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1.die out 熄灭;绝种;逐渐消失。如:
①The fire died out .火灭了。
②That talkative man’s voice died out.那个健谈的人的声音渐渐地听不见了。
2.the + 形容词(分词)表示一类人的用法。
the old(young; rich; poor; learned; living…).如:
The living should carry out what the dead unfinished.
3.no more than①(=noly)仅仅,不过。②两者都不。如:
①What can I do, I’m no more than a citizen.
②Tom is no cleverer than Jack.汤姆和杰克都不聪明。
但是:not more than 表示A 不如B(……)或不超过。如;
①My English is not better than yours.
②I think you are not more than twenty years old.
4.关于there be句型:①是一种倒装句式,be后的主语要和be在数上保持一致。如:
There is a pen, two books and some other things on the table.桌上有一支笔,两本书和一些其他的东西。
②there be句型有完成式there have(has)been;有将来式there is
going to(will)be。
③there be句型中可加情态动词。如:
I am sure there used to be a shop near here.我肯定在这附近以前有家商店。
④there be句型中有的be,还可以用其他词表示“有、存在”,there live(一般跟人,有……一个人),there stand(指物,树、高楼之类),there lie(物,如一片土地等)。如:
There stand many tall buildings in our school and there lies a large wheat field in front of it.
5.insist表示“坚持要求(某人或主语本身)干某事。”;suggest 表示“建议”,以及order, demand, request, advise…,这些动词后的宾语从句常用虚拟语气形式。
He insisted that he(should)be sent to the poorest place to work。他坚持要求派他去最贫穷的地方工作。
agree with sb.(sth:表意见、看法等的名词)
6. agree to sth.(表示安排、计划之类的词)
agree on sth.(一般表示原双方共同商讨以后达成协议的名词)]
如:I don’t agree with you to this arrangement, but perhaps, after a discussion we will agree on this project.
7.①be fit for适合于
This job is fit for you.这份工作适合你干。
②主语+be + fit + to do sth.如:
Nobody is fit to take his place.没有合适的人接替他。
The shirt does not fit me well.这件衬衫不太合我的身。
8.in place/out of place在原处;在合适的位置。
①You should keep everything in place.(=in order)
②What you said is somewhat out of place.你的话有些离谱了。
9.lose one’s sight(way; life; work;reason)分别表示:失明;
His son lost his life in the fighting.他儿子在战斗中牺牲了。
10.put sb. to the trouble(of doing sth.)给某人添麻烦,使某人为做某事而为难,trouble是不可数名词。如:
They didn’t want to put me to the trouble of meeting them at the station.他们不想麻烦我去车站接他们。
11.be after追寻;追捕;找……
12.do sb. a favour或do a favour for sb.给某人帮个忙,如果有to do sth.则常用。
do sb.the favour to do sth.如:
①I wonder if you can do me a favour?我不知道你能不能帮我个忙?(没有说干何事)
②Please do me the favour to open the door, I want to go
13.very当形容词用时,意思为“正是,恰好是……”如果有定语从句则常用that 引导。如:This is the very book(that)I’m after.这正是我要找的书。
14.make…to one’s own measure“依照某人的尺寸做……”如:
This coat is made to you own measure,I’m sure it will fit you nicely.这件大衣是你订做的,我想肯定很合身。
She is dancing to the music.她在随音乐节拍跳舞。
15.depend on(=rely on)依靠;依赖;以……而定;取决于……。如:
①Whether you will succeed or not depends on how hard you
②I don’t want to depend on my parents any longer.我不想再依赖父母了。
16. do up 收拾(东西)。整理、梳装打扮、系(扣)好……
①He was so hurried that he did up his buttons wrongly.
②She spent a long time doing up her hair.她花了很长时间把头盘起来。
题1 (NMET 1999)
They not only make it difficult to sleep at night , but they are__________damage to our houses, and shops of historical interest.
A.doing B.raising C.putting D.producing
分析:A。该题考查固定搭配。do damage to对……造成损坏。
题2 (NMET 1994)
The first text books__________ for teaching English as foreign language came out in the 16th century.
A.having written B.to be written
C.being written D.written
分析:D。write 与the first textbooks之间存在被动关系,表结果。
题3 (NMET 1996)
___________in thought , he almost ran into the car in front of him.
A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose
分析:C。大多数过去分词含有“被动”和“完成”双重意义,有的过去分词只含有“完成”意义,有的则“被动”“完成”意义均没有。be lost in 意为“全神贯注”,它既无“完成”意义,又无“被动”意义,为一个固定词组。
题4 (上海2002)
Don’t use words, expressions, or phrases________only to people with specific knowledge.
A.being known B.having been known
C.to be known D.known
分析:D。本题考查的是过去分词表被动的用法。known相当于that are known .
题5 (NMET 1993)
In some parts of the world, tea________ with milk and sugar.
A.is serving B.is served C.serves D.served
分析:B。serve意为“上菜、开 饭、斟酒”是及物动词。
题6 (上海 2002)
—You forgot your purse when you went out.
—Good heavens,__________.
A.so did I B.so I did C.I did so D.I so did
分析:B。so sb.do(does),表示“确实那样做了”之意。而so do sb.表示“某人也那样做了”之意。




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