牛津译林版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 4 Tales of the unexplained(2)

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1. Do you know when we should use the present perfect tense?
A. When we talk about things that happened in the recent past, but are connected to the present.
e.g. The disappearance of Justin has made Kelly very unhappy.
B. When we talk something that started in the past, and is still happening now.
e.g. I have not seen Justin since last Friday night
C. When we talk about actions that were completed only a short time ago
e.g. The police have just finished searching the area.
D. For repeated actions
e.g. Some villagers say that they have seen UFOs many times.
2. What is the basic structure of the present perfect tense?
subject + auxiliary verb (has/have) +done+ object
3. We often use it with time expressions.
Such as : for和since引导的短语;already, ever, just, lately, never, recently, yet等副词;so far, up to now, many times, up to the present等短语也常和现在完成时连用。
1)What’s the difference between for and since?
e.g. We haven’t seen him for two years.
We haven’t seen him since 2002.
Tip: for + a period of time;
since + a point in time
2)What’s the difference between already and yet?
e.g. The boy has already come here.
I haven’t heard anything from him yet.
Tip: Already is for affirmative statements.
Yet is for negative statements
4. 完成时态可用在下列结构中:
This/That is/was the first/second time+定语从句
There be结构的完成时,There has/have been…
5. Exercise:
1) We_________ (study) English for about five years.(have studied)
2) They ________ (live) in the south since their daughter was born. (have lived)
3) I ________ (read) your article three times. It’s well written. (have read)
4) The student _________ (finish) her homework already. (has finished)
5) There ________ _________ (be) a lot of changes since 1978. (have been)
6) Eric ________ (go) back to his hometown today. (has gone)
7) —“________ you _________ (see) my pen?”
—“Yes, I ________ (see) it on your desk just now.”(Have seen, saw)
Present perfect continuous tense
1. When to use it?
A. When we talk about actions that started in the past and are still continuing.
e.g. I have not been sleeping well since I returned home.
B. When we talk about actions that have just finished but are still connected to the present in some way.
e.g. Kelly: Sorry I’m late. Have you been waiting long?
Mavis: Yes. I’ve been waiting for an hour.
2. What is the structure?
subject + have/has been doing +…
3. Exercise:
They (1)____________ to me since 1964. They speak English well!(have been talking)
I also know some Yetis. I (2)_____________ photos of them since 1977.(have been talking)
I(3) _________ the Loch Ness Monster on the Internet too.(have been watching)
Recently I(4) _________ an unusual number of UFOs!(have seen)
I(5) _______ a book on UFOs. I should be able to finish it early next year.(have been writing)
4. Present perfect or present perfect continuous?
Differences between them
1) We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action completed in the recent past, and the present perfect continuous tense for an action that started in the past and is still happening.
Li Jia has read a book about Stonehenge.
(She finished reading the book.)
Li Jia has been reading a book about Stonehenge.
(She is still reading the book.)
2) We can use the present perfect tense for repeated actions, and the present perfect continuous tense for non-stop actions.
e.g. I have visited Egypt twice this months.
I have been touring Egypt for two months.
3) We usually use the present perfect tense to ask questions beginning with how many or how much, and the present perfect continuous tense to ask questions beginning with how long.
e.g. How many times have you swum in the lake?
How long have you been swimming in the lake?
4) We can use either a state verb or an action verb with the present perfect tense, but we usually can only use an action verb with the present perfect continuous tense.
e.g. I have had this camera for five years.
I have taken photos of UFOs with camera.
I have been taking photos of UFOs with this camera.
5) We use the present perfect tense, not the present perfect continuous tense, with words like never, yet, already and eve.
I’ve never visited Paris
I’ve already been to Paris.
5. Exercise:
1) They _______ always ________(have) a big garden.(have had)
2) How long _________ you _________ (know) each other? (have known)
3) He ________________ (be) in hospital since his accident.( has been)
4) I ________________ (clean) the house. (have been cleaning)
1. Tom isn’t here. He ______ to the library.
A. has been B. has gone C. went D. has went
2. Where _______for the past few year?
A. are you B. have you been C. have you gone D. did you go
3. He is the only one of the students who ___________ good at singing.
A. have been B. was C. is D. are
4. —Haven’t you graduated from college?
—Yes. I ________ there for five years.
A. studied B. study
C. have studied D. had studied
5. A large number of birds__________ to these lakes.
A. have been returned back B. have returned back
C. have been returned D. have returned
6. Has all _________ should _________?
A. /; been done B. /; done
C. that; done D. that; been done
7. —I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. How long?
—I_________ here for you since noon.
A. waited B. had waited
C. have been waiting D. had been waiting
8. After that she _________ to see the importance of wide reading and since then we _______ best partners in our study.
A. came; were always B. has come; have always been
C. had come; had always been D. came; have always been
9. —__________ the American film been shown on TV?
—Yes, it __________ shown last week.
A. Has; had B. Has; was C. Have; had D. Are; was
10. Thank goodness, we __________ safely.
A. have arrived B. arrived C. are arriving D. arrive
1~5 BBCAD 6~10 DCDBA




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