(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes(1)

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Unit3 Houses and Homes(1)
Lesson 9 There isn’t a TV!
Lesson 10 How many bedrooms are there?
二. 重点、难点:
掌握There be句型的使用
学会How many…are there的用法
Lesson 9 There isn’t a TV!
I. Words Study单词学习:
picture bed between above bookcase lots of under in on other corner table letter lamp perfect tell beg behind floor comfortable
II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:
1. 方位介词的用法

1)on 表示地点:在…上面(与…相接触)
He puts the book on the table.
The fly is on the ceiling.
There were water colors on the wall.
2) under 在某物的正下方,两者之间不接触
You will find it under the seat.
My shoes are under the bed.
3)behind 在…背后;在…后面
The garage is behind the house.
He came out from behind the door.
4)in front of 在…前面,正好与behind相反
There are some big trees in front of our classroom.
5)in 表示在…里面,内部;在…上
He lives in a village.
She carried a bag in her hand.
It is cool in the shade.
6)right 在…右边
Kate is on my right.
7)left 在…左边,与right相反
I am on Tom’s left.
Henry is sitting near the window.
The post-office is near our school.
A bird is flying above the woods.
The portrait is above the blackboard.
The lights are above my desk.
The sky is over our heads.
The plane flew over the house.
There is a bridge over the river.
11)between 在两者之间
Q comes between P and R.
I lost my key somewhere between the car and the house.
Lesson 10 How many bedrooms are there?
I. Words Study单词学习:
bedroom bathroom kitchen dining room living room study elevator garage apartment second refrigerator cupboard stove sofa toilet shower
II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:
1. 房间的表达方式

2. There be句型的用法
英语“There + be + (not)”结构表示“有(没有)某人或某物”,there是无词义的引导词,be是谓语动词,它后面的名词是主语,两者在数上必须一致。句末往往有表示地点或时间的状语。
There +(助动词或情态动词)+be+主语+地点(时间)状语。
There is a picture on the wall.
There are 24 hours in a day.
如果there+be之后是并列主语,第一个主语又是单数名词时,在口语中可以用There is….
There are/is a boy and a girl in the room.
There are/is one teacher and four students in the room.
There +be(助动词或情态动词)+not(any)(或+no)+主语…
There was not an underground in Beijing before.
There is nothing more for me to do now.
There won’t be a dance this weekend.
A. Be+there+(any)+主语…?
B. 助动词或情态动词+there+be+(any)+主语…?
Is there anything I can do for you?
Will there be a report by an old experienced teacher this afternoon?
How many months are there in a year?
What’s there in your pocket?
4)含有there的句子用seem to be,happen to be,used to be或live等词做谓语的结构
There happened to be on old friend of mine in the shop.
There used to be a temple here.
There seemed to be no point in refusing.
There once lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.
3. How many … are there的用法
A: How many bedrooms are there in your house?
B: There are three bedrooms.
结构:How many + 复数名词+一般疑问句?
对于there be句型中主语的数量如:some, five, only one等提问时,如果主语是可数名词,不管是单数还是复数,一般都用复数形式提问,因为问话人不知道具体的数量是多少,而且many只能接可数名词复数形式,所有be一定要用are,即为:
How many + 复数名词+are there+地点/时间状语?
There are seven days in a week.
How many days are there in a week?
对于how many引导的特殊疑问句要用陈述句来回答,一般情况下,数词后面的句子成分可以省略,如:
How many students are there in your class?
There are thirty-six (students in our class).
1. There is apple in the box. apple is very big.
A. a, A B. an, An C. an, The D. a, The
2. They don’t have new books. They only have some old ones.
A. some B. any C. many D. much
3. Mrs. White goes shopping this time of day.
A. in B. for C. on D. at
4. There some meat in the box. Our cat wants to eat it.
A. are B. is C. have D. has
5. There is no difference. That means .
A. they are the same B. they look different
C. they look the same D. it’s different
6. can you see in the picture? An old man with a hat.
A. What else B. Who else C. Where else D. When else
7. you like something to eat? Yes, I’d like some oranges.
A. Are B. Do C. Would D. Can
8. The shop in our school on Sunday.
A. not open B. is close C. close D. is closed
9. play in the street. It’s too dangerous.
A. Not B. Don’t C. Aren’t D. Can’t
10. they any bananas?
A. Do, has B. Do, have C. Does, have D. Does, has
11. Anna, could you give Dad and some pears, please?
A. mine B. me C. my D. I
12. Here are two pencils. is red, is black.
A. One, one B. One, other C. One, the other D. One, the one else
13. Rose, Linda and I in the same team.
A. am B. are C. is D. be
14. What’s wrong the bike?
A. with B. on C. about D. of
15. How many can you see in the picture?
A. bottles of water B. a bottle of water
C. bottle of waters D. bottle of water
16. Can you a bike?
A. mending B. mend C. are mending D. mends
17. Oh, I only have five yuan. May I some from you?
A. give B. take C. make D. borrow
18. Mike isn’t good at swimming, he is good at football.
A. but B. so C. and D. after
19. The twin sisters are a picture-book in their bedroom.
A. looking B. watching C. reading D. seeing
20. The woman a red skirt is my aunt.
A. wear B. is wearing C. in D. one
21. Oh, I can’t find my Chinese book. A. No, there aren’t any.
22. May I borrow your dictionary? B. He’s riding a bike.
23. Are there any oranges? C. Yes, I’m very thirsty.
24. What’s the boy doing? D. Don’t worry. Let me help you.
25. Would you like something to drink? E. Ok, here you are.
三、完成句子 (用所给词的适当形式填空)
26. I want (put) these things in my room.
27. (not throw) it like this.
28. I’d (like) a bottle of orange juice.
29. you (have) a knife?
30. What’s Kate doing? She (take) photos.
31. The woman goes to the policeman for (help).
32. Jim is very good at (run).
33. Mike and Tom are doing (they) homework.
34. Look at the nice room. It is (Joy).
35. How many (bag) of rice do you want?
A: Hi, Sam! Come here, Let’s 36 basketball.
B: 37 , I can’t.
A: What are you 38 now?
B: I am 39 my homework. Go and 40 David.
A: Thank you. 41 is he?
B: He is 42 home.
A: Is David in?
C: Yes, come 43 , please.
A: David, 44 you like to go and play basketball 45 us?
C: Certainly! Please sit here. Just a minute. Let’s go.
46-47 I’m making my bed. (对划线部分提问)
are you ?
48-49 Give her a cup of tea. (同义句)
Give a cup of tea .
50-51 There are some birds in the tree. (一般疑问句)
there birds in the tree?
52-53 My little brother has a nice eraser. (否定句)
My little brother a nice eraser.
54-55 Let me have a try. (同义句)
I want .
Mr. Liu is 56 teacher 57 English. He is not young, but he is not old, either. He
58 a round face and short hair. He is tall. 59 are fifty students in his class. They 60
Now it’s five in the afternoon. 61 , some students 62 in the classroom. Mr. Liu is there, too. He is helping 63 to study English. He is a good teacher 64 a good friend of 65 .
56. A. a B. the C. an D. this
57. A. in B. with C. on D. of
58. A. is B. have C. has D. is having
59. A. Here B. There C. Those D. These
60. A. all like B. look like C. like all D. all look
61. A. See B. Look C. Watch D. Look at
62. A. work B. working C. are working D. are work
63. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them
64. A. and B. but C. then D or
65. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs
It’s nine o’clock in the evening. The family are at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. His mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to Polly, their bird. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!” Where’s Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.
66. There are people in the family.
A. three B. four C. five D. six
67. Who is watching TV in a chair?
A. Jim is B. It’s Jim’s sister C. Jim’s father is D. It’s Jim’s mother
68. Jim and Kate are .
A. good friends B. two girls C. two boys D. brother and sister
69. The children doing their homework.
A. aren’t B. isn’t C. don’t D. not
70. What’s Kate doing?
A. She’s doing her homework. B. She’s standing near the window.
C. She’s looking for a pen. D. She’s playing games.

I am born (出生) in a small river. When I am young, the river is my home. I don’t have parents, but I have hundreds of bothers and sisters. I swim and play with them all day.
At that time I do not look like my parents. I have no legs or hands, but I have a long tail (尾巴). So I look like a fish. When I grow up, I have no tail, and I have four legs. I look like my parents now. I jump out of the water. I live on land and in the water, too. I eat a lot of insects(昆虫)---- bad insects. Who am I?
71. Who am I?
A. Fish B. Duck(鸭子) C. Frog(青蛙) D. Bird
72. When I am young, I play with
A. my parents B. my sisters and brothers
C. many fish D. a lot of insects
73. When I am young, I .
A. look like my parents B. have two hands and two legs
C. have only a long tail D. am a fish
74. When I look like my parents, I .
A. live only in the water B. can only swim
C. eat a lot of insects D. look like a fish
75. I’m a friend of people because .
A. I have hands and legs like people B. I live on the land with people
C. I like people very much D. I eat a lot of bad insects
Mr. and Mrs. Smith has their only son, Jack. Jack has a very small head. He only likes science(科学). He doesn’t like other lessons. He likes to break things and mend them again. And he likes making things. Today he wants to make a robot. He wants it to have classes and do homework for him.
His parents think something is wrong with his head. They want to see a doctor. They want the doctor to mend his head or make a new one for him.
76. Jack is a .
A. student B. teacher C. doctor D. robot
77. There are people in Jack’s family.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
78. Jack doesn’t like to .
A. study science B. study math(数学)
C. break things D. make things
79. Jack wants to today.
A. see a doctor B. mend his bike
C. do his homework D. make a robot
80. Do they have to(不得不) see a doctor?
A. I think so. B. I don’t know. C. I don’t think so. D. Yes, they do.
We Are Brave
Frog and Toad were reading a book together. “The people in this book are brave,” said Toad. “They fight dragon and giants, and they are never afraid.”
“I wonder if we are brave,” said Frog. Frog and Toad looked into a mirror. “We look brave,” said Frog. “Yes, but are we?” asked Toad. Frog and Toad went outside. “We can try to climb this mountain,” said Frog. “That should tell us if we are brave.” Frog went leaping over rock, and Toad came puffing up behind him. They came to a dark cave. A big snake came out of the cave. “Hello lunch,” said the snake when he saw Frog and Toad. He opened his wide mouth. Frog and Toad jumped away. Toad was shaking. “I am not afraid!” he cried. They climbed higher, and they heard a loud noise. Many large stones were rolling down the mountain. “It’s an avalanche!” cried Toad. Frog and Toad jumped away. Frog was trembling. “I am not afraid!” he shouted.
They came to the top of the mountain. The shadow of a hawk fell over them. Frog and Toad jumped under a rock. The hawk flew away. “We are not afraid!” screamed Frog and Toad at the same time.
Then they ran down the mountain very fast. They ran past the place where they saw the avalanche. They ran past the place where they saw the snake. They ran all the way to Toad’s house.
“Frog, I am glad to have a brave friend like you,” said Toad. He jumped into the bed and pulled the covers over his head. “And I am happy to know a brave person like you, Toad,” said Frog. He jumped into the closet and shut the door. Toad stayed in the bed, and Frog stayed in the closet. They stayed there for a long time, just feeling very brave together.
1—5 CBDBA 6—10 BCDBB 11—15 BCBAA 16—20 BDACC
21—25 DEABC
26. to put 27. Don’t throw 28. like 29. Do…have 30. is taking
31. help 32. running 33. their 34. Joy’s 35. bags
36. play 37. Sorry 38. doing 39. doing 40. ask
41. Where 42. at 43. in 44. would 45. with
46. What 47. doing 48. to 49. her 50. Are
51. any 52. doesn’t 53. have 54. a 55. go
56—60 ADCBA 61—65 BCDAD
66—70 BCDAD 71—75 CBCCD 76—80 ABBDC
“我想知道我们勇敢不勇敢,”青蛙说。青蛙和蟾蜍照了照镜子。“我们看上去挺勇敢的,”青蛙说。“不错,但我们真的勇敢吗?” 蟾蜍问。青蛙和蟾蜍走到外面。青蛙提议说:“要不我们来试试爬山吧。爬山能验证我们勇敢不勇敢。”青蛙一蹦一跳地越过岩石,蟾蜍呼哧呼哧地跟在后面。他们来到一个漆黑的山洞前。一条粗大的蛇从洞口钻出来。他一看见青蛙和蟾蜍便说:“你们好,我的午餐。”然后大嘴洞开。青蛙和蟾蜍赶紧跳到一旁。蟾蜍浑身直发抖,嘴里却喊着:“我不害怕!”他们爬到更高一些的地方时,耳中传来一声巨响。许多巨石纷纷从山上滚落下来。“雪崩了!” 蟾蜍大喊。青蛙和蟾蜍赶紧跳到一旁。青蛙哆哆嗦嗦地喊道:“我不害怕!”
“青蛙,我很高兴能有像你这样勇敢的朋友,” 蟾蜍说。他一跃上了床,用被子蒙上脑袋。“我很高兴认识像你这样勇敢的人,蟾蜍,”青蛙说。他跳进壁橱里,还关上了门。蟾蜍缩在床上,青蛙关在壁橱里。他们就这样呆了很长时间,都感觉自己非常勇敢。




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