
中学英语教学资源网英语教案语法专题指导 手机版

1. 名词性从句
2. 同位语从句
3. 同位语从句与定语从句的辨析
4. what; whatever; whoever; where引导的名词性从句
5. it 作为形式主语的句型
(一)名词性从句的结构:名词性从句起名词作用在句中做主语,表语,宾语和同位语构成:主语从句;表语从句;宾语从句和同位语从句。引导名词性从句的连词有三类:that;whether; wh-疑问词。
1.The result of this French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.
2. They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.
3. I want to tell the reader that these hills and fields are most beautiful, with many small and clear rivers, and rich fields bearing fruit and grain.
4. Some people feel that Wales is an ancient fairy land.
5. What interested him was that the whole world had been mapped 70 years before Columbus.
6. What is certain that the book has made many people think about the achievements of Zheng He and other Chinese captains and their role in discovering the world.
7. That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.
8. This gave him the idea that the Chinese perhaps first discovered America.
(二)同位语从句在名词idea; fact; news; thought; suggestion/advice; problem; proof等词后面带上that+陈述句 这部分从句解释了前面的那些名词所指的内容,与那些名词起着同等作用的句子成分,叫同位语从句。
1. The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.
2. The idea that England stands for Fish& Chips, Speakers’ Corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.
3. The result that Oxford beat Cambridge by a foot in 2003 surprised many.
4. The news that he died was a great shock to his mother.
5. If there’s possibility that you’ll go, I’d like to go with you.
6. I asked myself a question whether the research is worth the trouble.
7. I have no idea what has happened to him.
that引导的同位语从句解释前面名词的内容,that是连词没有任何意义,在从句中不做任何成分。而定语从句修饰前面的先行词,从句有关系词that; which; who; when; where; why引导,先行词在从句中充当主语,宾语,状语。
1. The news that the plane would take off on time made everyone happy.
2. The news that is spreading around the airport is that a heavy storm is coming.
(四)what; whatever; whoever; where引导的名词性从句:what+陈述句:……的话/事/的样子;whatever+陈述句:……的任何东西;whoever+陈述句:做…事的任何人;(以上名词性从句做主语,表语或宾语);where+陈述句:……的所在,做表语。
1. What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.
2. The schools of the future will probably be quite different from what they are today.
3. If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store.
4. Whoever comes will be welcome.
5. That is just where they are mistaken.
(五)与“命令,建议,要求, 有必要/重要”有关的名词性从句中的谓语动词结构:1)主动结构:should do; 2)被动结构:should be done;(should可以省略)
1. I suggest that he should come another day.
2. The suggestion that the students should learn something practical is worth considering.
3. I though it necessary that I should stay in the room till he came back.
(六)it 作为形式主语的句型:
It is +形容词/名词/名词短语+that 从句。
It is said / reported / predicted that从句。
It is suggested / believed / thought / hoped / found / that从句。
1. It’s a pity that you are leaving.
2. It’s decided that the meeting has been put off till next Monday.
3. It was once predicted that British and American English would become separate languages finally.
1. The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ____he would die of the disease.
A. that B. which C. of which D. of that
分析:he would die of the disease作fear的同位语。
2. The idea ___ we should have more industry in this area is a good one.
A. that B. which C. what D. how
3. The suggestion ____we have a group of these records printed as soon as possible was accepted by the committee.
A. which B. in which C. that D. whether
4. He told me the news ____ the Queen would visit China the next month.
A. that B. which C. it D. whether
分析:the Queen would visit China the next month是一个完整的句子,是the news的解释,故用that引导同位语从句。
5. The fact troubles me much ___ I have been unable to pass the driving test up to now.
A. which B. because C. why D. that
分析:that引导同位语从句,解释the fact。
6. The mother didn’t know to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.(NMF, T 2002)
A. who B. when C. how D. what
7. —I think it’s going to be a big problem.
—Yes, it could be.
—I wonder we can do about it.(NMET 2002)
A. if B. how C. what D. that
分析:we can do后无宾语,故用what引导宾语从句。
8. When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: Always give the monkey exactly he wants.(上海2002春)
A. what B. which C. when D. that
9. Jack said to meet the American friends.
A. he is pleased B. what he was pleased
C. that he was pleased D. which he pleased
分析:宾语从句中应用过去时,同said时态保持一致。He was pleased意义和结构完整。
10. she couldn’t understand was fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.
A. What; why B. That; what
C. What; because D. Why; that
一. 单项选择
1. He often writes to us expressing his thought _____ one day he’ll come to join us.
A. which B. that C. what D. whether
2. He made a suggestion ____ the English test be put off until next Wednesday.
A. which B. what C. that D. whether
3. The news _____ the football team won the game made us happy.
A. that B. which C. in which D. what
4. The mere fact ____ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.
A. what B. which C. that D. why
5. —Do you really believe there is human race in outer space?
So far there is no proof ____ people from other planets do exist.
A. which B. how C. what D. that
6. —I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.
—Is that you has a few days off?
A. why B. when C. what D. where
7. has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.
A. Who B. The one C. Anyone D. Whoever
8. caused the accident is still a complete mystery.
A. What B. That C. How D. Where
二. 完型填空:
As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are __1__ with difficult jobs of hiding presents from curious young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real __2__. On Christmas Eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable. They are torn between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will bring their presents quickly and the wish __3__ up late so that they will not __4__ the fun. The wish for the gifts usually proves stronger. But though children go to bed early, they often lie __5__ for a long time, hoping to get a short __6__ at Father Christmas.
Last Christmas, my wife and I __7__ hid a few large presents in the storeroom. I __8__ the moment when my son, Jimmy, would __9__ me where that new bike had come from, but __10__ he did not see it.
On Christmas Eve, __11__ took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly __12__ when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began __13__ stockings. Then I pushed in the __14__ I bought for Jimmy and left it beside the Christmas tree. We knew we would not get much sleep that night, for the children were __15__ to get up early. At about five o’clock the next morning, we were __16__ by loud sounds coming from the children’s room—they were shouting excitedly! __17__ I had time to go out of bed, young Jimmy came riding in the room on his new bike, and his sister, Mary, followed close behind pushing her new baby-carriage. __18__ the baby arrived. He moved __19__ the hands and knees into the room dragging a large balloon behind him. Suddenly it burst. That woke us up __20__. The day had really begun with a bang!
1. A. faced B. met C. filled D. pleased
2. A. question B. matter C. problem D. business
3. A. get B. stay C. stand D. wake
4. A. lose B. break C. miss D. leave
5. A. awake B. wake C. asleep D. sleep
6. A. look B. stare C. glare D. watch
7. A. hopefully B. busily C. gladly D. successfully
8. A. liked B. feared C. surprised D. hated
9. A. answer B. tell C. ask D. search
10. A. sadly B. unluckily C. possibly D. fortunately
11. A. it B. they C. I D. we
12. A. morning B. midnight C. evening D. daybreak
13. A. filling B. sewing C. mending D. preparing
14. A. present B. stocking C. bike D. tree
15. A. going B. sure C. glad D. excited
16. A. troubled B. frightened C. woken D. shocked
17. A. Before B. After C. Until D. Since
18. A. Even B. And C. Soon D. Then
19. A. with B. on C. over D. by
20. A. all B. nearly C. happily D. completely
三. 阅读理解
Coketown was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but in fact it was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of savage(野人). It was a town of machinery and tall chimney, out of which smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever. It had a black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with ill smelling color, and large piles of building full of windows where there was a rattling and a trembling all day long, and where the steam-engine worked up and down like the head of an elephant in a state of madness. The town contained several large streets all very like one another, and many small streets still more like one another, inhabited(居住)by people equally like one another.
A sunny midsummer day. There was such a thing sometimes even in Coketown. Seen from a distance in such a weather, Coketown lay covered in a smoke of its own. You only knew the town was there, because you knew there could have been no such a place upon the view without a town.
The streets were hot and dusty on the summer day, and the sun was so bright that it even shone through the smoke over Coketown, and could not be looked at steadily. Workers appeared from low underground doorways into factory yards, and sat on steps, wiping their face sand looking at coals. The whole town seemed to be frying in oil. There was a smell of hot oil everywhere. The atmosphere of those places was like the breath of hell(地狱), and their inhabitants wasting with heat, walked lazily in the desert. But no temperature made the mad elephants more mad or more sane(理智的). Their tiresome heads went up and down at the sane rate, in hot weather and in cold, wet weather and dry. The measured movement of their shadows of wood; while for the summer noise of insects, it could offer all the year round, from the dawn of Monday to the night of Saturday.
1. Which of the following words is NOT properly used to describe Coketown ?
A. unpleasant B. dirty C. noisy D. deserted
2. From the passage we know that Coketown was mainly a(n)_____town.
A. industrial B. agricultural C. historical D. cultural
3. Only _____ were not affected by weather.
A. the workmen B. the habitants C. the steam-engine D. the woods
4. Which is the author’s opinion of Coketown?
A. Coketown should be replaced by woods
B. The town had too much oil in it
C. The town was seriously polluted
D. The town’s atmosphere was unchanged

一. 单项选择
1. B that引导同位语从句作thought的同位语。
2. C that引导同位语从句作suggestion的同位语。
3. A that引导同位语从句作news的同位语。
4. C that引导同位语从句,解释the fact。
5. D that引导同位语从句,解释no proof。
6. A why引导的表语从句,表原因。
7. D whoever引导主语从句,意为“无论谁”表示强调某人;who引导主语从句,意为“谁”不强调人。The one和Anyone不能引导主语从句。
8. A 主语从句中缺少主语,用what。
二. 完型填空:
1. A,be faced with: 面临藏礼物的难题。
2. C,problem: 指难以处理的事。
3. B,
4. C,根据句子意思:他们面临着二难选择:要么早睡以尽快得到圣诞老人的礼物,要么熬夜以致于不错过有趣的事。
5. A,由于愿望强烈而睡不着。awake 醒着,睡不着。
6. A,希望看一眼圣诞老人。 get a short look at :看一眼。
7. D,从下一句可以看出“去年圣诞节礼物藏得很成功。”
8. B,
9. C,
10. D,我担心儿子会问自行车从哪来的,但幸运的是他没看到。
11. A,除夕之夜,孩子们一般要花几个小时才能睡着。It took…..表示“花费”的句型。
12. B,
13. A,将近半夜,我们俩悄悄走进他们的房间往圣诞袜里装礼物。
14. C,根据前面提到的内容,应该是“我把为Jimmy买的自行车推进来,放在圣诞树旁边。
15. B,我知道那一宿我们不可能睡太久,因为孩子们肯定会起得很早。
16. C,我们被巨大的响声吵醒。
17. A,我还没来得及下床,
18. A,Mary紧随Jimmy后面推着婴儿车进来了,甚至连宝宝也来了。
19. B,指宝宝用手脚爬进来。 on:用
20. D,我们被彻底弄醒了。
三. 阅读理解:
1. D 从全文对整个小镇的描述看;小镇让人感到不舒服,肮脏,充满了噪音。所以D项不符合对小镇的描述。deserted:荒废的。
2. A 整座小镇是一个工业城镇。从这样几处细节可以看出:第一段:It was a town of machinery and tall chimney, out of which smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever.;第二段:Seen from a distance in such a weather, Coketown lay covered in a smoke of its own.;以及第三段:Workers appeared from low underground doorways into factory yards, and sat on steps, wiping their face sand looking at coals。
3. C 根据第三段:But no temperature made the mad elephants more mad or more sane(理智的). Their tiresome heads went up and down at the sane rate, in hot weather and in cold, wet weather and dry.。在第一段曾把the steam-engine比喻为处于疯狂状态的大象。即:the steam-engine worked up and down like the head of an elephant in a state of madness.。
4. C 小镇的景色明显受着严重的工业污染。




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