新目标八年级Unit 6 I'm more outgoing than my sister.

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  ◆ more         adv. (比......) 更,更多的,更大的
  ◆ than         conj. 比
  ◆ calm         adj. (心情) 镇静的,无忧虑的
  ◆ wild         adj. 卤莽的, 轻率的
  ◆ intellectual     adj. 用脑筋的,有智力的,聪明的
  ◆ athletic       adj. 体格健美的, 体格强健的
  ◆ both         pron. 二者,两者都
  ◆ popular       adj. 受欢迎的,流行的,通俗的
  ◆ schoolwork      n. 学业,功课
  ◆ laugh         v. 笑,发笑
  ◆ opposite       adj. 对立的,相反的
  ◆ view         n. 观点,想法,态度
  ◆ interest       n. 兴趣,爱好
  ◆ though        conj. 虽然,既然,纵然
  ◆ be good at       擅长,善于,在......做得好
  ◆ twin sister      双胞胎姐妹
  ◆ in some ways      在某些方面
  ◆ look the same      看上去一样
  ◆ look different     看上去不同
  ◆ enjoy doing sth     喜欢做某事
  ◆ more than        多于,超过
  ◆ between...and...    在......和......之间
  ◆ as...as...       和......一样
  ◆ lots of        =a lot of  许多, 大量的
  ◆ a little         一点儿(修饰比较级,表示 "更......一点儿" )
  ◆ the same as       和......相同
  ◆ make sb. do sth.     使某人做某事
  ◆ like to do sth.     喜欢做某事
  ◆ be important for sb.  对某人重要
  ◆ be different from   和...... 不同
  ◆ stay at home      呆在家里

  1) 形容词的作用
   Our school looks very beautiful. (表语)
   There are fifty students in our class, so we need a big classroom. (定语)
   Doing morning exercises can make us healthy. (宾语补足语)
  2) 形容词的级别
   在形容词原级后面加上er就成为比较级,在原级后加上est就成为最高级。 一般的单音节形容词直接加er或est,词尾是不发音字母e的只加r或st,重读闭音节应双写词尾辅音字母再加er或est,如:
  多音节的形容词比较级应在前面加上more,最高级应在前面加上most, 如:
   important—more important—most important,
   difficult—more difficult—most difficult。
   有些特殊的形容词有自己的变化规律, 如:
   good/well—better—best, bad/badly—worse—worst,
   many/much—more—most,  little—less—least,
   The weather in Shanghai is hotter than that in Beijing.
   Which subject is more important, English or math?
   英语和数学, 哪个学科更重要?
   The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.
   The third truck carries the most books of all.
   两个人或物比较时,如果只说明两者相同或不同,则可使用as...as...句型,否定句为not as (so)...as...句型,这里形容词仍使用原级,如:
   Mr. Green is as old as Mr. Brown.    
   Mr. Green is not as (so) old as Mr. Brown.  
  ear, subway, headache, hardly, go camping, nose, neck, sore throat, train, stomachache, often, babysitting, go sightseeing, shoulder, arm, fever, backache, sports camp, never, boat, plane, go bike riding, sometimes, always, bus
  Parts of body(人体部分):
  _______  ________  _________  _________  _________
  Conveyance(交通工具 ):
  ________  ________  _________  ________  _________
  Illness and discomforts(疾病和疼痛):
  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________
  Frequency adverbs( 频率副词):
  _________  _________  _________  ________  _________
  Vacation activities( 假日活动 ):
  _________  _________  _________  _________  _________
  (  ) 1. The girl isn’t short. She is __________ than before.
  A. short     B. tall       C. taller    D. shorter
  (  ) 2. Li Ming and Lin Tao _________ black eyes.
  A. has      B. have both    C. both have  D. both has
  (  ) 3. John is ___________ than Peter.
  A. funnier    B. fun        C. funny     D. more funny
  (  ) 4. My sister is __________ more outgoing than me.
  A. more     B. most       C. a little   D. little
  (  ) 5. Her grandfather ___________ fishing on weekends.
  A. likes going  B. like going   C. likes go   D. like to go
  (  ) 6. I __________ a movie this Sunday.
  A. watch     B. watches     C. watching   D. am watching
  (  ) 7. A: Can you go to the concert with us?
       B: ________.
  A. I’d love to B. I’d like    C. I’d love  D. I’d like to
  (  ) 8. I _______ a primary school student two years ago.
  A. am       B. was       C. be      D. were
  (  ) 9. He likes to do the same things _______ me.
  A. in       B. on        C. like     D. as
  (  )10. Maria is a student. ________ is good at swimming.
  A. He       B. She       C. We      D. I
  1. we, like, both, the, doing, same, things
  2. Tom, has, than , Sam, shorter, hair
  3. on, We're, Wednesday, tennis, playing, with, school , the ,team
  4. Tim, usually, school, subway, to, takes, the
  5. do, how,  often, exercise, you?
  四. 根据句意,选择方框内所给的词语填空。
tired   staying  walk   heavier  funny 
bicycle  love    lesson  leaving  concert
  1. How long are you ________ in Miami?
  2. Are you ________? No, I’ m hungry.
  3. I live next to the school. I always ________ to school.
  4. Peter eats all the time. He is really ________ than everyone in our class.
  5. Lisa is so _______. She always makes everyone laugh.
  6. Mary rides her _______ to school everyday.
  7. Can you study with me? Yes, I’d _______ to.
  8. Today I have a piano _______. So I can’t go shopping with you.
  9. When are you ________ home?
  10.Can you go to the pop ________ with me?
  五. 用比较级填空 
 1. Who is ___________( heavy), Wang Lin or Lin Tao?
 2. Mr Green is ______________( serious) than Mr Brown.
 3. The sun is ______________( big) than the earth.
 4. Unit 4 is ____________________( difficult) than Unit 5.
 5. My mother is __________ (young) than your mother is.
 6. Which country is _________( large) , China or Japan?
7. Mary has _________( long) hair than Betty.
8. It’s ________( hot) in summer in Beijing than that in Dalian.
 9. Miss Yang is ___________ ( calm) than Miss Li.
 10. You are __________________( athletic) than Jim.
六. 完成句子 
  1. 他多长时间拜访祖父母一次?他每月拜访祖父母3到4次。
    How ________does he visit his grand parents? 
    He _______his grandparents ____________or ______ _______a month.
  2. 我姐姐和我一样。我们都很外向。
    My sister is the __________ ________ me. We are both___________.
  3. 我们应该每天打扫教室。
    We should __________ our _______________ every day.
  4. 小明擅长游泳.
    Xiao Ming is ______ _____ ______.
  5. 你看上去和你的妹妹长得一样.你们是双胞胎吗?
    You and your sister ______ ______ ______ . Are you twins?
  七. 写作
  intellectual, popular, outgoing, athletic, polite (有礼貌的), funny
  Yesterday on my way home I met a classmate of mine. We were in a primary school two years ago. I found he / she was much taller than before.
  Parts of body(人体部分):
  ear  nose  neck  shoulder  arm 
  subway  train  boat  plane  bus 
  Illness and discomforts(疾病和疼痛):
  headache  sore throat  stomachache  fever  backache 
  Frequency adverbs(频率副词):
  hardly  often  never  sometimes  always
  Vacation activities(假日活动):
  go camping  babysitting  go sightseeing  sports camp  go bike riding
  1. C  2. C  3. A  4. C  5. A  6. D  7. A  8. B  9. D  10. B
  1. C,根据题意,又than经常与比较级连用。
  2. C,both与实义动词连用时,必须放在实义动词的前面。
  3. A,than经常与比较级连用, funny以辅音字母加y 结尾,应去掉 y 加上ier.
  4. C,a little可以用来修饰比较级,这儿的a little more outgoing than me意思是:比我外向一点儿。
  5.A,根据on weekends, 本题为一般现在是,主语是第三人称单数,动词用 likes,like doing sth和go fishing都是固定用法.
  6. D,用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作.
  7. A,表示很高兴接受别人的邀请时,常说: I'd love to.  意思是:我很乐意......
  8. B,two years ago 是一般过去时的时间状语。
  9. D,the same as 是固定用法,表示: 和......一样.
  10. B,Maria(玛丽亚)是女孩子的名字.
  1. We both like doing the same things.
  2. Tom / Sam has shorter hair than Sam / Tom.
  3. We're playing tennis with the school team on Wednesday.
  4. Tim usually takes the subway to school.
  5. How often do you exercise?
  1. staying  2. tired  3. walk   4. heavier  5. funny
  6. bicycle  7. love  8. lesson  9. leaving  10. concert
  1. How long 经常与延续性动词连用,又根据in Miami, 不能选leaving.
  2. 根据题中的hungry, 其它的形容词与hungry不能形成对照的关系.
  3. walk, next to school意思是:紧挨着学校.
  4. heavier, all the time意思是:总是,一直.
  5. funny, make sb. laugh意思是:逗某人大笑.
  6. bicycle, ride her bicycle, 动词短语:骑自行车.
  7. love, 表示很高兴接受别人的邀请时,常说: I'd love to. 意思是:我很乐意.
  1. heavier  2. more serious  3. bigger  4. more difficult  5. younger
  6. larger  7. longer     8. hotter  9. calmer      10. more athletic
  1. often, visits, three, four times
  2. same as, outgoing
  3. clean, classroom 
  4. good at swimming
  5. look the same
  1. often, 每月拜访祖父母3到4次,表示频度用how often. 第一句中动词是does, 时态应该一致.
  2. the same as和......相同,是固定短语.
  4. be good at 擅长于......, at 是介词,后接动名词.
  5. look the same 看上去一样,是固定短语.
   Yesterday on my way home I met a classmate of mine. We were in a primary school two years ago. Her name is Zhou Yan. I found she was much taller than before. She told me that she liked playing tennis. She was on the school team and she was very poplar in her school. So she looked more athletic than before. Then she told me that she studied well in her class. All her classmates and teachers said she was very intellectual. We talked for a long time. We talked a lot. She told me a lot of funny stories of her. I thought she was more outgoing and polite than before. At last we decided that we would play tennis together next Sunday.
  Section A
  Conversation 1
  A: Is that Sam? !
B: No, that's Tom. Sam has longer hair than Tom.
C: Yes, and Tom's calmer than Sam.
  Conversation 2
  A: That's Tara, isn't it?
B: No, it isn't. It's Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she's also wilder.
  Conversation 3
  A: Is that Paul?
B: No, that's Pedro. Pedro's heavier than Paul. And Paul’s shorter than Pedro.
  Interviewer: Tina, do you think you are different from Tara?
Tina: Oh, sure. We're very different. I'm funnier than Tara. And I'm more outgoing. Let's see, what else? Oh, I'm more athletic, too.
Interviewer: So, Tara, are you more serious than Tina?
Tara: I guess so. I'm smarter than Tina. And I'm quieter.
  Section B
  2a and 2b:
  Interviewer: Who is your best friend, Holly?
Holly: Pete.
Interviewer: Why is he a good friend?
Holly: Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He's popular,
too, and he's good at sports.
Interviewer: Are you good at sports, too?
Holly: Well, I like sports, but Pete's more athletic than I. I'd say
we're both pretty outgoing, though.
Interviewer: What else do you like about Pete?
Holly: He's funnier than I am, and he's wilder. I'm a little quieter.
Interviewer: How about you, Maria? Who's your best friend?
Maria: My best friend is Vera.
Interviewer: What do you like about her?
Maria: Well, she's a good listener, and she keeps secrets-that's
important to me.
Interviewer: Is she a lot like you?
Maria: Some people say that we look alike. We're both tall, and we both
have long, curly hair. But Vera is much quieter than I, and she's
also smarter. I'm more outgoing.




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