英语一轮复习讲稿Units 15&16, Book I

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I. 词汇
A. 单词:dormitory; explain; recognize; surely; diamond; jewellery; franc; continue; lovely; debt; precious; positive; attend; earn; besides; ball; lecture; silly; author; outline; quality; experiment; glove; gas; liquid; advantage; disadvantage; application; engine; nuclear; comfort; unnecessary; successful; conduct; lightning; thunderstorm; string; charge; electric; shock; prove; tear; frame; handkerchief; control; sharp; foot; fasten; sense; shampoo; skin; drug; activist; doubt; cruel; view; conclusion
B. 短语:call on; bring back; day and night; pay off; at most; act out; a number of; a great number of; pick out; test on; bring out; try on; come up with; take care; dream of doing; build up; concentrate on; belong to; set free; end up
II. 重点精讲
A. 重点单词
1. explain:用作动词,主要义项有:解释;说明(原因)。作及物动词,后面可跟名词、复合宾语、动词不定式和宾语从句作宾语。
注意:表示“向某人解释某事”时,sb.前必须使用介词to,即explain to sb. sth. /explain sth. to sb.。
Eg. He explained the outline of his plan to us.
2. recognize:用作动词,有以下义项:认出;承认;分辨出。
Eg. Do you recognize (=make out) his handwriting?
注意:recognize, realize和know的区别:recognize=know again; make out“认出;分辨出”;realize=come to know“意识到”;know“认识”
3. charge:可用作动词和名词。主要义项有:要价;向某人收费;记帐;谴责;命令;充电;管理;照顾;收费。
Eg. They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee.
Please charge the money to my account.
He charged me with being irresponsible.他谴责我不负责任。
注意:in charge of“管理”和in the charge of…“……在某人的管理下”的区别。
Eg. I’ll be in charge of the whole factory next week, when the director is away.
The patient is in the charge of that doctor.
常用短语还有:free of charge“免费的”;take charge of“担任;管理”
4. comfort:表示“舒适;安慰”时为抽象名词,表示“令人感到安慰的人或事”时为可数名词。
Eg. He lives in great comfort. 他生活极为舒适。
It is a comfort to know that she is safe. 得知她平安无事,是一个安慰。
comfortable adj. 舒服的。
Eg. The chair is comfortable to sit in.
B. 重点短语
1. call on:号召, 呼吁, 邀请, 访问, 指派, 要(学生)回答问题
Eg. I’ll now call on Tom to answer.= I’ll now call on Tom for an answer.
相关归纳:(1)call at参观、拜访某地(2)call for要求;需要;去接某人;去拿某物
Eg. This work calls for immediate action.
I’ll call for you at 6 o’clock and we’ll go to the cinema together.
(3)call up打电话;使想起;使回忆起
Eg. The music calls up old times.这音乐使人回忆起旧日时光。
(4)call in;请;要求退回;收回
Eg. The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults.
(5)call off决定取消;下令停止
Eg. The football match was called off because of the heavy rain.
(6)call back叫回;再度访问;回电话
Eg. I was about to leave when he called me back.我刚要离开,他把我叫了回来。
2. pick out:精心挑选;辨别出;
相关归纳:(1)pick at申诉;指责;吃一点点
Eg. His mother picked at him for being lazy.
(2)pick on选择某人
Eg. The teacher always picked on me to answer a hard question.
(3)pick up拾起;让乘客上车;驾车接某人;恢复;偶然得到;接收广播
Eg. It’s easy for my radio to pick up VOA English.
He picked up some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.
(4)pick over慎重地调查;仔细地检查
Eg. He picked over a basket of apples.
3. pay off:还清(债务等)付清, 报复, 赢利
相关归纳:(1)pay back偿还(2)pay for付款;受到报应
Eg. You’ll have to pay for your crime.你将为你的罪行受到惩罚。
4. bring out:使显示, 出版, 生产, 说出
Eg. Difficulties can bring out a person’s best qualities.困难可以显现一个人的最佳品质。
相关归纳:(1)bring up抚养;提出;呕吐
Eg. He was ill and brought up his dinner.
(2)bring down使价格降低(3)bring about引起;导致=cause to happen
Eg. What brought about the forest fire?
(4)bring in引进;赚取(5)bring forward提出;提议
Eg. Now I’d like to bring forward the question of funds.我现在提出资金的问题。
(6)bring back带回;使忆起
Eg. The landscape brought back my hometown which I had left five years before.
注意:bring out在表示“出版”的意思时,相当于publish,为及物动词短语。而短语come out表示“出版”的意思时,为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。
Eg. When does John’s new book come out.
C. 必背句型
1. That’s …引导的表语从句结构:在该句型结构中,that’s…后面可以用why“那是为什么……”,how“那是如何……”,because“那时因为……”,where“那是……地方”,when“那时……时候”,what“那是……的”。
2. 表示“价值;花费”的句型:(1)be worth +money, sth. +cost +money的意思相同,表示“某样东西什多少钱”,而sth. cost sb. +money表示“某种东西花了某人多少钱”的意思。
Eg. How much did it cost to build the bridge?
Such difficult job costs a lot of time and effot.
表示“花费”的句型还有:sb. +spend +money/time +on sth./(in) doing sth.; sb. +pay money +for sth.; It takes sb. some time to do sth.; pay money for sth.; buy sth. for money
(2)be worth doing表示“……值得……”,需要用主动形式表示被动意义。
Eg. This book is well worth reading.
3. 祈使句+and/then/or/otherwise+陈述句结构:用and, then表示递进关系,“那么”的意思;
Eg. Work hard, and you’ll be successful in time.= If you work hard, you’ll…
Eg. Get ready or/ otherwise you won’t pass the test. = If you don’t get ready, you won’t… =Unless you get ready, you won’t …
4. to do作表语的句型结构:be to do结构可以用来表示安排、命令、职责、用途、命中注定要发生的动作等。
Eg. You are to be back by 10 o’clock.
I am to inform you that the meeting will be held in Hangzhou.
They were never to meet again.
III. 疑难突破
1. go on doing, go on to do, go on with, continue
go on doing sth.指继续做同一件事。
go on to do sth.指接着做另外一件事。
go on with sth.指继续同一件事,此时with后能接名词、代词,不能跟v.-ing形式。
continue继续同一件事,也可以是另一件事。该词有以下用法:a. continue +n; b. continue doing/to do; c. continue (to be) +adj.
(1). The rain _____ for three days.
(2). They _____ their game after lunch.
(3). He _____ writing/to write late into the night.
(4). The weather _____ (=remains) cold.
(5). After a short rest, they _____ working.
(6). After finishing the words, they _____ to go over the text.
(7). Einstein _____ his research.
2. take care, take care of
take care of“爱护;照顾”,后跟名词或代词,不可单独使用。
Take care“小心;注意”,后面可以跟动词不定式,也可以跟that从句。
注意:watch out和look out也有“当心;注意”的意思,但用法不同。这两个短语可以单独使用,表示警告,另外也可以构成watch out for…/look out for…表达“注意,留意”的意思。
(1). _____ that you don’t spoil your clothes.
(2). _____ not to drop it!
(3). She stayed at home to _____ the baby.
(4). ______ for a tall man in a black hat.
(5). ______! The train is coming!




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