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1.Who did the teacher have ___ an article for the wall newspaper just now?
  A. written     B. writing     C. write     D. to write
  析:此题易误选A,受have的影响。其实此处所用句型为have sb.do sth不妨把who换为tom,利用还原句子结构的方法变为肯定句:The teacher had Tom write an article for the wall newspaper just now.因此,答案应选C。
2.The wonderful time they had been looking forward ____ at last.
  A. to arrive    B. to arrived    C. to arriving  D. should arrive
  析:此题迷惑选项为C,因受look forward to doing的影响,但此题主语为the wonderful time,后面they have been looking forward to 为定语从句,分析句子结构,找出句子的主干The wonderful time arrived at last.不难发现正确答案应为B.
3.I'm examining the composition he has just finished ____ the possible mistakes in it.
  A.correcting    B.to correct    C.corrected    D.correct
  析:易误选A,因为习惯思维finish 后接doing. 但从句he has just finished为定语从句。答案选B,动词不定式作目的状语。
4.I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with ____.(NMET97)
  A.everything    B.anything     C.something    D.nothing
  析:受否定句影响,迷惑选项为B.此题语境性极强,第一句中"most of what you said"为关键点,"你说的大部分我都同意,但并不是所有的我都同意"。因此,考查的是部分否定,答案为A。
再如:---The exam was easy , wasn't it ?
   ---Yes , but I don't think_____ could pass it
  A. somebody     B. anybody     C. nobody     D. everybody
5.The doctor did what he could _____ the patient.
  A. save       B. saving      C. to save    D. to be saved
6.The young man spent as much time as he _____ over his lessons.
  A. went       B. can go      C. could going  D. could to go
  析:此题句型与上题差不多,除考查理解句子结构的能力外,还考查了动词短语spend some time(in)doing sth的用法,所以答案为C。
7.The doctor asked the patient to lie down ____ and breathe deeply.
  A. flat       B. flatly      C. to be flat   D. to be flatly
  析:此处修饰动词lie down,易误选B。但副词作状语一般不表结果和状态,而形容词作状语则有此功能,如die young , get home safe, marry early , lie awake等。因而答案为A.
8.He was so angry at all _____ she was doing _____ he walked out.
  A. what,that     B.that,that     C.that,which   D.what,as
  析:此题关键短语be angry at sth.因此all后的she was doing为定语从句,修饰all.第二个空考查so...that...答案为B
9. --- What do you think made Mary so upset ?
  --- ____ her new bicycle. (97年上海高考题)
  A. As she lost    B. Lost       C. Losing    D. Because of losing.
  析:此题迷惑项为D,这是犯了Chinglish之错,问句中的 what只能用动名词短语Losing her new bicycle来代替。答案B为过去分词不作主语,答案A不构成主语从句。若将答语补充完整,全句为Losing her new bicycle made Mary so upset.因此缺少主语,正确答案为C.
10.--- Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day ?
  --- ____ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.(上海99年高考题)
  A. Get        B. Getting     C. To get     D. To be getting
11.Was it through Mary ____ was working at a high school , _____ you get to know Tom ?
  A.who,who       B.that,that     C.who,that   D.that,where
  析:强调句型It be + 被强调部分 + that (who)…中,who(that)后不可能有逗号,此句是限制性和非限制性定语从句的一般疑问句,答案为D。
12. ____ a broken chair , the room is empty
  A. Except      B. Except for    C. Except that   D. Besides
  析:except所指项目,必须在主句内有所交代,except for 用来表示从某一细节方面来修正前面概括性说法,其后的宾语一般与句子所涉及的东西不同类。因此a broken chair 与 the room 不是同类,答案为B。若改变一下题目_____ a broken chair , the room has no furniture . 此时chair 是 furniture 的一种,性质相同,答案为A。
13. --- Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.
  ---______ . (NMET94)
  A.I don't      B.I won't      C.I can't     D.I haven't
  析:完整回答为I won't forget to come to your birthday party tomorrow.答案为B. 选A是受上一句中Don't 影响。
14.Shirley _____ a book about China last year, but I don't know whether she has finished it.(NMET98)
  A. has written   B. wrote       C. had written   D. was writing
  析:受last year的干扰而误选B项,但句意为"shirley去年(一段时间)在写一本有关中国的书,但我不知她现在是否写完",因此答案为D.
15.Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ____ went wrong again.(上海98年高考题)
  A. it       B. it repaired    C. repaired    D. to be repaired
  析:此题句型为have sth done, she had had repaired为定语从句,修饰the
washing machine, C为正确答案。迷惑选项为B项。
16. --- Who should I send this message to ?
  --- The mayor is the one ___ ?
  A. to send it   B. to be sent   C. for sending   D. to send it to
  析:第一句提供了语境"应把消息送给谁?""应送给市长"。故A是错误的,正确答案为D,即send the message to the mayor.被修饰的名词为不定式的间接宾语时,不定式后应加上适当的介词。
17.Few pleasures can equal ______ of a cool drink on a hot day.(NMET99)
  A. some      B. any       C. that       D. those
  析:一看到few pleasures,容易错选D.但后面所设条件为a cool drink,因而正确答案应为C.
18.--- Alice , you feed the bird today , ______?
  --- But I fed it yesterday . (NMET99)
  A. do you     B. will you     C. didn't     D. don't you
  析:此题易受you feed the bird today 中的you的影响,认为不是祈使句。但祈使句并非都无主语,为了加强语气,指明向谁提出请求或命令,引起听话者的注意时,可说出主语。所以正确答案是B而不是D.
29. --- When shall we meet again ?
  --- Make it ____ day you like; it's all the same to me .(NMET96)
  A. one       B. any       C. another     D. some
  析:...you like和...it's all the same to me 表明说话人不在意哪一天,因此some day是错误的;another day需要前提:已谈论的时间不合适,应另选时间,但对话无此意。One day并不指"任意选择的一天",而any day则有此意,故正确答案为B.




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