(人教版+朗文)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 11 What’s in the teacher’s room?

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1. 语法
(1)初步理解并掌握there be句型。
2. 交际用语
Can you help me?
Don't worry.
Let me help you find it.
Thanks very much.
You're welcome.
Let's go and have a look.
That’s it.
Let me see.
3. 语音知识
学习音标 /ai/ /i/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/
1. Lin Tao and David are at the door of the teacher's room
Who isn’t at school today?
Let's look at the map.
在这句话中 at的用法是第一种,at the door表示“在门口”。
2. there be句型
当there be后边加复数名词时一般用there are + 复数名词;
当there be后边加单数名词时一般用there is + 单数名词。
What’s on the desk?
There is a… on the desk. / There’s a…
What’s behind the door? There are some … behind the door.
There is a pen and some books on the desk. There are some apples and a pear on the table.

(1) Listen, read and act
EMMA:Excuse me, Jack. Can you help me? I can't find my purse.
JACK:Isn't it in your bag, Emma?
EMMA:No, it isn't.
JACK:I'm sorry. What's in your purse?
EMMA:There's some money in it.
JACK:Don't worry. Let me help you find it.
EMMA:Thanks very much.
JACK:You're welcome.
1.help (v.) Let me help you find it.
2.purse(n.) in the purse
3.money (n.) some money
4. There is some money in it.
5.paper (n.) some paper / a piece of paper
6.worry (v.) Don’t worry.
7. I can't find my purse. 我找不到钱包了。Can you see it? 你看见它了吗?
后句常用来询问别人。肯定回答为Yes,I can. It's behind (in, under, on) …。否定回答为No, I can't. 或Sorry , I can't .句中can't为can not的缩略形式,读为[ka:nt]。find强调结果,意思是“找到”、“发现”。
—I can't find the school bag. Can you see it?我找不到书包了。你看见那个书包吗?
—Yes, I can. It's in the desk.是的,我能。它在课桌里。
8. You are welcome. 没关系。
9. Isn’t it in your bag它不在你的书包里吗?
例:Don't you usually come to school by bike?
(2) Listen and say
JACK:Good morning, Sir.
MAN:Good morning! How are you?
JACK:Very well, thank you. And you?
MAN:Fine, thanks.
JACK:Emma can't find her purse.
MAN:There's a purse in here. What's in your purse, Emma?
EMMA:There's some money. Let me see. Fifty yuan. Oh, there's a picture of my friend, too.
MAN:What colour is your purse?
EMMA:It's black.
MAN:Look, is this your purse?
EMMA:Oh, that's it! Thanks very much.
1. How are you ?
I’m fine.
I’m OK.
I’m very well.
How is he / she ?
He / She is fine.
He / She is OK.
He / She is very well.
2.fifty ——fifteen
3. black
4. colour(n.)
What colour is your purse?
What colour are the pens ?
They are black.
What colour is that flower?
It’s red.
5. That’s it.
6. Let me see. 让我看看
7. Let me help you find it用法
let和help的用法都是后面跟不带to的不定式做宾语补足语。let的用法是let sb do(让某人做某事)。help的用法是help sb do/to do(帮助某人做某事)。
例:Let me see. 让我想想。
Miss Gao often helps me do my homework. 高老师经常帮助我做作业。
8. That's it
例:—Look! Is this your bag?
—Yes, that's it.
五. 语音知识
Listen, read and say
/ai/ /i/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/
bike sit look my nine morning
nice Miss hello map new wrong
find hill floor am ten think
five this family game son thank
一. 选择填空
1. What's the name her dog?
A. on     B. under   C. of      D. behind
2. Your hat is ________ there,on the bed .
A. in      B. on      C. at      D. over
3. Class One ________ a map of China .
A. are     B. have      C. is      D. has
4. —Is Wuhu in Hebei?
— ________
A. Yes, it is.  B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, it isn't.      D. No, this is.
5. This is________ boat. ________ boat is new.
A. the, The   B. the, A C. a, A       D. a, The
6. Look ! The picture is________ the wall.
A. on     B. in        C. under   D. behind
7. —You have a cat. ________ is it ?
A. Who   B. What     C. How    D. Where
8. Xi’an ________ in Shanxi . Yantai and Jinan ________ in Shandong .
A. is, is    B. are, are    C. is, are   D. are, is
9. —What's that?
—It's________ orange coat .
A. the     B. an       C. a       D. /
10. Where can I ________ my ruler ?
A. find    B. look    C. look like D. look at
二. 用适当的介词填空。
1. We are ________ Class Three , Grade One .
2. Look ________ the picture ________ my family ________ the wall .
3. —Where's the broom ?
—It's ________ the door .
4. —Is Jim ________ home today ? — No, he isn't ________ .
5. Are you ________ duty today?
6. A bike is ________ the tree .
三. 句型转换
1. There is a desk in the room (划线部分提问)________
2. What's in the box?回答________(有一些书)
3. I can see a cat. (变为否定句)
4. It's Jim's football .(变为否定句)
5. His book is in the desk.(对划线部分提问)
6. Li Lei can see a kite in the room .(对划线部分提问)
7. Han Meimei can find the light on the desk.(变为一般疑问句)
四. 将下列词组译成英语。
1. 一些铅笔盒       2. 讲桌       
3. 在包里 4. 在地板上        
5. 在窗子底下  6. 在门后
7. 在那对双胞胎的卧室里      8. 在黑板上
9. 在椅子后面           10. 在那边

1. C       2. D      3. D        4. B     5. D
6. A       7. D      8. C        9. B     10. A
1. in       2. at, of , on    3. behind
4. at, in     5. on       6. under
1. What's in the room ?
2. There are some books.
3. I can't see a cat.        
4. It's not Jim's football .
5. Where is his book ?     
6. What can Li Lei see in the room ?
7. Can Han Meimei find the light on the desk?
1. some pencil-boxes       2. the teacher's desk
3. in the bag          4. on the floor
5. under the window       6. behind the door
7. in the twins'  bedroom    8. on the blackboard
9. behind the chair       10. over there




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