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在句子的组织形式上,汉语为意构法,往往根据意思、逻辑或时间等顺序来安排。而英语属形构法,其句子的形成要靠结构上的空间搭架。写作英语句子时,首先要将句子的主谓语确立下来,如果有从句,还要选好连接词。不管多复杂的句子,只要把主要成分的位置固定了,其它的成分就会按关系就位。另外,英语中还有一些常见句型和词语间的固定搭配。所以在写英语时一定不能用汉语进行思维,而要按英语句子的结构形式、常见句型、词语搭配来组词成句。例:1492年哥伦布发现美洲大陆时该多高兴啊!How pleased Columbus was to discover America in 1492! 本句涉及到了英语中主系表结构、感叹句句式和be pleased to do 这一搭配。
I don’t think these buildings are strong enough. 我认为这些建筑不是十分坚固。
She likes sports very much. 她非常喜爱体育运动。
It is not a good idea to build houses along the lines where two of the earth’s plates join together.沿着地球两个板块的结合部建造房屋不是一个好主意。
误:First make a fire and then you should make the coffee.
正:First make a fire and then make the coffee.
误:Being a student , we all wish to learn English well.
正:As students, we all wish to learn English well.
前一句中的a student 与主语we在数上不一致。
不协调:Tom went up to the headmaster and was given a prize.
协调:Tom went up to the headmaster and received a prize.
There’ll be an outing(郊游)this afternoon. Please gather at the school gate at three o’clock.(口头通知)
There’ll be an outing this afternoon. Every student is requested to gather at the school gate at three o’clock.(书面通知)
1、他跑过去迎接来访者。He ran over for welcoming the visitors.
2、你认为我们该读什么样的书?Do you think what kind of book should we read?
3、我来这里并不是请求你帮助的。I came here not to ask you for help.
4、我们本学期在学校每隔一天上一次物理课。We have physics lessons this term at school every other day.
5、老人想起了他的儿子,眼泪直流。The old man thought of his son, tears came down from his face.
1、改为He ran over to welcome the visitors.动词不定式作目的状语是常见的,而for+动名词作目的状语除了用于use等个别词外是很难见到的。
2、改为What kind of book do you think we should read?这里的do you think是插入语,特殊疑问句中的插入语通常放在疑问词之后,而且在加上类似该题的插入句后,主句的语序应由原来疑问倒装语序变为陈述正装语序。
3、改为I didn’t come here to ask you for help.不定式作目的状语时,其否定式的构成一般不直接在不定式前面加否定词not,而应该否定句子的谓语。对其他类型状语的否定方式通常也是这样。如:The car didn’t stop because it ran out of pertrol.(车子并不是因为汽油用完了才停的。)
4、改为We have physics lessons at school every other day this term.当句子中同时出现地点、时间和频度状语时,英语句子的习惯语序是:地点→频度→时间。
5、在英语中,主谓语齐全就是一个完整的句子,两个完整的句子之间必须有连词进行连接,原句可改为When the old man thought of his son, tears came down from his face.
1、 错误省略
错误:You’d better do it as were told.
正确:You’d better do it as told to.
原句中as从句系一个省略结构,补全后为as you were told to do it,这一结构的主谓部分在省略时应该主语和谓语同时省略,后面不定式若要省略必须保留不定式符号to。
断句:How we should cut off the electricity.
完整句:How should we cut off the electricity?
完整句:This is how we should cut off the electricity.
She cleaned the room, her mother prepared the supper.
⑴中间用句号使各个句子独立。She cleaned the room. Her mother prepared the supper.
⑵如果两个句子意思联系紧密,也可用分号分开,分号后的句子以小写字母开头。She cleaned the room; her mother prepared the supper.
⑶两个句子若同等重要,可用并列连词and, but, for等连成并列句。并列连词前可以加上逗号,也可不加。She cleaned the room, and her mother prepared the supper.
⑷如果两个句子有一个比另一个地位更重要,则可以将次要的那个句子改为从句。When she cleaned the room, her mother prepared the supper.
值得一提的是however, therefore(因此),besides(再说), now, then等连接性副词不能像and, but, for等连词那样单独连接两个完整的句子,必须借助于句号、逗号或分号来使句子完整。例如:
He said the story happened in Japan;however, he was wrong.
有的句子从语法结构上看是完整的,但从意义上说却是不完整的,如Guangzhou is one of the biggest cities. 这一句就最好加一个in China这样的状语来限定其范围。
句意不完整的另一种现象是一个主次分明的句子有了两个以上的中心。例如:I was walking in the park this afternoon, and saw a tiger.改正的方法主要是将其中的次要部分改为从句、修饰语或同位语。该句可以改为When I was walking in the park this afternoon, I saw a tiger.
1. While I was traveling in a city that I had never visited.
2. I like Mary as much as Jane.
3. “Will you come to the party, too?” “ I’d like, but I must finish my homework first.”
4. The hall is different from all other buildings, it is made of glass.
5. This is the best film.
1.改为I was traveling in a city that I had never visited.
2.改为I like Mary as much as I like Jane. 或I like Mary as much as Jane does.
3.原句在I’d like后省略了动词不定式,但按规则不定式符号to应予保留。
4.改为Being made of glass, the hall is different from all other buildings.
5. 改为This is the best film that I’ve ever seen.
模糊:We Chinese workers all enjoy public medical care.
清楚:We Chinese workers all enjoy free medical care.
汉语中的“公费医疗”不能用public medical care来表示,因为public意为“公有的、公共的”,这里所说的“公费医疗”实质上就是“免费医疗”。
模糊:When we got to the factory, they all went out to give us a warm welcome.
清楚:When we got to the factory, the workers all went out to give us a warm welcome.
在口语中,代词you, they, it等常用来含糊地指代人和事,但在书面表达中,指代需要更确切一些。
模糊:Mrs Brown told Mrs White that her son was playing in her garden.
清楚:Mrs Brown told Mrs White, “Your son was playing in my garden.”
模糊:I sat watching the boys playing football by the window.
清楚:I sat by the window watching the boys playing football.
模糊:He sent a radio to the shop that was out of order.
清楚:He sent a radio that was out of order to the shop.
To keep healthy , much exercise is important.
To keep healthy 的逻辑主语必须是人,故原句可改为To keep healthy , one should take much exercise.
模糊:When he suddenly picked up a stone and threw it at me, I was talking to him.
清楚:While I was talking to him, he suddenly picked up a stone and threw it at me.
1. At the age of nine, Aqiao’s mother died.
2. The man felt worse when he was taken good care of in the hospital.
3. I tried to help him, but he refused(拒绝)it.
4. He saw an old woman get on the bus, quickly standing up to offer her his seat.
5. We saw several parrots driving along the road.
1.改为When Aquiao was nine, her mother died.状语at the age of nine的逻辑主语按语法规则应为句子的主语Aqiao’s mother,而这显然是不合乎逻辑的。
2.改为The man felt worse though(even though) he was taken good care of in the hospital.如果错用连词也会使句意含混不清。
3.改为I offered him my help, but he refused it.原句中的it没有东西可以指代,在改后的句子中it指代my help。
4.改为Seeing an old woman get on the bus, he quickly stood up to offer her his seat.句子要表达的中心应该是“站起来让座”,“看到老妇人上车”只是起身让座的原因或时间。
5.改为Driving along the road, we saw several parrots.句中driving along the road不是宾语补足语,而是修饰动词saw的时间状语,将其前置,使其贴近谓语动词saw,便可消除歧义。
冗长:At this point of time Allen has not yet reached a decision about whether he will offer her a job.
简练:At present Allen hasn’t decided whether he will offer her a job.
冗长:My hometown is a quiet, peaceful(安宁的)place. It is quiet and peaceful because of the small number of people living there.
简练:My hometown is a quiet, peaceful place because of the small number of people.
冗长:We were driving out into the country, and we met our first English teacher riding in a bus, and the bus was crowded.
简练:As we were driving out into the country, we met our first English teacher riding in a crowded bus.
冗长:He is a man who is honest and who never tells lies.
简练:He is an honest man, who never tells lies.
碎句:It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze(微风)is blowing.
精练:It is a beautiful day with the sun shining and a breeze blowing.
碎句:Carl went to the airport. He wanted to see Mrs Black off.
精练:Carl went to the airport to see Mrs Black off.
1. There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meet which is planned for next Sunday.
2. Because of the fact that I had a lot of work to do, it wasn’t possible for me to accept their invitation.
3. The problem of pollution is serious in our city, but if we try our best to stop the pollution, the pollution will stop.
4. He told us a story; the story was very interesting.
5. Eugene O’Neill, was an American writer, and he had an unhappy childhood, and he told the story of his childhood in a play named A Long Days’s Journey Into Night and he said it was written in tears and blood.
1. Over fifty students in this school are going to take part in the sports meet next Sunday.
2. I was too busy to accept their invitation.
3. The problem of pollution is serious in our city, but if we try our best ,the pollution will stop.
4. He told us a very interesting story.
5. Eugene O’Neill, an American writer, told the story of his unhappy childhood in a play named A Long Day’s Journey Into Night, which he said was written in tears and blood.
We are preparing for the coming exam. →
We are getting ready for the coming exam.
I’m sorry not to have answered your letter earlier. →
I’m sorry that I have not answered your letter earlier.
正装语序:The thief went away into the forest.
倒装语序:Away went the thief into the forest.
主动语态:We happened to meet him in the bookstore.
被动语态:He happened to be met by us in the bookstore.
主语开头:The radio weather report is very important in the farmer’s life.
表语开头:Very important in the farmer’s life is the radio weather report.
主语开头:They finished what they were asked to do in ten days in two.
宾语从句开头:What they were asked to do in ten days, they finished in two.
I spent two yuan on the beancurd.(主体是I).
The beancurd cost me two yuan.(主体是the beancurd)
正面叙述:He likes money best.
反面叙述:He likes nothing better than money.
1.You may look after her by turns.(用take turns改写句子)
2.He is never unfriendly to us.(用肯定式表达)
3.Her father walked home angry.(用形容词开头)
4.Paper can be made from wood.(将主体改为wood)
5.I could hardly recognize(认出) him at first.(改为倒装语序)
1.You may take turns to look after her.
2.He is always friendly to us.
3.Angry, her father walked home.
4.Wood can be made into paper.
5.Hardly could I recognize him at once.




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