人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)掌握Unit 7词汇及词性变化

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掌握Unit 7词汇及词性变化
Review of Unit1&2
wise adj. 明智的
wisdom n. 明智
argue v. 争论
argue with sb. about/over sth.
argue sb. into/out doing
solution n. 解决
the solution to
match n. 火柴,比赛 v. 相称
survive v. 幸免,幸存
survivor n. 幸存者
survival n. 幸存
deserted adj. 荒废的,被遗弃的
desert n. 沙漠 v. 抛弃,遗弃
in order to与so as to
两者都是指“为了”,只不过so as to不能用于句首
care about与care for
care about译为“在乎,关心”,care for则译为“喜欢,照顾”
如:He doesn’t care much about his money.
Would you care for tea or coffee?
Would you care for my dog when I am away?
such as与for example
such as是介词词组,后面要加名词,而for example相当于副词词组
如:He can speak several foreign languages, such as English, German and French.
He can speak several foreign languages, for example, English, German and French.
broad adj. 宽阔的
repeat vt. 重复
repeat doing
majority n. 大多数
a / the majority of
major adj. 主要的
minority n. 少数的
a / the minority of
minor adj. 次要的
equal adj. 等同的,胜任的
in this situation
in this case
in case that / of
on condition that
in good / bad condition
under good / bad condition
except,except for与besides
如:All the students except him went there.
except for也是“除了”,但它更强调对前一句的补充说明
如:Your homework is very good except for some minor mistakes.
如:All the other students went there besides him.
exchange v. 交换,交流
exchange sth. with sb.
exchange sth. for sth.
come about
come across
compare v. 比较,比喻
compare sth. with sth.
compare sth. to sth.
compared to / with
replace vt. 替换,取代
replace sth. with sth.
I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers.
…when suddenly the plane crashes.
crash to the ground
crash into sth.
如air crash,car crash等
…hunt for food, and make fire.
hunt for表示“猎取,寻找”与look for,search for近似,但hunt for更强调目的性,也就是很努力地寻找,这在合成词job-hunting里面体现的很明显。
…the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends.
English is a language spoken all around the world.
… English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.
develop into发展成为…
… without being able to speak Chinese
without doing做…同时未做…
…or use English to communicate with people all around the world through the Internet.
communicate with与…交流,沟通
With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.
with sb. doing介词宾补结构,表示在某人做某事的同时
have a good knowledge of 对…有足够的了解,掌握好…
most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.
have difficulty in doing做某事有困难
[例1] He is good at making jokes. He always has others ______ at his jokes.
A. laughed B. laughing C. to laugh D. to be laughed
(答案为B,have sb. doing让某人做…)
[例2] If you don’t go there, ______ I.
A. so do B. so will C. neither shall D. nor do
[例3] Did you see the book ______ on the desk when you came in?
A. lay B. lie C. lying D. laid
[例4] The puma hid in the bush ______ be found.
A. in order to B. so as to
C. in order not to D. so not as to
[例5] Though the city survived the flood, it was ______ in the end.
A. desert B. deserting C. dessert D. deserted
[例6] Nobody cares ______ his death.
A. for B. about C. at D. to
(答案为B,care about关心,在乎)
[例7] Beautiful ladies are often ______ flowers.
A. compared B. compared with
C. compared to D. comparing
[例8] Take an umbrella ______ it would rain.
A. in the situation B. in the condition
C. in case D. in this case
(答案为C,以防…,以免… )
[例9] Tom exchanged his car ______ new motorbike ______ Jim.
A. with, for B. for, with
C. with, with D. for, for
(答案为B,exchange sth. for sth. with sb.)
[例10] The street is all empty ______ several cars.
A. except B. except for
C. except that D. except when
[例11] Is this the house ______ a very high price?
A. that have B. what has C. which has D. /
[例12] Is this house ______ a very high price?
A. that has B. what has
C. which has D. the one that has
(答案为D,先行词在定语从句中做主语,此句无先行词,故加the one)
[例13] I’m one of the boys ______ never late for school.
A. who is B. who are C. who D. are
(答案为B,先行词在定语从句中做主语,此句先行词是the boys)
[例14] I’m the only one of the boys ______ never late for school.
A. who is B. who are C. who D. are
(答案为A,先行词在定语从句中做主语,此句的先行词是the only one)
1. — _______ catch the early train, John, got up earlier than usual.
— What’s the result? I suppose that he didn’t miss it.
A. So that B. So as to
C. In order that D. In order to
2. — I heard the peasants here _____very poor in the past.
— Yes, but there ______ great changes in the past few years.
A. were ; were B. have been ; have ben
C. have been ; were D. were ; have been
3. Some of the wheat is from Canada. What about ______?
A. another B. the other C. others D. the rest
4. I’ll take share of my money ; the _____ yours.
A. others are B. other is C. rest are D. rest is
5. I’m going to make an early start______ I won’t be stuck in the traffic.
A. in case B. because C. so that D. until
6. — Did you enjoy last night’s concert?
— Yes, though the last piece _______ rather poorly.
A. played B. was played C. was playing D. playing
7. More food ______ to the poor by the government next week.
A. will be supplied B. will supply
C. will give D. were given
8. The sun is shining brightly and the day is _____ hot.
A. burn B. to be burned C. burning D. burnt
9. — Harry treats his secretary badly.
— Yes. He seems to think that she is the ______important person in the office.
A. hardly B. least C. less D. most
10. — Let’s listen to my type, shall we?
— ______.
A. Any time will do B. It’s right
C. That sounds like a good idea D. That’s all right
11. In my apartment there are two rooms, _____ is used as a living room.
A. larger one B. the larger of which
C. the largest one D. the largest of which
12. It was in the small house _____ was built with stones by his father _____ he spent his
A. which ; that B. that ; where
C. which ; which D. that ; which
13. With the electricity _______, all the machines stopped.
A. cut off B. cut down C. was cut off D. was cut down
14. His mother told him not to _______, ______would be bad for his health.
A. stay up ; which B. stay up ; that
C. keep up ; what D. keep up ; which
15. What is happening? I feel the house ______.
A. shake B. to shake C. shaking D. shaken
16. The bird______ its wings rapidly as it flew on.
A. beat B. hit C. struck D. used
17. He’ll be back ______. You needn’t go out to look for him.
A. for a while B. after a while
C. in a while D. once in a while
18. _______ the terrible night, a large number of houses _____destroyed as a result of the
A. At ; were B. On ; was C. On ; were D. At ; was
19. — _______?
— He is a nice person.
A. What does your new teacher look like
B. What is your new teacher like
C. How is your new teacher
D. What is your new teacher look like
20. John is the very boy ______ the foolish thing.
A. whom I think did B. whom I think that did
C. who I think that he did D. who I think did





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