人教版How to improve writing

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How to improve writing
How to write ?
Writing steps:
1. Examine topics
a. styles
b. person
c. tenses
2. Observe pictures and list points
3. Express points in English
4. Form a passage
二、凭关系, 并列,复合恰当介入。
三、保顺畅, 过渡词语各司其职。
四、显技能, 高级结构用在妙处。
信手拈来 运用自如 适当扩展和变形
1、主语 + 谓语(vi)
2、主语 + 谓语 + 宾语
3、主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语+直接宾语
4、主语 + 谓语 +宾语 + 宾语补足语
5、主语 +连系动词+表语
1、主语 + 谓语(vi)
fell with a cry didn’t stop drove off at a high speed
The old man fell with a cry . The car didn’t stop but drove off at
great speed heading west.
2) 一大清早, 我们在学校大门口集合,一起去了那儿。(98)
Early in the morning we met at the schoolgate and went there together
3) 1984—1990, 我在光明小学上学。
I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984—1990.
2、主语 + 谓语 + 宾语
1) 现在,我有了更多的课余时间,能够从事我的爱好.如读书、参观博物馆、学习电脑、绘画等。
have more free time follow my own business/do what I like reading books visiting museums taking computer lessons
Now I have more free time . I can follow my own business, such as reading books ,visiting museums ,taking computer lessons, drawing and so on.
2) 我特别擅长英语和电脑。去年在全校电脑竞赛中获第一名。
I am very good at English and computer .Last year I won the first prize in the school computer competition.
3、主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语+直接宾语
welcome warmly /give a welcome
The farm workers gave us a warm welcome.
We gave the presents to Grandma and she was very happy.
4、主语 + 谓语 +宾语 + 宾语补足语
The government called on school to reduce the learning load.
We saw the crops and vegetables growing well.
5、主语 +连系动词+表语
It was 7:15 on the morning of February 8, 2000.
2) 孙淑伟,男,14岁,广东人,从小就喜欢游泳。(91)
Sun Shuwei is a boy of 14 from Guangdong . He loved swimming when he was a boy.
Education is free for all the children in the village.
1、被动句表达(be +done)
The pupils are divided into five different classes, in which six subjects are taught.
2、There be …… 句型表达
There will be music ,dancing , singing ,games and exchange of gifts.
2) 在大路的一边,盖起了一幢新教学楼。
On one side of the road there is a new classroom building.
The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music and then guess where it comes from.
Pointing to a policeman not far away, the young man explained…
4、从句表达(定语从句, 名词性从句, 状语从句)
你想了解中国中小学(现在)情况吗?自从号召学校 减轻学习负担以来, 很快,情况已经有了改善。(2001)
You want to know what is going on in schools in China? In short , things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce the learning load.
—— 我们的图书馆。(99)
On the other side of the road , where the playground used to be, now stands another new building – our library.
Apart from those 60% , there are 40% students who think an entrance fee should be charged , as long as the price is not so high .
I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding us.
如果收票, 需建大门,围墙, 会影响城市形象。
If an entrance fee is charged , gates and walls will be built so that it will influence the appearance of the city. What’s more , it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city. If people should pay money when entering the parks, the park should build gates and walls , so they affect the beauty of the city. If an entrance fee is charged , gate and walls should be built , which will have a bad effect on the appearance of the city.
1) 我正沿公园路向东走,这时一位老人从街对面的公园里出来了 。
I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.
2) 当时, 我们坐下来聊天,而叔叔就去准备午餐了。
Then we sat down to talk , while Uncle went to prepare lunch.
生词 :1……竞标成功 win the bid for …
2.出墙报 put up a wall newspaper
1 、表示感谢。
Dear Bill,
Very glad to receive your letter of July 13, Thank you for your congratulations. I was very excited when I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. Immediately I called Wei Guo and Li Hong to my house. After a brief discussion we decided to put up a wall newspaper for our class. We hurried to our classroom and began to work, Wei Guo wrote a poem. Li Hong copied some news from the newspapers. I drew an Olympic flag. The next Monday. Our classmates were both surprised and overjoyed when they saw the wall newspaper.
I hope you can come to China to watch the Olympic Games in 2008. Them I’ll be very happy to be your guide.
Sincerely yours.
Zhang Hua
Person can kill lives, animal can kill lives too.
Persons can kill, and animals can kill too.
Persons can kill life and animals can kill life too.
Either persons or animals can kill life.They do that in order to get food or kill enemies.
In order to get food or kill enemies, both persons and animals can kill.
Killing is common. Not only human will kill, but also animals. For one thing they want to get food, for another they should kill enemies.
It is known to us all that both human and animals can kill the living thing. For one thing they can get food in this way;for another they want to kill their enemies.
Some of the discourse markers
• 并列and; as well as ; also;
• 选择or; either—or; or else; otherwise
• 原因because ; owing to; due to ;on account of ; thanks to
• 结果so ; therefore ; thus ; as a result
• 时间when ;soon after ; before; later ; first ; and then ; next ; finally; afterwards.
• 比较on the contrary ; on the other hand ; like
• 转折but ; yet; however ; although; in spite of ; instead ;
• 递进besides ; moreover ; even ; in addition
• 举例for example/instance; such as ; that is ; namely ;
• 总结after all ; in short ; in general ; generally speaking in all, in a word




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