人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 12 Art and literature

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掌握Unit 12词汇及词性变化
Unit 12 Art and literature
literature n. 文学
literate adj. 受过教育的,识字的
illiterate adj. 未受过教育的,文盲
comedy n. 喜剧
comedic adj. 喜剧性的
tragedy n. 悲剧
tragic adj. 悲剧的
local adj. 当地的
location n. 方位,位置
locate v. 寻找,位于,放置
I want to locate the city on the map.
This factory locates in the countryside.
power n. 力量,能量,权力
The power is out.
electric power
come into power
trick n. 花招,把戏
play tricks on
tricky adj. 有花样的,巧妙的,复杂的
series n. 系列
a series of
miserable adj. 悲惨的
misery n. 悲惨,苦难
come across
come about
come out
believe与believe in
I don’t believe him/what he says.
I don’t trust/ believe in him.
habit n. 习惯
fall into/ form a habit of doing
fall/ get out of a habit of doing
stupid , foolish , silly
stupid 笨,愚蠢,多用于对人表示不满时
silly指“天真,可爱”,My silly child! 我的傻孩子!
It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen.
of在此处是“full of”之意,再如:a distance of 10 m;后面是一个world的定语从句。
…, and much of what happens is strange.
…a boy with a scar on his forehead.
如:with sb. doing
with sb. done
with sb. prep. + n.
with sb. adj.
with sb. adv.
Harry seems like a normal boy…
注意:seem/ look like/ adj./ as if但seem that/to do为seem独有
…an unusual school where the students learn about magic.
Harry learns more than magic in Hogwart.
more than的用法
如:He is more than a teacher to us.
He hates him more than likes him.
Harry also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid of.
You must believe in what you do and who you are if you want to succeed in the world.
believe in词组,“信任”,后面的宾语是两个宾语从句。
Where somebody is born and what a person looks like is not as important as what she or he grows up to be.
…it was as if the creature was watching them.
as if引导的表语从句。还可以用在look,seem,sound等其他系动词后面引导表语从句。
If only they could find a way to get to the room, or whatever it was, behind the wall.
if only“但愿”,“如果…该多好”,后面引导一种虚拟语气,用情态动词过去时
如:If only he could be here.
If only I could go abroad.
It says on the statue that anyone who wants to enter the room must answer the question.
这里的say/ read表示“…写着…”,前面的it指代后面的that引导的主语从句。
Some stories are told as if they were true.
as if引导的状语从句,后面用的是虚拟语气,即用过去式表示与现在事实相反的假设。
They have characters and creatures that are very different from us and do things that would be impossible for us.
…we do much more than simply look at words on a page.
more than的用法
We help the writer by pretending that what we read is like real life.
pretend的用法。他的主要词组有pretend to do与pretend that…
We pick up a book and lose ourselves in a good story, eager to find out what will happen next.
lose oneself in…或be /get lost in…,后面的eager做伴随状语。
Knowing how we feel when we read can help us become…
[例1] —Don’t forget to return the dictionary to the library .
—______ .
A. I don’t B. I won’t C. I can’t D. I haven’t
(答案为B,本题受 Don’t forget 的误导,常误选A。英语中的祈使句通常表示将来要发生的动作,所以答语中的“我忘不了”实际上是“我(将)不会忘记”)
[例2] —I wonder if your sister will go to the concert .
—If your sister does , so ____ mine .
A. is B. do C. does D. will
(答案为D,本题受 If you sister does 中 does 的误导,常常误选C。由于条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以题中的 If your sister does 中的 does 实际上等于will go to the concert , 所以“我妹妹也去”应该是“Mine will go , too . ”)
[例3] You should throw the old newspaper into ____ basket .
A. a paper B. paper C. papers D. the papers
(答案为A,通常,paper 表示“纸”,是不可数名词,前面不带a,受其误导,误选B。但本题讲的是要将旧报纸扔进纸篓。“纸”虽不可数,但“纸篓”是可数名词)
[例4] Jenny ____ have kept her word . I wonder why she changed her mind .
A. could B. might not C. should D. would not
(答案为C,题中的 I wonder why she changed her mind 一句虽为迟到的信息,但它说明 she changed her mind,也就是 she didn’t keep her word,据此可推断正确答案是C)
[例5] —He promised to come to see you .
—But he ____. I've been alone .
A. doesn’t B. didn’t C . won’t D . hasn’t
(答案为D,本题若只注意到He promised 而忽略 I’ve been alone 这一“迟到的信息”,就会误选答案B。I’ve been alone 这一句表明,be 不仅过去没来,而且现在仍没来,所以正确答案是D)
[例6] —Didn’t you watch the football match yesterday ?
—____ . I would like to have seen it .
A. Yes , I did B . No, I didn’t C . Yes, I didn’t D . No, I did
(答案为B,解答本题必须重视 I would like to have seen it 这一“迟到的信息”,它相当于 I had wanted to see it , 意为“我本想观看它”,可见实际上我没看足球赛,因此正确答案是B)
[例7] She spent as much time as she could ____ over her lessons .
A. go B. to go C. going D. went
(答案为C,本题若抓不住 She spent much time ____ over her lessons 这个主题,就排除不了 as much…as she could 这个次要信息,就会误选A。由主体句可知,正确答案是C。)
[例8] He hasn't come yet . What do you consider ____ to him ?
A. happens B. has happened C. happening D. to happen
(答案为B,本题要清楚do you consider 是插入语)
[例9] So far this is the best way I've thought of ____ this problem .
A. settling B. to settle C. by setting D. having settled
(答案为B,本题的主体是 this is the best way ____ this problem。I’ve thought of 是修饰 way 的定语从句,不影响主体句的答案的选择。)
[例10] I’m busy now . I’m sorry I can’t help ____ the flowers .
A. to water B. watering C. watered D. waters
(答案为A,本题易误选答案B,本题中 help 为“帮助”之意,后面应用不定式可省略to作宾语)
[例11] Put the book in the same place ____ you found it .
A. as B. that C. which D. where
(答案为D,本题易误选答案A或B,因为 the same…as 和 the same…that 经常被强调,而实际上 the same 修饰名词后除可接 as 或 that 外,还可以接 where , who 等引导的定语从句。分析一下题干,不难看出本题应用 where 引导定语从句,因为所设空白在从句中作状语。故选D)
[例12] Nylon is used to ____ stockings .
A. made B. makes C. make D. making
(答案为C,此题易误选D,因为“be(get)used to 接名词或动名词”意为“习惯于…”。但本题并非此意,谓语动词中的use 为“使用”之意并且是被动语态,“be used to do…被用来做……”)
[例13] Make a mark ____ you have a question .
A. in which B. where C. that D. for which
(答案为B,此题易误选A或C,原因在于错误地把本题分析为定语从句,误译成“做一个你有问题的记号”。然而,本题系地点状语从句,应译为“在你有疑问的地方做个标记”。所以引导地点状语从句不可用“介词 + which”的答案A。故应选B)
[例14] Peter ____ come with us tonight , but he isn’t very sure yet .
A. must B. can C. may D. will
[例15] The weather turned out to be very good , was more than we could expect .
A. what B. which C. that D. it
(答案为B,which 才能引导非限制性定语从句。turn out to be 意为“结果是……”)
1. —Would you lend me your pen for a while ?
—Certainly I ____ .
A. would B. should C. will D. shall
2. —Could I use your bicycle ?
—Yes , of course you ____ .
A. can B. could C. will D. would
3. I have met ____ people as Lei feng in China .
A. many B. so many C. many such D. as many
4. Only when she got home did she find her necklace ____ .
A. miss B. to miss C. missed D. missing
5. —I’ve got an extra ticket for one of you .
—Oh , really ? Whom would you like ____ with you , Tom or me ?
A. to have go B. to have gone C. having to go D. having going
6. You ____ the plant more water . It is dead .
A. will give B. would have given C. must give D. should have given
7. I wish to be ____ with him . Will you go up to your own room ?
A. friendly B. alone C. down D. always
8. —The play is often put on here , isn’t if ?
—____ Only once five years ago .
A. Yes , it is B. Yes , it isn’t C. No , it isn’t D. No , it is
9. ____ from your office to here !
A. How far is it B. What a long way it is
C. How far it is D. How long is it
10. —Do you know ____ of them ?
—No , I only know Mr and Mrs Tom .
A. all B. both C. none D. any
11. He often leans over the fence and talks for over an hour with my father ____ gardening .
A. about B. while C. in D. as
12. John plays football ____ , if not better than , David .
A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as
13. The students are forbidden , unless they have the library cards , ____ the reading-room .
A. entering B. enter C. from entering D. to enter
14. With a quick kick the policeman sent the knife held in the robber's right hand ____ .
A. fly B. flew C. flying D. to fly
15. Lincoln’s stepmother did all she could ____ him .
A. help B. to help C. helping D. and helped
16. New ways have been found to prevent the river ____ .
A. polluting B. from polluting
C. against polluting D. from being polluted
17. They did ____ they could ____ him .
A. what ; help B. all what ; to help
C. all ; help D. all that ; to help
18. We were all busy . ____ of us went out for a walk .
A. Not all B. None C. Nobody D. Not everybody
19. He has the same bike ____ .
A. as you B. as yours C. with you D. that you
20. The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself ____ .
A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard
21. That heavy rain kept us ____ out on time .
A. starting B. from starting C. to start D. being started
22. the parents forbid her ____ to a worker .
A. to marry B. marrying C. to be married D. to be marrying
23. You may stay ____ you like .
A. as long B. that C. at which D. where
24. Coal is used to ____ electricity .
A. produces B. produced C. producing D. produce
25. Was it in this hall ____ they held the ball the other day ?
A. that B. in which C. where D. which
26. The boy was crying ____ the cup broken .
A. for B. at C. as D. with
27. He made some candles ____ light .
A. to give B. give C. gave D. given
28. He talked of the writer and his novels _____ interested him .
A. that B. which C. who D. in which
29. If Mary doesn’t go there , ____ .
A . neither do I B . nor shall I C . so do I D . so will I




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