ʣ»ÄóÔìµÄ¹ÊÊ eg: The film was very good although it was a fiction.ÕⲿµçÓ°ËäÊôÐé¹¹£¬µ«ºÜºÃ¡£ (2)[U] (branch of literature concerned with) stories, novels and romances £¨×÷ΪÎÄѧ֮һ·ÖÖ§µÄ£©Ð¡Ëµ eg: Truth is often stranger than fiction.ÊÂʵÍùÍù±ÈС˵»¹ÀëÆæ¡£ (3)science fiction ¿Æ»ÃС˵ 5. in the future, in futureÓëin the far future. (1)in the futureÒâ˼ÊÇ¡°½«À´£¬½ñºóµÄʱÆÚ¡±£¬µ«²»Ò»¶¨¾ÍÊÇ´Ó½ñÁ¢¼´¿ªÊ¼£¬¶øÊǽ«À´µÄʱ¼ä¡£ eg: No one can know what will happen in the future.ûÓÐÈË»áÖªµÀ½«À´»á·¢ÉúʲôÊ¡£ (2)in futureÒâ˼ÊÇ¡°´Ó½ñÒÔºó¡±£¨=from now on£©¡£ eg: In future, be careful with your pronunciation. ½ñºóҪעÒâÄãµÄ·¢Òô¡£ (3)in the far future ÔÚÒ£Ô¶µÄδÀ´ eg: It is possible for doctors to find a way to keep us young forever in the far future. ÔÚÒ£Ô¶µÄδÀ´£¬Ò½ÉúÓпÉÄÜÕÒµ½Ò»ÖÖʹÎÒÃÇÓÀÔ¶ÄêÇáµÄ°ì·¨¡£ 6. incomplete adj. not complete²»ÍêÈ«µÄ eg: The passage below is incomplete. Please fill in the blanks using correct prepositions. ÏÂÃæµÄÎÄÕÂÊDz»ÍêÕûµÄ£¬ÇëÓÃÕýÈ·µÄ½é´ÊÌî¿Õ¡£ ×¢£ºincompleteÊÇÔÚcompleteÇ°¼Óº¬·ñ¶¨º¬ÒåµÄǰ׺¡°in-¡°¹¹³ÉµÄ£¬±í´ïÓëcompleteÏà·´µÄº¬Òå¡£ 7. work with sb.Óëwork with sth. (1)work with sb.ÒâΪ¡°ºÍijÈËÒ»µÀ¹¤×÷¡± eg: I like to work with him. ÎÒϲ»¶ºÍËûÒ»¿é¶ù¹¤×÷¡£ (2)work with sth. ÒâΪ¡°´ÓÊ¡¡·½ÃæµÄÑо¿¹¤×÷¡±£¬¡°Ó᡹¤×÷¡± eg: Professor Wang had worked with bees for many years.Íõ½ÌÊÚ¶àÄê´ÓÊÂÃÛ·äµÄÑо¿¹¤×÷¡£ I would rather work with the bigger brush.ÎÒÄþÔ¸ÓÃÄÇ°Ñ´óÒ»µã¶ùµÄË¢×Ӹɻ 8. (1) beat, defeat, winÓëgain ¢ÙbeatºÍdefeatÊôÒ»×éͬÒå´Ê£¬ËüÃǵıöÓï±ØÐëÊÇÈË»òÒ»¸ö¼¯Ì壬Èça team, a class, an school, an army¡£defeatÓÈÖ¸ÔÚÕ½³¡ÉÏ´ò°ÜµÐÈË£»beatÊÇÓÎÏ·¡¢±ÈÈüµÄרÃÅÓôʡ£¶þÕß³£¿É»»¡£ eg: We beat their team by 10 points. ÎÒÃÇÓ®ÁËËûÃǶÓÊ®·Ö¡£ In the end their army was defeat/beaten. ×îºóËûÃǵIJ¿¶Ó±»»÷£¨´ò£©°Ü¡£ ¢ÚwinºÍgainÊôÒ»×éͬÒå´Ê¡£Gain±íʾ»ñµÃÐèÒªÖ®ÎËü³£¸úµÄ±öÓïÓÐone¡¯s living, experience, strength, time, knowledge, attention, respect, admiration µÈ£»win±íʾÔÚ½ÏÇ¿µÄ¾ºÕùÖÐÈ¡µÃʤÀû£¬Ëü³£¸úµÄ±öÓïÓÐgame, war, prize, fame, battleµÈ¡£ eg: We shall gain experience through practice.ÎÒÃǽ«Í¨¹ýʵ¼ù»ñµÃ¾Ñé¡£ They won the battle but lost many men.ËûÃÇÈ¡µÃÁËÕâ´ÎÕ½¶·µÄʤÀû£¬µ«ÎþÉüÁ˺ܶàÈË¡£ (2)beat, hit, strikeÓëtap beat×ÅÖØ¡°Á¬ÐøÐԵػ÷´ò¡±£¬È珴ò»òÌå·££¬Ò²Ö¸ÔÚÓÎÏ·¡¢¾ºÈü»òÕ½ÕùÖл÷°Ü¶Ô·½¡£´ËÍ⣬beat»¹¿ÉÓÃÀ´Ö¸ÐÄÔàµÄÌø¶¯¡£strikeͨ³£±íʾ´òһϣ¬´òÈô¸ÉϵÈÒâ˼£¬²»Ò»¶¨¶¼ÊÇÓÐÒâµÄ£¬»¹¿ÉÖ¸°Õ¹¤£¬£¨ÖÓ£©ÇÃÏìÖ®Òâ¡£hitÖ¸¡°´òÖС±»ò¡°¶Ô×¼¡¡À´´ò¡±£¬×ÅÖØÇôò»ò´ò»÷¶Ô·½µÄijһµã¡£tapÒ»°ãÊǺäºäÅÄ´òµÄÒâ˼¡£ eg: The wheat was beaten down by the rain. Âó×Ó±»ÓêË®´òµÃ·üµ¹ÁË¡£ The stone hit him on the head.ʯͷ»÷ÖÐÁËËûµÄÍ·²¿¡£ It strikes a bug¡¯s back with is forelegs and feelers.Ëü£¨ÂìÒÏ£©ÓÃÇ°ÍȺʹ¥½ÇÇôò³ô³æµÄ±³²¿¡£ It taps on the other¡¯s head with its feelers, using a kind of telegraph code. Ëü£¨ÂìÒÏ£©ÏñʹÓÃÒ»ÖÖµçÂëµÄ·½Ê½Ò»Ñù£¬Óô¥½ÇÇáÇöԷ½µÄÍ·²¿¡£ 9. Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever.Ò½Éú¿ÉÄÜ»áÕÒµ½Ò»ÖÖʹÎÒÃÇÓÀÔ¶±£³ÖÄêÇáµÄ°ì·¨¡£ £¨1£©¡°way¡±ÒâΪ¡°·½Ê½£¬·½·¨¡±£¬ÔÚÆäºóÒªÓÃto do»òof doingµÄÐÎʽ×÷ºóÖö¨Óï¡£ eg: Cao chong thought out a way to weigth/of weighing the elephant.²Ü³åÏë³öÁËÒ»¸ö³ÆÏóµÄ°ì·¨¡£ £¨2£©´ËÍ⣬Èç¹ûwayÖ®ºó¸ú¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÄÇôÕâ¸ö¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÓÃin which»òthatÒýµ¼£¬Ò²¿ÉÊ¡ÂÔ¡£ eg: This was the way that/in which they solved the problem.Õâ¾ÍÊÇËûÃǽâ¾öÄǸöÎÊÌâµÄ°ì·¨¡£ 10. believe sb. Óëbelieve in sb. believe sb.ÏàÐÅijÈË£¨Ëù˵µÄ»°ÊÇÕæµÄ£© believe in sb.ÐÅÈÎijÈË eg: I believe him, but I can¡¯t believe in him.ÎÒÏàÐÅËûµÄ»°ÊÇÕæµÄ£¬µ«ÎÒ²»ÄÜÐÅÈÎËû¡£ Éú´ÊºÍ´Ê×é 1. bulb n. ¢Ù(also light bulb) pear-shaped glass container for the filament of an electric light µçµÆÅÝ eg: If you have time, please change a bulb.Èç¹ûÄãÓÐʱ¼äµÄ»°£¬Çë»»¸öµÆÅÝ¡£ ¢Úthick rounded underground stem of certain plants£¨eg the lily, onion, tulip£© sending roots downwards and leaves upwards. ÁÛ¾¥£»Çò¾¥£¨Èç°ÙºÏ¡¢Ñó´Ð¡¢Óô½ðÏãµÄ¾¥£© eg: We cooked onion bulbs for food. ÎÒÃÇÅëµ÷Ñó´Ð¾¥×÷ΪʳÎï¡£ ¢Ûobject shaped like a bulb Çò×´Îï eg: The bulb of this thermometer is broken.Õâ֧ζȼƵÄÇò×´¶¥¶ËËéÁË¡£ 2. foundation n. ¢Ù[U] act of founding (an institution, organization, etc.) £¨»ú¹¹£¬×éÖ¯µÈµÄ£©½¨Á¢£¬´´Á¢£¬´´°ì eg: He devoted all his energy to the foundation of the university. Ëû°ÑÈ«²¿¾«Á¦¶¼ÖÂÁ¦ÓÚÕâËù´óѧµÄ´´°ì¡£ ¢Ú[C,U] principle, idea or fact on which sth. is based; basis£¨×÷Ϊijʵģ©»ù±¾ÔÔò¡¢Ë¼Ïë»òÊÂʵ£»»ù´¡ eg: This success laid the foundation of his career.Õâ´Î³É¹¦ÎªËûµÄÊÂÒµµì¶¨ÁË»ù´¡¡£ ¢Ûfoundation course »ù´¡¿Î ¢Ü foundation-stone µì»ùʯ ¢Ýfound v.½¨Á¢£¬´´Á¢ ¢Þfounder n. ½¨Á¢Õߣ»µÞÔìÕß 3. servant n. ¢Ùperson who works in sb. else¡¯s household for wages, and often for food and lodging ÆÍÈË£»Ó¶ÈË eg: He had a lot of servants work for him. ËûÈúܶàÆÍÈËΪËû¹¤×÷¡£ ¢Úemployee, esp. a faithful and devoted one ¹ÍÔ±£¨ÓÈÖ¸ÖÒÐĹ¢¹¢µÄ£©£»¹«ÎñÔ± eg: He was a trusted servant of the company. ËûÊÇÕâ¸ö¹«Ë¾ÀïµÄÒ»¸ö¿É¿¿¹ÍÔ±¡£ 4. whale (1)n. any of several types of very large mammal that live in the sea, some of which are hunted for their oil and flesh ¾¨ eg: A whale is not a fish.¾¨²»ÊÇÓã¡£ (2)have a whale of a time£¨Ï°ÓÍæµÃ·Ç³£Óä¿ì eg: The children had a whale of a time at the fairground.º¢×ÓÃÇÔÚÓÎÀÖ³¡ÍæµÃºÜ¸ßÐË¡£ (3)v. hunt whales ²¶¾¨ eg: They are whaling at sea. ËûÃÇÕýÔÚº£Éϲ¶¾¨¡£ (4)whaler n.²¶¾¨£»²¶¾¨µÄÈË 5. hunter n. person who hunts ÁÔÈË£»ËÑË÷Õߣ»ËÑÑ°Õß eg: The hunter lost his way in the forest when he went hunting that day. ÄǸöÁÔÈËÄÇÌìÈ¥´òÁÔµÄʱºòÔÚÉÁÖÀïÃÔÁË·¡£ 6. collision n. [C,U] ¢Ù(instance of) one object or person striking against another; (instance of) colliding; crash£¨ÎïÓëÎï»òÈËÓëÈË£©Ïàײ£¬Åöײ£¬×²»µ ³£¹¹³É£ºcollision with sb./sth. ÓëijÈË/ijÎïÏàײ collision between A and B AÓëBÏàײ eg: The collision between two cars caused 3 deaths. Á½³µÏàײÔì³ÉÈýÈËËÀÍö¡£ ¢Ústrong disagreement; conflict or clash of opposing aims, ideas, opinions, etc.µÖ´¥£»£¨Ïà·´µÄÄ¿µÄ¡¢¿´·¨¡¢Òâ¼ûµÈµÄ£©³åÍ» eg: Her political activities brought her into collision with the law.ËýµÄÕþÖλ´¥·¸ÁË·¨ÂÉ¡£ 7. overboard adv. ¢Ùover the side of a ship or boat into the water ´Ó´¬ÉÏÂ䣨»òÅ×£©ÈëË®ÖУ»ÔÚ´¬Íâ eg: The sailor jumped overboard into the sea. ÄÇλˮÊÖ´Ó´¬ÉÏÌøÈëË®ÖС£ ¢Úgo overboard (about sb./sth.) ¶Ô£¨Ä³ÈË/ijÊ£©¼«¸ÐÐËȤ»ò¹ý·Ö¸ÐÐËȤ eg: He goes overboard about ever young woman he meets.Ëû¶ÔÄêÇáµÄÅ®×Ó¼ûÒ»¸ö°®Ò»¸ö¡£ ¢Ûthrow sth./sb. overboard Å×ÆúijÊÂÎ³ýµô»ò²»ÔÙÖ§³ÖijÈË eg: After heavily losing the election, the party threw their leader overboard.¸Ãµ³²Ò°ÜÂäÑ¡ºó°ÕÃâÁ˵³¿ý¡£ 8. submarine n. naval vessel that can operate underwater welll as on the surface DZˮͧ eg: A submarine travels under the surface of the sea.DZˮͧÔÚº£ÃæÏÂÐÐÊ»¡£ 9. permanent adj. ¢Ùlasting or expected to last for a long time or for ever ÓÀ¾ÃµÄ£»ÓÀºãµÄ£»³¤¾ÃµÄ£»³¤ÆÚµÄ eg: She is looking for permanent employment.ËýÕýÔÚÕҹ̶¨µÄ¹¤×÷¡£ ¢Únot likely to change ²»´ó¿ÉÄܸıäµÄ eg: She wrote down my permanent address. ËýдÏÂÁËÎҵĹ̶¨µØÖ·¡£ 10. guest (1)n. person invited to visit one¡¯s house or being entertained at one¡¯s expense±ö¿Í£»¿ÍÈË eg: We are expecting guests this weekend. ÎÒÃDZ¾ÖÜÄ©ÒªÀ´¿ÍÈË¡£ (2)n. person staying at a hotel, boarding house, etc.סÔÚÂùݡ¢¼ÄËÞ´¦µÈµÄÈË£»ÂÃ¿Í eg: This hotel has accommodation for 500 guests.ÕâÂùÝÄܽӴý500λ¿ÍÈË¡£ (3)¿Í×ù½ÌÊÚ eg: Professor Wang, our guest tonight, will give us a speech on DNA. ÎÒÃǵĿÍ×ù½ÌÊÚÍõ½ÌÊÚ£¬½ñÍíÒª¸øÎÒÃÇ×÷Ò»¸ö¹ØÓÚDNAµÄÑݽ²¡£ (4)v. appear as a guest on a television or radio programme£¨ÔÚµçÊÓ»ò¹ã²¥½ÚÄ¿ÖУ©¿Í´® eg: She often guests on a radio programme.Ëý¾³£ÔÚÒ»¸ö¹ã²¥½ÚÄ¿Öпʹ®¡£ 11. voyage (1)n. long journey, esp. by sea or in space º½ÐУ»£¨ÓÈÖ¸£©º½º££¬º½Ìì eg: They made a voyage across the Atlantic.ËûÃÇ×÷ÁËÒ»´ÎºáÔ½´óÎ÷ÑóµÄº½ÐС£ (2)v. go on a voyage; travel º½ÐУ»º½º££»º½Ìì·ÉÐÐ eg: A plane crashed down when it voyaged through space.Ò»¼Ü·É»ú×÷º½Ìì·ÉÐÐʱ׹»ÙÁË¡£ (3)voyager n. º½ÐÐÕߣ»º½º£Õߣ»º½ÌìÕß 12. aboard adv. On or into a ship, an aircraft, a train or (esp. U.S.) a busÔÚ´¬£¨»ò·É»ú¡¢³µ£©ÉÏ£»ÉÏ´¬£»µÇ»ú eg: We went aboard. ÎÒÃÇÉÏÁË´¬¡£ 13. prisoner n. ¢Ùperson kept in prison, as a punishment or awaiting trial·¸ÈË£»Çô·¸ eg: He was kept as a prisoner.Ëû×÷Ϊһ¸öÇô·¸±»¹ØÁËÆðÀ´¡£ ¢Úperson that has been captured±»×¥ÆðÀ´µÄÈË£»·ý²£»Ê§È¥×ÔÓɵÄÈË eg: You are our prisoner now.ÄãÏÖÔÚÊÇÎÒÃǵķý²ÁË¡£ 14. gentle adj. mild; kind; careful; not rough, violent or severe κ͵ģ»´ÈÏéµÄ£»Ð¡Ðĵģ»ÎÂÈáµÄ£»ÎÄÑŵģ»ÇáÇáµÄ eg: I met a gentle old woman yesterday. ÎÒ×òÌìÓöµ½ÁËÒ»¸ö´ÈÏéµÄÀÏÌ«Ì«¡£ 15. extinct adj. ¢Ù(esp. of a type of animal, etc.) no longer in existence£¨ÓÈָijÖÖ¶¯ÎïµÈ£©²»ÔÙ´æÔڵģ»¾øÖֵģ»Ãð¾øµÄ eg: If we continue to destroy the countryside, many more animals will become extinct. ÎÒÃÇÈô¼ÌÐøÆÆ»µÏç´å»·¾³£¬½«»áÓиü¶àµÄ¶¯Îï¾øÖÖ¡£ ¢Ú(fire or hope) ge out£¨»ð£¬Ï£ÍûµÈ£©Ï¨ÃðÁ赀 eg: The fire was extinct.»ðÃðÁË¡£ 16. layer [¡äleI (r)] n. ¢Ù thickness of material (esp. one of several) laid over a surface or forming a horizontal division²ã£¨ÓÈÖ¸Êý²ãÖ®Ò»£© eg: Several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than a thick one.´©¼¸²ã±¡µÄÒ·þ×ܱȴ©Ò»²ãºñµÄÒ·þůºÍ¡£ ¢Úperson who lays sth. on¡ ÆÌÉèÕß 17. marble (1)n. types of hard limestone used, when cut and polished, for building and sculpture ´óÀíʯ eg: These steps are made of marble. ÕâЩ̨½×ÊÇ´óÀíʯ½¨ÔìµÄ¡£ (2) marbles (pl.) collection of marble sculptures; works of art in marble ´óÀíʯµñ¿ÌÆ·£»´óÀíʯÒÕÊõÆ· (3)adj. like marble Ïñ´óÀíʯµÄ eg: She has marble skin. ËýÓÐ×Å´óÀíʯ°ã¹â½àµÄƤ·ô¡£ 18. paraphrase (1)v. express the meaning of (a piece of writing, statement, etc.) in different words, esp. in order to make it easier to understand½«£¨Ò»¶ÎÎÄ×ֵȣ©ÊÍÒå»òÒâÒ루ÓÈָΪÒ×ÓÚÀí½â£© eg: He paraphrased a speech in colloquial English.ËûÓÃͨË×Ó¢ÓïÒâÒëÁËһƪÑݽ²¸å¡£ (2)n. rewording of a piece of writing, statement, etc. , especially in order to make it easier to understand £¨¶ÔÒ»¶ÎÎÄ×ֵȵģ©ÊÍÒ壬ÒâÒ壨ÓÈָΪÒ×ÓÚÀí½â£© eg: The paraphrase of the sonnet is easy to understand.¸ÃÊ®ËÄÐÐÊ«µÄÒâÒëÒ×ÓÚÀí½â¡£ 19. definition [U] n. stating the exact meaning (of words, etc.)£¨´ÊÓïµÈµÄ£©ÊÍÒå eg: Dictionary writers must be skilled in ther art of definition. ´ÇÊé±à×ëÕß±ØÐ뾫ÓÚ¸ø´ÊÓï϶¨ÒåµÄ¼¼ÇÉ¡£ 20. misbehave v. behave badly or improperly ÐÐΪ²»¶Ë£»¾ÙÖ¹²»µ± eg: She misbehaved. ËýÐÐΪ²»¶Ë¡£ 21. subtitle n. (usu. pl. ͨ³£×÷¸´Êý) (esp. cinema ÓÈÓÃÓÚµçÓ°) words printed on a film that translate the dialogue of a foreign film, give those of a silent film or (on television) supply dialogue for deaf viewers ×ÖÄ» eg: Without the subtitles I would not understand the film.ûÓÐ×ÖÄ»µÄ»°ÎÒ¾ÍÀí½â²»ÁËÕⲿµçÓ°¡£ 22. interchangeable adj. that can be interchanged, esp. without affecting the way in which sth. works ¿É½»»»µÄ£¬¿É»¥»»µÄ£¬¿É½»ÌæµÄ£¨ÓÈÖ¸²»Ó°Ïì²Ù×÷µÄ£© eg: The two words are interchangeable. ÕâÁ½¸öµ¥´ÊÊÇ¿É»¥»»µÄ¡£ 23. underpants n. short undergarment worn by men and boys covering the lower part of the body£¨ÄÐÓã©ÄÚ¿ã eg: He stood there in his underpants. ËûÖ»´©ÄÚ¿ãÕ¾ÔÚÄǶù¡£ 24. study law study Ñо¿£»Ñ§Ï°£»Çóѧ¡£ study lawÒâΪ¡°Ñо¿·¨ÂÉ¡±£¬lawÇ°²»¼Ó¹Ú´Ê£¬ÀàËƵÄÓ÷¨»¹ÓÐstudy medicine¡°Ñо¿Ò½Ñ§¡±¡£ eg: He wanted to study law. ËûÏëѧ·¨ÂÉ¡£ 25. make a livingÓëmake one¡¯s livingÒâΪ¡°Ä±Éú¡±£¬ÕâÀïµÄmakeÒ²¿É»»³Éearn/gain/get¡£ÔÚ±í´ï¡°¿¿×ö¡¡ÒÔıÉú¡±Ö®Òâʱ£¬³£ÓöÌÓïearn/gain/get/make a/one¡¯s living by doing sth./as a¡¡£ eg: Before liberation, her grandfather made a/his living by working for a land owner.½â·ÅÇ°£¬ËýÒ¯Ò¯¿¿¸øÒ»¸öµØÖ÷¸É»îΪÉú¡£ 26. ¡allow man to do things ¡ ¡¡ÔÊÐíÈËÀà×ö¡¡, allow¿É¹¹³ÉÒÔϽṹ£º allow sb. to do sth.¡ú±»¶¯£ºsb. be allowed to do sth. allow doing sth.ÔÊÐí×öijÊ eg: Mother doesn¡¯t allow me to go out at night. ÂèÂè²»ÔÊÐíÎÒÍíÉÏÍâ³ö¡£ They didn¡¯t allow smoking here. Õâ¶ù²»ÔÊÐíÎüÑÌ¡£ ÀàËÆÓ÷¨µÄ¶¯´Ê»¹ÓУºadvise, permit, forbidµÈ´Ê¡£ 27. set outÓëset off (1)set outÒâΪ¡°³ö·¢/Æô³Ì¡±£¬±í´ï¡°¶¯ÉíȥijµØ¡±Ê±Óá°set out for sp.¡±´Ëʱ¿ÉÓë¡°set off for sp.¡±»¥»»¡£ eg: They set out for town at dawn.ËûÃÇÔÚ·÷Ïþ¶¯Éí½ø³ÇÁË¡£ (2)set out to do sth.ÒâΪ¡°¿ªÊ¼×öijÊ¡±¡£ eg: When everything was ready, the doctor set out to perform the operation.Ò»ÇÐ×¼±¸¾ÍÐ÷£¬Ò½Éú¾Í¿ªÊ¼¶¯ÆðÊÖÊõÀ´ÁË¡£ 28. on boardÉÏ´¬£¨»ò·É»ú¡¢»ð³µ¡¢Æû³µµÈ£©£»ÔÚ´¬ÉÏ£¨»ò·É»úÉÏ¡¢»ð³µÉÏ¡¢Æû³µÉÏ£©¡£ eg: As soon as we went on board, our ship left the port.ÎÒÃÇÒ»ÉÏ´¬£¬´¬¾Í³ö¸ÛÁË¡£ 29. from that day on´ÓÄÇÌìÆ𣬡°from+ʱ¼ä+on¡±±íʾ¡°´Ó¡¡Ê±ºòÆ𡱣¬Èç¡°from then/now/1998 on¡±±íʾ¡°´ÓÄÇʱ/ÏÖÔÚ/1998ÄêÆð¡±Ö®Òâ¡£¿ÉÓëÏÖÔÚ¡¢¹ýÈ¥¡¢½«À´µÄʱ̬Á¬Óᣠeg: From then on she knew she would win. ´ÓÄÇʱÆðËý¾ÍÖªµÀËý½«È¡Ê¤¡£ 30. defend ¡ against/from ¡±£»¤/±£ÎÀ/·ÀÓù¡¡µÖÓù/ÃâÔâ eg: The soldiers defended their country against enemies.սʿÃDZ£ÎÀËûÃǵÄ×æ¹úµÖÓùµÐÈË¡£ It is the nature of a mother to defend her child from harm.±£»¤×Ô¼ºµÄº¢×Ó²»ÊÜÉ˺¦ÊÇÒ»¸öĸÇ×µÄÌìÐÔ¡£ ͬ¡¢½üÒå´Ê±æÎö 1. electricÓëelectrical (1)electricµçµÄ£»ÓõçµÄ£»´øµçµÄ£»·¢µçµÄ an electric current/torch/iron µçÁ÷/µçͲ/µçìÙ¶· eg: He bought an electric torch yesterday.×òÌìËûÂòÁËÒ»¸öÊÖµçͲ¡£ (2)electrical¹ØÓÚµçµÄ electrical engineeringµç»ú¹¤³Ìѧ eg: He majored in electrical engineering in the college.ËûÔÚ´óѧÀïÖ÷ÐÞµç»ú¹¤³Ìѧ¡£ 2. discover, find outÓëinvent (1)discoverÖ¸¡°·¢ÏÖ¡±Ä³ÖÖ±¾À´´æÔÚ£¬¶øÒÔǰδ±»·¢ÏÖµÄÊÂÎï»òδΪÈËËùÖªµÄ¶«Î÷¡£ (2)find out³£ÓÃÀ´Ö¸¡°ÅªÃ÷°×¡¢¸ãÇå³þ¡¢²é³ö£¨Ä³Ò»ÕæÏࣩ¡±£¬×ö¡°·¢ÏÖ¡±½²Ê±£¬ÊÇÖ¸·¢ÏÖÒ»ÖÖÎÞÐζøÒþ²ØµÄ¶«Î÷¡£ (3)invent±í¡°·¢Ã÷¡±Ö®Ò⣬Òâ˼ÊÇ·¢Ã÷³öÒÔǰûÓеĶ«Î÷£¬ÍùÍùÊÇÎïÖÊÐԵĶ«Î÷¡£ eg: Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb.¼ª²®ÌØ·¢ÏÖÁ˵磬¶ø°®µÏÉú·¢Ã÷Á˵ÆÅÝ¡£ Think over and you¡¯ll find out that you are wrong.×ÐϸÏëÏ룬Äã¾Í»á·¢ÏÖÄã´íÁË¡£ 3. insteadÓëinstead of insteadÊǸ±´Ê£»instead ofΪ½é´Ê¶ÌÓºó½ÓÃû´Ê£¬´ú´Ê£¬¶¯Ãû´Ê»ò½é´Ê¶ÌÓ´Ó¾äµÈÐÎʽ¡£Ò»°ãÇé¿öÏ£¬º¬ÓÐinstead ofµÄ¾ä×Ó¿ÉÒÔ¸ÄдΪº¬ÓÐinsteadµÄ¾ä×Ó¡£ eg: He stayed in bed all day instead of going to school. =He didn¡¯t go to school. Instead, he stayed in bed all day.ËûûȥÉÏѧ£¬¶øÊÇÔÚ´²ÉÏÌÉÁËÒ»ÕûÌì¡£ I didn¡¯t drink water. I drank juice instead. =I drank juice instead of water. ÎÒûÓкÈË®£¬¶øÊǺȵĹûÖ¡£ 4. late, lately, latest, laterÓëlatter (1)lateÖ¸±ÈÔ¤ÁϵĻòÕý³£µÄʱ¼äÍí¡£ eg: I was late for work again.ÎÒÉÏ°àÓÖ³Ùµ½ÁË¡£ (2)lately¡°½üÀ´¡±£¬³£ÓÃÓÚÒÉÎʾ䣬·ñ¶¨¾ä£¬»òÓëonlyÁ¬ÓûòÓÃÓÚas lately asÖС£¿Ï¶¨¾äÖÐÓÃrecently¡£ eg: Have you seen her lately?Äã×î½ü¿´µ½¹ýËýÂ𣿠(3)latest adj.¡°×î½üµÄ¡±¡¢¡°×îеġ± eg: Have you got the latest news about him? ÄãÓÐËû×î½üµÄÏûÏ¢Â𣿠(4)later¡°ºóÀ´¡±£¬¡°½ÏÍíµÄʱºò¡±£¬Ò²¿ÉºÍ¶Îʱ¼äÁ¬Ó㬱íʾ´Ó¹ýÈ¥»ò½«À´Ä³Ò»Ê±¼äÆ𣬶೤ʱ¼äÒÔºó¡£ eg: Later the boy found his mother. ºóÀ´ÄǸöÄк¢ÕÒµ½ÁËËûÂèÂè¡£ (5)latterÓÃÀ´±íʾÁ½ÊÂÎïÖ®¼äµÄ˳Ðò£¬ÒâΪ¡°ºóÒ»¸ö/ºóÕß¡±£¬Óëthe former£¨Ç°Õߣ©Ïà¶Ô¡£ eg: Of these two men the former is dead, but the latter is still alive.´Ë¶þÈËÖÐÇ°ÕßÒÑËÀ£¬µ«ºóÕßÈÔ»î×Å¡£ 5. at the beginningÓëin the beginning (1)at the beginningͨ³£½Óof¶ÌÓ±íʾ¡°ÔÚ¡¡³õ¡±£¬¡°ÔÚ¡¡¿ªÊ¼µÄʱºò¡±£¬ËüµÄ·´Òå¶ÌÓïÊÇat the end of¡£ eg: Great changes took place at the beginning of the century.ÔÚÄǸöÊÀ¼Í³õ·¢ÉúÁ˾޴óµÄ±ä»¯¡£ (2)in the beginning±íʾ¡°Æð³õ¡±£¬¡°¿ªÊ¼µÄʱºò¡±£¬²»Óëof½é´Ê¶ÌÓïÁ¬Óᣵ«at the beginningż¶ûÒ²¿Éµ¥¶ÀʹÓã¬ÔÚÒâ˼ÉÏÓëin the beginningÇø±ð²»´ó¡£ eg: In the beginning nobody took any notice of his words.Æð³õûÈËÀí²ÇËûµÄ»°¡£ 6. finally, at lastÓëin the end (1)finallyÒ»°ãָһϵÁÐÊÂÎï»òÂ۵㰴ÅÅÁеÄ×îºóÒ»ÏîÄÚÈÝ£¬»òÓÃÔÚ¶¯´ÊÇ°£¬±íʾµÈÁ˺þò |
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