高考题型指导写作:结构需严密 行文要连贯

中学英语教学资源网英语论文高考复习指导 手机版

Sample WritingI(2000)
①At 7:15 a.m. on the morning of Feb.8th,2000,I was heading east on the south side of the Park Road,taking my morning walk as usual.②I saw an old man on the other side of the road outside the gate of the City Park.③He was just crossing the street when a car on the 3rd Street made a sudden right turn at the crossing.④The car was so fast that the old man even didnt have time to dodge and the car hit the elderly hard.⑤I thought the driver would have stopped to help,but she didn't.⑥Instead,she just drove off,leaving the old man still lying on the ground in pain.⑦Fortunately,I noted down the details:it was a yellow car,the plate number of which was AC864,and the driver was a young lady.⑧After that,I went over to check out the old man.(30分)
Sample Writing II(2001)
①I'm very pleased to tell you the change s of my life since reduction of learning load was brought in.②But before that,I was often exhausted at weekends.③I attended school and had classes the whole day.④In the evening,I was often forced to do my boring homework and I could not go to bed until 11:30.⑤Since the program of reducing learning load was introduced,my life,however,has been much more interesting.⑥I frequently pay a visit to museums,drop in at computer rooms and draw pictures in my leisure(=spare)time.⑦After lunch,I watch TV,read stories and look through newspapers to enrich my horizon.⑧No longer do I stay up;on the contrary,I go to bed at about 10p.m.⑨Inshort,I am quite satisfied with my life now.(25分)
另外,考生很容易犯的一个错误是,在写出若干个句子以后不使用连接词或连词,出现“run-on sentence”(连续句)现象,这是英语写作的大忌。考生一定要牢记,在英语书面表达中一定要用一个连词或连接词连接两个句子(当然,有时用一个分号要连接两个句子),两个连词连接三个句子,三个连词连接四个句子,依次类推。



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