(人教版+朗文)初三英语同步辅导(含同步练习)词语用法(Unit 7-12)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

一. 本周教学内容:
1. see sb. doing. sth / see sb. do sth.
A. see sb doing sth. 看见某人(正在)做某事
I saw him writing on the blackboard when I passed by.
B. see sb do 看见某人做某事(已做过或一般情况)
I often see her play the piano after school.
2. at the end of / by the end of / in the end
(1)at the end of“在…末梢,到…的尽头”
at the end of road(地点)
at the end of this month (时间)
He will attend an important meeting at the end of this month.
They had a tea party at the end of last year.
(2)by the end of:某一点时间以前,或到一点时间为止,谓语动词一般是表示状态的动词,多与完成时连用。
By the end of the party they had got drunk.
They had learnt eight units by the end of last mouth.
(3)in the end “最后、终于”,相当于finally, at last, after all等
In the end they won the match.
In the end they sent the boy to the hospital.
3. fill with / be full of
(1)fill with 动词短语“将…装满,被…充满”
Her bag was filled with book.
We must fill the hole with sand.
The classroom was filled with singing.
(2)be full of 形容词短语,full是形容词,“充满…,富于…的”
The room is full of people.
Her future is full of hope.
4. so …that / such …that / too …to / so that.
(1)so …that / such …that:如此…以致于…
It was such a find day that everyone was in the open air.
It was so dark that we couldn’t see anything in the room.
He walked so quickly that I could not catch up with him.
She is so pretty that her friends all like her.
(2)so …that / too …to
so…that+否定词,可以与too…to互转,so …that是复合词,too…to是简单句。
He was so busy that he didn’t have time to see the film.
= He was too busy to see the film.
The boy spoke so quickly that we couldn’t hear him clearly.
= The boy spoke too quickly to hear clearly.
(3)so that / so …that
so that “以便,为了”引导目的状语从句
so …that引导结果状语从句
He got up early so that he could go to school on time. (目的是准时到校)
Please finish doing your homework quickly so that you can help your mother with housework.
Nancy is so angry that she can’t say a word.
5. be able to / can
(1)can只有现在式和过去式,因此当表示将来或完成意义时,要用be able to 的将来时态或完成时态。
His uncle can (is able to )drive a bus.
Li Lida could(was able to )cross the Qiongzhou channel when he was thirteen.
(2)表示经过努力而成功的做某一次动作,只能用be able to 而不用could
Will he be able to escape from the prison?
Can he dance?
A. 当can表示许可的意思时,不能与be able to 互换。
B. can和be able to 没有进行时态
C. be able to 后不能接不定式的被动语态。
6. plant / grow
Every Tree Planting Day the young people go to plant tree by the river.
The farmers were planting roses in the field at this time yesterday. (plant可做名词,植物)
People grow wheat in the north.
The old man grows many flowers in his yard.
A. 用作不及物动词,“成长、长大、增长”
The town is growing rapidly.
She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
B. 用作不及物动词,表示“大小、体积、数量的增长”
The world’s population is growing much faster than before.
She grew in experience.
C. 可作系动词表示“渐渐变得”与become, get一样,后接形容词。
The weather is growing colder and colder.
7. earth / on the earth / on earth
Cover the roots with earth.
The earth goes round the sun.
(2)on the earth 在地球上、大陆上
We live on the earth.
There are all kinds of animals on the earth.
(3)on earth 究竟、到底
A. 放在最高级之后,用来强调最高级
Edison was the greatest inventor on earth.
B. 意为“到底、究竟”放在代词who, what或副词when, where, why, how之后,以加强疑问。
Why on earth didn’t you go to school?
What on earth is it?
8. in order to / in order that
(1)in order to +动词不定式
in order not to do sth.
The assistant told the students to keep quiet in order not to disturb others.
(2)in order that 后接从句,表示目的,从句中常用may, can, could, might, will be able to, would, should 等情态动词。
He spoke slowly in order that everyone could understand him.
9. thanks to / because of
(1)thanks to 意为“多亏、由于”,带有感情色彩,表示由于某种原因得到了好的结果。
Thanks to her help, the old woman found her daughter.
Thanks Jim ,we finished it first.
(2)because of 无感情色彩,只表示某种原因。
He didn’t come because of sickness.
His face went red because of what she said.
10. in / on / at 表示时间
(1)在年代、月份、季节、不特指的morning, afternoon, evening 前用in.
Her sister took part in a sports meeting in April, 2001.
He often goes over the text in the evening.
The People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949.
I go to the city library on Sunday morning.
(3)具体的时间点,不特指的noon, night前用at
She gets up at 6:00 in the morning.
She had an exam at the beginning of the month.
at noon, at night.
11. first / at first
(1)first = first of all. 首先、第一,一般用在说明顺序上的首先、第一。
Work must come first.
(2)at first = at the beginning “最初、开始”一般用来暗示后来情况有所变化。
At first he lived in Tianjin and then moved to Shanghai.
12. discover / look for / find
We discovered Miss Wang to be friendly to us.
(2)look for “寻找”强调寻找的动作、不涉及结果,是延续性动词。
The two boys are looking for the borrowed newspaper everywhere.
She can’t find time to play.
13. long before / before long
(1)long before “很久以前”作状语,常与一般过去时,过去完成时连用。
That means dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.
(2)before long “不久以后”相当于soon,多与将来时连用。
He will be back before long.
I shall see you before long.
14. be covered with / be covered by
(1)be covered with “由…覆盖”表示自身自然生长的。
Cats are covered with fur and dogs are covered with hair.
(2)be covered by “被…覆盖”表示动作,是被动的结构。
The hill is covered by green trees.
The ground, the houses and the trees were all covered by snow.
15. in the future / in future.
(1)in the future “将来”指将来的某一时期,相当于the time yet to come
She wants to go abroad in the future.
He will become a film star in the future.
(2)in future “将来、今后”,主要强调从现在起的以后,相当于from now on.
“You must study hard in future, ”the teacher said.
16. because / since / as / for
(1)because 从属连词,“因为”,表示直接的理由,由because 引导的从句,一般放在主句的后面。
My mother didn’t go shopping because she wasn’t free.
-Why didn’t you come to school?
-Because I had a high fever.
Since they haven’t any paper, they can’t make paper ships.
As it is dark, we stopped to have a rest.
I must go home now for my sister is waiting for me.
17. repair / fix / mend
A. repair与fix是同义词,repair的宾语通常是建筑物、堤坝、车辆、机械等。有时repair 与fix可互换。
He had repaired the watch by 5 o’clock the day before yesterday.
Mr. Wang has repaired (fixed)his bike twice.
B. fix常用美语口语“修理、整理”一般用于修理钟表、无线电等。
I had my tape recorder fixed.
C. mend表示“修补破损的东西,使其恢复原样,多用于修补构造简单的小东西。”
The students of Class Three mended the windows of the classroom yesterday.
18. universe / space / sky
A. universe:“宇宙、天地万物”强调宇宙的物质概念
The earth is only a small part of the universe.
B. space 空间,指大气层以外的太空领域。
The moon is quite near us in space.
C. sky天、天空,指我们在地球上能看到的太阳、月亮、星星的天空,一般用单数。
There are millions of stars in the sky.
19. ordinary / common
A. ordinary 侧重于与一般标准相比并不特殊,修饰人或物,反义词special
You should do it in an ordinary way.
He is wearing an ordinary shirt.
B. common 侧重于到处可见的或众所周知的,多数情况下修饰物。
This is a very common idiom.
We have many things in common.
20. message / news / information.
A. message “消息、信息”可数名词,常指口信、致贺词、贺电。
I have a message for you from your parents.
B. news“新闻、报导”是不可数名词,媒体上得到的消息。
This news is good, where did you get it?
C. information “通知、报告、消息、报导”主要强调情报、资料、消息、网上信息,不可数名词。
He wants some information about the matter.
21. put up / build / found / set up
A. set up 建立某种机构、设施等。
Several new schools have been set up in the city.
B. build “建筑、建设”接表示具体事物的名词。
The people in the village are building a new bridge across the river.
C. put up “立起、兴起、搭起、举手、挂起、张贴”
They have put up a small house near the river.
D. found “成立、建立、创立”侧重表示打基础。
The hospital was found ten years ago.
第II卷 选择性试题(共50分)
五. 选择填空 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。(共15分)
( )21. Could you tell him _______ the TV? I want to go to bed.
A. to turn off B. turning off C. turns off D. turn off
( )22. The policeman usually asks the boys _______ in the street. It’s dangerous.
A. don’t play B. not play C. not to play D. aren’t playing
( )23. This kind of CD player _________ in Guangdong. It works very well.
A. makes B. made C. is made D. must make
( )24. He _______ in a village school for 25 years. Let’s go and visit him.
A. teaches B. taught C. teach D. has taught
( )25. They have planted many trees and flowers ________ they came to our town.
A. since B. because C. when D. while
( )26. He said that he _______ speak a little English when he was five.
A. could B. is able to C. can D. be able to
( )27. Do you know _________ visit Uncle Jim’s farm?
A. where shall we B. where we shall
C. when we shall D. when shall we
( )28. A _______ can do almost all for man though it can’t take the place of man. It has changed the world a lot.
A. e-mail B. Internet C. computer D. mobile phone
( )29. “If you know the answer, put ________ your hand please. ”the teacher said.
A. down B. up C. on D. away
( )30. Americans celebrate ________ on Thanksgiving Day.
A. the harvest B. the bright and round moon
C. New Year’s coming D. Jesus Christ birthday
( )31. -“Have you ever been to Hangzhou? ”
-“Yes, it’s famous for its ________. ”
A. wool B. nylon C. cotton D. silk
( )32. English is spoken as a first language in ________ and French is, too.
A. France B. Canada C. Britain D. Germany
( )33. When you see the sign,
you can ________.
A. pass B. go out C. go in D. go by
( )34. Have you ever ________ the Great Green Wall?
A. listened B. listened to C. heard D. heard of
A telephone message
From: Mr. Smith To: Mr. White
Date: Sep. 27 Time: 9:12
Message: He wants to see you at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow.
( )35. According to the message, ________ wants to see _______ at 3:30 P.M. Sep. _______.
A. Mr. White, Mr. Smith, 27 B. Mr. Smith, Mr. White, 27
C. Mr. White, Mr. Smith, 28 D. Mr. Smith, Mr. White, 28
六. 完形填空
Today’s young people are taking a more active part in online activities. Although the Internet can be 36 for students to collect information and communicate (交流)with their friends, teachers and parents are becoming more and more 37 about the unhealthy web content (网上内容)in the bar. They think that the 38 of “harm-free Internet bars”(健康网吧)is an important step to 39 teenagers (青少年).
It was Sunday afternoon and there were not many 40 seats in the Feiyu Internet bar. A few teenagers were found playing 41 . A person of the bar was walking around 42 Internet users’ online activities.
“My job is to find anyone who is looking at 43 websites (网站)and then ask them not to do so, ”he said. “This is 44 of the ‘Harm-free Internet Bar’ project (工程)”. Feiyu, a famous Internet bar in Beijing is 45 the first 19 to join the harm-free Internet bar club.
In order to (为了)help start a better 46 for teenagers’ online activities, China’s Communist Youth League (共青团)has brought out the program 47 “Harm-free Internet Bar for Teens. ”
But while some people 48 the “harm-free Internet bars”, what do many school students think of them?
( )36. A. successful B. useful C. hopeful D. interesting
( )37. A. amazed B. excited C. frightened D. worried
( )38. A. way B. birth C. idea D. place
( )39. A. protect B. attract C. encourage D. help
( )40. A. safe B. empty C. single D. clean
( )41. A. music B. bridge C. chess D. online games
( )42. A. watching B. looking C. seeing D. finding
( )43. A. interesting B. healthy C. unknown D. harmful
( )44. A. step B. part C. all D. one
( )45. A. during B. among C. between D. inside
( )46. A. future B. environment C. internet bar D. club
( )47. A. named B. founded C. wanted D. needed
( )48. A. complain about B. are against
C. welcome D. speak badly of
七. 阅读理解
Jack was the football coach (教练)at an American college, and he was always trying to find good players, but they weren’t always clever enough to go to the college.
One day the coach brought a very good young player to the dean (学监)of the college and asked if the student could study in the college without an exam. “Well, ”the dean said, “I’d better ask him a few questions first. ”
Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn’t know any of the answers.
At last the dean said, “Well, what’s five times seven? ”
The student thought for a long time and then answered, “Thirty-six. ”
The dean looked at the coach sadly, but the coach said: “Oh, please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two. ”
( )49. What did the football coach try to find for the college?
A. Good players B. Good students C. Good coaches.
( )50. The question that the dean asked was _______.
A. 5×7 B. 5+7 C. 5-7
( )51. The coach’s answer should be _______.
A. 34 B. 35 C. 36
( )52. Whose answer was right?
A. The student’s B. The coach’s C. Neither.
Singapore welcomes visitors and tourists. When you come to visit Singapore, please keep the laws (法律)of this country. Here are some points that you must remember.
SMOKING: Cigarette (香烟)smoking is a danger to health. It is not allowed in lifts, cinemas, theatres, all government offices and on buses. If you break it, you have to pay fines (罚款)of up to $500.
LITTER: Singapore is the Garden City Of Asia-clean and green. Dropping litter in public places is not allowed. You can be fined up to $500 for dropping litter-even if it is only a piece of waste paper or a cigarette end.
LONG HAIR: Men visitors should not have hair longer than the top of their shirt collar (衣领). Long-haired men will be served last of all in government offices.
JAYWALKING(违规穿越马路):You must always use the pedestrian crossing (人行横道). You can be fined $ 50 for crossing the street less than 50 metres from a crossing. These laws are also for children who are old enough to be in the street on their own.
( )53. It is not allowed to smoke in Singapore.
( )54. Children who are old enough to go out on their own are also fined if they break the traffic rules.
( )55. Tourists from other countries will not be punished (受罚)when they break the laws in Singapore.
( )56. You will be fined more for dropping litter than for smoking in public places.
The first satellite went into orbit (轨道)on 4th October 1957. Its name was Sputnik. Sputnik is the Russian word for satellite. In the same satellite there was a small radio. People on earth heard its ‘bleep bleep’on their radios and televisions. Sputnik traveled round the earth every 96 minutes. It was in space for 92 days and it fell back to the earth on 4th January 1958.
Russia’s second satellite, Sputnik 2, went into orbit on 3rd November 1957. It carried a dog, Laika. Laika couldn’t come back to the earth. She died in orbit.
America sent up their first satellite on January 31st 1958. The first astronaut (宇航员)and the first woman astronaut were Russian, too. Yuri Gagarin made one orbit of the earth on 12th April 1961. Gagarin died in a plane crash (坠毁)in 1968. Valentina Tereshkova went into orbit on 16th June 1963. A Russian rocket took the first satellite to the moon, too. Luna 2 crashed on the moon in September 1959. But then on 20th July 1969 the first men landed on the moon. They weren’t Russians. They were the American astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. On 12th April 1981 America sent up the space shuttle (航天飞机), Columbia. Now the space shuttle regularly (有规律地)carries satellites into orbit.
( )57. An animal was carried into space for the first time by _______.
A. the satellite Sputnik
B. Sputnik 2
C. the first astronaut
D. the space shuttle
( )58. The first astronaut into orbit was ______.
A. Laika
B. Neil Armstrong
C. Valentina Tereshkova
D. Yuri Gagarin
( )59. American sent up her first satellite ________.
A. over three months after Russia did it
B. over three months before Russia did it
C. over three years after Russia did it
D. over three years before Russia did it
( )60. From the passage we can see that in the first ten years of the race for outer space, ______.
A. many countries took part
B. quite a few countries were at the same level (水平)
C. America was first in the world
D. Russia took the leading position (领先地位)
I. Problem of too many people
There have never been as many people in the world as there are today. And the number keeps rising (上升). The growth of the world’s population is causing (引起)all kinds of problems. The world is starting to worry about how to provide 6 billion people with food, clothes and houses. The problem is made worse by the fact that the population is growing faster and faster in the less developed countries. But what can be done to stop the population of the world increasing (增长)?
II. Plans to keep life-saving trees.
Trees provide air for us to breathe, homes for thousands of animals, food for us to eat and they cool the earth. So why we are cutting huge numbers of them down? Now that the world has realized (认识到)the harm we’ve been doing -to ourselves, animals and the earth-many countries are beginning to plant huge numbers of trees. China is one of the countries leading the way.
III. Fighting against floods
We all know the harm of flooding. A flood will usually destroy (毁坏)many houses, and even worse, kill many people. But floods can also do good to us, especially (尤其)by making land richer so that plants and crops can grow. So is there anything that can be done to stop the harm of floods, while keeping their good? And why do floods happen anyway (不管怎样)?
IV. Danger of volcanoes (火山)still very real
Even in the 21st century, scientists still try hard to find out when a volcano will erupt (爆发). If a volcano erupts, it will throw burning lava (熔岩)onto everything around. This is one of the reasons why living near a volcano is so dangerous. The city of Pompeii in Italy was destroyed, along with all its people, when Mount Versuvius erupted. Could this happen to any cities in the world today?
世纪之初,你们班要开一次英语班会,主题是“展望新世纪”(Prospects for the new century)。你发言的题目是“The problems we are facing on the earth”. 请按照图表的内容完成你的发言提纲。“problems”要根据短文内容写,“suggestions(建议)”,可以自行发挥。(共6分)

第III卷 非选择性试题(共40分)
一. 单词拼写 根据句意和所缺单词首字母的提示,用正确的单词形式填空。(共8分)
1. We have all k_______ of books in our library.
2. Tina is a friend of m_______. We often go to school together.
3. Lucy’s radio is too loud. Please ask her to turn it d_______.
4. Victor can dive d________ into the sea than Ted.
5. The Yellow River is the s_________ longest river in China.
6. You can’t p________ your car here.
7. Our classroom is c_______ by the students on duty every day.
8. A key is used for o_________ a door.
二. 补全对话 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成对话。将该句的字母代号填在相应的横线上。(共5分)
A: Mom and Dad, will you be back soon?
B: Yes, we will. 1
A: I’ll miss you.
B: 2
A: 3
B: Yes, you will. You’ll get a postcard every day, and you’ll talk to us on the phone in a few days.
A: 4
B: Yes, they will. 5
A: Oh, that’s your taxi. You need to go, or you’ll be late. Good-bye, Mom and Dad.
B: Good-bye, Johnny.
A. Will I get a letter from you?
B. Shall I write to you?
C. They will have our phone number at that hotel.
D. We’ll buy them a mobile phone.
E. We’ll miss you, too, Johnny.
F. We’ll be back in a week.
G. Will grandparents know how to reach you?
三. 选词填空 根据句意用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每个词只准用一次。(共6分)
be proud of, give up, happy, be interested in, best, read
1. She loves reading and sometimes ____________ till midnight.
2. Most boys _____________ watching NBA games.
3. I wonder why Sue looks so __________ today.
4. Meimei is a very good English teacher. Her parents _________ her.
5. Bob said he would do his _________ to learn all his subjects well.
6. To take care of his sick mother, he _________ the chance to study abroad.
四. 提示造句 根据中文意思和英文提示词语,用所学过的句型写出语法正确的句子。所给英文提示词语必须都用上;每题限用一个句子表达。(共8分)
1. 我认为这个答案不对。
I, think, answer, right
2. 昨天,直到雨停了我才回家。
I, go home, rain, stop
3. 昨晚大风刮个不停。
the wind, keep, last night
4. 北京不仅是个古老的城市,而且是个科技城。
Beijing, is, old city, but, a science city
五. 书面表达
1. not, take, bag, library,
2. must, quiet, when, read, library
3. borrow, 4 books, at a time, mustn’t, lend, others
4. remember, return, on time
5. had better, leave, library, before 6:00 p.m., because, close
Notice to the Readers
1. Please don’t ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
六. 实际应用(共3分)
It’s snowing outside. You are riding your bike home with one of your friends. Unluckily, his / her bike is broken. What will you do to help him / her? Give at least two solutions (解决方案). You can write down your ideas or draw pictures to show your ideas.

一~四 略
第二卷 选择性试题:
五. 21. A 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. A 27. C
28. C 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. B 34. D 35. D
六. 36. B 37. D 38. B 39. A 40. B 41. D 42. A
43. D 44. B 45. B 46. B 47. A 48. C
七. A. 49. A 50. A 51. A 52. C
B. 53. B 54. A 55. B 56. B
C. 57. B 58. D 59. A 60. D
D. 学生写出关键词、短语或句子均可得分。
第三卷 非选择性试题
一. 1. kinds 2. mine 3. down 4. deeper 5. second 6. park 7. cleaned 8. opening
二. 1. F 2. E 3. A 4. G 5. C
三. 1. reads 2. are interested in 3. happy 4. are proud of 5. best
6. gave up / has given up / will give up
四. 1. I don’t think the answer is right.
2. I didn’t go home until the rain stopped yesterday.
3. The wind kept blowing last night.
4. Beijing is not only an old city but also a science city.
五. 1. Please don’t take your bag to the library.
2. You must be quiet when you are reading in the library.
3. You can borrow four books at a time, but you mustn’t lend them to others.
4. Please remember to return books on time.
5. You’d better leave the library before 6:00 p.m. Because it closes at 6:00.
六. 句子或图画达意、基本正确即可。可酌情给分。




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