人教版 2005-2006年度高考复习教案 Unit 3 Book1A

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2005-2006年度高考复习教案 Unit 3 Book1A
Unit 3 Going places
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Key words: consider, means, experience, normal
2. Important phrase{}s: get away from, watch out, protect, on (the ) one hand…, on the other hand…
3. Classic Patterns: as well adv. 也; as well as 不仅。。。。。。而且。。。。。;主语+be+ adj. + 不定式
4. Differences between words and phrases:
1) special/especial/ particular
2) vocation / holiday / leave
3) separate / divide
5. Grammar: Present continuous used for future
6. Communicative phrases:
Will and plans; wishes
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Have a dictation of the words and expressions.
Step 2 Translate the following sentences with the words and expressions in the text.
Step 3. Key words:
Sb.(sth) + adj. /n
1)consider认为 v。+ sb.(sth.) + to be…/ to have done
Sb.(sth.)+ as…
doing sth.
2) consider (考虑)+ 疑问+ to do sth.
1) 把。。。。。。当作:consider… as = think of … as;= look on… as = take… as= regard …as = treat… as= have… as
2.means n.手段;方法(单复数同形);与way,method同义。注意以下搭配:
to do sth。
a way of doing sth 做……的办法/方法
a method of dong sth.
in this way
with the method 用这种/些方法/方式
by this/these means
by means of用……方法
by no means决不(用于句首时用倒装语序)
◆There are/is no means of getting there.没有办法到那里去。
◆The methods of teaching are in need of improving.这种教学方法有待改进
◆This is the best way to solve the problem。这是解决这一问题的最好方法。
3.experience n.(1)[C]经历;阅历;体会
◆He can't forget his experiences in Africa.他忘不了在非洲的经历。
◆learn by experience从经验中学习2)[u]经验;体验纯经受,体验,感受
◆have much teaching(working)experience教学(工作)经验丰富
4.normal n.正常 adj.正常的,标准的
above(below)normal (n)高于(低于)常态
return to normal 恢复正常
get sth.back to normal(n.)使……恢复正常
◆His growth is normal for that age.就他的年龄来讲,他的生长是正常的。
◆They had worked long hours for several weeks before everything returned to normal.
Step 3、重点短语
5.get away front离开;摆脱;回避;否认
◆The girls got away from work at 5 p.m..女孩们下午5:00下班。
◆You can't get away from the fact that it would cost a lot of money.
◆The prisoner had little difficulty in getting away from the police.
【比较】get out of从……中出来;从……中得到;逃避;改掉(习惯)
get rid of去掉(坏习惯);摆脱;消灭
解题警示:get rid of作“摆脱”讲时与get away from同意;作“去掉坏习惯”讲时与get out同义。
6.watch out当心,小心,注意(单独用;接for+宾语;接宾语从句) = look out for
watch it当心,小心
watch over照看;看守

eg. ________dangerous animals such as tigers and wolves while traveling in this forest
A.Watch out B.Watch out for C.Looking out for D.Look out of
答案:B 首先分析句子结构确定题目使用祈使句式,while连接现在分词短语作时间状语,因此空格处应填动词原形。又因为空格后出现dangerous animals是要提防的对象,不能直接跟在watch out之后,而是要用介词for。
You need to watch it / watch out here. The ground is a bit icy.
He is watching over the sheep.它在照看羊群。
Watch out 当心,提防
look out注意,小心(语气较强,用于紧急情况或可能出现危险的场合)
take care留神,注意
be careful 仔细,留神
protect v.保护;保卫某人/ 物,
protect sb./ sth. from +n
protect sb./ oneself from + doing 保护。。。。。。不受。。。。。。的危害
protect A against B
protection n.u。保护
under protection of 在……的保护之下
Protect your eyes from the sun.遮住阳光,保护你的眼睛。
I’ll protect you/myself from being insulted.我将保护你(我自己)免受侮辱。
prevent…(from)doing sth
stop...(from)doing sth.
protect...from doing sth. 阻止。。。。。。做某事
keep.,.from doing sth.

8.on(the)one hand....on the other hand...
on(the)one hand...,on the other hand..。意思是“一方面……,另一方面……”。
I want to go there.On the one hand I have enough time;on the other hand I like it very
for one thing…for another是一种固定搭配,意思是“首先……其次……”或“一则……
解题警示: on(the)one hand…,on the other hand短语中,前一个the可以省略,但后一个the不省。
9. as well adv.也……[同also,too,either(用于否定旬)]
as well as不仅……而且……,既……也……(连接两个对等的成分)
as well as(well adj身体一样好)
as well as (well adv.做……一样好)(作状语修饰动词)
The girl is good at English as well as French.这女孩既擅长英语又擅长法语。
She doesn't speak as well as her friends,but her written work is excellent.(和……一样好)(well作状语)
He is as well as his father.(身体一样好)
注意比较:His English is as good as yours.他的英语和你的英语一样好。(表语)
解题警示: as well as连接两个并列主语时,句中谓语动词的单复数形式由第一个主语决定。
Step 4 经典句型
10.主语+be+adj +不定式
This question is difficult to answer.这个问题很难回答。
The man is hard to work with,这个人很难共事。
The question is difficult to answer.=It's difficult to answer the question.
The book is heavy to carry.=It's heavy to carry the book.这本书拿起来很沉。
Step 5 词语辨析
11.particular adj特别的;特殊的;个别的
be particular about(over)sth•对……很讲究(挑剔)
in particular尤其;特别
special adj.特殊的,特别的,专门的(反义词:ordinary.),强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途。
especial adj.特别的,主要的,突出的(反义词:common),强调的是重要性,有“优越”、“好感”之意。
particular adj.特别的,讲究的,挑剔的,强调“特定的”,“个别的”,“与众不同的”。
You must have special permission to enter this room.你必须得到特许才能进这个房间。
He solved the problem of especial importance.他解决了非常重要的问题。
It happened on that particular day.事情发生在那个特别的日子。
Adv. Especially 与particularly同义,意为“特别地、 尤其地”而specially则为“专门地”
【变式题l】I‘m sorry you don't like the skirt._______because he bought it______for you.
A.specially:specially B.especially:specially
C.particularly:especially D.specially:especially
三个词均有“假(期)”之意,但vacation指时间可长可短的假期;holiday多指短期假日;leave多指病假或事假。常用搭配:on vacation/holiday在度假;have/take a holiday度
假;ask for leave请假;have/take a day off请一天假。
解题警示:vacation无复数形式;go on holidays(去度假),summer holidays(暑假)中的day常用复数。
With the living conditions improving,more and more Chinese go abroad for their ______.
A.vacations B.1eave C.off D.holidays
答案为D 去国外度假可译成:go abroad for one's vacation/holiday(s).
(改错题)The workers in the company can take five days’off the most year.(改为:days. have/take...off请……长时间的假,表时间的名词不用所有格。)
separate adj. 单独的,分离的,个别的
vt./vi 分开,分离,分手,分散
(2001年全国)As we joined the big crowd I got ______from my friends.
A.lost B.spared C.separated D.missed
答案为C。 本题考查动词辨义。题意为:“当我们加入一大群人的时候,我与我的朋友们分散了。”get separated被分散(开)了。
(改错题)We'd better divide the good apples from the bad ones.
答案:divide—separate。separate the good apples from the bad ones将好苹果与坏苹果分开。如果将苹果切开则用divide.
separate A from B把A与B分开
He wanted a separate room.他想要一个单独的房间。
She separated the good apples from the bad ones.她把好苹果和坏苹果分开了。
We didn't separate until 6 o'clock.直到6点钟我们才分开。
Step 6 语法要点
be+ v-ing表示最近按计划、安排即将发生的动作,句中常有一个表将来时的时间状语,常用于动作动词或去向动词(不适于状态动词)。如:go,come,leave,start,arrive,return,stay,meet,get,see off等。
I’m meeting Peter tonight.He's taking me to the theatre.
How are you getting to the airport? Is anybody seeing you off?
will/ shall + do sth.
be going to do sth.
be to do sth.
be about to do sth.(不能与具体的时间状语连用)
If a man _____succeed.he must work as hard as he can.
A.will B.is to C.is going to D should
综合考查表达的意思,含有一种个人的主观意志和决心,而且用在条件句中,所以使用be to do表将来。
Step 7 交际用语
15.(1)意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)
Where would you prefer going?
When are you going off?
How would you like to go to...?
How are you going to...?
Have a good trip.
Have a nice/pleasant trip.
Step 8语言点练习
1.We all _______ the city library an important part of public service.
A.consider B.regard C.look upon D.think of
2.Every possible means_______ but no one knows which is suitable.
A.has discussed B.have been discussed
C.has been discussed D.were discussed
3.Our country has_______ great changes in the past 20 years,which are the result of reform and opening-up.
A.appeared B.happened C.taken place D.experienced
4.After the flood,the villagers are trying their best to get things back to ________.
A.ordinary B.normal C.common D.usual
5.She offered________ the sick child.
A.watching over B.watching out for C.to watch over D.to watch out for
6.Some steps have been taken to protect the forest _______.
A.from being destroyed B.from destroying C.to destroy D.to be destroyed
7.I didn’t want to buy the coat._______I don’t like the colour,and ________,the price is too _________.
A。For one thing;for another;high B.For things;for the other;expensive
C.For one thing;for another;low D。For one thing;for other;cheap
8.I'm going to London and my sister's coming________.
A.instead B。as well C.soon D.besides
9.一Do you have anything more_______ ,sir?
一No, you can have a rest or do something else.
A.typing B.to be typed C。typed D.to type
10.Those T—shirts are usually $35 each,but today they have a _____ price of $19 in the Shopping Center.
A.regular B.special C.cheap D.particular
11.In order to look after her sick mother,she asked for a month's _______。
A.holiday B.vacation C.1eave D.rest
12.When we_______ after a long talk we found the children sleeping in ______ beds.
A.separated;separate B。separated:separated
C.separate;separate D.separate;separated
13.一When _______ again?
一When he _______ ,I'11 let you know.
A.he comes:comes B.will he come;will come
C.he comes;will come D.will he come;comes
14.一I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday。Mr Smith.-__________.
A.0h,no.Let's not B。I’d rather stay at home
C.1’m very sorry,but I have other plans D.Oh.no.That'll be too much trouble
15.I tried hard to get some information about the new technology out of his mouth.but he remained ________.
A.quiet B。secret C.silent D.calm
16.一Thank you so much for the book you sent me.-__________.
A. No thanks B.I'm glad you like it C.Please don't say so D.No. 1t's not so good
17.一Shall we go skating or stay at home? 一Which _____ do yourself?
A.do you rather B.would you rather C.will you rather D.should you rather
18.一I’m travelling to London by bicycle.See you next week.
——See you,and ________.
A.good luck with your trip B.take it easy
C.it certainly will be happy D.make yourself comfortable
19.I‘m sorry you don't like the skirt._______because he bought it______for you.
A.specially:specially B.especially:specially
C.particularly:especially D.specially:especially




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