牛津译林版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 4 Tales of the unexplained(1)

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掌握阅读技巧 reading a newspaper article
掌握Unit 4词汇及词性变化
教学重难点:掌握阅读技巧 reading a newspaper article
(一)1. research
(1) 医学研究
medical research
research on sth
recent research on deaf children
(2) v. 他花了20 年的时间研究中国历史。
He spent 20 years researching the Chinese history.
He is researching the reading problems of young school children.
2. rule out
The police ruled out the possibility that the boy was murdered by his uncle.
The doctor has ruled out the possibility that he has cancer.
3. look into
To look into this problem, a special group has been set up.
Perhaps you wouldn’t mind looking into the problem for me.
look for寻找
look after照顾
look up 抬头向上看
look sth up 查(字典)
look up to sb钦佩,仰慕
look down upon看不起
look out小心
look out of the window向外看
look at看=have a look
look back on sth回忆,回顾
look forward to 盼望
4. make up
(1)invent a story, a poem or an excuse
eg. 编造故事
make up stories
(2) make up for sth: compensate
eg. 努力工作以补偿已经浪费的时间
work hard to make up for the lost time
He made up for the loss.
(3) become friendly with someone again after you have argued with them
让我们和好吧。Let’s make up.
(4) put sth on one’s face to make it more attractive
eg. Tom看着姐姐为宴会精心打扮。
Tom watched his sister make herself up for the party.
(5) be made up of
Britain is made up of England, Scotland, North Irish and Welsh.
cf. contain
5. give up放弃
eg. They give up without a fight.
give out 发出;放出
eg. 发出光和热
give out light and heat
give away泄露
She gave away the secret to Tom.
(二)合成形容词的构成方法,主要有下列 6 种:
oil-rich, duty-free, praiseworthy, life-long, carefree, worldwide, skin-deep, sea-sick, cock-sure, word-perfect 等。
bitter-sweet, red-hot, Afro-Asian, socio-political, dead-alive, blue-black 等。
  peace-loving, labour-saving, law-abiding, time-consuming, painstaking, trouble-shooting 等。
  examination-oriented, man-made, poverty-stricken, bed-ridden, wind-blown, weather-beaten, heart-broken 等。
  good-looking, easy-going, eager-seeming, direct-acting 等。
  kind-hearted, narrow-minded, single-handed, new-born, soft-spoken, strong-headed, many-sided 等。
1. I was __________ my face in a dressing room when I heard someone shouting “Fire!”
A. making up B. wearing
C. putting on D. covering
2. —___________to the building?
—Terrible. I’ll never forget that. A great fire ________.
A. What has happened; break out B. What was happening; breaking out
C. How take place; broke out D. What happened; broke out
3. When Tom knocked at the door, I was busy ___________ my homework and my brother was busy __________ a model.
A. to do; with B. doing; with making
C. with; making D. with; to make
4. The government has promised to _________ the matter and will give the workers a satisfactory answer.
A. look into B. look through C. put into D. put away
5. —Did you wait for him very long?
—Yes, I _______ to bed until five in the morning.
A. did go B. didn’t go C. hadn’t gone D. went
6. It __________ me that he always finishes his work in a short time. He is well-known for his working at _________ speed.
A. amazes; amazing B. amazed; amazed
C. amaze; amazed D. amaze; amazing
7. I asked him to come at seven o’ clock, but he ___________. It’s already eight o’ clock.
A. didn’t show off B. didn’t show up
C. hasn’t shown up D. hasn’t shown off
8. What do you think _________ to her? She is very angry now.
A. did he do B. he did C. does he do D. has he done
9. This is the factory __________ we paid a visit last week.
A. that B. where C. to which D. which
10. China has many such beautiful cities __________ Beijing, Shanghai and so on.
A. that B. like C. with D. as
Why do Elephants Have Tusks?
Elephants have tusks because they sometimes need to dig for food. They stick their tusks in the ground and dig up tasty roots. They use their tusks to rip yummy bark off of trees.
Elephants also use their tusks for fighting. Male elephants fight each other for female mates. Female African elephants use their tusks to protect their babies from lions and tigers.
I. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C
6. A 7. C 8. B 9.B 10. D




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