(人教版+汤姆森)初三英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit11 Could you tell me where the restrooms are?

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Unit11 Could you tell me where the restrooms are?
Ask for information politely.
Give the directions.
Object Clause-宾语从句
escalator, convenient, mall, subway, drugstore, restroom, furniture, department store, shampoo, advantage, disadvantage, exchange, main, fresh, block, uncrowned, staff, market, delicious
save money 攒钱,存钱 hang out 闲逛 shopping mall 商业区
turn left 左转 go past 走过 movie theater 电影院,戏院
on the second floor 在第二层 next to 紧邻
kind of 有点 water slide 水滑道 dress up 盛装,打扮
lend sth to sb. 把…借给某人 make request 提出要求,请求
depend on 依靠,取决于 lead in 引导,导入
in order to / not to do sth 为了(不)做某事
Sentence patterns:
Excuse me, do you know where I can exchange money?
Sure, there’s a bank on the second floor.
Take the escalator to the second floor.
Can you tell me where the post office is?
Turn left / right. Go past the drugstore.
There’s always something happening.
It’s also fun to watch people.
Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation.
Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum.
Grammar points:
宾语从句(object clause)
1. I don’t know when we shall meet again.
2. This reminded me of what he had once promised me.
1. 关联词
2. 语序
3. 时态
I hear (that) he will be back in a month.
2) 当从句是一般疑问句时,用if 或 whether(是否)来引导宾语从句。
当句末有or not时,只能用whether.
Will he come?
I don’t know if / whether he will come.
I was not sure whether he would come or not.
3) 宾语从句是特殊疑问句时用who, whose , whom, which, what, when, where, how, why等单词引导。
The teacher want to know why he didn’t come to school yesterday.
I don’t know who can help me.
Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps?
I don’t know. Could he pass the exam?
I don’t know whether he could pass the exam or not.
Could you tell me? When will Tom come back?
Could you tell me when Tom will come back?
He says that
he will ask Mr. Wu some questions.
Jim isn’t lazy.
Jim is doing very well in his lessons.
Jim may fall behind the other students.
2) 如果主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,宾语从句必须用过去时的某种形式。
A. 从句的动作和主句的动作紧接发生,从句用一般过去时。
Mr. King didn’t know when his son came home
B. 当从句的动作和主句的动作同时发生,则从句用过去进行时。
He said he was working hard on his English.
C. 如果宾语从句的动作发生在主句动作前,则从句用过去完成时。
They asked me where I had been during the May day holidays.
D. 如果宾语从句的动作发生在主句动作后,则宾语从句用过去将来时。
-The train is leaving ,but Tom hasn’t arrived yet.
- Well, he said he would come on time.
E. 如果宾语从句表示的是 客观真理,其谓语动词则用一般现在时。
The teacher told us that the moon travels round the earth.
Language points:
1. Can you tell me where I can get a dictionary?
Do you know where I can buy shampoo?
Could you tell me how to get to the post office?
Could you tell me the way to the bank?
2. Take the elevator to the second floor.
take有“乘坐”的意思。 如take a bus
3. We decided to talk to some students about why they go there?
decide to do sth/ decide not to do sth
He decided to go to Shanghai tomorrow.
talk to sb. about sth.
I want to talk to you about your work.
4. I go to the mall because my friends hang out there.
hang out 闲逛,hang about也有类似的意思。
She hung the clothes in the garden.
He was hanged for murder.
5. I prefer being outside. 我宁愿呆在外面。

6. There’s always something happening. 总有某些事情发生。
happening 是现在分词表示伴随,修饰something
There are some people standing together.
There is a boy having a rest.
happen 意思是“发生”,没有被动形式,只有主动语态。
表示某事发生在某人身上,用happen to sb.的短语
What happened to him last night?
happen to do 还有“偶然发生,碰巧”的意思
I happened to go out when you called.
7. I always spend too much money. 我总会花掉很多的钱。
spend money on sth
spend sth on sth. / (in) doing sth
we spent a lot of money on the house.
He spent so much time doing his math homework yesterday.
too much + 不可数名词
much too + 形容词,副词
There’s too much snow, but it’s so cold.
It can’t be John’s T-shirt, because it’s much too small.
8. Is that a good place to hang out?
to hang out 是动词不定式作定语后置,修饰a good place

9. Go past the park. 走过公园。
A boy is running past the garden.
the past,名词, 意思是“以前,过去,往事”
I will never forget the past.
In the past, there were often three or four kids in a family.
pass 动词,是“经过”的意思
10. A different rock band plays at Uncle Bob’s every night.
Uncle Bob’s 后面的名词如指商店、家等常常省略。
At that time, she was at the doctor’s. doctor’s=doctor’s office
Last year we went to my uncle’s for vacation. Uncle’s=uncle’s home
11. They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns.
staff 指一个机构的全体工作人员
The staff in the company are all hard-working.
dress up 盛装,装扮
装扮 she wants to dress up as a princess.
穿上盛装 she has dressed up for the big party.
She always wears a blue scarf in winter.
put on指穿衣服的这个动作
Before he went out, he put on the black coat.
12. Could you please lend me your pen? 你能借给我你的钢笔吗?
lend, borrow都有借的意思,但意思和使用均不同

borrow sth from sb.
Yesterday Tom borrowed my bike.
13. …, so knowing how to ask for information politely is important.
how to ask for information作knowing 的宾语
ask for要求,请求
know 作主语要使用动名词knowing的形式
14. It’s important to use correct language, but sometimes this alone is not enough——we need to learn how to be polite when we make requests.
this指的是use correct language
15. …, we change the way we speak when talking with different people.
we speak 是定语从句,作the way的定语,意思是“说话的方式”。
when walking=when we talk with different people
16. The expression you use might depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know them.
you use是定语从句,作the expression的定语
depend on依靠,取决于
You should always depend on your parents.
It depends on when he will come.
17. Usually in English polite questions are longer and include extra language such as “Could you please…?” or “Can I ask…?”
在英语中,礼貌的问题往往比较长并且包括额外的语言,比如Could you please…?或Can I ask…?
18. Sometimes, we might even need to spend some time leading in to a question or request.
lead动词,lead in to是“引导,导入”的意思
19. It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct, and in a way this may be true.
in a way 在某点上,在某种意义上
20. However, in order not to offend people, learning about language etiquette is just as important as learning grammar or vocabulary.
offend 触犯,冒犯 etiquette 礼仪,礼节
in order to do sth / in order not to do sth 为了(不)做某事
In order to buy the new bike, he decided to get a part time job to save money.
21. Doing this will also help you become better at English, or any other language you wish to speak.
帮助某人做某事help sb do / help sb to do / help sb with sth
you wish to speak是定语从句,作language的定语,关联词省略
Unit 11 单元练习
( )1. Could you please ________ us Mary’s telephone number?
A. to give B. give C. giving D. to giving
( )2. That is a good place ______ hang out.
A. for B. on C. to D. with
( )3. Can you please tell me where ____________ the post office?
A. to find B. can I find C. how to find D. find
( )4. Do you know where ______________ some maps?
A. can I buy B. can buy C. I can buy D. buy
( )5. Mr Tan makes the best noodles in town. They’re ___________.
A. sour B. delicious C. crispy D. salty
( )6. Do you know ________ there are any good restaurants _______ this block?
A. if, on B. how, on C. if, to D. where, to
( )7.I live next to Huapu supermarket. It’s very ____________.
A. beautiful B. clean C. delicious D. convenient
( )8. Do you know where ______________?
A. is the shop B. is shop C. shop is D. the shop is
( )9. ---Do you know how to go the restrooms?
A. Yes, I can. B. I could. C. Sure. D. I could tell you.
( )10. ---Where is the bookstore?
---Take the elevator ______ the second floor and turn left. And the bookstore is ________ the furniture store and the drugstore.
A. at, next to B. to, between C. in, between D. to, next to
Everyone needs friends. We all like to __1__ close to someone. __2__ is nice to have a friend to talk , laugh ,and do things with. __3__, sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people __4__. But we would feel lonely if we never have a friend.
No two people are __5__ . Friends sometimes don‘t get on well. That doesn’t mean they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and become __6__ again .
Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very __7__. We miss them very much, but we can call them and write to them . It could be that we could even see them again. And we can __8__ new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them .
There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t. Why ? It could be that they are _9_. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take __10__ care of yourself.
( )1. A. look B. watch C. feel D. see
( )2.A.It B. He C. There D. Someone
( )3.A.Hardly B. Nearly C. Suddenly D. Certainly
( )4.A.alone B. away C. all over D. around
( )5.A.friendly B. kind C. just the same D. quite different
( )6.A.friendly B. good C. pleased D. friends
( )7.A.angry B. sad C. happy D. alone
( )8.A.look for B. find C. make D. know
( )9.A.happier B. stronger C .kinder D. richer
( )10.A.less B. better C. little D. no
Experts say that students usually need eight to ten hours’ sleep at night , but more Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They will think their children work very hard. But not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger with his eyes still closed ,begging(央求) for one more minute to sleep . Like thousands of student "early birds" in China, he has to get up before six every morning.
A report shows that a good night’s sleep , students seem to be weaker than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late . Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night.
Experts have ever said that students should develop good study habits. So some clever students never study late, they are able to work well in class.
( ) 1.The 10-year-old boy begged for one more minute to sleep because_____.
A. he didn‘t have enough sleep B. it wasn’t time for him to get up
C. he didn‘t want to go to school D. he wanted his mother to wake him up
( ) 2.In this passage “early birds” means persons who ______.
A. get up early B. get up late C. sleep less D. don’t want to sleep
( ) 3.From the passage we know if students don’t get enough sleep, they may ______.
A. become too weak to sleep B. not work well in class
C. go to bed early D. be weak in English
( ) 4. “Stay up late” here means _____.
A. study late B. watch TV late
C. not go to bed until late D. stay outside
( )5.According to the passage , which of the following is right ?
A. If you want to study better, you must work hard
B. Sleeping less means working hard
C. Some clever students can work well in class because they have good study habits.
D. Students don’t have enough sleep only because they have a lot of homework to do.
One evening two young men were walking in the street together. They tried to find a chance to steal something. The clock struck twelve. Most of the people went to bed. Quickly they came to a house and it seemed that everyone in the house had fallen asleep. Standing at the front gate , one said in English to the other in a low voice , “You wait here. I’ll go around to the back door and then get into the house.” Suddenly out of the house ran a dog, barking at them. The two men were very frightened and ran away as fast as they could. Finally, they stopped at a lonely place. The man said breathlessly, “It’s too bad. I hadn’t expected that the dog could understand English.”
( ) 1.Why did the two men walk in the street one evening ?
A. They couldn’t fall asleep   B. They wanted to steal something
C. They would like to take a walk D. They went to visit their friends
( ) 2. “One said in English to the other in a low voice.” From this sentence we know ____.
A. he didn’t know English  B. he liked speaking English quietly    
C. he couldn’t speak loud  D. he was afraid of waking up others
( ) 3.The dog ran out of the house and barked at them only because _______.
A. it understood English B. it knew them
C. it found someone outside D. Both B and C
( ) 4. At last the two young men _______.
A. stole nothing    B. stole something expensive
C. were bitten by the dog D. were bitten by the police
( ) 5. What did the owners do while the dog was barking ?
A. They stopped it. B. They got up quickly.
C. They shouted for help. D. The story didn’t tell us.
A. clean B. mall C. dictionaries D. uncrowded E. furniture F. restaurant
G. delicious H. restroom I. convenient J. museum K. money L. shampoo
1. Can you tell me how I can go to the _____ _____ _____ _____?
2. Do you know how I can buy some _____ _____ _____?
3. I think the subway is _____ _____ ______ .
Some teachers /students are visiting our school. Please guide for them. 今天,学校迎来了一些来参观的老师和学生,请你以一名小导游的身份,写一篇发言稿,介绍一下学校的情况。(学校的设施,方位以及如何前往等等)
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Welcome to our school! I’m Li Ming. And I’m very glad to be here to introduce our beautiful school. Hope you have a wonderful day!
First, __________________________________________________________________________
I. 单项选择:
1. He said _________ there was going to be a meeting that evening.
A. what B. if C. that D. how
2. I don't know ________ up so early last Sunday.
A. why did he get B. why he gets C. why does he get D. why he got
3. I'll show you a store where you can buy ________ you need.
A. which B. that C. how D. what
4. Have you seen Tom recently? I wonder ________ with his studies.
A. how is he getting along B. that he gets along well
C. what he is getting along D. if he is getting along well
5. I wondered how much ________ .
A. does the watch cost B. did the watch cost
C. the watch costs D. the watch cost
6. -Has Tom arrived yet ?
-No, but he said he ________ a bit late.
A. would come B. had come C. came D. had been coming
7. Do you know how much hot water ?
A. Mum is needed B. does Mum need
C. Mum needs D. did Mum need
8. I really don't know ________ .
A. that I'll go B. whether I'll go or not
C. whether to go and stay D. if go or stay
9. He asked ________ I understood ________ he meant.
A. whether; what B. if; that C. when; which D. why; where
10. Can you tell me ?
A. where he is B. where is he C. he is where D. what is he
11. I didn’t know how to London?
A. would they go B. are they going
C. they would go D. they are going
12. I want to know how long
A. has he been back B. has he come back
C. he has been back D. he has come back
13. Do you know ?
A. what the news are B. what is the news
C. what the news is D. what are the news
14. Could you tell me we get to the plane?
A. how B. whether C. where D. what
II. 把下列句子合并为一句(把下列句子改为宾语从句)。
1. Meimei is the best in the class. I know.
I know ___________ ___________ ___________ the best in the class.
2. Where does Mike live? Do you know?
Do you know ____________ ___________ ___________ ?
3. Whose picture is the most beautiful? Can you tell me?
Please tell me ___________ ___________ ___________the most beautiful.
4. “What are they looking for?” Did you know.
Did you know ___________ ___________ ___________ looking for?
5. “Does her father work on that farm?” Can you tell me?
Can you tell me ____________ her father ___________ on that farm ?
6. Do you need some more water? He asked.
He asked _________ you _________ some more water.
7. Where does she come from? Can you tell me?
Can you tell me _________ she _________ from?
8. Did his father work there last year? I want to know.
I want to know _________ his father _________ there last year.
9. Does Mrs Brown work in a middle school? Do you know?
Do you know _________ Mrs Brown _________ in a middle school?
10. What were you doing at that time? Can you tell me?
Can you tell me _________ _________ _________ doing at that time?
11. Are you from Shanghai? I want to know.
I want to know _________ you _________ from Shanghai.
12. Can you go with me? She said to us.
She asked us _________ __________ _________ _________ with _________.
13. Stop talking! He said to us.
He asked us _________ _________ _________.
14. How did you find your way here? He asked her.
He asked her _________ _________ _________ her way.
15. I’ll buy the ticket for the film tomorrow. Tom said.
Tom said _________ _________ _________the ticket for the film the next day.
16. What are you doing now? Mother said to John.
Mother asked John _________ _________ _________ _________.
17. Kate asked Jack. Where does he live?
Kate asked Jack where _________ _________.

Unit 11 单元练习
单选 1-5 B C A C B 6-10 A D D C B
完型 1-5 C A D D C 6-10 D B C A B
阅读 A: A A B C C B: B D C A D
单词分类:1. B F H J 2. C E L 3. A D I
写作: Answers will vary.
一、1-5 C D D D D 6-10 A C B A A 11-14 C C C A
二、1. that Meimei is 2. where Mike lives
3. whose picture is 4. what they were
5. whether works 6. whether needed
7. where comes 8. whether worked
9. whether works 10. what you were
11. whether are 12. whether I could go her
13. not to talk 14. how she found
15. he would buy 16. what he was doing
17. he lived




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