人教版高一Unit11 The sounds of the world

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1. turn
turn____ (变成) turn _____ (拒绝)
turn ____ (出现) turn ______ (结果是)
turn _____ sb (求助于)
turn _____ (背叛)
In some western countries, demand for graduates from MBA courses has ______.
A. turned down B. turned over C. fallen down
D. fallen over
2. suggestion/suggest doing sth
suggest him doing sth
suggest he (should) do sth
suggest 暗示,表明 不用虚拟语气
make a suggestion that sb ____ (虚拟)
The ___ look on her face suggested that Michelle _____ the birthday gift from her boyfriend
A. exciting, like B. excited, like C. exciting, liked D. excited; liked
3. perform
perform one's duties/task/experiment
perform a play 演一出戏
The doctor performed the operation/
You should always perform what you promise.
contain 包含, 作为主要成分include 算在内, 作为次要, 附属部分hold 容纳
4. variety a wide variety of
5. keep a record of
record-breaking 打破记录的
record-holder record-player (电)唱机
beat [break, cut] the [a] record打破记录
set a record
The disc, digitally____ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.
6. satisfy使… 满意
satisfy sb/sth be satisfied at sth
satisfaction n satisfactory adj
satisfy/meet one’s desire/need
What he has done is far from _____.
Nothing can satisfy with her (改错)
the teacher’s ____ , the child answered the question correctly.
The government tried its best to ____ the people’s needs, but the prople were still not ____. In fact, what the government did was not _____.
(satisfy; satisfied; satisfying)
8. desire sth/to do sth/sb to do sth
desire that
She desires that you ___ (see) her at once.
a desire____ peace(for, of , with)
do sth.____( at, with, for) sb.'s desire
7. process
the process of breathing( 作用)
the process of learning
a long process
8. decide what ____(to buy/to be done)
I’ve worked with children before, so I know what ____ A. to expect B. expected
C. to be expecting D. expects
9. have sth ___ ( on , in ) mind 想好…
10. what kind of music
11. find a good song to dance ____
A. \ B. with C. to D. for
12. ____ suggestions and ____ advice
(take, make, give, do)
13. consider doing /sb to be
be considered_____
consider it +adj/n +to do sth
14. on/over the radio/on TV
15. a part /part of
16. here is a brief look at
to be brief, to begin with,
to be honest
17. The blues is a way …
Maths, “times” , “the united states”
18. have/has been doing
19. combine sth with sth
20. the way ____ the artists sing
21. along with the beat
22. Spanish – speaking people
23. be popular with
24. in every corner of the world
in/at/on the corner of
25. the key ___ the room
26. ____ their performance 进行表演
27. two –room house
28. on the other hand
You have made a few mistakes in your composition but _____ you have done well.
A. first of all B. on the whole C. on the other hand D. above all
29. make music their life



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