(人教版+朗文)初三英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Units 1-6复习(语言点)

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I. 词组和习惯用语
Unit 1
pay for 付钱 come up with 提供,提出
think of 认为,想起 pick up 拾起,捡起
finish doing完成,做完 sooner or later迟早
encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励…做… fill in 填写,装满
used to 过去常常 in the schoolyard 在校园里
on the shelf在架子上
have a try 尝试 all over the world 全世界
be famous for 以…而著名
no matter 不管 give up 放弃
both…and… 和…都 ever since 从那时起,此后一直
come true 实现 set off 出发
step into 进入 slow down 减慢
a crowd of 一批 be proud of 以…而骄傲
so far 到现在为止 speak highly of 称赞(某人)
have / take … off 休(多长时间的)假
be afraid of 害怕 a piece of music 一首乐曲
protect the environment 保护环境 improve the environment 改善环境
as soon as 一…就… plant trees 种树
base on 以…为根据 do well in 在…做得好
all one’s life 一生 cut down 砍倒
make a contribution to贡献给,捐献
Unit 4
as soon as possible 尽快 all kinds of 各种各样
keep doing sth. 一直做… fall / fast asleep (很快)入睡
wake up 醒来 hurry up 赶快
right now 现在
Unit 5
decide to do sth. 决定做某事 do by oneself 自己做
walk along 沿…走 the second largest 第二大
at the airport 在飞机场 go straight along 沿…笔直走
think about 考虑 have a good time 过得愉快
Unit 6
be amazed at 对…感兴趣 clear up 清除,收拾干净
encourage sb. to do sth鼓励某人做某事 take part in 参加
as long as长达,达…之久 thousands of 成千上万
stop doing sth. 停止做某事 on earth 在地球上
1. borrow / lend / keep
⑴ borrow: borrow sth. from sb.
May I borrow the history book from your sister?
⑵ lend: lend sth. to sb./lend sb sth
John lent me his new CD player yesterday.
⑶ keep
How long have you kept the book? For two weeks.
2. several / a little / a few / some / any
⑴ several: She has learnt several units by now.
⑵ a little: There is a little time left. Let’s clean the classroom first.
⑶ a few: A few days later, they found the lost boy.
⑷ some / any: There are some oranges on the plate.
There isn’t any bread in the bag.
Are there any apples on the table?
Please send him E-mail if you have any time.
Would you like some tea?

3. find / find out
⑴ find 发现
He found a wallet on way home and gave it to the police.
⑵ find out 找到
The teacher found out why he was late for school.
They find out a new method to work out the difficult math problem.

4. for / since
They have been here for ten minutes.
What have you done since 8 o’clock this morning?
(2)for 接表示一段时间的词、短语,since 接表示时刻的词、短语。
He has stayed there since 9 o’clock.
So he has stayed there for about eight hours.
(3)for 只能跟词、短语, since既可跟词、短语,又可接从句。
We have been good friends for five years.
We have been good friends since 1999.
We have been good friends since I came to this school.
(4)对for / since引导的时间状语从句提问时用how long
--How long have you worked there?
--Since 1998.
5. as soon as possible;意为“尽可能早地,尽快”,多指时间短
Don’t worry. I’ll come as soon as possible.
(1)as quickly as possible;尽早(快),多指速度快
Please read the story as quickly as possible.
(2)as much as possible尽可能多地,多指数量。
We must practice peaking English as much as possible.
6. besides 除…以外,还有,包括后面的宾语
except for有时可以与except互换
Besides English he is good at French.
We all pass the exam except Tom.
Except for my father ,we will all go boating.

7. because; because of 二者都作“因为”,“由于”解。
because of是复合介词,后跟名词或代词,相当于名词词组。
He is not here today because he is ill.
The football match was put off because of the rain.
8. harm; hurt 均有“伤害”之意,但用法有区别。
The noise of the machine harmed their hearing.
I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.
9. search与look for
(1)search (sb./sth.)(for sb./sth.)搜查;细查以搜索某人;
search through sth. (for sth.)把……仔细搜索一遍。
The policeman searched him for drugs.
We searched through the drawers for the missing papers.
(2)look for 是寻找的意思,强调找的动作。
Are you still looking for a job?
10. pretty, beautiful, good-looking, handsome, beautiful意为“漂亮悦人的”,强调内在美和外在美的统一性,是表示“美丽”的最普通用语,语气最强,不用于男性;
11. check与examine
The doctor examined her patient carefully.
He must check his work more carefully. It’s full of mistakes.
12. happen, take place, chance
take place 发生,常指经过安排的。
I happened/chanced to be there when the accident happened.
Where will the 2006 World Cup Football Match take place?
13. surprise 与amaze
14. however与but
15. because与since, as, for
这四个连词表示“因为,原因”的语气由强至弱依次为because--since--as--for.其中because, since, as为从属连词。引导原因状语从句;for是并列连词,连接两个并列句。
16. seem 与appear, as if
It appeared/seemed that he’d made a mistake.
He appeared/seemed to have made a mistake.
as if 用来引导方式状语从句,意思是“好像,似乎”,它跟在描述行为举止的动词的后面,常见的如:feel, seem, appear, smell, sound, taste等。
It seems / appears as if she’s lost interest in her job.
17. alike 与like
The twin brothers are very much alike.
The twin brothers is like that one very much.
She treats all the students alike.
一. 选择填空
( ) 1. Where is Li Ming?
He _____________ aboard.
A has B was C has gone D have been
( ) 2. She’s never looked after a baby before, _______ she?
A isn’t B hasn’t C. has D is
( ) 3. His birth makes his family _________.
A happily B happy C happier D happiest
( ) 4. So far I __________ drawing the pictures.
A finish B finished C have finished D finishing
( ) 5. We have written a letter to the factory to ask them ______ dirty water into the river.
A. to stop to pour B to stop pouring
C. stopping to pour D stop pouring
( ) 6. What have you done since you _________ the Greener China?
A joining B join C joined D to join
( ) 7. It’s a _______ way to help keep our city clean.
A pleasant B pleased C pleasure D please
( ) 8. I have lived in Beijing___________.
A two years B in two years
C for two years ago D for two years
( ) 9.________ you eat, __________ you will be.
A The more, the fatter B. The much, the fatter
C The much, fatter D. More, fatter
( ) 10. China _________ the WTO since November 2001.
A joined B came into
C has joined D has been a member of
( ) 11. Don’t forget _______ my dictionary tomorrow morning.
A to return B returning
C to give D giving
( ) 12 If something _______ you, please let me know.
A happen B happen to C happens D happens to
( ) 13 Not only my parents but also my brother _________ proud of me.
A. is B are C has D have
( ) 14. This dish smells ___________.
A well B better C fine D good
( ) 15 --________ you ever _________ to the Summer Palace?
-- Only once.
A. Have,been B Have, gone C Did,go D. Did went
二. 完形填空
Mr. and Mrs. Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year ago. They 1 their car outside and went in. Mr. Moore had never got drunk (醉) before, so he was 2 not to drink too much, 3 his friends asked him to drink more 4 .
During the party, Mrs. Moore found that she had 5 to bring her bag, so she asked her husband to go out to the car and 6 it for her. He 7 so, but on his way back to the hotel gate, he heard a car horn(喇叭) blowing near his own car. He thought 8 might be in need of help and went over to the car with the 9 . He found a small black bear sitting in the driving-seat and blowing the horn.
When Mr. Moore 10 the party, he told several people about the bear, but of course they did not believe him and thought he was drunk. When he took them out of the hotel to 11 that his story was 12 , he found that the car with the 13 in it had gone. There were so many 14 about Mr. Moore’s black bear during the next week that he at last put an advertisement(广告)in the newspaper; “If anyone saw a black bear blowing the horn in a car outside the Century Hotel 15 the evening of Christmas Day, please tell…”
Two days later 16 Mrs. Richards called him and said that she and her husband had left their pet (宠物) bear in their car outside the Century Hotel for a few minutes that evening, and that 17 he had blown the horn.
Mrs. Richards did not 18 to think there was anything 19 about that. “Our bear likes blowing car horns,” she said, “and we don't 20 when we are not driving the car.”
1. A. pulled     B. stayed      C. left      D. hid
2. A. polite     B. careful      C. glad     D. afraid
3. A. whether    B. until      C. or      D. though
4. A. all along    B. once again    C. just then   D. for ever
5. A. learned     B. known      C. remembered D. forgotten
6. A. buy      B. get       C. send     D. return
7. A. said      B. went      C. did      D. thought
8. A. one      B. someone     C. his wife   D. the bear
9. A. noise      B. voice      C. cry      D. shout
10. A. was sent to   B. was seated at   C. got rid of   D. got back to
11. A. show     B. notice      C. require    D. promise
12. A. interesting   B. correct      C. true     D. exciting
13. A. horn     B. bear      C. bag     D. driving-seat
14. A. laughs     B. shouts     C. smiles   D. calls
15. A. for      B. at       C. in     D. on
16. A. the      B. a       C. /       D. some
17. A. quickly    B. completely   C. maybe    D. almost
18. A. mean     B. have     C. know     D. seem
19. A. useful     B. strange     C. common   D. bad
20.A. agree     B. like      C. mind     D. worry
三. 根据上下文的意思,把下列对话补充完整。
A: Hello! May I speak to Helen, please?
B: Sorry, _____________1______________. Who’s that?
A: Oh, this is Peter speaking. Is that Mrs. Black?
B: Yes.
A: You know I’ve got something important to tell her. _______2_________
B: Certainly.
A: Please tell her the students in our class are going to plant trees this Saturday.
B :_______________3________________?
A: We’ll meet at the school gate at half past seven that morning.
A: No, that’s all. Thank you, Mrs. Black.
B: _____________5_______________. Bye.
A: Bye.
四. 根据句意和首字母提示,填上合适的单词。
1. Some factories often p______ dirty water into the river.
2. Will you j____ us in the game?
3. We often keep our classroom clean and t_______.
4. N______ of us has been to the Summer Palace.
5. I really hope my father can g_______ up smoking.
6. My parents are very p______ of me.
7. Excuse me,have you got any books o_ science?
8. Have you ever p_______ up apples?
9. I am afraid you must p____ for the lost book.
10. We must put the waste things into d__________.
五. 选择方框内所给词的适当形式填空

1. He ___________ just ___________when he heard a loud knock on the door.
2. They kept ____________the button, but nothing happened at all.
3. _____________they go and work, they always help the local people.
4. _________________, I really don’t like surfing.
5. There is only one __________ answer: he is dead.
6. No matter what you say, I ___________________ to leave.
7. There are many______________ between Chinese and Japanese.
8. No ___________ on the floor!
9. Tom has made a big mistake, so he ________________ making his mother angry.
10. Is Mr. Liu in? No, he _______________ to American on business.
六. 完成句子
1. 你还没写完作业呢, 对吧? finish yet

2. 你包过饺子吗? 没有,一次也没有。 make a dumpling no

3. 我已经选好了一双鞋,但还没付款呢。 choose pay

4. 我认识李雷已经五年了。 know

5. 天气越冷,人们穿得就越多。 cold

七. 书面表达。根据提示,写一篇50词以上的短文。
get information, e-mail, shop on line, waste time, be bad for.

一. 选择填空
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A
10. D 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. A
二. 完形填空
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5.D 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10.D
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. C
三. 根据上下文的意思,把下列对话补充完整。
1. She is out at the moment.
2. Can you take a message for me?
3. When and where shall meet?
4. Anything else?
5. Not at all.
四. 根据句意和首字母提示,填上合适的单词。
1. pour 2. join 3. tidy 4. None 5. give
6. proud 7.on 8. picked 9. pay 10. dustbin

1. has fallen asleep 2. pressing 3. Wherever 4. Tell you the truth
5. possible 6. make my mind 7. difference
8. spit 9. was afraid of 10. has gone

六. 完成句子
1. You haven’t finished your homework yet, have you?
2. Have you ever made dumplings? No. Not even once.
3. I have chosen a pair of shoes. But I haven’t pay for it.
4. I have known Li Lei for five years.
5. The colder it is, the more people wear.
七. 书面表达。(略)




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