(牛津版)初三英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 2 Colour(1)

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Main task:
Writing a report on the moods of people. Describe the moods of people by looking at the colours they choose to wear.
1. Use ‘would rather… than…’to express preferences.
2. Use ‘prefer … to…’ to express preferences.
二. 重点、难点:
Comic Strips
1. I’d rather wear blue than pink. 我宁愿穿蓝色也不愿穿粉红色。
would rather… than… 表示“宁愿…而不愿…”,“更愿意…”;rather后跟动词原形。
e.g. I’d rather play tennis than swim.
He’d rather stay at home than go out on such a rainy day.
2. There’s nothing wrong with pink, you know. 你是知道的,粉红色本身没有错。
nothing 是不定代词,它通常放在所修饰的形容词之前。类似的不定代词还有something/somebody; anything/anybody; nobody/nothing/no one 等。
There is nothing/ something wrong with sb./ sth. 表示某人/某个东西没出/出了毛病。
e.g. There is something wrong with my watch It doesn’t work.
Nothing is wrong with pink.
3. But blue looks good on you. 但蓝色穿在你身上看上去很好看。
look good 看上去好看的, on you 表示“穿在你身上” 的意思。
1. Do you know anything interesting about colours? 你知道关于颜色的一些有趣的事情吗?
anything interesting 一些有趣的事情, anything 是不定代词,形容词interesting要放在它的后面。
2. Colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.
make sb. do sth. “使得某人做某事”,后接宾语和宾语补足语。
e.g. The news made her very sad.
3. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because this colour creates the feeling of harmony. 穿蓝色的衣服或睡在一间蓝色的房间里对我们的身体和头脑都有好处,因为这个颜色创造出和谐的感觉。
be good for … “对…有利”
e.g. Taking a walk after supper is good for our health.
它的反义词是 be bad for
e.g. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.
4. I am feeling blue. 我感到伤心。
e.g. a green hand 生手
He is yellow. 他懦弱。
a white lie 一个善意的谎言
5. People who live in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feel. 生活在寒冷气候下的人们更愿意使用暖色给他们的家带来温暖、舒适的感觉。
prefer “更喜欢”,后可跟名词、代词,也可跟动词不定式或动名词。
e.g. He prefers coffee.
I prefer to live in a city.= I prefer living in a city.
e.g. He prefers football/playing football to basketball/playing basketball.
6. Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.橘黄色能给你带来成功,并且当你伤心的时候能使你振作起来。
7. Yellow is the colour of sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny day.黄色是太阳的颜色,所以它能使你想起温暖、晴朗的日子。
remind sb of sth/ sb. “使某人想起某事/某人”
e.g. He reminds me of my brother.
8. Wearing red makes it easier for you to take actions. 穿红色衣服帮助你更容易采取行动。
9. This can help when you are having difficulty making a decision. 当你难以作出决定的时候,它会帮助你。
make a decision “做决定”
have difficulty doing sth. “做某事有困难”
e.g. They had some difficulties getting on the bus yesterday.
Grammar (A) (B)
A would rather… than…
We can express preferences using ‘would rather… than…’.
我们用would rather… than 来表达“宁愿…而不愿…”,“更愿意 …”这个意思。
e.g. I would rather wear trousers than a skirt. 我宁愿穿裤子而不愿穿裙子。
She’d rather have Western food than Chinese food.
(2)当我们只想表达“想做某事时”,我们可以只用would rather,而不带than.
e.g. I would rather stay at home.
B prefer…to…
We can also express preferences using ‘prefer… to’.
我们也可以用prefer… to…来表达“宁愿要; 更喜欢”, 后可跟名词、代词,也可跟动词不定式或动名词。
e.g. Which do you prefer, milk or tea?
My mother prefers to live in the countryside.
She preferred him to stay at home all day.
当你想表达喜欢一件东西,而不喜欢另一件东西时,可用prefer …to…来表示。
e.g. I prefer walking to jogging.
Daniel prefers classic music to pop music.
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 表示“宁愿做…而不愿做…”
e.g. I prefer to study at night rather than watch TV.
Language points:
Where do you want to go for lunch? 你想去哪里吃午餐?
for 在这里的意思是“为,为了”
e.g. They have gone for a skiing.
1. 太阳的颜色 _________________ 2. 给你带来成功 _______________
3. 紫色的葡萄 _________________ 4. 蓝色的天空 ________________
5. 对健康有好处________________ 6. 做决定 _____________________
7. 采取行动 ____________________ 8. 灰色的头发 _________________
9. 和谐的感觉___________________ 10.影响我们的情绪______________
11. feel blue _____________________ 12. study for exams ______________
13. make us feel energetic __________ 14. green fields __________________
15. would rather … than… _________ 16. prefer …to… ________________
二. 根据首字母提示完成下列句子:
1. Red represents p __________ and s_____________.
2. Paul has strong p_________ and likes to be the leader.
3. This can help when you have d__________- making a decision.
4. I’d r__________ wear a blue coat than a red coat.
5. Green can give us e_________ because it r___________ new life and growth.
6. White is the color of p________. If you wear white, you will feel p______.
7. Blue can c_______ the feeling of harmony.
8. Is there a_________ in the room? I’m hungry.
9. Do you know that colours can a_________ our moods?
10. Orange can bring you s________ .It can c______ you up when you are sad.
三. 用下列词的正确形式填空:
1. Yellow is the colour of _______ (wise). Some people like ______ (use) it when they study for exams.
2. Someone who ________(feel) sad may say “I’m feeling blue.”
3. _______ you ever________(walk) into a room and felt relaxed?
4. Wearing red can help when you are having difficulty _________(make) a _______(decide).
5. Simon prefers ______(stay) at home to ______(go) out because he likes watching TV.
6. Yesterday Millie ______(have) a strange dream.
7. Li Ping ______(live) here since he ______(be) born.
8. Wild animals _________(not survive) if people __________(not help) them.
9. Everyone seemed ________(be) tired after the long walk.
10. I hope he ______(come) back in a week.
四. 完成句子:
1. 不同的颜色会给人带来不同的感受。
2. 一些颜色能够给你幸福和成功感。
3. 紫色和粉色你更喜欢哪一个?
4. 我们宁愿打羽毛球也不要打篮球。
5. 西蒙更喜欢喝牛奶而不是咖啡。
6. 他宁愿去看电影也不愿呆在家里。
7. 我喜欢橘黄色,因为它会给我带来好运。
8. 白色穿在她身上很好看。
五. 完型填空:
One night, a thief broke into an old man’s house. He ______ a noise and woke up the old man and his wife. The husband told his ______ to be silent. while he said loudly, “My dear, these days thieves are ______. If they take _______ their clothes and put them on the table, the people in the room will fall asleep and _____ wake up.”
When the thief ______ this, he took off his clothes ______ and was ready to set out to work. At this ______, the husband suddenly shouted in a loud voice. “Stop thief! Stop thief!” the thief was very frightened. He ran ______ as fast as he could and ______ his clothes on the table.
( ) 1. A. make B. made C. makes D. making
( ) 2. A. son B. friend C. wife D. daughter
( ) 3. A. cleverer B. more C. faster D. stronger
( ) 4. A. on B. in C. off D. from
( ) 5. A. couldn’t B. can’t C. may not D. mustn’t
( ) 6. A. listened B. heard C. hear D. listen to
( ) 7. A. once B. then C. at once D. now
( ) 8. A. moment B. hour C. minute D. quarter
( ) 9. A. out B. away C. off D. after
( ) 10. A. forget B. get C. brought D. left

1. the colour of the sun 2. bring you success
3. purple grapes 4. the blue sky
5. be good for health 6. make a decision
7. take actions 8. gray hair
9. the feeling of harmony 10. affect our moods
11. 感到伤心 12. 为考试而学
13. 使我们感到精力充沛的 14. 绿色的田野
15. 宁愿要…而不要 16. 更喜欢
1. power strength 2. personality
3. difficulty 4. rather
5. energy represents 6. purity peaceful
7. creative 8. anything
9. affect 10. success cheer
1. wisdom to use 2. feels
3. Have walked 4. making decision
5. to stay/staying go/going
6. had 7. has lived was
8. won’t survive don’t help
9. to be 10. will come
1. Different colours can bring people different feelings.
2. Some colours can give you a happy and successful feeling.
3. Which colour do you prefer, purple or pink?
4. We would rather play badminton than play basketball.
5. Simon prefers drinking milk to coffee.
6. He prefers to go to see a film rather than stay at home.
7. I love orange because it can bring me good luck.
8. White looks good on her.
1-5 B C A C B 6-10 B C A B D




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