人教版高二unit9 Saving the earth

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Warming up, listening and Speaking
The 1st period November 28th 总第58节
I. Goals:
1. To make Ss know pollution and present situation throughout the world and encourage them to find solutions to this problem.
2. To encourage Ss to activate the relevant vocabulary.
3. To develop Ss' speaking by practicing supporting an opinion.
II. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Talk about the pictures
Present the students a series of pictures to assure them how serious the pollution is
and ask them some questions about these pictures.

⑴ ⑵ ⑶

⑷ ⑸ ⑹
Q1: What can you see in these pictures? How does it happen?
Q2: What causes the problem?
Q3: What are the biggest problems facing the earth? Why do you think so?
Q4: Have you ever done something bad to the environment?
Q5: Can you give me more examples that happened in people's daily life and is bad
for the environment?
Step 2 Listening
1. Lead in
More and more people are realizing the damage that is being done the environment and learning more and more harm that the environment is doing to our human inhabit. People are celebrating International Earth Day, when varieties of activities are held so that more people will be involved in environment protection.
2. While-listening
 Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.
1) Why is she giving this speech?
2) What does she think the most serious problem is?
3) What does she say that we should do about it?
4) What do you think she will say next?
 Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks with what Ss hear.
Argument 1: We should _____________.
We must _________________________.
We should _______________________.
If we _______, we ________________. Argument 2; _______________________
Problem: _______________________
Solutions: _______________________
3. Post-listening
 Pair work: Infer what the speaker will say next, list like the above one and share the speech with the partner and the class.
 Group work: Discuss with group members about the measures that we may take to protect air, forest; animals; grassland.
 Ask Ss to deliver their speech on environment protection.
Step 3 Speaking
1. Talking about what Ss can see in the picture.

(1) (2)
Q1: What is being piled in the picture 1?
Q2: What can coal be used for?
Q3: What is being giving off from the workshop?
Q4: What is being polluted?
Every coin has two sides. It is true with coal, which is a valuable resource that can be used to produce energy, but it can also cause serious pollution.
2. Group work: A debate Coal is/isn’t a valuable resource.
pros cons
A businessman An environmentalist
A scientist A local citizen
A local leader
… …
后记: 学生对环保问题比较关注,因此学生讲的比较多, 课堂气氛比较活跃。
Reading Welcome to the Earth Summit
Period 2 November 29th 总第59节
I. Goals:
1.To promote the students' understanding of the text
2. To get the students to grasp the detailed information of the text
3. To enable the students to master some words and expressions
4. To improve the students' reading ability
II. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Warming up
Ask the students some questions connected with pollution
Q1: Did you use to go swimming in a river when you were young?
What about the children today? Why not?
Q2: Do you use one-off chopsticks while having fast food?
Q3: How do you deal with the plastic bags?
Q4: What do you think of the air today?
Q5: What do you think of the relationship between economy development and
Step 2 Pre-reading
1. Discussion
Read the title and discuss in pairs what problems will be discussed at the summit.
(As the title states, problems related to the earth will be discussed at the summit, like air, water, forest, desert, grassland, etc)
2. Prediction
Group work: Fill in the chart with what Ss predict about what each part of the text will be about.
3. Problem-solving
Go through the whole passage and compare whose guess is the closest to the content of the passage.
4. Find the answers to these two questions.
Q1: When and where was the Earth Summit held?
(In 2002 in Johannesburg in South Africa.)
Q2: Which Chinese officer attended the meeting? What did he say?
(Premier Zhu Rongji; Stressed the need for quality and fairness in the world. )
Step 3 While-reading
1. Individual work
Get the students to read the text carefully and ask some students to answer thefollowing questions in their own words.
Q1: What was the meeting held in 1972 about ?
Q2: What's the main theme of the Earth Summit?
Q3: Do you know the 'big three’? What are they?
Q4: Where do you think usually has 'the big three'? Why?
Q5: What does global development mean nowadays? What should developed
countries actually do?
Q6: What's the use of conferences like the Earth Summit?
Q7: What's the key to the future? As a student, what should you do?
2. Reading for information
Introduction Name The Earth Summit
When In 2002
Where Johannesburg, south Africa
Theme Sustainable development
How to continue developing the world without damaging the environment
The “big three” Contaminated drinking water; 20%
Poor sanitation:
Air pollution: three million deaths; in rural areas in developing countries
Global development Equality Each country takes part in
International cooperation Rich counties help poor countries; Prosperity of developing countries; Possible sustainable development
Impact 1. help to understand the existing serious problems
2. there’s still time to take action
3. change the way we live to save the earth
4. Ss are learning “earth issues”
5. a place to find solutions for the future
Step 4 Post-reading
1. Retelling
Suppose you were the Chinese girl who attended the Earth Summit, tell what she heard and saw at the Summit. Begin with “Hello, everyone. I’m the luckiest girl to attend the 2002 Earth Summit in Johannesburg. Now let me tell you about the summit. …”
2. Interview
Ss work in pairs, playing the role of a newspaper reporter, attendants from different continents attending the Earth Summit. Finally the teacher invites some pairs to act out their interview
2. Design the coming Earth Summit
Group work:
Task: Prepare the coming Earth Summit
Arrangement: S1: organization
S2: Prepare necessities for the Summit
S3: Mess media
S4: Attendants invited
S5: budget
S6: Transportation & accommodation
Have Ss present the preparations for the Summit in groups.
Homework: Preview the language points
Language Study
Period 3 November 30th 总第60节
I. Goals:
. To get Ss to learn and master the usages of the new words and the useful expressions in this unit.
II. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Play a guessing game: first some items are shown on the screen, and each item is the paraphrase of one new word. Divide the class into four groups. Ss are encouraged to guess the word as quickly as possible. This game is to enlarge Ss’ vocabulary.
(1) To make a place or substance dirty and dangerous by adding sth to it.
(2) To make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan, report etc.
(3) The situation or experience of being poor.
(4) A position or situation in which people have the same rights, advantages.
(5) To do sth in order to protect someone or sth from being attacked
(6) To do sth that produces an effect or change in someone or sth
(7) .Behavior that is intended to hurt other people physically
(8).Not right or fair
(9).Sth that you can choose to do or use instead of sth else
contaminate, summarize, poverty, equality, defend, affect;
violence, unfair, alternative )
Complete the following sentences with the words from the bracket, using the correct form.
1. According to the report, the environment has become a major _______ worldwide.
One in five children before age five die from diseases caused by environmental
problems. ( kill )
2. Internet use has been spreading at a(n) _________ speed in China. “Have you surfed the net?’’ has become a more common greeting than the traditional “ Have you eaten?’’ ( alarm )
3. The word “netizen”, which means a person who uses the Internet, comes from “net” and “________”. ( city )
4. During the interview, the young man asked about the job ____________ as a sales manager. ( responsible)
5. How many Chinese ______________ will be sent to the international meeting in Stockholm, Sweden? ( represent )
6. The people who listened to the report were shocked by the ________ of the villagers. ( suffer )
7. It was there people’s __________ to work hard and well that impressed me most. ( willing )
( possible answers: killer, alarming, citizen, responsibility, representatives, suffering, willingness )
Step 3 language points and useful expressions
1 Attend: 出席,上(大学等),照料
•To go to an event such as a meeting
eg: Only 7 people attended the meeting.
•To go regularly to a school, church etc
eg: All children between the ages of 5 and 16 must attend school.
•To look after someone, especially because they are ill
eg: The nurse attended the patient daily.attend to sb/sth 处理,照应
eg: I may be late – I have got one or two things to attend to.
Are you being attended to in a shop?
Then do some exercises to enable Ss to distinguish the following words:
attend / join / join in / take part in / join sb in sth
Ex: Fill in the blanks with the expressions given.
1. He’ll _________ an important meeting tomorrow.
2. Almost all the teams in our school __________ the basketball match.
3. My wish is to ________ the army after graduation.
4. We’ll _______________ social activities during the summer vacation.
5. They didn’t ___________ the wedding.
6. I ________ the party last year.
7. Our headmaster will _______ us ____ the discussion this afternoon.
( possible answers: attend, join in, join, take part in, attend, joined, join in ) 2. take notes: 作笔记,记录
take action: 采取行动
Eg: Do you takes notes of the lectures?
He sat quietly in the corner taking notes carefully.
They took action to stop him.
The police took action to deal with this thing immediately.
The medicine will not take action for several hours.
The pill takes effect as soon as you swallow it.
• take turns •take measures/steps
•take place •take care
•take medicine •take time
•take cold •take notice
•take sides
Eg: You always takes sides with him without even listening to me.
3. content:
1). n. 内容,目录 (常作 ~ s ) ; 容量,容积
Eg: the contents of a book
a table of contents
Look up the contents at the beginning of the book.
a bucket of more than usual content
2). Adj. 满足的,满意的
be content to do sth be content with sth content oneself with sth
He is quite content to watch TV for hours.
I’m very content with my life at present.
As there’s no butter we must content ourselves with dry bread.
4 access: 进入,接近
Eg: The dead-end street was the only access to her home.
Access to the mountain-town is often difficult because of the bad roads.
have access to :
Eg: Twenty percent of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.
have sth that you can use
Eg: The public don’t have access to the site.
the right to enter a place
5 Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation.
Until 的三种句式
I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back. ( 陈述句 ) v
Not until my mother came back did I go to bed. ( 倒装句 )
It was not until my mother came back that I went to bed. ( 强调句 ) 直到她母亲把一切对杰克和盘托出,杰克才明白她为什么跟自己生气。
1).Jack didn’t understand why she was angry with him until her mother told him everything.
2).Not until her mother told him everything did Jack understand why she was angry with him.
3).It was not until her mother told him everything that Jack understood why she was angry with him.
6 A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act.
As 此处的用法与so相同。
Eg: He is a patriot, as are his bothers.
David works hard, as do his classmates.
Harry is unusually tall, as are his sisters.
He believed, as did his family, that you were telling the truth.
With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with
7 in harmony with 与---- 协调 ,和谐
Eg: The color of the sofa is in harmony with the sitting room.
He soon found himself in harmony with his new co-workers.
Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project.
…perhaps put an end to the death and suffering caused by the big three.
put an end to 结束,毁掉
Eg: Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems.
The discussion was put an end to by his sudden arrival.
The wind put an end to the pier.
8 wipe out : 擦洗---- 的内部,去除,消灭To make sth inside clean
Eg: wipe out the coffee pot
To destroy, remove, or get rid of sth completely
Eg: wipe out the enemy’s major military targets
Half the population was wiped out by this disease.
informal ) to make you feel extremely tired
Eg: The heat had wiped us out.
And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chance that we will see -------
9 there is a good chance ( that ) ----
“有 可能发生某事 ”Eg: There is a good chance that I’ll finish the work tomorrow.
There is a good chance ( that ) he will be gone by then.
10 affect: vt.影响,感动,(疾病)侵袭
effect:n. 影响,效果,作用
Eg: This country was affected by draught.
The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.
The sight affected her to tears.
It may be the effect of the illness.
This accident had an effect on the future of both mother and son.
Homework: read the text fluently and pay attention to the typical sentences
后记: 学生对句子翻译的练习不是很熟悉,所以以后要加强这方面的训练。
Period 4 December 1st 总第61节
e.g. How are you getting along with your work?
Is this report written in detail?
(2)在There be 及其类似结构中。There be +主语+地点。其中动词be也可以是其他词,如lie, stand等。
e.g. There are many different kinds of mooncakes on the table.
There in Greece lived a famous thinker, named Aristotle.
There seems to be still some elements undiscovered yet.
There stands a bridge across the river.
e.g. Long live the People’s Republic of China!
May you succeed!
这类句子中有were, had, should 等词时,把were, had 或should置于句首。
e.g. Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world.
Had you been more careful, such spelling mistakes might have been avoided.
Should he be here next week, he would help us with the problem.
(5)在so, nor, neither 或no more 开头句子中
① 用于so 开头的句子,表示重复前面相同内容,意为“也怎么样”。另外,在结果状语从句句型so…that…中,如果so… 放在句首,主句需要部分倒装。
e.g. I often go out for a walk after supper. So does she.
So excited was she at the news that she couldn’t say a word.
So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.
So quickly did the workmen finish their work that they were given a bonus.
So mush does he worry about his financial position that he can’t sleep at night
注:在该结构中,“so + 形容词”是表语前置;“so + 副词”是状语前置。.
② 用于nor, neither开头的句子,表示重复前面内容,“也不…”。
e.g. Li Lei can’t answer the question. Neither can I.
If you don’t wait for him, nor shall I.
(6)带有否定意义的词放在句首,语序需要部分倒装。常见的词语有:not, never, seldom, scarcely, rarely, barely, little, few, hardly, nowhere, nobody, in on way , on no account, at no time, not only…but also…, not once, under no condition, hardly…when, no sooner…than…等
e.g. Little did I think he is a spy.
Hardly had I reached home when it began to rain.
No sooner had I entered the room than the phone rang.
Not only did he complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it .
Visit our stores. Nowhere else will you find such magnificent bargains.
e.g. Round the corner walked a large policeman.
Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man.
West of the lake lies the famous city.
(8)“某些副词+不及物动词+主语” 的句式,或当句首状语为方位词或拟声词,谓语动词为go, come 等表示位置转移时需要全部倒装。常用的副词主要有:here, there, now, then, out, in, down, up, away等,表示强调。主语是代词时,不必倒装。
e.g. Up went the plane.
In came the chairman and the meeting began.
Out rushed the boy.
Down came the brown wave.
Here is a ticket for you .
Now comes your turn.
e.g. Out they rushed!
Lower and lower he bent.
(9)only 放在句首,强调状语(副词,介词短语或状语从句等),语序要部分倒装。
e.g. Only in this way can we get in touch with them.
Only because he was ill was he absent from school.
Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing
(10) 在as though 引导的让步状语从句中,一般将形容词,副词或名词等置于句首。
e.g. Small as the atom is, we can smash it.
Dog-tired though they were, they continued to march on.
(11) 如果直接引语后注明是什么人说的,而且主语是名词时,需要完全倒装;主语是代词时,一般不用倒装。
e.g. “Let’s go!” said the captain.
“Take off your boots!” ordered the guard.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
(12) 在强调表语时
e.g. Worst of all were the humiliations.
Such is the case.
(13) 在强调宾语时
e.g. Still greater contributions should we make to our socialist construction.
Useful chemical fertilizer can we make from the waste liquid.
注:当前置宾语由“not a +名词”或者“not a single +名词”构成时,也会引起倒装。
e.g. Alice had a terrible time touring that country. Not a day did she spend without having some unpleasantness with waiters in the hotel.
1. You didn’t let me drive. If we ____ in turn, you ____ so tired.
A. drove, didn’t get B. drove, wouldn’t get
C. were driving, wouldn’t get D. had driven, wouldn’t have got
2. If it ____ for the snow, we ____ the mountain yesterday.
A. were not, could have climbed B. were not, could climb
C. hadn’t been, could have climbed D. hadn’t been, could climb
3. The new airport ____ if they hadn’t stopped working on it.
A. would complete B. had been completed
C. had completed D. would have been completed
4. I lost your address, otherwise (or) I ____ you long before.
A. had visited B. have visited C. would have visited D. should visit
5. The guard at the gate insisted that everybody ____ the rules.
A. obeys B. obey C. will obey D. would obey
6. The boss insisted that John ____ unfit for his work.
A. was B. is C. should be D. were
7. The officer commanded(ordered)the damaged bridge ____ before dawn.
A. must be repaired B. would be repaired
C. be repaired D. should have been repaired
8. I wish I ____ the TV program last night.
A. could watch B. have watched C. watched D. could have watched
9. The two strangers talked as if they ____ friends for years.
A. should be B. would be C. have been D. had been
10. It is natural (strange, important requested, a great pity) that he ____ change his mind.
A. will B. should C. can D. ought to
11. I’d rather you ____ there yesterday. I’d rather you ____ there tomorrow.
A. didn’t go, went B. hadn’t gone, should go
C. hadn’t gone, went D. didn’t go, should go
12. If only we ____ to their advice.
A. listen B. listening C. listened D. had listened
13. ____ for your knowledge of the language, I should have been completely lost.
A. Hadn’t it been B. If it were not C. Had it not been D. Had it been not
14. Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was.
A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized
C. the villagers did realize D. didn't the villagers realize
15. ______ can you expect to get a pay rise.
A. With hard work B. Although work hard
C. Only with hard work D. Now that he works hard
16. — It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.
— My God ! _______.
 A. So did I B. So I did C. So were you D. So did you
17. I finally got the job I dreamed about.Never in all my life ______ so happy.
A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt
18. Not a single song _____ at yesterday's party.
 A. she sang B. sang she C. did she sing D. she did sing 
19. _____it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge.
A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will
20. Little ____ about his own safety, though he was in general danger himself.
A. does he care B. did he care C. he cares D. he cared
21. Only by practicing every day_____ be able to master the language.
A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you
22. So ____ that no fish can live in it.
A. the lake is shallow B. shallow the lake is
C. shallow is the lake D. is the lake shallow
23. Not only _____ polluted but _____ crowded.
A. was the city; were the streets B. the city was; were the streets
C. was the city; the streets were D. the city was; the streets were
24. ______, he knows a lot of things.
A. As he is young B. As young he is
C. He is as young D. Young as he is
25. Hardly ____ the helicopter ____ when the waiting crowd ran toward it.
A. had; landed B. has; landed C. did; land D. was; landing
后记: 讲练结合的方式较好,学生对倒装掌握的较好。
Unit 9 listening and Speaking
Period 4 December2nd 总第62节
Step 1 pre-listening
1. Discussion.
What kind of information will be there in the speech?
/If you were the speaker, what would you say in the speech?
Step 2 While-listening
First listening
Part 1
1) Why is the speaker giving this speech?
A. To celebrate Earth Day
B. To talk about serious problems
C. To ask people to take action to protect it
D. All of the above
2) What does she think the most serious problem is?
A . Water pollution B . air pollution C.soil pollution D. the less of food
Part 2
Please outline the speaker’s arguments
The speaker presented her idea from two points.what are they?
Point 1 We should __________________________________of our water.
Point 2 We must_______________________________our water.
Second listening
True or false
Part one
 The speaker didn’t know much about the earth in the past
 65percent of the earth is covered by rivers, lakes and oceans, so it is truly a water planet.
 The earth hasn’t become a thirsty planet, and there is still time to do something about it.
Part two
 Some fresh water is being wasted because we are using old ways of watering our plants.
 The best way to stop wasting water is to use technology and knowledge.
 We are polluting water at a low speed.
 If we want to stop polluting water, we must first of all change ourselves.
Third listening
part one
Today we are celebrating Earth Day.Earth Day is a day for reflection and_________.Today , people in countries all over the world get together to ____________the earth and our future,and to take action to _______ the current situation. Earth Day is a chance for us to learn _____the world and change our behavior.It helps me understand that we must act. It is _____ too late to change.
What does she say we should do about it ?
If we want to have enough water in the future ,we must learn to ______________________________.
We must____________________________________.
We must learn to ____________________in our daily life.
part two
Argument 1: We should ______________________of our water .
We must ________________________when we use our water .
We must use the knowledge and modern technologythat some countries have already ______.
If we work together and_________what we know, we will be building a better________for all of us.
Argument2: We must ______________________our water.
Problem: We are polluting water at an __________pace.Cars,factories,and air conditions
Solutions: We must __________________________________we think and live.
Let’s not _________if we can walk or ride a bike.
Let’s try not to use air conditioners _______________what is absolutely necessary.
Let’s not bye products that _______________________.
Let’s make new_________and use new technology to ______________that factories are green and clean.
Pair work: Infer what the speaker will say next, list like the above one and share the speech with the partner and the class.
Group work: Discuss with group members about the measures that we may take to protect air, forest; animals; grassland.
后记: 由于平时学生习惯于做标准题,对填空补缺式的听力就觉得有难度,所以老师平常要加强这种形式的训练和指导。
Language study and writing
Period 6 December 5th 总第63节
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Practice
Fill in the blanks with so as nor neither
1. Richer countries have a responsibility to protect the environment, ___________ the
poor countries.
2. We shouldn’t waste so much water,________ we use things that are harmful to the environment.
3. Air conditioners cause much pollution,________ cars.
4. Many people are determined to change the way they live.___________ I.
5. I don’t buy products that cause pollution, ________ most people I know.
6. She is interested in environmental protection,________________ her mother.
7. If you don’t stay at the party,_____________ will I.
8. I can’t attend the meeting and _______________ you; we have some other work to do.
9. A: How old are you?
B: Can you keep a secret?
A: Sure.
B: ______________ I.
Possible answers: (so/as do, neither/nor should, so/as do, so/as am, neither/nor do, so/as is, neither/nor, neither/nor can, so/as am )
II. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the underlined part.
1. We will not have enough drinking water until we stop polluting our lakes and rivers.
Not until_______________________________________________
2. We can save the earth only by learning to live in harmony with nature.
Only __________________________________________________.
3. I knew that air pollution causes almost three million deaths every year only after the meeting.
4. Sustainable development can only be possible with international cooperation.
5. The Earth Summit is not only a place to talk about problems, but also a place to
find solutions for the future.
Not only___________________________________________________.
6. People will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature only with better education.
7. We seldom think of the small changes that we can do to make a big difference.
8. I have never realized that water is so precious.
Never ____________________________________________________.
2. Step 3 Language Points
1. alternative adj. 1)两者(或两者以上)择一的,供选择的,非此即彼的。如。
a. We returned by the alternative read. (我们从另一条路返回)。
b. They had to find alternative means of transportation. (他们得另找一种运输方法)。
c. There exist several alternative possibilities. (存在着几种相互替代的可能性。)
d. I offered the alternative suggestions of spending the vacation in the mountains or by the sea.(我提议这次度假不是到山上就是走另一条路)。
n. 两者取一,可供选择的办法(或方案)
e.I’m afraid that you have no alternative but to leave the city as quickly as you can, (恐怕你除了尽快离开这座城市外,别无选择)。
f.You have the alternative of speaking or of keeping quiet. (你或者发言,要不然就保持安静)。
v. (使)轮流,交替
a. His moods alternated between happiness and gloom.
2. affect v. 影响,感动,(疾病)侵袭。如
d. The increase of the oil price will certainly affect the development of worldwide economy.
e. The policy of birth control has greatly affected and will still have a great effect on the development of our country.
f. Cancer had affected his livers.
g. All the people in the room were affected to tears.
h. This disease affects millions in the world every year.
a. Step 4. Writing
T. As we all know, environment problems are becoming more and more serious with the development of modern agriculture and industry. Among al the problems, which do you think is the most serious one? Why do your thjnk so? What to you think should be done to solve it? Now write a paragraph to tell your reader about these questions..
clean in our daily activities;
b. Use environmentally safe products Dispose of trash properly Recycle household waste, yard waste, and hazardous chemicalsDon’t pour waste water into rivers and lakes without being cleaned.Recycle the used battery.Use paper bags instead of plastic bags. Report the ways to stop pollution in class.
后记: 综合性课,主要是查漏补缺。
高二(上)英语单元测试(Unit 8—9)
period 7th December 6th 总第64节
一.单项选择: 15分
( )1.— Would you do me a favor and give me a ride ?
A.Yes, that’s right.. B.No trouble. C.Never mind.. D.With pleasure.
( )2.I don’t know this area quite well, so I suggest we _____this path .
A. had better go B.should go C.stick to D.will follow
( )3.—I didn’t think the job would be so hard.
—You _____of that earlier.
A.must think B.should think C. must have thought D. ought to have thought
( )4.we have come to the conclusion_____this summer will be much hotter than before.
A.which B. where C. that D. when
( )5.Our teacher is going to have me_____this desk with you.
A. share B. sit C. seat D. spare
( )6._____there is life on the moon is an interesting question.
A. If B. Whether C. That D. Why
( )7.Although it was raining hard,he still_____.
A. went on work B. went on with working
C. lasted to work D. continued working
( )8.What____are you waiting for?
A. at all B. in all C. on earth D. after all
( )9.The people living in these apartments have free____to that swimming pool.
A. time B. entrance C. charge D. access
( )10.Not only _______interested in foothall but _____beginning to show an interest in it.
A. the teacher himself is; all his students are .
B. the teacher himself is; are all his students.
C. Is the teacher himself; are all his students.
D. Is the teacher himself; all his students are .
( )11.Little____about his own safety,though he was in great danger himself.
A. does he care B. did he care C. he cares D. he cared
( )12._____,they would certainly come and help us.
A. Had they time B. Did they have time
C. Had they had time D. would they have time.
( )13.I____him to give up smoking,but he didn’t listen to me.
A. persuaded B. tried to advise C. tried to persuade D. suggested.
( )14.If only we ____out this morning!
A. didn’t start B. wouldn’t start C. hadn’t started D. will not start
( )15.How Jane wishes she ____her father’s advice when he first warned her!
A. would take B. has taken C. took D. had taken
It happened that a young man named Henry was wandering through the street. He had come to Britain only by 16 . Being homeless and jobless, he looked pale and hungry. Walking along the street, he suddenly caught 17 of and apple thrown away by a boy. The poor fellow was so hungry that he was thinking 18 picking it up to eat. Just as he was 19 out his hand, he heard a voice calling him, “Young man.” He looked up and saw two 20 on a balcony(阳台).Then he was led into a big house to meet the men. Having made sure that he was as 21 as a church mouse, the two men decided he was the 22 man they needed. Then they gave him a letter and told him that he was not to open it 23 two o’clock. They said, “Nothing but money in it.”
It was then only five minutes to one. “ 24 there is money in it, why 25 go and have a good lunch?” Henry said to himself. At this 26 , he entered a restaurant and asked the waiter for meat and eggs, and a bottle of beer. Then he ate happily. When he had finished eating, it was only half 27 one. There was still half an hour before he could open the letter and so he called the waiter and asked for some 28 . Afraid that he could not afford to 29 the bill, the boss told the waiter to give him a 30 portion(一份). As he was forced to pay, he had to open the letter a few minutes earlier than he had 31 . To his great surprise, he found a million-pound note. Taking a look at the note, the boss gave a low whistle. He couldn’t believe his own 32 . However, it was true. At once the boss 33 his tune(调子)and smiled. He asked the millionaire to come 34 he pleased and to have whatever he liked. As for the bill he 35 that it should be forgotten.
16. A. chance B. surprise C. turn D. plane
17. A. sight B. hold C. half D. sign
18. A. about B. over C. of D. through
19. A. putting B. extending C. reaching D. letting
20. A. peasants B. gentlemen C. scholars D. managers
21. A. rich B. hungry C. strong D. poor
22. A. very B. just C. worthy D. able
23. A. before B. until C. after D. at
24. A. Because B. As C. Where D. Since
25. A. never B. do you C. not D. don’t
26. A. thought B. condition C. situation D. note
27. A. passed B. to C. past D. for
28. A. water B. more C. money D. rice
29. A. spend B. count C. write D. pay
30. A. big B. smaller C. rich D. full
31. A. promised B. hoped C. thought D. decided
32. A. master B. waiter C. note D. eyes
33. A. raised B. lowered C. changed D. struck
34. A. when B. whenever C. if D. whether
35. A. suggested B. insisted C. asked D. required
三.阅读理解: (共3篇15题,每小题2分,共30分)
Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some sort or another. It doesn't matter where you live - in the middle of a modern city, or a faraway village - the chances that you will be disturbed by jet airplanes, transistor radios, oil-powered engines , etc, are almost everywhere . We seem to be getting used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working.
Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be very frightening experience for human beings. However, some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their eardrums. The noise level in some disco is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.
One recent report about noise and concentration suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration, what really affects their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise .It goes on to say that a background noise , which doesn't change too much (music, for example) may even help people to concentrate .
36. The best title for this passage is ________.
A. Noisy life B. Background Noise
C. Disturbed Concentration D. Changeable Noise
37. From this passage , the pollution of noise ____________.
A. doesn't matter much B. has become worse everywhere
C .has become better in big cities D .has become better in villages
38. "Background music" in the passage means _________.
A. music played in the concert B. a kind of noise coming into our ears
C. music helps people to concentrate D. music played while people are working
39. Scientists have discovered that what prevents people form concentrating is ______.
A. any kind of noise B. great changes in level of noise
C. background noise D. various background music
40. Why do some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working?
A. Because the music can help them work.
B. Because they seem to getting used to noise.
C. Because they like background music.
D. Because they are afraid of quietness.
In 1957 a doctor in Singapore noticed that hospitals were treating an unusual number of influenza-like cases. Influenza is sometimes called ‘flu’ or a ‘bad cold’. He took samples from the throats of patients and in his hospital was able to find the virus of this influenza.
There were three main types of the influenza virus. The most important of these are type A and B, each of them having several subgroups. With the instruments at the hospital the doctor recognized that the outbreak was due to a virus in group A, but he did not know the subgroup. Then he reported the outbreak to the World Health Organization in Geneva. W.H.O. published the important news alongside reports of a similar outbreak in Hong Kong, where about 15-20% of the population had become ill.
As soon as the London doctors received the package of throat samples, doctors began the standard tests. They found that by reproducing itself with very high speed, the virus had grown more than a million times within two days. Continuing their careful tests, the doctors checked the effect of drugs against all the known sungroups of virus type A. none of them gave any protection. This ,then, was something new, a new influenza virus, against which the people of the world had no help whatever.
Having found the virus they were working with, the two doctors now dropped it into the noses of some specially selected animals, which get influenza much as human beings do. In a short time the usual signs of the disease appeared. These experiments proved that the new virus was easy to catch, but that it was not a killer. Scientists, like the general public, call it simply Asian flu.
The first discovery of the virus, however, was made in China before the disease had appeared in other countries. Various reports showed that the influenza outbreak started in China, probably in February of 1957. by the middle of March it had spread all over China. The virus was found by Chinese doctors early in March. But China is not a member of the World Health Organization and therefore does not report outbreaks of disease to it. Not until two months later, when travellers carried the virus into Hang Kong, from where it spread to Singapore, did the news of the outbreak reach the rest of the world. By this time it was well started on its way around the world.
Thereafter, W.H.O.’s Weekly Reports described the steady spread of this great virus outbreak, which within four months swept through every continent.
41. the doctor in Singapore performed a valuable service by ______.
A. finding the subgroup of the virus.
B. developing a cure.
C. keeping his patients apart from others.
D. reporting the outbreak to Geneva.
42. One interesting thing about the virus in the story was that it __________.
A. was especially weak.
B. was similar to other viruses.
C. could reproduce with great speed.
D. had samples frozen and packed in dry ice.
43. The experiments in giving the virus to animals proved that this type of influenza was easy to catch __________.
A. but was not deadly.
B. and had rather mild effects.
C. and could possibly causes death.
D. and did not have the usual signs.
44. In order to keep track of a disease such as influenza, W.H.O. must have ________.
A. highly trained experts.
B. co-operation from every doctor.
C. good reporting services.
D. time to study the facts.
45. One thing necessary for discovering influenza outbreak is _______.
A. doctors and hospital services.
B. drugs to fight the disease.
C. the United Nations.
D. sick Chinese
Convenience(方便) Foods
Instead of buying only fresh foods, Americans nowadays buy many more convenience foods. These are foods which are ready partly or completely prepared. Many of them are frozen, such as frozen dinner, heat-and-serve French fries, and frozen pizzas. There are also many canned convenience foods, such as ready-made spaghetti, soups, stews(炖熟的菜 )and vegetables.
Convenience foods save time and trouble. They are popular with people who are busy or who don’t like to cook or wash dishes. But they often cost more than fresh, unprepared foods and many contain man-made additives. Also, many people feel they don’t taste as good as home-cooked foods.
Health Food and Co-ops
In the 1960s, a “back-to-the-earth” movement was started by young people in the United States. The movement was a reaction against the harmful effects of technology. From the movement came a new understanding of food and health. Many people now prefer natural and organic(有机的) foods to the prepared foods sold in health foods stores and in food co-ops, which are small stores where customers help manage the store. In co-ops, food is usually not packaged. Customers bring their own bags and jars and scoop(汲取) their food out of boxes or baskets.
The Diet Craze(节食热)
These days Americans are more and more concerned with their weight. Perhaps as many as 70 million Americans are on weight-dollar business.
American supermarkets sell a variety of diet food such as soft drinks, diet candy, and diet salad dressings. Dieters also spend money on diet pills, exercise machines, and jogging suits(健美服). Each year dozens of new diets are popularized. They have such names as the Miracle(奇效的) Diet, the Nine-day Wonder Diet, and the East 24-hour Diet. There is even one called the Ice Cream Diet, which advises the dieters to eat only ice cream for lunch and dinner! For dieters who cannot lose weight on their own, there are many well-organized diet groups, which offer help and encouragement.
46. Generally speaking, convenience foods in America ___________.
A. are shipped from foreign countries B. are made by farmers on farms
C. Are popular with people D. are better than fresh ones
47. Young people who started a “back-to-the-earth” movement ____________.
A. might be too foolish B. should be praised for their action
C. might suffer from some diseases D. might get less money from their companies
48.From the fourth paragraph, we can find that ___________.
A.The diet craze in the US is unnecessary
B.Rich American people should offer their money to the poor
C.Businessmen are getting much money from the diet craze
D.Fat Americans are too foolish to take too much food
49. Which’s writer’s opinion on American diets?
A. They are all effective to people B. They are of no effect on people
C. The Ice Cream Diet is the best D. Not all of them are believable
50. What would be the best title for this text?
A. EATING American Food B. A Look at American Food
C. Making American Food D. Cooking American Food
1. Don,t touch e__________wires with your wet hands.
2. If you are b_________by an animal,see a doctor as soon as possible.
3. Please sign your name in i_________ rather than pencil.
4. She shouted at me,but I tried to keep c__________and ignore her.
5. To s_________is to make a loud,long and sharp cry.
6. The wounded has been sent to hospital by a________.
7. The chairman s_________ what he said and drew a conclusion that we must take action to save the earth.
8. The police had to take firm a________to deal with the riots(骚乱).
9. When the dog came towards me,I picked up a stick to d_________ myself.
10. John seems c_________ to sit in front of the television all night.
1、 着火,开始燃烧_________________ 2. 结束_______________________
3. 参加、参与_____________________ 4. 与┄┄协调_________________
5. 消灭、去除_______________ 6.为向┄表示敬意,为纪念 ________________________
7. 记住_________________ 8.采取行动_________________
9. 代表、象征______________ 10.保持冷静_________________
Dear Ralph,
I’m a newcomer here of a small town. I would 1 _________
describe myself as shy and quietly. Before my classmates, 2. _________
it seems always difficult for me to do things well as 3._________
them. I'm sure they will laugh to me and see me as 4. _________
a fool. So I feel unhappy every day. 5.__________
Besides, I have few friends. I don't know that they 6.__________
don't like to talk with me. Sometimes, we talked to each other 7.__________
very well in class, but after class we become stranger at 8.__________
once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn’t 9.__________
seem to work. Can you tell me about what I should do? 10._________
Xiao Wei
1) 参观日期:7月22日,星期六。
2) 参观内容:分四组,每组参观一个地方:工厂、学校、农场或医院。
3) 欢迎每人参加一组活动。请选择好参观地点,并在今晚9点前到服务台(the Service Desk)签名。
一.D B D C A B D C D D B B C C D
三.36--40ABDBB 41—45 DCACA 46-50CBCDB
四.1.electric 2.bitten 3.ink 4.calm 5.scream 6.ambulance 7.summrised 8.action 9.defend 10.content
五.be on fire, put an end to , take part in ,in harmony with, wipe out, in honor of , keep in mind, take action , stand for , keep/stay calm
六.1.. of→from 2.. quietly→quiet 3.well 前加as 4. to→at 5.√
6. that→why 7. talked→talk 8. stranger→strangers 9. since→but 10.去掉about
七.Ladies and gentlemen,
May I have your attention, please?
On Saturday 22 July there will be visits to different places. Everybody is welcome. Each person can choose to go to one of the places----a factory, a farm, a school or a hospital. Please sign your name at the Service Desk before 9:00 pm. and say which place you wish to visit.
We will set out after breakfast at eight and come back in the afternoon. We will have lunch at the place of visit.(or: Lunch will be served at the place of visit.)
That’s all. Thank you.




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