译林牛津 高一 必修1 模块一第一单元语言点详析

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Unit One School life
Part One Knowledge
I Word study:
1. experience (c) an event that affects people in some way 经历
I shall never forget my first ~ in the summer camp.
(u)the process of gaining knowledge or skill by doing and seeing things 经验
You need more time to gain practical ~.
vt . feel or have ~ of
The small village has ~ed great changes in the last thirty years.
Adj. experienced
2. attend vt go to or be present at
~ school/assembly /a meeting/a wedding etc
Over two hundred people ~ed the charity show.
attend to 专心于/照顾
Attend to your work and stop talking.
Are you being attended to ?
Could you attend to this matter immediately?
3. earn vt get something because of one’s qualities or actions 赢得
get money by working 挣得,赚得
He ~ed a lot of praise from the newspapers for his new book.
He ~ed a hard living by carrying bricks up a ladder ten hours a day.
4. average adj. Usual ,typical or normal 平均的
n a usual level 平均
The working hours for most people are 40 hours a week.
Wages for industrial workers have increased by an ~ of 7.5%.
average v.
The cost of our lunches ~ed 50 yuan a week.
on average
We fail one student per year on average.
5. miss vt feel sorry or unhappy at the absence or loss of 怀念
I miss living in the countryside.
vt not hit/catch; fail to see 错过,未击中(赶上)
The falling rock just ~ed my head.
6. prepare vi&vi get or make ready 使。。。 准备好,预备
~ sth for sth ~ sb for sth ~ for sth
The students are preparing for the coming exams.
~ a meal ~ for trouble ~ to do sth ~ children for an examination.
be/get prepared for ------be ready for
be/get prepared to do sth------ be able and willing to do sth
She was prepared for anything to happen.
I am prepared to lend you the money if you promise to pay it back.
Ppeparation n make ~s for
7. achieve vt gain or reach (sth) by effort ,skill etc 获得,取得,达到
~ success /high grades/one’s goals
I’ve ~ed only half of what I’d hoped to do .
achievement n
make great ~s
8. introduce vt make sb know formally to do else 介绍
~~ sb to sb ~ oneself (to sb )
Allow me to ~ my wife .
I was introduced to the president at the party.
首先,我愿意作一下自我 介绍。_________________________________________
9. mention vt write or speak /talk about sb /sth briefly 提到
Did you ~ it to the police ?
He ~ed to John that he had seen you somewhere before .
When I ~ playing football ,he says he’s too busy.
Don’t ~ it .不用谢。
10. available adj (of things ) that can be used or obtained 可用的,可得到的
Tickets are ~ at the box office.
This was the only ~ room.
11. develop vt&vi grow gradually, 使。。。发展,发育 成长
~sth (from sth )into sth
This child is ~ing well.
The argument (争论) has ~ed into a bitter quarrel(争吵)
The pane has ~ed from a fishing port into a tourist center.
The education of our country is ~ed very fast.
~ the industry/agriculture/economy /education etc
developing adj
developed adj
development n with the ~ of ….
12. denoate vt give (money/goods etc) to ….捐献
~ the paintings( etc) to the museum
donation n.
13. display vt put sth on show 展示,陈列
It’s the first time the painting has been ~ed to the public .
(be) on display
A collection of photographs was on display in the hall.
14.please vt make sb happy 使。。。愉快,高兴
It’s difficult to ~ everybody.
Our main aim is to ~ the customers.
please oneself do as you like
--I don’t want to come wit you today.
--- Oh,please yourself ,then!
pleased adj be ~ed to do sth
(sb) be ~ed with
pleasant adj pleasure n.
15. regret vt feel sorry about sth
If you go now ,you’ll ~ it .
I ~ what I said.
I ~ to say that …..
I ~ to inform you that …
regret having done
regret to have done 对做过的事情感到后悔
She regretted having wasted so much time on the internet.
16. inform vt give sb knowledge of sth /tell sb 通知
He ~ed the police that some money was missing.
~ sb of /about sth
Please keep me informed of /about what happens.
17.run vt 1) 跑步 跑 2)be in charge of /manage 经营 管理 3) organize 举办 开办
~ a hotel /a shop /a language school
He ahs no idea of how to ~ a successful business.
Stop trying to ~ my life for me .
The college ~s summer course for foreign learner of Enlgish.
18.close adj /adv 1) 亲密的 20靠近的
my ~ friend be/get ~ to sit/stand ~ to
close vt 关闭 ~ the door
The door is not open ;it is closed.
19. approve vt&vi 赞成,同意 批准
~ of sb /sth
I approve of your trying to make/earn some money,but polease don’t neglect(耽误) your studies.
approval n give one’s ~
20.continue vt&vi (cause sth to ) go on existing or happening not stop
~ to do /doing ~with sth
Wet weather may ~ for a few more days.
In spite of my efforts ,the baby ~ ed to cry/crying.
How can you ~ to work/working with all that noise going on ?
We will ~(with) the payments for another year.
Please ~ .I didn’t mean to interrupt.
to be continued 待续 continuous adj
Who has been ~ed to take part in the project?
21.select vt choose sb/sth esp. as being the best 挑选(最好的)
~ a gift / candidate (候选人)
Who has been ~ed to take part in the project?
Who has been ~ed as the team leader?
Selection n.
22. require vt 1) depend on /need 需要
We ~ extra help.
The situation ~s that I should be there.
All cars ~ = need servicing regularly
(sb) be ~ ed to do sth 要求某人做某事
We were ~ed to write an article about our school life.
It is ~ ed of me that I give evidence .(证据)
He only did what was required of him.他只是照章办事。
Requirement n meet one’s ~s
Ⅱ Vocabulary
1. The other words for Unit One in Wb P68-69
2. the names of school facilities on page 6
3. the names of pieces of equipment in the gym on page 7
Ⅲ Phrases and expressions
1.(be) at ease (with sb) 2. an enjoyable experience
3.expereience a different way of life
4. an hour later than usual
5. attend assembly
6. at assembly
7. achieve high grades/achieve one’s goals
8. do sth for free
9. at the end of term
10. eat lots of desserts
11. at the weekend
12. introduce oneself to
13. surf the internet
14. think of sb/sth immediately
15. be available for sb
16. sound like
17. develop an interest in (doing) sth
18. make a speech about/on sth
19. graduate from university
20. miss the chance to do sth
21. during break time
22. run a radio club
23. be responsible for
24. inform sb of sth
25. consist of
26. read sth out loud
27. (much) more than
28. make a decision /make decisions
29. sit next to a girl
30. earn respect from
31. drop some subjects
32. a bit not a bit
33. a little not a little
34. have a chance to do sth.
35. at the school entrance
36. make the notice clear and attractive
37. be late for my appointment with the headmaster
38. instead of doing sth
39. refer to
40. take place
41. make a choice
42. in a public place
43. encourage sb to do sth
44. with his help
45. look forward to doing sth
46. pay attention to (doing) sth
47. in the early 1920s
48. live a quiet life
49. allow sb to do sth be allowed to do sth
50. spend time (in ) doing /on sth
Ⅳ Patterns and structures
1. used to do sth be/get used to (doing sth) (sth) be used for sth /to do sth
I used to have a walk along the road after supper
He is no longer what he used to be.
Now he is used to getting up earlier.
The knife can be used to be cut apples.
2. 比较级+than (not) as/so +原级+as
He is taller than any other boy in his class.
He is not as tall as any other boy in his class.
3. as conj --- time --- reason
As he walked in , I was watching TV.
My English improved a lot as I spent much time on it.
such as
Yesterday I bought many things ,such as books, shoes ,clothes and so on
4.upon on doing sth
He called me upon arriving there.
5.I regret to say /to inform that
I regret to say that we have to put off the meeting because of the heavy rain.
I regret to inform that you haven’t passed the exams.
6.find sb/sth + infinitive (不定式)
I find English hard to learn.
I find him easy to please.
7.the +比较级+(主+谓),the +比较级+(主+谓)
The more you read ,the better your English will be.
The more careful you are ,the fewer mistakes you will make .
The sooner ,the better .
Ⅴ Grammar
1. What is an attribute?
Adjective the green team
Prepositional the team in green
Attributive Clause the team who were wearing green
2. What is an attributive clause?
The man who is standing there is our maths teacher.
Who 引导的定语从句修饰名词the man 。被修饰名词the man叫做先行词。Who 叫做关系代词,代表先行词在定语从句中担当主语的句子成分。
3. The usage of the relative pronouns
关系代词 which/that ----- 物
that/who/whom------人 (whom 只能用作宾语)
which/that/who(whom) 代表先行词 在定语从句中担任宾语时可以省略。
The girl (that/who/whom) you saw just now in the street has just come from America.
I don’t like the film (that/which )we saw last night.
Part One Skills
1) Listening practice (I)
Understanding a programme
2) Listening practice(Ⅱ)
Workbok P 92
3) Listen up
Chapter One~ Chapter Six P2-13
1) Talk about school life ,tell the differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students
2) Learn how to ask the way
Part A Asking the way
Excuse me ,can you tell me the way to ….?
……..How can I get to ….?
…….. do you know where I can …..?
Sure .You can’t miss it.
Sorry ,you will find it on your right.
I am not from around here.
I’m a stranger here.
Part B Describe positions and directions
1. Here I am at …..
2. Walk towards/go between /go straight/on /turn left(right)walk past /go through
3. Then you could see/find….
3) Comparing information
Try to report to your class teacher.
Answer the following questions:
What is the first talk for our class?
What is the topic?
Who is the speaker?
Where is the talk to be held?
Ⅲ Reading
Reading strategies skimming and scanning
1) Text School life in the UK
2) Reading materials
Workbook (90-91
3) Reading Time
4) Passage 1-9 (P2-18)
Ⅳ Writing
1) Write a letter (an e-mail),talking about (telling your parents about)your school life
2) Write a notice ,informing your classmates of fine talks in October they can attend
3) Design a poster ,starting a new school club and try your best to win the competition
Three Possible Versions (A letter/an e-mail) ;A notice ;A poster ;

Dear Sir,
I read your advertisement in today’s newspaper. I’m writing to say that I’d like to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
My name is Li Hua. I am 16 .I have been studying in a key middle school since September of 2005.I can speak English very well. I am proud to say that I’ve just won the first prize in an English speech contest for middle school students in the city .I am healthy and love sports .Table tennis is my favourite .
If I am lucky enough to be a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games ,I will try my best to do the job well. Please call me as soon as possible at 010-55854681.
Best wishes !
Yours truly,
Li Hua

Summer English class
In order to improve the students’ ability to listen to and speak English ,a class for improving the students’ oral English will e held during the summer holidays .
Time: July 15 to August 4 ,twice a week
Place : Room 110 ,Teaching Building
Topic: British life and Culture
Teacher : Miss Anna from the UK
It’s a good chance to practise listening and speaking .Everyone is welcome to the class. Those who would like to attend it ,please go to the teachers’ office and sign your names there from now on .You’d better come before July 12,as we have to prepare some books for you.
Thank you for your kind attention .
English Department

A poster
Film News
Name: Harry Potter
Time :7:30 p.m. December 28, Saturday
Place Friendship Cinema
Price 12 yuan
Welcome to enjoy the movie!




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