译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第二单元语言点详析

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Unit 2 Wish you were here
Part 1 Words
1)作可数名词,意思是 冒险经历
She told me about her adventures in Africa.
Our life is full of adventure.
The boy has a love /spirit/sense of adventure
adventure stories /films/
4)还作动词 意思是拿。。。冒险,使。。。冒风险
Don’t adventure your life.
The boy adventure his opinion.
She likes adventuring in a remote place.
adventurous adj 喜欢冒险的 充满冒险
adventurer 冒险家
2.astonish vt
The news astonished everyone.
I was astonished when I heard that he died of the accident.
The news was astonishing.
不可数名词 。一件衣服an article of clothing
In those days people wore woolen clothing.
Food here is cheaper than in Britain .Clothing ,on the other hand ,is more expensive.
The clothing industry in this area has been going from strength to strength
cloth 可作可数名词也可作不可数名词
How much cloth does it take to make a blouse for the girl?
He gave me a hot wet cloth to wipe our hands.
clothes 可数名词 但是不能跟基数词连用。可以说many clothes 谓语动词用复数。
Put on your clothes before you go out.
4.supply vt
~ sth to sb ~ sb with sth
The government supplies free books to schools.
The town is supplied with water from a reservoir (水库)in the hills
The medical supplies were running out.
We shall me receiving new water supplies next week.
Have you got a good supply of books to read for the train journey?
We need a good supply of water for the hike.
in supply 短缺
5.provide vt 提供 给予
Sheep provide us with wool.
Sheep provide wool for us.
It's wise to save some money and provide for the future.
6.scare vt 惊吓 ,使害怕 ,使恐惧
His idea scared me .
She was scared at the strange noise.
People keep a dog to scare away thieves.
She is scared of the dogs.
He is scared to go out alone at night.
It was a scary story and children were scared after they heard it.
scared 惊恐的 adj scary 令人惊恐的
7.tire vt 使。。劳累/使。。厌倦
Too much work tired me (out).
tired 困倦的,厌烦的 tiring adj 累人的,令人厌烦的
I was tired from/with too much work.(由于。。。累)
He was very talkative and I was tired of talking with him.(厌烦做某事)
The speech was tiring .I couldn’t put up with it.(令人厌倦的)
8.envy vt 妒忌,羡慕
~ sb for sth /envy sb for sth
All her friends envied her for her good luck.
I envy you your good health.
Better be envied then pitied.(宁遭人嫉,莫受人怜)
n 作不可数名词,羡慕,忌妒
They looked at her with envy.
She always has envy of others.
也可作可数名词 意思是令人羡慕的东西或人。
His new car is the envy of everyone.
He has become an envy of all his friends, since he was assigned to a new promising post.
n 视野,风景,景色,观点
The house has a view over the sea.
You can get a good view of the city from the tower.
What’s your view on school punishments?
1) 及物动词 意思是达到 ,够及 ,得到,达成
When did you reach London ?
Can you reach the book for me ?
Your letter reached me yesterday .
After the heated discussion, they reached an agreement
2)不及物动词,意思是伸手取, 延伸
The woods reached as far as the river.
He reached out for the knife ,but he couldn’t reach it.
3) 名词
The medicine should be put out of the children’s reach /out of reach of the children
The book is in my reach;I can get it .
作及物动词 声称,宣称 要求=declare ;要求=request
He clamed that he wouldn’t do that.
After the war ,they claimed victory.
We claimed the protection of the law.(要求)
还可用作名词 表示断言 陈述
None of us believe his claim that he is honest.
12.tower vi 高耸 屹立 高高升起
He is the tallest in class; that’s to say ,he towers over/above any other boy.
He did best in that exam. He towered over /above his classmates.
13.surround vt 包围 环绕
The house is surrounded by a long fence
He was in danger and was surrounded by the enemines.
Surroundings 名词(复数) 环境
作不可数名词 和谐,协调,融洽
His tastes are in harmony with mine .
Can you see the harmony of color in nature?
They are out of harmony with each other. They often quarrel.
15.common adj 普通的 共有的
Mary is a common English name.
Snow is common in cold countries.
We should have common knowledge of medical care.
We are common people.
The swimming pool is in common and you are welcome here.(共有)
They are close friends and they have a lot in common with each other.(有共同之处)
16.total adj 完全的,全然的,全部的,总计的
It’s a total failure.
Can you tell me the total number ?
名词 总数 总计
There are 55 students in total=in all?
What does the total come to ?
18 expect v 预料,预期;期盼
I expect that he will pass the exam.
As we had expected ,he came home early.
He came back one hour earlier than expected.
Our parents expect us to go to college.
We expect to go home every day.
n expectation
Part Ⅱ Phrases and expressions
1.in case 以防,万一
It’s better to keep a little water in case you need it during the night.
You’d better take the umbrella in case of the rain.
有关case的词组见unit 1讲义
2.upside down 颠倒,上下翻转过来
The picture is upside down.
The child pretended to be reading ,holding the book upside down.
The house was turned upside down by burglars.
He has an upside-down way of doing things.
3.see animals up close
4.get close to sb
5.feed on grass 吃草,以草为主食
6.be busy doing sth
be busy with /over sth
7.look forward to sth/doing sth
8.tourist spot
9.at dawn at noon at sunset at sunrise
10.challenge yourself
11.go trekking /swimming/climbing/fishing/shopping
12.explore the amazing rainforest
13. be ready to go
14.travel on camels/by camel
15.on clear nights /on a cold morning
16.get rough
17.go white -water rafting
18. get turned upside down
19.go on a trip /visit
20.scare the animals away
21.feel sick
22.begin with
23.refer to
24.make discoveries
25.have enough energy to do sth
26.sound fun
27.be worth risking your life
28.think to oneself
29.take extra clothes
30.remind sb of sth
31.make his trip more enjoyable
32.as well
33.make a fire
34.take are
35.a piece of equipment
36.than usual
37.be disappointed at the news
38.in total silence
39.gather information
40.pay attention to sth
41.look out for sth
42.take a train to some place
43.at the foot of the mountain
44.be tired of doing sth
45.discover a place of mystery=discover a mysterious place
46.regular flights
47. be covered with snow
48.make viewers speechless
49.live in perfect harmony with nature
50.provide it with endless natural treasures
51.make the land a happy home for the local people
52.experience four seasons
53.at its mildest
54.places of interest
55.make full use of sth make good use of sth
make the best use of sth make the best/most of sth
Part Ⅲ Patterns and structures
1.I wish you were here.我希望你在这儿。
I wish I were as clever as you.(现在)
How he wish that he had passed the exam.(过去)
How I wish I could have a good holiday.( 将来)
2.It’s the biggest desert in the world –about the size of the US!
Our classroom is twice bigger than theirs.
Our classroom is three times as big as theirs.
Our classroom is three times the size of theirs.
4.We eat and drink whatever they do .
whatever adv./conj.可引导名词性从句和状语从句
You can get whatever you need here.
Whatever you do ,you should try your best.
=No matter what you do ,you should try your best.
类似的词如:wherever ,whoever, whomever, whichever, however
However (No matter how)great the difficulty is ,you should try to overcome it.
Wherever (No matter where)you go ,you can take it with you.
5.Since (既然,因为)we’ll be walking every day for almost two weeks ,I’ll need to buy a large strong ,light backpack 我们每天都需要徒步行走,长达近两周时间因此我得买一个改良大、质地牢、轻便的旅行背包。
6.We will walk across the land ,following the footprints of big animals .
7.We will try to get close as possible to the animals even though they are dangerous, so that I can take some good photos.
注意 even though =even if 即使 纵然
so that 因此
I got up very early so that I could catch the early bus.
I got up very early in order to=( so as to ) catch the early bus.
He is such a good student that every teacher likes him.
8.I will make sure that we will get enough rest after sunset.
9.The whole trip will take six days.
10.You don’t want to run out.
run out vi用完,花光 use up vt
I ran out of my money.
My money ran out.
I used up my money=My money was used up.
11.The sun rose ,as it always does, in a clear sky.
12.He was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him.
be about to do sth 即将/正要做某事 与when引导的从句连用
I was about to go out when it began to rain.
Part Ⅳ Grammar and usage
Future continuous tense and Future in the past
Future continuous tense
1.He will be climbing in the Himalayas all next week.
2.I will be meeting him sometime in the future.
3.What will you be doing at six tomorrow morning?
4.We’ll be have a meeting from 3 to 4 this afternoon.
5.We will be watching a match this time tomorrow morning.
6.The report says that it will be raining tomorrow morning.
1)形式:will be doing
2)概念 表示在将来某一时刻或某一时间内,正在进行的、持续的动作;自然发生的事情,不是人为安排的。
3)时间状语 soon /this morning /this time /all the week etc
Future in the past
1.They were sure that they would win .
2.I was going to leave but then it rained.
3.He said that he was to leave .
4.I was about to go to bed when the door bell rang.
1)形式 would +do
was/were going +do
was/were (about)to do
2)概念 在过去的某个时刻将要发生的动作(计划、安排、打算)
Part Ⅴ Writing
Page 101 (课本)
8 May ,Monday
We are finally back from Beijing .It was a really wonderful visit!
On the first day in Beijing ,we got up early and went to see the flag-raising ceremony in Tian’anmen Square. Then, we visited the Palace Museum. The emperors used to live and work there .On the second day ,we visited the Summer Palace. The palace scenery was beautiful .The next day ,we went to the Great Wall is a symbol of Chinese culture .An old saying goes ,”He that does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man ”I think this is true. I was so proud to climb to the top of this ancient wall .On the last day ,we visited the Temple of Heaven .This is where the emperors used to go to worship Heaven.
I was very tired after the visit ,but it was well worth it .
Page 54 (课时训练)
Good morning ,everyone ! Today we are very happy to have our friends from Washington Longfellow High School .Welcome ! Now I would like to give a brief introduction of our students outside class activities .Every afternoon from 4:20 to 5:20 ,students of all grades will have different activities .They can read books in the library or in their own classroom. They can do sports ,sing songs ,learn the computer or surf the Internet .They can also do different researches in their own subject groups .Sports and the computer are the most popular activities .But you know ,because they have exams ,students still have much homework every day .So they really hope that they can have less homework and have more free time .They slow prefer to have more visits and travel ,They think it it s good for them .
That’s all Thank you for listening.
Page 40 (AB卷)
Dear Mike ,
I ‘m so excited at the news that you are coming to China this summer .I’ve found something that we can do together .Have you heard the Yangtze River Cruise ? It is a 5-day trip down the great river .Let me tell you more .We will get on board the ship in Chongqing on the first day .The next day the ship will arrive at Fengdu ,known as the Ghost City. During the next two days ,we’ll be able to enjoy the beauty of the famous Three Gorges and visit the Three Gorges Dam. I’m sure we will learn a lot about this amazing project .Finally we’ll be reaching Wuhan, where we are to visit the Yellow Crane Tower.
Do you like it ? Please tell me if this plan will work for you .
Talk to you soon.
Li Ming
1.Lakes ________ by vast grasslands, look like jewels.
A surrounding B surrounded C to surround D surround
2.Three mountains ,Meili ,Baimang and Haba ,which are covered with snow ,tower ______ the land.
A over B on C than D at
3.I’ve been quite busy _____ my holiday with my friends.
A plan B to plan C planning D planned
4.______ I forget ,please remind me of it .
A Whether B In case of C In case D In that case
5.He insisted ____ a rise because of his wonderful work .
A that he give B on having given C that he should give D on being given
6.This is the shop ____ I often speak to you.
A of which B what C in which D where
7.He _____ to bed when he heard someone shouting for help.
A was going B would go C was about to go D went
8.It ____ long before we ____ the result of the experiment.
A will not be / will know B is /will know C will not be /know D is /know
9.It was ___ that a hundred people looked lost in it.
A so large a room B so a large room C such large a room D a such large room
10.Tom ____ New York ____ Boston next week.
A is leaving /to B is leaving ,for C leave/for D leaves /to
11.He has just arrived ,but I didn’t know she _____ until yesterday.
A will come B is coming C was coming D had come
12.--What’s the terrible noise? The neighbours _____ for a party.
A have prepared B are preparing C prepare D will prepare
13. His pale face suggested that he _________ ill, and his teacher suggested that he ______ to the hospital.
A. be, go B. was, should go C. should be, went D. was, went
14 .___________,Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A.However late is he B. No matter how he is late
C. However is he late D. However late he is
15 .They arrived home late and were astonished to find the house______ but nothing______.
A. turned upside down; stolen B. turning upside down; stealing
C. to be turned upside down; had been stolen D. to have been turned upside down; to be stolen
16. ---Where is Helen? ---She America for a week.
A. has gone off to B. has left for C. has been off to D. has set off to




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