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fortunate, require, steady, glance, gain, actual, loose, pause, aloud , calm, flight, reception
keep one’s balance 保持平衡 catch on 绊住,钩住
require sth. of sb. 对某人要求…… lose one’s voice 失音;噪子哑
do/perform gymnastics做/表演体操 in actual fact 事实上
in a flash 一刹那间 hold out 伸出(手等);坚持
the moment 一……就…… break off 打断;折断
glance over the shoulder回头一瞥;回望一眼
for fear that 恐怕的是……以防
It was time for her performance on the high and low bars.
He recognized me the moment/minute/instant/immediately/directly/as soon as he saw me.
Something may have happened to her.
It is not like her to have missed two days of class.
On his arrival he went straight to the counter.
1.Something may have happened to her. She might have had an accident.
两句中都用的“情态动词may/might +完成时”的结构,有以下用法:
①may/might + have + 过去分词表示推测过去某动作“可能”发生了。如:
I can’t find my sunglasses, I may/might have left them at the
restaurant yesterday.
He may have heard of it from Jack.
He might have heard of it from Jack.
在下列情况下,may和might 用法有区别:
He says that she may/might have misunderstood him.
He said that she might have misunderstood him.
②might + have + 过去分词,表示对本来可能发生而实际并未发生的动作的感叹或遗憾含有“责备”、“抱怨”之意,而may + 完成时无此含义。如:
You might have told us earlier.
This medicine might have cured your cough
2.must + have + 过去分词
—They quarrelled quite often and whenever they quarrelled they threw glasscup at each other.
—They must have broken a lot of glasses.
3.fall over意为“跌倒”,“跌跤”。如:
When he was skating, he fell over some times.
4.It was in Greece that Olympic competitions started.
这是强调句型,其结构为:It be + 被强调部分+that-clause.该句型可以对一个句子里的主语、宾语、状语(介短或从句)进行强调。
5.n.+ being performed in China.
该结构中being performed 是动记号-ing形式的被动语态,在一句子中用在名词之后,作定语。它常可改写成一个定语从句。如:
The prices of the TV sets being shown(= which are shown)are still unknown.
6.prepare sb.for…
Mother is preparing me for my journey.
prepare 作为动词,既是及物动词,又是不及物动词且常与for连用。如:
Mother asked my sister to prepare lunch.
7.preform exercises to music.
短语意为“伴随音乐做体操”,从中可知“do sth. to music”判决书为“伴随音乐做某事”。如:
She likes dancing to music.
8.There are safety measures to follow while training.
①while training 是从属连词与分词连用,在句子中做时间状语。结构“when/while + -ing 或过去分词短语”的使用条件是:
when/while 从句中的主语与主句中的主语相同。如:
You should have dropped in on me when staying here.
除了when/while 外,其他的从属连词如if,as if, though, as
If heated, ice can be turned into water.
②to follow 是不定式做定语,修饰名词measures,是主动表被动。在There be 句型中,用不定式做的定语时,即就是不定式与所修饰的名词之间是动宾关系,也常用不定式的主动语态形式。如:
There is a lot of work to do.
9.think to oneself
She was thinking to herself how cold the room was.
Think aloud意为“自言自语”(=talk to oneself)。如:
He stood there with his lips moving as if he talked to
himself/thought aloud.
10.the moment主语 +V。
此结构中,the moment 用作连词,引导一时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”(=as soon as)。相同意思和用法的表达形式还有:the minute, the instant 和the second。如:
Telephone me the moment you get the results.
11.break off
He broke off in the middle of a sentence.
break sth.off/break off sth. with sb.
The mast broke off /was broken off when the ship was moving.
12.be busy doing sth.
该结构意为“忙于做某事”。应注意的是be busy 后只能接动词-ing形式,不能接动词不定式to do,相同结构的形容词还有worth。如:
①He is busy writing his composition.
②She keeps busy working on a new novel these weeks.
③This book is well worth seeing.
13.The first thing she did was go up to her trainer…and thank her…
该句中,go up to…是动词不定式短语作表语,省略了不定式符号to,这是因为主句的主语被定语从句she did修饰的缘故。语法规定,解释doing 精确意思的分句,可用不带to 的动词不定式。如:
What I can do is (to)help him (to)clean the floor.
14.at the doctor’s
该结构为介词+名词所有格,意为“在诊所”。所有格-’s后一般接名词,如her mother’s bike ,但有时这个名词可省略,主要表现在以下两个方面:
She is at the hairdresser’s.
I have read some of Shaw’s plays,but none of Shakespeare’s.
15.knock into
该短语意为“把……敲人” ,也可意译为“撞着某人/某物”如:
①The wall is so hard I can’t knock nails into it.
②He was reading while he eas walking and knocked into a tree.
16.it looks as if…
意为“看起来好像……”,as if可用as though替换,在此引导表语从句,另外它们也可引导状语从句,从句既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气。如:
①It looks as if /though it’s going to rain.(陈述语气)
②You look as if you’d seen a ghost.(虚拟语气)
17. It’s (just)like sb. to do sth.
It is just like her to think of others before thinking of herself.
18.in a flash
In a flash. I realized where we had met before.
19.on one’s arrival…
该词组意为“一到达……就……”(= on arriving…)。如:
On her arrival she helped me to prepare supper.
20.with fear
该介词短语意为“由于害怕”,with + n.有时用来表示原因,其中的n.常是表示情感的名词。
如:Her face turned pale with fear.
21.by name
①He met a man, John by name.
②I knew him only by name.
22.Training by yourself in a game can be highly dangerous.
Children are lovely, but they can be tiring.
23.They each… on three pieces of equipment as well as the floor.
此句中,equipment是不可数名词,意为“装备、器械”,无复数形式。使用时它不能与不定冠词、基数词连用。当表达数量概念时,其表达式为:工/基数词 + piece(s)+of+equipment。
类似的名词还有:machinery, clothing, furniture, jewelry等。
24.it was clear that –clause
该句型是用it作形式主语,that-clause主语从句放在了后边,注意区别:“it is/was clearly that主语 + V…”这是强调句型。如:
It is clear that he passed the exam.
25.twelve more steps
We must climb twelve more steps to the top.
基数词 + more + n.s.= another + 基数词 + n.s.如:
There are 3 more chairs /another 3 chairs for dinner.
题1 (NMET 1999)
____________him and then try to copy what he does.
A.Mind B.Glance at C.Stare at D.Watch
分析:D。四个选项的英文解释如下:①mind:take care of or look
after ②glance at:give a rapid look ③stare at:look fixedly with wide open eyes,as in wonder, fear or deep thought ④watch:attend carefully to sb. or sb’s action 从原句中的try to copy what he does 可知。
题2 (上海 2001春)
It was for this reason____________her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.
A.which B.why C.that D.how
分析:C。for this reason 是一个完整部分,去掉It was和空白处,句意完整,只不过语序发生了变化。因此该题测试的是强调句型的用法。
题3 (NMET 2000)
It is the ability to do the job_____________matters not where you come from or what you are .
A.one B.that C.what D.it
题4 (NMET 2001春)
—Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?
—Yes.I gave it to her__________I saw her.
A.while B.the moment C.suddenly D.once




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