牛津英语7A Unit 1 Grammar 教案 |
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Unit One Grammar—Simple Present Tense Teaching content : Unit one, Grammar Teaching Aims: 1.To be able to understand the tense: Simple Present Tense. 2. To be able to use the tense correctly in daily communication. Teaching Aids: Multi-media Teaching Procedure: Step One: Teacher’s self-introduction, using simple present tense Hello, I’m your new teacher, let’s be good friends, OK? Do you know my name? Am I tall or short? What colour is my hair? Do you want to know more about me? Picture1—Picture8 : I’m Chen Yan. My English name is Shirley. I have a happy family. I have a lovely son. I live in Haimen. I go to school by bike. I like watching TV. I watch TV every evening. I love football. Ss read Teacher’s self-introduction together. Step Two: Teacher present “Do you….?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.” by asking Ss questions. Ss ask and answer questions with each other, using “ Do you…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.” Complete Millie’s profile on Page 8. Ss read Millie’s profile together. Step Three: Try to introduce Millie to others, using “she”. Adding “s” to the verbs after “he”, “she” or “it”. Millie ____ in a flat in Beijing. She _____ breakfast at 7 a.m. She ____ to school with her friend. She _____ her cousin Andy very much. She _____ to her classmates at lunchtime. She her dog for a walk every day. Present some verbs ,let Ss add “s” Step Four Ask Ss to say something about your new English teacher: I have a new English teacher. Her name is Chen Yanzi. She has a happy family. She has a son. She doesn’t have any daughter. …Step Five: T ask questions about the teacher present “Does she…?Yes ,she does./No, she doesn’t.” Step Six: Show a picture of their English teacher’s son, ask Ss to ask questions about him freely, using “Does he…? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. Game: Let’ s play a game—Are you the best? Two tasks: Task One: 用“Does he+动词原形?”设计问题向老师提问。 每小组有四次提问机会。 Task Two:搜集信息。根据各小组的问题和老师的回答, 以Our English teacher has a son. He is a lovely boy开头,说一段介绍老师儿子的话。每小组一次机会。Step Seven Oral work: Say something about their English teacher, using “she” Step Eight Written work :Write an e-mail to their friends and tell them about their English teacher. Step Nine: Conclusion: Simple Present Tense. Homework assignment: Write an e-mail to their teacher, introducing one of their friends to her. 牛津英语译林版新教材7A Unit One Grammar 教后感 学生是课堂教学的主角,是课堂中活力最充分的体现。要使学生学得轻松愉快,教师就要想方设法组织好教学活动的全过程,激发起学生的学习兴趣。变“要我学”为“我要学”,调动学生积极探求、思考的欲望,从而达到教与学的最佳效果。以下是我对牛津英语译林版新教材7A Unit One Grammar 教后感: 一、巧设情景导入、激活兴趣 著名的外语专家章兼中教授曾经说过:任何一种语言都离不开它当时的情景和实践的基础,否则它是无源之水,无本之木。英语作为我国的第二语言,由于它缺乏语言独有的情景和实践的基础,变得枯燥乏味,学习起来困难重重,学生是难于全心全意地投入到英语学习中去。如何巧设一个引人入胜的学习情景,激发学生的求知欲望,达到事半功倍的教学效果,已成为教师教学工作中的一大难题。为了成功地过渡到一般现在时第三人称单数,我使用了教为先进的多媒体教学手段,利用学生对新老师的好奇心,由介绍自己引出学生比较熟悉和已经掌握的一般现在时非第三人称单数的用法,为学生创设了一个轻松愉快的,有利于语言学习的学习氛围,激发起学生的“兴奋点”。使学生学习起来加倍亲切,降低了教学的难度,学生更容易接受。 二、直观教学、寓教于乐。 教授新知识是一堂课的中心环节,是提高教学效果的关键。要用最短的时间获得最好的教学效果,这就要求教师要根据教材和学生实际的情况选择最佳的教学方法。因此,我在教学中用图片、实物、动作表情、录音机、多媒体等直观手段进行教学,做到音画交融、直观形象、生动活泼,有利于激发学生的好奇心,使得学生学习的兴趣浓厚,欲极性高,注意力集中,达到教学的最佳景界。既排除了母语翻译的干扰又遵循视、听、说领先的语言教学原则,注重培养学生模仿、朗读的语言实践的能力,培养了学生的良好的学习习惯。 三、形式多样、游戏激趣。 21世纪的今天,基础教育正在进行一次大革命,由“应试”教育向“素质”教育过渡。“满堂灌”的老教学模式已被时代所淘汰。现在学生真正当家作主成为教学活动的主人,这就要求教师要充分发挥学生的主观能动性,做到精讲多练,同时还要善于调动学生的情绪。学生的情绪一旦低落、产生疲劳时,就会对学习失去兴趣,造成课堂气氛沉闷,是难以达到预期的教学效果。这就要求教师要善于观察学生情绪的变化,及时更新教学形式,以新的教学形式给予学生新的吸引,引发起学生新的学习兴趣。学生是天真、好奇、好胜的,我在本节课安排了抢答竞赛,让全体学生参与到活动中去。掌声、小礼物为整个课堂凑响一首“欢乐之歌”,学生在不知不觉中获得了知识,调动起课堂学习的气氛,同时也将整个教学过程推向高潮。 “教学有法,教无定法”。只要一切从学生的实际出发,紧扣教材的特点;以学生为中心,学生自觉、自主地投入到学习活动中去学得有兴趣的方法,则是教学英语的最好方法。 |
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