人教版新目标七年级上学期教案Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

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Page 16 Section B 1a~2c
I.Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects:
Key vocabulary; Target language; Oral practice.
2. Ability Objects:
Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills;
Communicative competence.
3. Moral Object :
Take walks and keep healthy.
II.Teaching Key Points
1.Key vocabulay
go bike riding , go sightseeing , take walks , go fishing , rent videos.
2.Target language
Where are you going for vacation?
What’s it like there?
What are you doing there?
Who are you going with?
How long are you staying?
III.Teaching Difficulty :
Oral practice.
IV. Teaching Methods
Listening, speaking, reading and writing methods;
V.Teaching Aids:
A tape recorder;
A projector.
VI.Teaching Procedures
Step I Greet the class .
Step II Section B 1a
Show five pictures on the screen, ask students to read the five phrases.
go bike riding , go sightseeing , take walks , go fishing , rent videos.
Call attention to the first picture. For example, Look at this girl. She ’s happy . She ’s fishing. Repeat. She ’s fishing . Students repeat. Do this for all the five pictures.
Then ask students match the words and check the answers.
Step III 1b
Now work with a partner. Talk about what you would like to do on vacation.Talk about the activities in 1a and other activities you know.
Help students to find partners.Then have the class listen to one student ask another about each activity.
Step IV 2a and 2b
Look at the picture, please. Listen to the conversation carefully. Put a checkmark next to the questions you hear the reporter asks. Then listen again. This time write He Yu answers to the questions.
Then check the answers.
Step V 2c Pairwork
First ask two students to read the conversation in the box.
A: Hello, He Yu . Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans?
B: Yes .
A: What are you doing…?
Now work in pairs. Student A you are the reporter. Student B you are He Yu .Ask and answer questions about He Yu’s vacation. Then change roles.
As students work, move around the classroom, offering language support if needed.Then ask pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.
Step VII Summary
This class we’ve learnt key vocabulary and target language. And also we’ve done an oral practice.
Step VII Homework
After class, ask classmates about the vacation plan and fill in a chart.(Show the chart on the screen.)

Step VIII Blackboard Design
Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?
go bike riding , go fishing , go sightseeing , rent videos, take walks .
Step X Teaching reflection :



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