(人教版+朗文)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 10

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1. 国际音标[i:][e][k][g][s][z]
2. 冠词the
3. 情态动词can
4. 介词in, on, under, behind
1. 掌握字母组合ee发[i:]的音,巩固字母Ee在开、闭音节中的发音。
2. 认识掌握辅音字母Kk、Gg、Ss、Zz的读音。
3. 能够初步运用情态动词can。
4. 能够掌握冠词a(an)与the的基本用法。
5. 掌握本单元词法,基本句型和交际用语。
1. Using a / an and the 运用a / an和the
泛指名词: a pen a tree a desk an egg an orange
特指名词: the door the floor the blackboard
I can see a clock in the picture.
Where is the clock?
2. Prepositions介词
in on under behind near at of
Where are her shoes?
They're near the door.
Useful expressions常用表达法
(1)What can you see …?
(2) I can see …
(3)I can't see …
(4)Can you see…? Yes, I can. /No, I can't.
(5) look at
(6)Who's that? Is it Kate?
(7)Is it Lucy or Lily?
(8)Is she in Jim's class?
(9)Where is Shenzhen /Guangdong ?
(10)It is near… .
lesson 37

A: Where is Lucy's coat?
B: Is it on the desk?
A: Yes, it is.

A: Where is Lucy's bag?
B: Is it behind her chair?
A: Yes, it is.

A: Where are the balls?
B: Are they under the chair?
A: No, they aren't. They're on the floor.

A: Where are Lucy's pencils? Are they on her desk?
B: I can't see them. I think they're in her pencil-box.

A: Where are her photos?
B: They're on the wall.

A: Where are her shoes?
B: They're near the door.
Lesson 40
1. There is a map on the wall in the classroom. It is a map of China. Let's look at it.

2. Read and act
DAVID: Where's Shenzhen? Do you know?
ANN: Er, is it near Taiwan?
WEI HUA: No, it's near Hong Kong.
DAVID: Where's Macao?
WEI HUA: It's near Hong Kong, too.
ANN: Where's Hong Kong?
DAVID: Is it in Guangdong?
WEI HUA: Oh no, it's an SAR.
3. Ask and answer
(1)Where's Xi' an (Lanzhou, Guilin, Changsha, …)?
(2)Where are Hangzhou and Wenzhou?
(3)Where are Hankou; Hanyang and Wuchang?
(4)Where are we?
七. 语音
/i:/ /e/ /k/ /g/ /s/ /z/
he egg cake good sit is
these desk Kate girl see his
see pen thanks egg yes these
jeep spell clock bag class zero
一. 语音知识(共10题,每题0.5分,共5分)
1. A. books B. maps C. pencils D. desks
2. A. beds B. bags C. classes D. rulers
3. A. new B. student C. duty D. much
4.A. thirty B. three C. thank D. those
5. A. boat B. coat C. those D. do
6. A. put B. bus C. but D. mum
7. A. woman B. man C. cat D. thank
8. A. way B. they C. today D. duty
9. A. here B. their C. chair D. pear
10. A. door B. floor C. or D. sorry
二. 单词拼写:(共10题,每题0.5分,共5分)
1. 教室 ______ 2. 黑板 ______
3. 吉普车 ______ 4. 警察 ______
5. 职责 ______ 6. 中间的 ______
7. 执照 ______ 8. 门 ______
9. 看见,看到 ______ 10. 椅子 ________
三. 选出下列划线部分的正确译文(共10题,每题1分,共10分)
1. Put them over there.
A. 在这儿 B. 在另一面 C. 在那边
2. Please look after the twins.
A. 照顾这对双胞胎 B. 寻找这对双胞胎 C. 照顾这个人
3. The hall is behind the door.
A. 在门的下面 B. 在门的前面 C. 在门的后面
4. We are in different classes.
A. 在不同的课上 B. 在不同的教室里 C. 在不同的班上
5. Look at the picture of our classroom.
A. 我们教室的地图 B. 我们教室的图片 C. 图片我们的教室
6. Who's the girl in the hat?
A. 戴帽子的那个女孩 B. 在帽子里的那个女孩 C. 拿帽子的那个女孩
7. He looks like his mother.
A. 看他的母亲 B. 看起来像他的母亲 C. 看起来喜欢他的母亲
8. A :Excuse me !
B: Yes?
A.. 是吗? B. 是的 C. 什么事?
9. That's a nice boy.
A. 令人愉快的孩子 B. 好孩子 C. 高兴的孩子
10. A : Sorry!
B :That's OK.
A. 没关系 B. 好吗 C. 别客气
四. 选择填空(共20题,每题1分,共20分)
1. This is ______school.
A. they B. we C. their D. he
2. Please ______ the twins today.
A. look B. look after C. look at D. look up
3. Today we have two new ______ in our class.
A. students B. student C. boy D. girl
4. A: ______ you see the picture?
B: No, I ______.
A. Can, can B. Do, can't C. Can, cannot D. Do, can
5. They are ______ good friends. Please look after ______.
A. I…their B. my…them C. me…they D. I…she
6. A : ______ me! Are you American, too?
B : No. I'm ______.
A. Sorry…English B. Excuse …English
C. Sorry …an English D. Excuse …an English
7. They are ______.
A. America B. Englishes C. Japaneses D. Chinese
8. Tom and I are in ______ grade, but in ______.
A. the same…different classes
B. a same…different classes
C. the same …the different class
D. the same…the different classes
9. ______ the blackboard. What can you ______?
A. Look…see B. Look after…see
C. See…look D. Look at…see
10. This is ______cat. ______ cat is under the chair.
A. a …The    B. the…a C. x…The       D. the…x
11. Look! That pencil-box looks ______ a cake.
A. at     B. after C. like      D. up
12. A : _______ that over there?
B: I think ______Mr Wang.
A. How's, you're     B. What's, I'm
C. Where's, she's     D. Who's, it's
13. A : Is that ______hat or cat?
B : ______.
A. Lucys' , yes, it' s          B. Lucy' s, Her cat
C. Lucys' , It's a cat          D. Lucy, No, it isn't
14. Is that ______ room?
A. Lily          B. Lucy's , and Lily's
C. Lucy        D. Lucy and Lily's
15. Please look ______.
A. the same  B. after C. after him      D. after she
16. Who's that man _______ the black(黑色的) coat?
A. at    B. in C. on    D. under
17. Lucy and Lily are ______.
A. twins       B. twin C. the twin       D. the twins
18. This is ______ bike. ______ bike is ______ English bike.
A. a, The, The       B. a, A, an
C. a, The, an       D. the, The, a
19. ______ book is ______ the floor.
A. An, on     B. A, under C. The ,under      D. The, on
20. ______, that is a map of China.
A. Look at    B. Look life C. Look      D. See
五. 按要求完成下列各词(共10题,每题1分,共10分)
1. Chinese(复数)______  2. our(主格) ______
3. it(宾格) ______  4. different(反义词) ______
5. on(反义词) ______ 6. policeman(复数) ______
7. to(同音词)______ 8. This(复数) ______
9. thirteen (前一个数词) ______ 10. wrong(反义词) ______
六. 按要求变换句型(每空一词,缩写算一个词,)(共6题,每空0.5分,共8分)
1. He is a new student. (变为复数形式)
______ ______new ______.
2. They are birds. (改为单数形式)
______ ______ ______.
3. Lucy and Lily are eleven. (就划线部分提问)
______ ______ ______ Lucy and Lily?
4. The balls are on the floor.  (就划线部分提问)
______ ______ the balls?
5. Mike's pencil-box is on the desk. (改否定句)
Mike's pencil-box ______ on the desk.
6. Are Tom and Lucy twins? (否定回答)
______, ______ ______. They ______ twins.
七. 根据汉语意思完成句子(共8题,每空1分,共10分)
1. ______(他朋友)is a good teacher.
2. Jim and Tom ______ (没在这儿)today.
I think ______. (他们在家)
3. A : ______ (在哪儿)Tom's pencil-box?
B: It is ______. (在他桌子上)
4. A: Excuse me! Where is the toilet, please?
B: ______. (对不起,我不知道。)
5. Lucy and Lily are ______. (在同一房间里)
6. A: Is Miss Gao a Chinese teacher?
B: No, She is ______. (英语) teacher.
7. Who's the boy ______ (骑自行车)?
8. ______(莉莉的书包) is in the desk.
八. 选择方框中的词,填入下列句子中(每题1分,共10分)

1. I think Lucy and Lily ______ the same.
2. Where is Jim?
I ______.
3. What can you ______ over there?
4. ______ the picture. It's nice.
5. Here you ______.
6. I ______ Lin Tao at school.
7. These are ______ books.
8. Is he ______ Chinese teacher?
9. Who's in ______ Four?
10. They are in ______ class.
九. 补全对话,每空一词,缩写词为一个词(每空1分,共10分)
A : Who   1   that?
B :    2   it Kate?
A: Yes, I think you    3   right.
B : Hi, Kate
C :    4  , Jim
B : Is    5   your pen?
C : Yes, it    6   . Where    7   it?
B.: It's    8   my bag. Here    9      10   .
C : Thanks.
十. 完形填空(每题1分,共12分)
  1   is Lucy    2   this is Lily. Lucy    3   like Lily. Lily looks  4  Lucy, too. They are    5   . They look    6   . They aren't    7   They are    8   . They    9   eleven. They are new .They are in    10   class. Han Meimei is    11   good friend .She often (经常)    12   them.
1. A. This     B. It C. This's      D. That's
2. A. so      B. or C. and       D. x
3. A. like     B. looks C. look at      D. look
4. A. like     B. look C. looks      D. look at
5. A. twin     B. a twin C. the twins    D. twins
6. A. same    B. a same C. the same    D. an same
7. A. English   B. America C. student     D. boy
8. A. boys    B. five C. English     D. American
9. A. is     B. am C. are      D. in
10. A. the same  B. same C. a same     D. x
11. A. they   B. their C. she       D. he
12. A. look at  B. look for C. looks at D. looks after

一. 1-5 CCDDD  6-10 AADAD
二. 1. classroom      2. blackboard     3. jeep
4. policeman      5. duty        6. middle
7. licence       8. door        9. see
10. chair
三. 1-5 CACCB  6-10 ABCBA
四. 1-5 CBACB  6-10 BDADA  11-15 CDBDC  16-20 BACDC
五. 1. Chinese   2. we 3. it    4. same 5. under    
6. policemen   7. two(too)   8. these 9. twelve     10. right
六. 1. They, are, students  2. It's a bird 3. How, old ,are     
4. Where are 5. isn't       6. No, they, aren't(they're, not.) aren't
七. 1. His friend             2. aren't here, they're at home
3. Where's, on his desk    4. Sorry, I don't know
5. in the same room       6. an English
7. on the bike            8. LiLy's bag
八. 1. look   2. don't know   3. see 4. Look at    5. are 
6. meet 7. our      8. a    9. Class 10. the same
九. 1. is     2. Is    3. are   4. Hi     5. this (it)
6. is     7. is    8. in    9. you    10. are
十. 1-5 ACBAD  6-10 CADCA  11-12 BD




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