新课标七年级上Unit 14 I'm watching TV

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(1)在进行时的构成上忘记写be(is, are, am),如:
I working near the house.(×)
She is stand near a tree.(×)
He is siting in a boat.(×)
Unit 14 I'm watching TV案例二
Period 2
I. Teaching goals:
1. Topic: Everyday activities
2. Function: Talk about what people are doing
II. Structures:
1. Present progressive tense
2. Yes/No questions and short answers
III. Target language:
1. --- What are you doing?
--- I’m doing my homework.
2. --- Do you want to go swimming?
--- Yes, I do.
3. --- When do you want to go?
--- At three o’clock.
4. --- Where do people play basketball?
--- At school.
5. --- Hello! Is Tina there?
--- No, she isn’t. She’s shopping at the mall.
IV. Key point:
The difference between Simple present & Present progressive
V. Vocabulary:
1. 正在进行的动作:watching, doing homework, eating, cleaning, playing basketball, swimming, shopping, reading
2. 地点:pool, school, mall, library
VI. Recycling:
1. Structures: Do you want…?
This is my brother Scott.
2. Describing words: boring, interesting
3. Time expressions
VII. Teaching & learning strategies: Cooperating
VIII. Teaching aids: Recorder, computer, handout, etc.
IX. Teaching processes:
Step 1. Talk about the places where activities take place.
 Look at the pictures and complete the chart. (Section B-1a)
 Ask and answer questions on the information in the chart, using the structures:
--- Where do people play basketball?
--- At school.
Step 2. Listen and practice more structures on places and activities.
 Listen and complete the chart with the words in the box. (Section B-1a&b)
 Ask and answer questions on the information in the chart, using the structures:
--- Hello! Is Tina there?
--- No, she isn’t. She’s shopping at the mall.
 Listen or talk about the pictures with places and activities. (pp. 42~44 from SBS 1)
 Recycling: --- Who is he?
--- He’s my father.
--- What’s his name?
--- His name is Paul.
--- Where is he?
--- He’s in Paris.
 Extended words and phrases: in Paris, in New York, at the beach, at our house, sitting on a bench, feeding the birds
Step 3. Read the passage and learn to follow the model.
 Read the letter in 3a on page 87, and try to comprehend it with the help of the pictures, paying attention to the places and activities.
 Follow the model, and fill in the blanks in 3b.
Step 4. Write a passage after discussing a picture from SBS 1, page 29.
 Discuss the picture and express the activities, using the structures learned in this unit.
 Write down what have been discussed, with the title “A busy day”, beginning with “Everybody at 210 Main Street is very busy today”.
不足之处:1. 由于本课话题的关系,尽管回避了旧传统式的语法讲解,但仍无法完全 避免走老路。因此,涉及到语法现象的教学,还有待于研究、探讨。
2. 虽说课堂上以学生为主体了,但老师的主导作用也需体现:本节课教师 启发的还不完全到位;激情不够。



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