(上海牛津版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Module1 Unit3 Travelling in Garden City

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Module1 Unit3 Travelling in Garden City
1. 一般过去时
标志词:in the past … two days ago
yesterday last night
In the past, people liked travelling by bus
He didn’t play football last year.他去年不玩足球。
Did he play football yesterday?他昨天玩足球了吗?
2. There be 句型的过去时及将来时
过去时:There was/were There was a tree in front of the house last year.
将来时:There will be There will be more trees in the park in 5 years’ time.
三. 必会短语
1. in the past 在过去
2. travel by bus 乘公交车旅行
3. buy tickets 买票
4.collect … from…从…收集…
5. put… in …放…进…
6. in 10 years ’ time 十年后
7. traffic jams 交通堵塞
8. not… any longer 不再…
9. draw a poster 画海报
10. think about 考虑
11. discuss with sb 与…讨论
12. agree on sth 赞同某事
四. 必会句型
1. In the past, many people liked travelling by bus.
2. There was a bus conductor in each bus.
3. Nowadays some of the bus-drivers are women.
4. In ten years’ time there will be fewer traffic jams.
5. Perhaps we won’t travel by ferry any longer.
五. 重难点解析
1. There was a bus-conductor in each bus.在每辆公共汽车里都有一个公共汽车售票员.
(1)There be +某物+某处 表示在某处有某物。主语为某物,因此be 的形式取决于某物。
如:There is a book on the desk. 书桌上有一本书。
There are some students in the classroom.教室里有一些学生。
There is a book and two pens in my hand. 在我的手里有一本书和两支钢笔。
There are two pens and a book in my hand .我手里有两支钢笔和一本书。
There be 与have的区别:
如:I have a car.我有一辆车。
It has two eyes .它有一双大眼睛。
(2)each 在此处是形容词,作定语,表示“每一个”。“each+ 名词/代词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:Each student has a book.每个学生都有一本书。
each 还可以用作代词和同位语,作代词时,谓语动词用单数。作同位语时,谓语动词和主语一致。
如:Each of us has his duty.我们每个人都有自己的责任。
We each have a story-book. 我们每个人都有一本故事书。
2. They put their money in a fare-box instead 他们把钱放在投币箱里。
如:I couldn’t go ,so he went instead. 我去不了,因此他代替我去的。
He is tired, let me go instead.他累了,让我去吧。
If Ann can’t come ,I will come instead.如果安不能来,我就来。
在汉语中,instead 常常找不到对应的汉字,但意思却体现在句子中了。
instead of 是一个介词短语,意思是“代替”,“而不是…”。后面常跟名词或v-ing形式。如:We’ll have chicken instead of fish today.我们今天吃鸡而不吃鱼。
He stayed in bed all day instead of going to school.他在床上躺了一整天,没有上学。
3. None of them was a double-decker bus.没有一辆车是双层公共汽车。
none 用于否定三者以上,既可指人,也可指物,表示没有人和物,作主语时,可作单数也可作复数,常与of 连用:no one(nobody)只指人,不指物,作主语时视为单数,如要否定两者常用neither。
如:None have (has) arrived yet.还没有人到。
None of the answers are wrong. 所有答案都是对的。
none 可以回答how many 或how much提出的问题,no one(nobody)可回答who提出的问题,而what 提出的问题则可用nothing来回答。
如:-How much money do you have?-None.你有多少钱?一分也没有。
-How many students are there in the classroom?-None.教室里有多少学生?一个也没有。
-Who can work out this problem?-No one. 谁能做出这道题?没有人。
-What’s in your pencil-box? –Nothing. 你铅笔盒里有什么?什么也没有。
4. Most of the bus-drivers are men, but some of them are women .However, in the past, none of the
bus-drivers were women .All of them were men.大部分公共汽车司机是男的,但是其中有一些是女的。当然,在过去,没有公共汽车司机是女的。他们都是男的。
some of ,none of ,most of ,all of 后面既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词,由“some(all,most)of ”修饰的词语作主语,谓语可以是单数,也可以是复数,取决于这个名词是否可数。
(1)Some of the students have pasted the exam.一些学生通过了考试。
(2)Some of the fruit is bad.一些水果烂了。
5. Perhaps we won’t travel by ferry any longer.也许我们不会再乘渡船。
(1)perhaps 意思是“也许”,常位于句首。相当于maybe
(2)not…any longer意为“不再”。not … any longer =no longer
no longer 通常放在动词的前面,be之后或句尾。
如:You are no longer a child.=You are not a child any longer.你已不再是孩子了。
I want to come no longer.=I don’t want to come any longer.我再也不想来了。
I can wait no longer.=I can’t wait any longer. 我不能再等了。
“by +交通工具”表示乘坐方式。如:I go to school by bike.我骑自行车上学。
6. Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams.也许交通堵塞会更少。
(1)fewer是few的比较级,意为“较少的”。few的反义词是many, fewer的反义词是more。
如:Few students can work out the problem.几乎没有学生能算出这道题。
I have very little time for reading.我很少有时间读书。
(2)traffic jams 交通堵塞,traffic为名词,作定语。意为“交通”,还可以表示车辆总称。
The traffic is heavy/busy/bad.交通拥挤。
7. List five things that you and your classmate agree on.列举你和你的同学一致同意的五件事情。
(1)agree on 同意(具体协议的文件,计划,行动)如:We agreed on the plan.我们对这个计划看法相同。
(2)agree with sb 同意某人的(意见)如:I agree with you .我同意你的意见。
8. All of the …will … …中所有…会…
(1)all 用作代词时,常与of连用,后接名词或代词的复数形式,all作代词时,还可放在be动词/助动词后,或放在一般动词前,做主语的同位语,若宾语为人称代词时,“all of +人称代词”和“人称代词+all”两种句型皆可。
如:All of us want to go .我们全体都想去。
They are all good students. 他们都是好学生。
We all like music.我们都喜欢音乐。
I invited all of them. =I invited them all.他们所有的人我都邀请了。
(2)all 作形容词时,用于定冠词、指示代词,人称代词和名词所有格之前。
如:I want all the books . 我想要所有的书。
He loves all his children.他爱所有的孩子。
All these books are useful. 所有这些书都有用。
9. Draw a poster to show what you think traveling in your city will be like in 10 year’s time.画一个海报展示你认为10年后在你们城市旅行会是什么样。
show sb. sth.=show sth.to sb.把…给…看
Please show me your photos.
=Please show your photos to me 请把你的照片给我看看。
一. 选择并抄写单词
1. In the past ,many people like ______by bus.(travel, travelling)
2. None of ______is late for school.(they, them)
3. There are no ______in the buses.(air-conditioners, air-conditioned)
4. What will_______ in our city be like?(travel, travelling)
5. ______of us has been to Shanghai.(All, None)
二. 字母组词
1. Passengers put their money in a fare-box _______ .(s i n t a d e )
2. Passengers don’t buy_______ now.(t s c k e t i)
3. _______more people will travel by air.(p p s a r h e)
4. There will be fewer traffic_____(a m j s)in the future.
5. There will be more ________on the road.(l o f y v r e s)
三. 连词成句
1. people ,travel, will, more, taxi, by
2. be, what our like city, will
3. will, people, by, not, travel, longer, train ,any
4. the ,most ,men ,of ,are ,bus-drivers
5. were , buses , there ,single-decker, only
四. 单项选择
1. We are going to Qingdao______ ship.
A. at B. by C. in D. for
2. There _____no buildings here in 5 years’ time.
A. are B. will C. will be D. were
3. Perhaps we ______travel by ferry any longer.
A. will B. will not be C. will be D. won’t
4. The dress is so expensive , I’ll _____it .
A. think B. think about C. think of D. think over
5._____,we usually went to school by train.
A. In the past B. In past C. Nowadays D. Now
五. 完成对话
A. Summer B. Yes, I do C. By bike D. Yes, I can E. No, she isn’t.
( )1. How do you go to work every day?
( )2. What’s your favourite season?
( )3. Is the girl beautiful?
( )4. Do you like wearing uniforms?
( )5. Can you see any flies?

一. 1. traveling 2. them 3. air-conditioners 4. traveling 5. None
二. 1. instead 2. tickets 3. Perhaps 4. jams 5. flyovers
三. 1. More people will travel by taxi.
2. What will our city be like?
3. People will not travel by train any longer.
4. Most of the bus-drivers are men.
5. There were only single-decker buses.
四. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4 B 5. A
五. 1. C 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. D




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