人教版必修5 life in the future 教案Speaking

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Unit 3 Life in the future
The Fifth Period----Speaking
By 黄蔚 from 深大附中
一, 教学目标(teaching aims)
Students’ Book (p23)
WB: Talking
1. 能力目标(ability aim)
Enable Ss to talk about things at present and predict things in the future. Help Ss to make up their short-tern plan. Encourage Ss to make a prediction of themselves.
2. 语言目标(language aim)
Make predictions:
Suppose that ……
I wonder if ……
Is it likely/ unlikely that ……?
Do you imagine that ……?
Is it possible that ……?
Do you suppose that ……?
二, 教学重难点(Teaching important points)
1. Teach Ss to make predictions and express their idea about future.
2. Help Ss to make up their personal future plans.
三, 教学方法(teaching method)
a. Pair work and group work
b. Discussion and cooperation
四, 教具准备(teaching aids)
A computer, a projector
五, 教学步骤(teaching procedures)
Step I Talking
Set scenes for the Ss. A man who is living in AD 2046 comes to visit your city and wants to know something about jobs in your city. Ask Ss to work in pairs to make out a introduction plan.
The man invites you to AD2046, encourage Ss to predict what changes will take place to the jobs.
Make a comparison between jobs at present and jobs in the future, find out the changes and why these changes take place.
Step II Talking (WB)
Encourage Ss to design an object for the future. Ask them to work in groups to make an introduction of their inventions.
Step III Talking
Encourage Ss to predict their future life. Make a short-tern plan. First give them an example. Then encourage them to talk about their dreams and then write into passages.



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