(人教版+朗文)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 13 What colour is it?

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(1)—What colour is it?
—It's black.
(2)—What colour are they?
—They're red.
(3)—Who's that woman?
—Which woman?
—The one in the red coat.
(4)Can't you see?
(5)Colour it green, please .
(6)Which one?
(1)colour (2)red (3)black (4)white (5)blue (6)orange (7)green (8)yellow (9)brown
(10)excuse (11)me (12)which (13)one (14)Mrs
(15)sweater (16)on the hill (17)on the black bike (18)in the car (19)behind the tree (20)in Picture One
(2)询问事物颜色的疑问词what colour
1. colour颜色
(1) What colour is it? It's red.
What colour are they? They are blue.
也可答:One is red and one is grey.
上句中these,those或they都是复数,故动词要用are。what colour是疑问词“什么颜色”,不论句子的主语是单数还是复数,colour一词只能使用单数形式。如:
误:What colours are the cats?
正:What colour are the cats?
在以what colour引导的疑问句中,be动词的单、复数形式要根据主语(即所问事物)来决定。如:
What colour is the apple?(主语为单数,使用is)
What colour are the birds?(主语为复数,使用are)
(2) colour作动词用时,意为“给……着色”
如:Colour it green. 把它涂上绿色。
We like to colour the wall white.
2. Who's that boy? 那个男孩是谁?
Which one? 哪一个?
The small one. 小个的那个。
The one on the black bike. 骑黑自行车的那个。
(1)The bird is yellow and green.
What colour is the bird?
(2)The coats are purple.
What colour are the coats?
(3)An orange is orange.
What colour is the orange?
(4)These sheep are white and black.
What colour are these sheep?
3. Can't you see? 难道你没看见吗?
Aren't you a good teacher?难道你不是一位好老师吗?
Can't you see the book on the desk? 难道你没看见桌上的那本书吗?
Aren't you Li Lei? 难道你不是李雷吗?
Yes, I am . 不,我是李雷。
Isn't he your father? 难道他不是你父亲吗?
No, he isn't. 是,他不是我父亲。
4. The one in the red coat.穿着红色外套的那一位(妇女)
This book is new. That one is old. 这本书是新的,那本书是旧的。
(2)in the red coat为介词短语。其中in表示“穿着,戴”之意。如:in the hat戴着帽子。介词短语是由介词(on,in,under,behind等)后接名词或代词的宾格形式构成的,常表示事物的方位、状态等。如:
My pencil is in the bag. 我的铅笔在书包里。
介词短语也可作定语修饰名词,且一般放在修饰词之后,故称后置定语。此句中的in the red coat就是此用法。如:
The girl under the tree is Kate.树下那个女孩是凯特。
The bag in the desk is Wei Hua's.
Which bag is Wei Hua's?
The one in the green car. 坐在绿色小汽车里的那一位。
The one on the black bike. 骑着黑色自行车的那一位。
The one in the red coat. 穿红色外套的那一位。
The one behind the tree. 在树后面的那一位。
以上例句中in the green car, on the black bike, in the red coat, behind the tree都是介词短语,用作定语来分别修饰the one。介词短语一般放在被修饰语的后面。on the bike表示“骑在自行车上”,in the red coat中的in表示“穿着,戴着”。例如:
The girl on the green bike is Li Ping. 骑着绿色自行车的那个女孩是李萍。
The man in the blue sweater is my father. 穿着蓝色毛衣的那个男人是我的父亲。
(1)The red bike is Jim’s.
which bike is Jim’s?
(2)These green apples are big.
Which apples are big?5.
5. It looks very nice. 它看上去很漂亮。
I want a sweater like this. 我想要一件这样的毛衣。
Lily's mother looks very young. 莉莉的妈妈看上去很年轻。
The boy looks like his father. 那个男孩看起来像他的父亲。
(六)Colour it green, please. 请把它染成绿色。
colour在这里是动词,意为“把……染成……”,前面学过的句型what colour中的colour是名词。例如:
What colour is your bag? 你的包是什么颜色的?
It's blue. 它是蓝色的。
Colour the picture green and yellow, please. 请把这张图片涂成绿色和黄色。
(1)元音字母Uu在重读开音节中读[ju:],有时读[u:],在重读闭音节中读[ ],例如:
[ju:] student
[u:] blue ruler
[ ] up, bus, under, number, mum, but, us
he hat his her here hill how behind
[r] red right brown ruler ring row
[j]yes you your yellow
[w] we what woman white which where
[u:] school room broom too
Listen, read and say

一. 语音知识
1. [u:]
A. ruler     B. bus       C. mum       D. but
2. [w]
A. who     B. how       C. which       D. his
3. [j]
A. thirty     B. page       C. my         D. yes
4. [ u]
A. son      B. old        C. come      D. wrong
5. [r]
A. row      B. she       C. bed       D. six
6. [ ]
A. home     B. those      C. son       D. coat
7. [T]
A. mother    B. thirty      C. third       D. three
8. [P]
A. the       B. they       C. their     D. thirteen
9. [ ]
A. name      B. have       C. age     D. banana
10. [ ]
A. sister      B. bird        C. she     D. my
二. 看音标写单词(每题0.5分,共5分)
1. [gri:n]________     2. [red]________
3. [wait]________     4. [ ]________
5. [kait]________      6. [g u]________
7. [bl k ]________    8. [mi:]________
9. [let]________       10. [faind]________
三. 将下列词组译成英文(每题1分,共10分)
1. 穿红大衣的那个女孩             ________
2. 在绿色小汽车里的那个人          ________
3. 骑自行车的那个男孩             ________
4. 什么颜色                  ________
5. 那边那个是什么?              ________
6. 这个用英语怎么说?             ________
7. 我能看见你                 ________
8. 看                     ________
9. 找                     ________
10. 照看                   ________
四. 选择填空(每题1分,共20分)
1. The man ________ a black coat is my teacher.
A. on       B. of         C. in        D. at
2. Come ________, please.
A. here    B. there   C. over there   D. there over
3. Please ________ the flowers yellow.
A. the colour         B. colour
C. colour is          D. colour it
4. A:________ that boy?
B:________ boy?
A. Where's…The      B. What's…A
C. Who's…Which     D. What's…The
5. What colour ________?
A. is these bags       B. are these bag
C. these bags are      D. are these bags
6. Let's ________ the picture. What can you see in the picture?
A. look at   B. see     C. look     D. look after
7. My pencil-box is ________.
A. a red      B. red     C. red colour   D. red one
8. Please give ________ to me.
A. they      B .them     C. their       D. theirs
9. A: Which girl is your sister?
B: ________
A. The one in the black bike.
B. On the black bike one.
C. The one on the black bike.
D. On the red bike one.
10. This is a picture ________ my family, Please it. Can you find me?
A. of…look after       B. of…look at
C. on…look after       D. in…look at
11. please ________
A. colour them green   B. colour they green
C. colour it greens     D. colour green them
12. A: What can you see the picture?
B: I can see some trees the hill.
A. in…in            B. on…in
C. in…on            D. on…on
13. A: Whose bike is this?
B: It's ________
A. our teacher         B. the teacher
C. a teacher          D. the teacher's
14. Lucy and Lily are ________.
A. a twin    B. the twin     C. twins    D. a twins
15. The cat is ________ the door. We can't see it.
A. it        B. on         C. under   D. behind
16. Come to ________, please, Jim.
A. here         B. there
C. home         D. the classroom
17. A: How do you do?
B: ________.
A. Fine, thank you.     B. How are you?
C. How do you do?     D. How old are you.
18. They are friends.
A. fine     B. nice   C. well       D. good
19. You have a book. I have ________. too.
A. a       B. it     C. one        D. its
20. A: ________ that boy?
B: He's a new student.
A. Who    B. Who's   C. Which   D. Which one
五. 用正确的颜色完成下列各句。(每空1分,共10分)
1. The wall is ________.
2. The blackboard is ________
3. The sky(天空) is ________
4. A banana is ________
5. An orange is ________
6. The apples in the box are ________
They aren't .
7. Your hair(头发) is ________
8. Tom's hair is ________
9. The tree (树) is ________
六. 从Ⅱ栏找出与Ⅰ栏适当的答语(每题1分,共10分)
(Ⅰ) (Ⅱ)
(    )1. What's that over there? Is it an orange? A. Oh, they are balls.
(    )2. What colour are they? B. Which one?
(    )3. What's under the table? C. It's brown.
(    )4. Is your coat brown? D. No, it isn't. It's yellow.
(    )5. Excuse me! Who's that woman? E. They are black and white.
(    )6. What colour is your sweater? F. No, it's an apple.
(    )7. Whose is this skirt? Is it Han Meimei's? G. No, it isn't. It's Tom's.
(    )8. Are these coats theirs? H. She's American.
(    )9. Is Jane American or English? I. No, they are not. They are ours.
(    )10. Is this ball yours? J. Yes, it is.
七. 用what, what colour, who, how, where, which填空(每题1分,共10分)
1 A: ________ are Mike and Tom?
B: They are in the black car.
2. A: ________ is the boy?
B: ________ boy?
3. A: ________ is your mother?
B: She's fine.
4. A: ________ is three and eight?
B: It's eleven.
5. A: ________ are Tom's shoes?
B: They are white.
6. A: ________ is the name of Lucy's cat?
B: Mimi.
7. A: ________ is your pen?
B: It's in my pencil-box.
8. A: ________ are you?
B: I'm fine. Thank you.
9. A: ________ is that in the picture?
B: It's my brother.
10. A: ________ girl is Lily?
B: The girl in red.
八. 句型转换:(每题1分,共7分)
1. I can see a cat. (改为否定句)
2. It is in your desk. (改为一般疑问句)
3. They are red apples. (改为一般疑问句)
4. My name is  Li Lei . (用what提问)
5. The book is  on the chair . (用where提问)
6. The coat is black. (用what colour提问)
7. Tom is in Grade One. (用What grade提问)
九. 用适当的词填空,使短文通顺,意思正确。(每空1分,共13分)
Jim is  1  American boy. He  2  a middle school student.  3  twelve.  4  father is Mr Green.  5  mother is  6  . Kate is his  7  .  8  is a student,  9  . He is  10  a blue coat. Kate is  11  a yellow sweater .They  12  good students and they're  13  China.
十. 阅读理解。(每题2分,共10分)
Lucy and Lily are American girls. They are eleven. They are twins. They look the same. They are students in No 14 Middle School. Lucy is in Class 3. Grade 1. Lily is in Class 3, Grade 1, too. But they are in different rows. Lucy is in Row Two. She's Number 3. Lily is in Row Three. She's Number 5. Lucy is often (经常) in a yellow sweater and Lily is often in a red one. They are good girls. The students like them very much.
1. Lucy is ________.
A. not a girl           B. Lily's sister
C. an English girl       D. an American girl
2. Lucy and Lily are ________.
A. twins sister         B. twin sisters
C. in the same row      D. good friends
3. Lucy and Lily look ________.
A. different            B. the different
C. the same           D. a same
4. Lucy's sweater is ________.
A. yellow     B. red     C. brown   D. green
5. Lily's sweater is ________.
A. brown  B. black   C. red D. green

一. 1-5 ACDBA  6-10 CADBA
1. green   2. red     3. white   4. us    5. kite
6. go      7. black   8. me     9. let    10. find
1. the girl in a red coat
2. the man in a green car
3. the boy on a bike
4. what colour
5. What's that over there?
6. What's this in English?
7. I can see you.
8. look at
9. look for
10. look after
四. 1-5 CABCD  6-10 ABBCB  11-15 ACDCD  16-20 DCDCB
1. white     2. black  3. blue    4. yellow  5. orange
6. red, green  7. black  8. brown  9. green
六. 1. F 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. J 8. I 9. H 10. G
1. Where 2. Who, Which 3. How 4. What 5. What colour
6. What 7. Where 8. How 9. Who 10. Which
1. I can't see a cat.
2. Is it in your desk?
3. Are they red apples?
4. What is your name?
5. Where is the book?
6. What colour is the coat?
7. What grade is Tom in?
1. an         2. is      3. He's  4. His   5. His
6. Mrs. Green  7. sister   8. She   9. too   10. in
11. in         12. are    13. in
十. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C




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