人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 6 Good Manners

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教学目标:掌握Unit 6词汇及词性变化
Unit 6 Good Manners
interrupt vt. 打断,打扰,插话
interruption n. 打断,打扰,插话
apologise v. 道歉
apologise to sb. for sth.
apology n. 道歉
make an apology to sb.
good manners n. 有礼貌的
bad manners n. 没有礼貌的
It’s good/bad manners to do…
forgive vt.
forgive sb. for sth. /doing
culture n. 文化
cultural a. 文化的
impression n. 印象
make a deep impression on sb.
impress vt. 给留下印象
be deeply impressed by/with
behave vi. 行为,举止
behave oneself
behavior n. 行为,举止
cloth n. 布料
This kind of cloth lasts well.
He is in fashionable clothes.
She isn’t so particular in clothing.
introduce vt. 介绍
introduce sb. to sb.
introduction n. 介绍
raise vt. 举起,饲养
近义词rise vi. 升起
辨析feed,raise和 support
His job is feeding animals.
He raises some geese on his farm.
He has to earn enough money to raise his children.
He has to earn enough money to support his family.
advice vt. 建议
advice doing
advice sb. to do sth.
stare vi 盯着
He stared at the beautiful painting without hearing me.
He glared at me because of my bad behavior.
He glanced at the dishes on the table.
apologize for losing the bike
…but there are none
辨析none,no one,nobody
None of them is/are famous.
None of the money is mine.
no one和nobody不能和of 连用,强调人
Who is in the kitchen?
No one/Nobody.
People who go to Western dinner party for the first time…
Knowing them will help you make a good impression.
Having good manners means knowing, for example, how to use…
mean doing意味着,mean to do打算做
The knife and fork that are closest to your plate
定语从句,the knife and fork在从句中做主语
ask for a second serving
the second与a second均指第二,但the second指预先安排好的,或多个以上的第二,而a second指又一次,
This edition of stories is divided into 2 books. I only bought one, so I must buy the second one.
I bought a book yesterday, and I want to buy a second one for my friend.
They follow the fashion of the day. Besides, table manners are…
A sign of culture understanding
When meeting people, ……
northwestern Europeans expect a strong handshake
expect sth. 期待,盼望,想要
a cotton handkerchief in their pockets into which they sometimes blow their noses
定语从句,介词加which,由blow one’s nose into the handkerchief而来

[例1] I’m sorry for ______ you.
A. interrupt B. interrupting
C. interruption D. to interrupt
答案:B,be sorry for doing
[例2] I must apologize to you ______ my rudeness.
A. on B. to C. for D. with
答案:C,apologize to sb. for sth.
[例3] It ______ good manners ______ seats to elderly people.
A. are, to give B. are, giving
C. is, to give D. is giving
答案:C,It is good manners to do…
[例4] Please ______ my deep apology for what I have done.
A. make B. give C. forgive D. accept
答案:D,accept one’s apology接受某人的道歉
[例5] To support a family means many problems such as eating, housing, ______, etc.
A. clothes B. cloth C. clothing D. cloths
[例6] You must ______ yourself to make others a good ______.
A. behavior, impression B. behavior, impress
C. behave, impression D. behave, impress
答案:C,behave oneself规范自己的举止,impression印象的名词
[例7] I was deeply ______ by his excellent performance.
A. impressing B. impression
C. impressed D. impress
答案:C,be deeply impressed by对…印象深刻
[例8] He has a big family to _____.
A. raise B. support C. feed D. earn
[例9] The doctor advised me ______ a good sleep, but I didn’t ______ his advice.
A. having, follow B. to have, follow
C. having, hear D. to have, hear
答案:B,advise sb. to do,follow one’s advice
[例10] The sun is ______.
A. being raised B. raising C. rising D. being risen
[例11] ______ from what he said, he must have heard about the news.
A. Judging B. To judge C. Judged D. Judge
[例12] The manager has ______ to raise the workers’ pay.
A. accepted B. allowed C. permitted D. agreed
答案:D,allow doing,permit doing,agree to do
一. 单项选择
1. The boss___40 dollars from my wages without any good reasons.
A. brought down B. kept back C. cut off D. held up
2. ______ the lights off, we could not go on with the work.
A. Until B. As C. With D. Because
3. With a great weight _______off her mind, she passed all the tests successfully.
A. taking B. taken C. take D. to be taken
4. You’d better give the task to ______you think can finish it ahead of time.
A. whoever B. whomever C. anyone D. no matter who
5. Although knocked by down by a car, he managed to ______ to his feet.
A. stand B. rise C. run D. struggle
6. We were lost in the forest; ______, it became dark and began raining.
A. still worse B. worse still C. more worse D. worse more
7. He says he really can’t ______ to wait another day.
A. waste B. afford C. spend D. cost
8. When we think of communication, we _____ think of using things, talking face to face, writing messages and so on.
A. shortly B. probably C. practically D. normally
9. Will you please spare me some ink? I have ______ it.
A. run down of B. run out of C. run out from D. run off
10. When I came in, I saw him ______ in a chair deep in thought.
A. sat B. seated C. seating D. being seated
11. A person’s ____ body temperature is about .
A. ordinary B. normal C. common D. usual
12. — Do you think the Suns will beat Bulls?
— Yes. They have better players, so I _____ them to win.
A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want
13. As the strong winds blew down many tall trees, some of the streets in the city were _______.
A. struck B. caught C. crowded D. blocked
14. Scientists are afraid that some day an even bigger earthquake will _____ the area.
A. strike B. beat C. knock D. push
15. There have been several ______ drowning here this summer.
A. death B. deaths from C. death of D. deaths of
16. I’ve worked with kids before, so I know what ______in my job.
A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expect
17. The old worker has been fired and now a young man ______.
A. took place B. has taken the place
C. takes place of him D. has taken his place
18. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____a goal.
A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored
19. I _______ my son not to walk beside the river, but he wouldn’t listen.
A. suggested B. hoped C. warned D. persuaded
20. _____ in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself ____ at the party.
A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; noticing
C. Dressing; noticed D. Dressed; noticing
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. B
11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. A




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