人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 10 The world around us

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掌握Unit 10词汇及词性变化
Unit 10 The world around us
endanger v. 威胁
die of与die from
都译为“死于…”,当“死于疾病”时可以互换,但die of更强调由于年龄,寒冷,饥饿,情感等死亡,die from强调由于环境,伤害,事故等死亡。
The old lady died of old age.
Careless drivers often die from traffic accidents.
lead v. 领导
Our leaders are very considerate.
Under his leadership, the company went out of depression.
tour v. 旅行 n. 旅行
species (pl.)n. 生物,物种
measure v. 测量 n. 尺寸
take measures to do sth.
habitat n. 栖息地
inhabit v. 居住在
inhabitant n. 居民
reside v. 居住
resident n. 居民
adapt v. 适应,符合
adapt to
adopt v. 收养,采纳
original a. 原始的,起初的
devote v. 奉献
devote oneself to sth. /doing
be devoted to sth. /doing
at present,for the moment,for the time being与now
I don’t have money at present/for the moment/for the time being, besides which I must borrow more from you.
We can’t discuss it at present . We can leave it to be discussed sometime next week.
common a. 普通的
in common
set sb. free
valuable a. 贵重的
respond v. 回答,作出反应
respond to sb.
response n. 回答,答复,反应,反响
in response to
amount n. 数量
harmful a. 有害的
harm n. 害处 v. 伤害
organize v. 组织
brief a. 简洁的
in brief
… expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered.
定语从句,keep sb. from doing词组
We often talk about how important it is to take good care of ourselves and our planet, but we don’t always do as we say,” Steve says as he takes us on a tour of Green Park in Birmingham.
If we want to live a better life…we must learn to act in ways that do not harm other living things.
it is important to do sth.做某事很重要,感叹形式how important it is to do sth. ,
do as / what we say,as在此处相当于宾语从句中what的作用,
live / lead a…life,过一种…的生活
If we know more about what causes endangerment…
know something/little/a little/nothing/much about
A species can become endangered for different reasons.
……or home, which is comfortable and clean, and where there is enough food and other resources.
此句中有两个定语从句修饰home,注意where there的用法
If we find out more about what we should do…
注意此句中find out的宾语是more,
find that…与find out that…,find that… 是偶然发现…,而find out that…是通过一番努力有目的地发现…
He found/realized that his wallet was lost .
The scientists finally found out that it was the sun that is the center of the solar system.
…ecosystem must be very careful with these valuable resources.
be careful with 对…小心
Up to a hundred species become extinct every day.
up to… 多达…
Scientists say that the total number of the species lost each year may reach 40,000
the species that are lost… 定语从句中先行词做从句主语时,遇到that/which/who + be + done / adj./ prep./ adv./ doing时,that / which / who + be可一起省略。
[例1] The well ______ ten meters deep.
A. deepen B. depth C. measures D. is measured
[例2] This road ______ a city.
A. lead B. led C. led to D. leads to
[例3] I think you should ______ his idea.
A. adopt to B. adopt C. adapt to D. adapt
[例4] He has no children of his own, but he has several ______ ones.
A. adopt B. adapt C. adopted D. adapted
[例5] Different as they are, they do have something ______.
A. on common B. common
C. at common D. in common
(答案为D,have something in common有相同之处)
[例6] His question met no ______.
A. responding B. respond
C. response D. responds
[例7] Large amounts of money ______.
A. has been lost B. have been lost
C. has lost D. have lost
[例8] The old woman devoted her own life ______ the poor.
A. help B. helping C. to help D. to helping
(答案为D,devote oneself to doing/sth.)
[例9] The reason ______ she gave for her being late was quite simple.
A. why B. when C. where D. that
[例10] At that time, we have nothing to do but ______.
A. play B. to play C. playing D. played
(答案为A,nothing but的前面如果有动词do的话,后面加动词原形,如果没有就遵循对称原则,如:They like nothing but playing football.)
[例11] I didn’t mean ______ you.
A. harm B. to harm C. harming D. harmed
(答案为B,mean to do表示打算做…,mean doing表示意味着…)
[例12] They agreed to have a football match with us ______ our challenge.
A. responding B. responded
C. in response to D. on response of
(答案为C,in response to对…做出反应)
1. Was ______ that I saw last night?
A. it you B. it he C. you D. he
2. ______ it with me and I’ll see what I can do.
A. When left B. Leaving C. Leave D. If you leave
3. You should make it a rule to put things ______ you can find them again.
A. when B. where C. then D. there
4. We’ll have to finish the work, ______.
A. long it takes however B. it takes however long
C. long however it takes D. however long it takes
5. Father made a promise ______ I passed the exam he would buy me a new bike.
A. that B. if C. that if D. whether
6. A man escaped from the prison. It was a long time ______ the guards discovered what had happened.
A. before B. until C. since D. when
7. He did his homework just ______ he played football.
A. in the same way like B. in the same which
C. in the same way D. in the same way as
8. This book will show the readers ______ can be published in magazines.
A. how that they have observed
B. that how they have observed
C. how what they have observed
D. that they have observed
9. It was ______ I came that he went to sleep.
A. until B. not until C. unless D. not unless
10. Do you agree to the suggestion ______ we should go back?
A. what B. whether C. that D. where
11. Realizing ______ his legs were broken, he called the 120 at once.
A. when B. that C. because D. for
12. I can’t find a reason can make him satisfied.
A. that B. when C. why D. whom
13. I am not sure ______ he will come here.
A. whether B. that C. where D. what
14. we don’t doubt ______ there is only one China in the world.
A. that B. whether C. where D. why
15. ______, he likes to be close friends with us.
A. As he is a teacher B. Teacher though he is
C. Teacher as he is D. Though teacher he is
16. I don’t want to go ______ you have come here.
A. until B. unless C. when D. before
17. Please pass me the cup ______ color is red.
A. who B. that C. whose D. what
18. I’ll never forget the days I spent my holiday in your country.
A. when B. which C. that D. for which
19. They have written several books, the first of ______ has been published.
A. them B. whose C. what D. which
20. The man ______ you told me was a good man.
A. who B. that C. about that D. about whom




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