英语一轮复习讲稿Units 19&20, Book I

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I. 词汇
A. 单词:protection; technique; irrigation; pump; seed; technical; import; production; method; root; insect; tobacco; golden; tie; discovery; garden; gardening; gardener; wisdom; practical; guide; firstly; sow; condition; soil; weed; remove; sunflower; humour; humourous; bitter; chalk; couple; minister; circus; intend; stage; nationality; certain; amuse; laughter; accent; actually; typical; tradition; rapid; appreciate; exist; phrase; suffer; operate; direction; brake; cyclist; fortunately; bicycle; silence; rude; confuse; confused
B. 短语:depend on; and so on; make fun of; date back; make use of; drive off; be on good; terms with sb.; look on… as; take notes of; stand for; go against; year after year; in the direction of; in surprise; to one’s joy
II. 重点精讲
A. 重点单词
1. condition:可以用作动词和名词。主要义项有:条件;状况;状态;决定;调整状态。用作名词表示“条件”时可以构成以下短语:on condition that在……条件下;
Eg. We’ll let you use the room on condition that you keep it clean and tidy.
on this/ that/ no/ what condition在这种(那种,没有的,什么)条件下。
Eg. You should on no condition visit that place.
表示“状态”时可以构成的短语有:in good condition情况良好;
Eg. My car is old but in good condition.
in/ out of condition健康状况良好(不佳)
Eg. He is not in a condition to make a long trip.
注意:比较相似词语:situation形势,局势;state状态(Matter has three states.);surrounding环境
2. intend:用作动词,主要有“意欲;打算”“原本是要……;原意要……(常用于被动语态)”等义项。主要用法有:(1)intend to do
Eg. He intends to study abroad next year.
(2)intend sb. to do
Eg. He intends his son to manage the company.
(3)intend that…
Eg. He intends that the plan should be put into practice within a year.= He intends the plan to be put into practice within a year.
(4)be intended for/ as
Eg. This dictionary is intended for children.
(5)be intended to do
Eg. This was intended to be a picture of a cat.
注意:intend to do和mean to do有相同的用法。
Eg. I’ve made a mistake, though I didn’t intend to/ mean to.我错了,虽然我不愿意。
3. suffer:用作动词,主要义项有:受苦;患病;遭受;忍受等。表示“因……而遭罪,患……病”时,使用suffer from短语。
Eg. He is suffering from a bad cold.
The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake.
4. operate:用作动词,主要义项有:运转;操作;起作用;经营;管理;动手术。名词operation手术,操作;operator操作员,接线员。
注意:operate在表示“操作;管理;经营”时,为及物动词,同义词有:run, manage等;表示“手术”时为不及物动词,跟宾语时需使用介词on。
B. 重点短语
1. go against:反对, 违反, 不利于
相关归纳:(1)go ahead进步;前进;可以
Eg. He is going ahead fast.
(2)go away离开;走开
Eg. Did you go away or stay at home in the vacation.
(3)go by走过;时间流逝
Eg. Several years went by before we met again.
(4)go down下降;落下;平静下来
Eg. The wind has gone down a little.
(5)go in for从事;参加
Eg. He goes in for sports every day.
(6)go off离去;进展;变坏;熄掉
Eg. The meeting went off very well.
The milk has gone off.
(7)go over调查;复习(8)go through经过;经历;调查
Eg. She went through the room but couldn’t find the missing ring.
注意:go还可以用作连系动词,构成短语:go bad“变质”;go hungry“挨饿”;go mad“发疯”。
2. make fun of:取笑
相关归纳:(1)make use of利用=make the best of
Eg. You should make use of this chance.
(2)make sure of弄准确
Eg. Will you make sure of his return?
3. look on… as把……看着。同义词组:think of…as…;regard…as…;treat…as…
相关归纳:(1)look on旁观
Eg. Two men were fighting while people looked on.
(2)look forward to希望;盼望
Eg. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
(3)look into往里看;调查
Eg. The committee is looking into the cause of the accident.
(4)look over瞭望;越过……看;检查
Eg. The secretary looked over the letters quickly.
(5)look through浏览;审查
Eg. I have to look through my notebooks for the exam.
4. stand for:代表, 代替, 象征, 支持, 做...的候选人
注意:此处的“代表”为“表示……意思”。如果表示“代表某人做某事”要使用on behalf of。
相关归纳:(1)stand alone孤立;卓越
Eg. She stands alone among her classmates.
(2)stand by站在一边;旁观;支持
Eg. Please remember I’ll stand by you whatever happens.
(3)stand out突出;引人注目;杰出
Eg. They were all attractive, but she stood out from the others.
C. 必背句型
1. 并列和伴随:并列成分表示几个动作接连发生,有先后顺序,并列成分的形式要一致;伴随状语则表示伴随动作和谓语动作同时发生。
(1) 并列谓语:He collected information, studied it, did experiments and learnt from the experiences of farmers.
(2) 并列状语:The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebody’s way of dressing or telling an amusing story.
(3) 并列主语:You can feel what it is like to live in space, walk on the ocean floor or ski with polar bears at the North Pole.
(4) 伴随状语:A few minutes later everybody is quiet, listening and thinking about the comedians’ words.
2. not…but…与not only…but also…
Eg. She drives not carefully but slowly.
not only…but also…的意思是“不仅……而且……”,当not only位于句首时,该句应该使用倒装语序。
Eg. Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment.
当not… but…和not only…but also…连接两个名词或代词作主语时,主谓一致遵循就近一致的原则。
III. 疑难突破
1. way, method, means
way可指一般的方法,也可指个人的或特殊的方法或方式。如:生活方式way of life。另外,当way作先行词时,定语从句引导词可以是in which也可以是that,也可以不用引导词。常用短语:in this way用这种方式;by the way顺便说;in a way在某种程度上;in no way决不;in the way妨碍某人;lose one’s way迷路;on the/one’s way在路上;make one’s way前进。
means指具体的“方法、手段、工具”,其单复数相同。常用短语:by this means用这种方式;by all means无论如何;by means of以……方式;by no means一点也不。
(1). I think this is the best _____ to deal with the waste.
(2). Now teaching the text is done in a very lively _____ in English classes.
(3). He introduced the Western _____ of teaching in class.
(4). Follow her _____ of cooking.
(5). Every possible _____ has/ All possible _____ have been adopted.
2. create, invite, discover, find, find out
find out“查明真相;弄清”,同义词为make sure。
(1). The idea that God _____ the world is wrong.
(2). Thomas Edison _____ the first small electric lamp.
(3). They never _____ how to open the box.
(4). I was surprised when I _____ you in the bus.
(5). Did you _____ the book you lost?
(6). Please _____ who broke into the house last night.




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