(牛津版)初三英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 3 Teenage problems(2)

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Main task:
Write a letter to your pen friend about how you deal with the problems of stress. Tasks:
1. Learn the five basic sentence structures.
2. Express problems and talk about solutions.
3. Learn different parts of sentences: ‘Object complement’.
4. Write a letter to your pen friend about how you deal with the problems of stress.
二. 重点、难点:
Grammar (C) (D)
C Object complements 宾语补足语
e.g. I believe him honest.
We think her the best student in our class.
They call the baby Jack.
The news made her happy.
She preferred him to stay at home all day.
D Five kinds of sentence structures 五种句子结构
(1)主语+谓语 (S + V ) She laughed.
(2)主语+谓语+宾语 ( S + V+ DO ) He bought a T-shirt.
(3)主语+系动词+表语 (S + V + P ) It sounds great.
(4)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 ( S + V + DO + OC ) I find her smart.
(5)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 (S + V + IO + DO) Millie calls her dog Eddie.
e.g. People who live in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feel.
Language points:
1. The teacher is marking the tests. (P48) 老师在给试卷评分。
▲mark 在本句中是“给……打分;给……评等级”的意思,它还有“做记号于;标明;表明;标志;记下”等意。
e.g. She marked her son’s clothes with a red thread.
The teacher marked our examination papers and returned them to us.
The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.
2. They consider John the best actor. (P48) 他们认为约翰是最好的演员。
▲consider意思是“考虑;尊重”,但是它也常作“以为;认为”,后面可以接that引导的从句,也可以接as, to be,在本句中,to be被省略了。用法如下:
e.g. He considered that he had not been well treated by us.
You surely can’t consider him to be a selfish man.
Integrated Skills
1. My pen friend in the USA hasn’t replied to my last three e-mails.
e.g. I don’t know what to reply. 我不知道如何回答是好。
He gave me no chance to reply to his question. 他没有给我回答他问题的机会。
We replied to the enemy’s attack by bombing their navy. 我们以轰炸其海军来反击敌人的进攻。
2. Maybe she’s just too busy these days. 也许她只是最近太忙了。
3. That’s what friends are for. 那就是交朋友的目的。
a) what是代词,指代“所……的人或事物”
e.g. Show us what you have written. 把你所写的给我们看看。
She is not what she was a few years ago. 她可不是几年前的她了。
What she said is true. 她说的是真话。
b) what for意思是“为何目的;为何理由”。
e.g. What is this tool for? 这个工具是干什么用的?
Main Task
1. Many teenagers suffer from stress. 很多青少年都承受着压力。
▲suffer意思是“遭受;经受”,可做及物动词也可做不及物动词。当做不及物动词时,后面常接from, 表示“受……的苦”。
e.g. suffer pain
They suffered a great deal during the flood.
Suffer from cold and hunger.
2. Students should pay no attention to people who laugh at them. Instead, they should think about the things they are good at. 学生们不应该在意那些嘲笑他们的人,相反,他们应该多想想自己擅长做的事情。
instead, “作为替代”,可放在句首、句尾,常与of连用。表示“而不是”。
e.g. They are busy, let us go instead.
I’ll have fish instead of meat today.
1. Finally, keeping your worries to yourself can make them worse. 把自己的烦恼放在心里会使他们更糟。

1、 A. Yes, I’ve written to my friend. B. No, I don’t have any friends.
C. Yes, I do. D. No, he doesn’t.
2、 A. That’s all right. B. Of course.
C. It doesn’t matter. D. I’m sorry to hear that.
3、 A. She is old. B. She is not better than she was.
C. She is very kind. D. She is forty-five years old.
4、 A. My pleasure. B. Never mind.
C. Sure. D. It doesn’t matter.
5、 A. No. It’s too dark. B. Sorry.
C. Thank you. D. You are welcome.
(  )1. How many books does Mary have now?
A. Five. B. Two. C. Three.
(  )2. Who has gone to the cinema with the twins?
A. Their father. B. Their classmates. C. Their uncle.
(  )3. How old is Tom’s sister?
A. Twelve. B. Fourteen. C. Sixteen.
(  )4. Where are they talking?
A. In the open air. B. In a bookshop. C. At home.
(  )5. What is the man?
A. A doctor. B. A student. C. A teacher.
( ) 1. The problem of stress gets worse when people do not s their problems.
( ) 2. Although their problems can make them worry, there are some simple ways to d with stress.
( ) 3. Students may ask their teachers to give them a .
( ) 4. Can you please teach me how to a a balance between the two?
( ) 5. I don’t have close friends. Sometimes I feel l .
( ) 6. It is important to work hard and h in my homework on time.
( ) 7. Should I f on my homework and give up my hobbies?
( ) 8. I hope I can o you some useful suggestions.
1. The girl wanted to know how ________(learn) English.
2. I ________(wait) for the bus at five yesterday afternoon.
3. Be quiet! Our teacher ________(talk) to us now.
4. She was not strong enough ________(move) the desk.
5. It is important for us ________(spend) some time on our hobbies.
6. Talk to your friend when ________(feel) sad and ________(share) your problems with her.
7. Mary ________(not believe) it until she ________(see) it with her own eyes.
8. The boys will go ________(hike) the day after tomorrow.
9. If Paul comes this evening, we ________(give) the letter to him.
10. I told her what ________(do) in PE lessons.
1. Many students asked me how they could solve their problems.
Many students asked me ________ ________ ________ their problems.
2. Can you tell us who to talk to and where to get help when we have problems?
Can you tell us ________ ________ ________ talk to and ________ ________ ________ get help when we have problems?
3. I really don’t know which I should do first.
I really don’t know ________ ________ ________ first.
4. You should tell me where to find you when I arrive.
You should tell me ________ ________ ________ find you when I arrive.
5. The students think that Mrs. Gu is their best teacher.
The students think Mrs. Gu ________ ________ ________.
1. 这个小男孩太小了,不知道怎么做这道数学题。
2. 我热衷于足球,但我知道何时踢球、何时做我的家庭作业。我知道怎样平衡学习和玩的关系。
3. 我真的不明白为什么我的父母如此地严格,我时不时感到气愤且压力大。
4. 我不能决定该买哪本书。
5. 如果你正感到压力大的话,你应该与你的一位朋友或家庭成员一起分担你的问题。

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C
1. share 2. deal 3. advice 4. achieve
5. lonely 6. hand 7. focus 8. offer.
1. to learn 2. was waiting 3. is talking 4. to move
5. to spend 6. feeling share 7. won’t believe sees
8. hiking 9. will give 10. to do
1. how to solve
2. who_ I should where I could
3. which to do
4. where_ I can
5. their best teacher
1. The little boy is too young to know how to do the Math problem.
2. I am crazy about football, but I know when to play football and when to do my homework. I know how to get a balance between work and play.
3. I really don’t know why my parents are so strict. I feel stressed and angry from time to time.
4. I can’t decide which book to buy.
5. If you are feeling stressed, you should share your problems with a friend or your family member.
1. Do you often share your problems with your friends?
2. I’ve got a problem. I’m very worried.
3. How is your mother?
4. Thank you for your valuable advice.
5. I like the colour of your shirt.
1. M: How many English books do you have ,Mary?
W: Let me see. Last month I bought three and yesterday my father gave me two.
2. M: Did you see the twins, Lily?
W: They have gone to the cinema with their uncle.
3. W: Tom, how old is your sister?
M: She is two years older than me. I’m fourteen.
4. M: Can I help you?
W: Yes, please. I want some books.
5. W: I’m sorry I left my homework at home. Must I go home for it now, sir?
M: No, you needn’t. Get it here tomorrow.




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