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simply majority
throughout possibility
convenient skill
vote possession
meanwhile announcement
absence determine
make an effort out of work
go off share one’s view
in common get in touch with
on one’s own turn up
be up to by accident
for oneself or rather
It’s not likely that…
What do you think is likely to happen?
There is need of/for sth.
Two hours is a long time to take over a coffee.
By this time they were a little anxious.
You are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you.
1.talk of; talk about; talk on
这组词均可以表示“谈”,但程度不同。talk of 只表示“涉及”;talk about 表示谈细节;talk on兼有议论。如:
Talking of Shanghai, have you been there in summer?谈到上海,你夏天在那儿待过吗?
What are you talking about?你们在谈论什么呢?
They are talking on the book.他们在谈论这本书。
2.throughout; all over; all through
He worked throughout the night and the next day.他工作了整整一夜和第二天一天。
The disease spread throughout the country.这种病蔓延全国。
all over一般接表示地点的名词。如:
Just before he was killed, he sent a message to his comrades all over the country.在他被杀害之前,他把信送给了全国各地的同志们。
all through 一般接表示时间的名词。如;
The light was burning all through the night.灯彻夜亮着。
3.voice; sound; noise
I didn’t recognize John’s voice on the telephone.在电话里我没听出约翰的声音。
We could hear the children’s voices in the garden.我们能听见花园里孩子们的声音。
A joyful sound came from the distance. 远处传来欢快的声音。
The door was open, and the sound came from the kitchen.门开着,声音是从厨房传来的。
Loud noise can make people ill.大的噪音能使人生病。
Don’t make such a loud noise.别弄出这么大的声响。
4.store; save; keep
We had to store all this while we were away. 我们不在家时,得把所有的一切都收藏起来。如:
After harvest we store the grain.收割后我们把粮食存起来。
He was out of work, he had saved no money before.他失业了,以前也没有攒下钱。
They are saving for a house.他们正在存钱买房。
I have kept the old letters all the time.我一直把这些旧信保存了下来。
Will you keep the papers for me?你能为我保存这些论文吗?
5. instead of
instead of是短语介词,意思是“代替、而不”,后接名词、代词、动名词,有时接动词原形、不定式、形容词等。如:
I’ll take that book instead of this one.我要那本书不要这一本。
Instead of putting it off till the next day, he started working right away. 他立即开始工作,不把它拖到明天。
You should give him advice instead of money. 你应给他忠告而不是金钱。
A word of encouragement might have made me respect instead of hating him.一句鼓励的话当可时可能使我尊敬他而不是恨他。
Things are now better instead of worse.目前情况是好转而不是恶化。
We made the trip by train instead of by car.我们是乘火车旅行的,不是乘汽车。
6.determine v.
We determined to get the work done before October 1.我们决定在“十一”之前完成这项工作。
Have you determined where you’re going to spend the summer vocaion?你决定在哪儿过暑假了吗?
They determined on an early start.他们决定早动身。
He has determined on going home next week.他决定下周回家。
What determined you to accept the invitation?什么原因使你接受这个请帖?
The situation determined him against further delay.形势使他决定不再拖延。
(3)be determined(to do sth.)下定决心;有决心,后接不定式或从句。如:
He was determined to study English well.他下决心把英语学好。
We were determined that we should never allow such things to happen again.我们决定绝不允许这类事情再次发生。
(注意从句运动用should + 动词原形)]
7.be up to
What is he up to now?他现在在干什么?
He is up to no good.他没干好事。
It’s up to you to decide whether to go or not.是去还是不去由你决定。
It’s up to us to give them all the help we can.我们理应尽力帮助他们。
He is not up to his work.他不胜任他的工作。
up to now 直到现在
Between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m.,the hurricane crossed the southeast corner of England with winds of up to 160km/h.从午夜时分到清晨6点之间,飓风横扫英格兰的东南角,风速高达每小时160公里。
8. area; district
The old man lives in a mountain area.这位老人生活在山东。
This is a less developed area.这是个欠发达地区。
Most of the large land areas are connected.多数大块陆地是相连的。
Where is the District of Columbia?哥伦比亚特区在什么地方?
The old man used to work in the jin-Cha-Ji Military District.那位老人曾经在晋察冀军区工作。
The northeast part of the city is the residential district.这城市的东北部是住宅区。
9. lay the table, lay breakfast
两个动词短语均可作“摆好桌子”解,但各自的确切含意不同:lay the table单纯指“摆桌子(准备吃饭)”,可用于早、中、晚三餐的任何一餐的场合,如:
I only laid the table.我只是摆好了餐桌(准备吃饭)。而“lay breakfast”则很明确地表示“摆桌子(吃早餐)”。如:
I have laid lunch.我已经摆好午餐的桌子了。
He has laid supper.他已把晚餐的桌子摆好了。
10.get in touch with sb.; keep in touch with sb.
Finally Hank and his friend gave each other their addresses and promised to get in touch again with each other when they both returned to the States.最后,汉克和他的朋友互换了地址,并且保证回美国后和对方联系。
Some students keep in touch with me all the time.一些学生一直和我保持着联系。
11. in common, in general, in particular,in short
(1)in common(with)与……有共同处、(和……)一样。如:
They have nothing in common with one another.他们相互毫无共同之处。
(2)in general 大体上、通常、一般说来。如:
In general boys like sports more than girls.一般说来,男孩比女孩更喜欢运动。
(3)in particular= particularly特别、尤其。如:
I noticed his eyes in particular, because they were very big.我特别注意到他的眼晴,因为那双眼晴很大。
(4)in short简单地说,总之。如:
The man, in short,is not to be trusted.总之,那个人是不何信任的。
一般情况下“too… to ”表示否定意义“太……而不……”。如:
His brother is too young to go to school.他弟弟太小还不能上学。
The sentence is too difficult for me to translate.这个句子太难我译不了。
但在以下情况,“too…to ”并不表示否定意义。
(1)当too之后跟的是表示主语的态度、情感、心情或倾向的词时(常见的这类词有glad, eager, anxious, happy, ready, nervous, pleased等)。如:
We were too eager to know the result of the exam.我们急于想了解考试结果。
She was too ready to speak.她太多嘴多舌。
He was too anxious to leave.她急于离开。
Sometimes we are too easy to overlook our own faults.有时我们很容易忽略自己的错误。
Such a man is too ready to blame others to blame himself.这种人最爱责人而不责己。
(3)如果在“too...to”结构中含有not或never等否定词时,则表示肯定。如:One is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。
English isn’t too diffcult to learn.英语并非难得学不会。(或:英语并不难学。)
The girl is too careful not to make any mistakes.这女生很细心不会出错。
Mary is too clever not to believe him.玛丽很聪明不会相信他的。
(4)在too前有only, just, simply, all, but等词时,不定式也表示肯定。如:
The foreign visitors are only too glad to have an opportunity to visit the Great Wall .这些外宾非常希望有参观长城的机会。
The boy is only(just/but)too happy to help other students.这位男生特别喜欢帮助别人。
He knows but too well to hold his tongue.他深知少说为佳。
题1 (NMET 2000春)
Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does_____
his boss.
A.serves B.satisfies C.promises D.supports
题2 (上海 2002)
To regain their_______after an exhausting game, the players lay in the grass.
A.forc B.energy C.power D.health
题3 It’s two years since he________ the League.
A.joined B.joined in C.attended D.took part in
分析:A。join以加(组织、团体),join sb.与某人一起(干),join in参加(活动);attend出席;take part in参加(活动)。这里有league,所以选择A。
题4 The stranger said something in a ________ voice and the little girl was very much _________.
A.frightening; frightened B.frightened; frightening
C.frightening; frightening D.frightened; frightened
题5 (上海 2000春)
The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four fifths of the tickets ________.
A.was booked B.had been booked
C.were booked D.have been booked
分析:B。分数作主语时谓语动词与of后的名词一致,又因book的动作在was happy之前故应用过去完成时。
题6 (NMET 2001)
The film brought the hours back to me________ I was taken good care of him that faraway village.
A.until B.that C.when D.where
题7 He came to an island,__________ he lived for many years.
A.that B.which C.there D.where
分析:D。先确认这是含有定语从句的复合句,逗号之后部分 为非限定性定语从句,从句中不缺少主语、宾语,判断它缺少状语,由于先行词是表示地点的,所以选择D。
题8 I’m interested in __________ happened yesterday.
A.all B.all that C.all what D.that
分析:B。此题考查名词性从句或定语从句,由于从句中缺少主语,所以用what或all that,因此选B.




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