牛津译林版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 5 Wish You Were Here(1)

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Unit 5 单词、词组
Unit 5 单词、词组
1. What animal is uncomfortable to sit on?
The chair is very comfortable to sit on.
Give me a piece of paper to write on.
Give me a pen to write with.
He has found a house that we can stay/live in.
2. I’ve quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother, Colin.
be busy with sth/ be busy (in) doing sth
I was too busy working to notice the time.
I was too busy with my work to notice the time.
The students are busy preparing for the exam.
The students are busy with preparation for the exam.
have difficulty/trouble (in) doing
I have some difficulty (in) talking with the foreigner.
waste/spend time doing
Mary 浪费了很多时间在小树林中玩。
Mary wasted a lot of time playing in the woods.
3. We’ll be traveling by camel.
1) near, past
He sat by the oak tree, in the sun.
They went for a picnic by the Black Sea.
He passed by me without noticing me.
2) through doing or using sth.
John went to the USA by way of Japan.
He chose to go by sea rather than to fly.
He rose quickly and went out by another door.
By ______(help) them we’re helping to save ourselves. (helping)
3) not later than
Robbie had returned by the time I got home.
Perhaps she’s recovered by now.
By next Friday I ought to have finished the job.
I will be back by three o’clock.
By the end of the last term, we had learned 4000 new words.
4) holding a particular part of someone or sth.
She grabbed me by the arm.
The man seized the child by the collar.
He pulled me by _______ sleeve.(the / my)
I caught him by _____ shoulder.(the)
5) according to
By law you must be eighteen to enter the internet cafe.
I knew __________________he was not English. (by his appearance)
6) used to show measurements or amounts
I’m paid by the hour.
The price has been reduced by $10.
After the heavy rain the level of the river rose ____________. (by 1 metre)
7) by accident/chance
by mistake
by day/night
day by day
little by little
one by one
by and by
4. You have to wear special clothing, a helmet and a life jacket, just in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks.
in case 以防,万一
I suggest we go to the Railway Station earlier in case we miss the train.
You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.
Why not give him a call just in case.
in case of
In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.
in any case whatever happens or may have happened
I will try to do the work well in any case.
in no case: 无论如何都不
In no case will I cheat you.
5. We’ll live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cow’s blood!
include vt. 包含,包括
He includes me among his friends.
Our ten-city tour included a visit to London.
including, included
Thirty passengers were hurt, including five children.
Thirty passengers were hurt, five children included.
I. 选择填空
1. Some passengers complain that it usually __________ so long to fill in travel insurance documents.
A. cost B. takes C. spends D. spares
2. Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain ___________ an inch.
A. by B. at C. to D. from
3. I don’t think I’ll spend any money but I ‘ll bring some _________.
A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time
4. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _________ to her mother.
A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing
5. Wait till you are more __________. It is better to be sure than sorry.
A. inspired B. certain C. calm D. satisfied
6. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of_________.
A. energy B. source C. power D. material
7. Our English teacher _____________ our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary.
A. asked B. ordered C. suggested D. required
8. Mr Smith, ________ of the _________ speech, started to read a novel.
A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; board D. tiring; boring
9. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will _________ fresh for several days.
A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed
10. The hero’s story _________ differently in the newspapers.
A. was reported B. was reporting C. reports D. reported
1~5 BABAB 6~10 ACABA




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