人教版高二英语unit10 frightening nature整单元教案

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Unit 10 Frightening nature
Period 1 Warming up、Speaking and Listening(P2)
Period 2 Reading(P4)
Period 3 Language Points and Word Study(P7)
Period 4 Grammar(P9)
Period 5 Integrating Skills and Writing(P15)

Unit 10 Frightening nature
Period 1 Warming up、Speaking and Listening
* Teaching Aims:
1. Learn some useful words and expressions.
2. Listen to a passage about weather forecast.
3. Talk about natural disasters.
* Teaching Important Point:
How to improve the students’ listening and speaking ability.
* Teaching Difficult Point:
How to use what the students have learned to describe a nature disaster.
* Teaching Method:
1. Listening to improve the students’ ability to listen.
2. Discussion and free talk to get every student to speak.
3. Talking the interesting topics to raise the students’ interest in science.
* Teaching Aids:
A projector, the blackboard
* Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Warming up
Let’s talk about the pictures!
Branches of science biology
T: Look at the first picture. What do we call the study of the earth?
S: Geology.
T: What do we call the scientists who do research work in geology?
S: Geologists.
T: What do geologists observe and what scientific instruments do they need to carry out their research work?
S: ….
* The study of the earth is called geology, dealing with the history of our planet, volcanoes, earth-quakes, and stones and minerals. Instruments which are used are seismographs, thermometers, microscopes, etc.
** Meteorology is the study of the climate and weather on earth as well as natural phenomena such as hurricanes, typhoons, rain and snow fall, sunshine, droughts, etc. Instruments that are usually used are thermometers, barometers, instruments to measure wind speed and rainfall.
*** The study of the universe is astronomy, which deals with the history of the universe and what is found in it (stars, planets, the sun, the moon, blank holes, etc). Instruments are telescopes, satellites and radio telescopes.
**** Biology is the study of nature, which deals with all living things in nature on our planet, including organisms that cause diseases both in humans and animals and crops. Instruments that are used are micro-scopes, etc.
Step 2 Speaking
1. Listen to the tape , then answer the questions .
(1) When did typhoon happen?
(2) What happened to tops of trees?
(3) Where did sand and wood sweep up into?
(4) Did typhoon pull the roofs off the house?
2. Some set phrases and sentences:
move in circles be frightening
get into a total panic be scared to death
go up pull….. Off make one’s hair stand on end
3. Useful Expressions
* How terrible! * I dare not…. * He gets into a total panic when…. * It makes my hair stand on end. * It’s a frightening thing….* She’s scared to death. * It makes me feel very worried. * I’m afraid of …. * I’m frightened to death by….*I’m really frightened to….*What’s really scary is….*What terrified me is….
Step3 Listening
1 What is the listening text about?
It is about the weather in the USA.
2 What do we call this type of radio message?
A weather forecast.
3 Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.
① How should you prepare for the day if you go fishing in the Great Lake region?
You should have to bring warm clothes but not too warm; you may still need to take a raincoat or at least an umbrella, although you may not need them.
② In which part of the USA should car drivers be careful?
All along the northeastern coast from the Northeast to the South, roads may become dangerous with rain, wet snow and strong winds.
③ What happens when a hurricane hits the coast?
If a hurricane hits the coast it can be a real disaster.
④ Which letter would the name for the sixth hurricane in 2005 begin with?
The name of the sixth hurricane could begin with the letter “F” e.g. Flora or Frank.
Step 4 Homework
Write down the dialogue on the exercise books and preview the reading text.

Unit 10 Frightening nature
Period 2 Reading
* Teaching Aims:
Learn the text “Under the Volcano” and master the detailed information in it.
* Teaching Important Point:
How to improve the students’ reading ability.
* Teaching Method:
Fast-reading to get the students to grasp the main ides of the text.
Reading carefully to get the students to master the detailed information.
Pair work of group work to make the students be active in class
* Teaching Aids:
worksheets, the blackboard
* Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Pre-Reading
1. How is a volcano formed?
The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupted from the mountain.
Volcano erupts.
Form the lava sac and continue rising.
Too hot, lava is rising.
2. What will be produced after the eruption of volcano?
Gas Vapour水蒸气, carbon dioxide, nitrogen(氮), sulphur(硫磺), etc.
Solid Bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc.
Liquid Lava(熔岩)
Step 2 While Reading
Skim the text and answer the following questions.
1: What is described in the following passage?
The eruption of the volcano called Mount Vesuvius.
2: When and where did it happen?
On the 24th of August in 79 AD in southern Italy
3: Who is the writer of the letter?
Pliny, the younger
Scan the text and answer the following questions.
1. What did Tacitus ask the author to do?
2. From whom was the letter which the author’s uncle brought?
3. Where was Rectina’s house?
4. What did the captain urge the author’s uncle to do?
5. Why did the author’s uncle ask to be taken to the baths?
6. When was the author’s uncle’s body found?
1 Ask him to write him sth about the death of his uncle Pliny.
2 From his friend’s wife Rectina.
3 At the foot of Vesuvius.
4 He urged the author’s uncle to turn back.
5 Because he wanted to help the other to calm down.
6 When daylight came again two days after he died.
Read the text carefully
A. Decide whether the following sentences are True or False
1. A volcano erupted on the 24th of August in 79 BC in southern Italy.
2. My uncle planned to save his friend’s wife Rectina.
3. My uncle went to rescue Pompy after saving Rectina.
4. The flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on.
5. They decided to try the open air instead of staying in the house.
6. It was night when the volcano erupted.
f f t f t f
B, Fill in the chat of “The eruption of Mount Vesuvius”
Time What happened
on the 24th of Aug. in 79AD, between 2 & 3p.m. a cloud rose from the mountain
afterwards some of the cloud was white and dark
after dinner broad sheets of flame were lighting up many parts of Vesuvius
the next day shower of rock, darkness
C. Divide the letter into several parts and find out the main idea for each part.
Part one(par._1_): The purpose of writing the letter
Part two(par._2_):when and where the disaster happened
Part three(par._3-6_): What Pliny’s uncle do in the …
Part four(par._7_):Conclusion of the letter
D. Arrange the following statements in the right order according to the text.
1. He decided to rescue his friend Pompy.
2. Some people watched an unusual cloud rising from a mountain.
3. Rectina begged him to save her.
4. He ordered a boat made ready.
5. Two slaves helped him stand up and immediately he fell down dead.
6. He bathed and had dinner.
7. A rain of rocks was coming down.
Step 3 Post-Reading
1. From the text, we can learn that Tacitus____
A. Was a history writer
B. Worked for the local police
C. Was a close friend of Pliny
D. Did research into volcanoes and earthquakes
A Para1. I hope you can use it for the history book that you are writing.(推断题)
2.What is the passage mainly about?
A.The death of Pliny the elder
B The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD
C The possible causes of volcanoes erupting
D The ways of escaping from a volcano eruption
3.“The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.”The underlined parts refer to______
A.Mount Vesuvius; the uncle of the writer
B. A mountain in the distance;Pliny the elder
C. A cloud of unusual size and shape;qualities of a scientist like curiosity
D.dark spots of dirt and ash;qualities of a scientist like curiosity
C awake sth. in sb. 唤起某人的……
4.The writer didn’t think his uncle was afraid on the trip to Vesuvius because______
A. he had to rescue his friend’s wife Rectina
B. he hurried to a place from which others were fleeing
C. He had a good knowledge of how to survive a volcano eruption
D.he was calm enough to write a report about what he observedPara. 3 last sentence
5.Pompy didn’t get away because___
A.He had to wait for a good wind
B.there was no way out except by boat
C.he was too scared to take any action
D.he wanted to join Pliny in observing the eruption
A Para5. He had to wait for a good wind, blowing the other way than the one that carried my uncle right in.( 细节题)
6.____ led to the immediate death of the writer’s uncle.
A. The wrong decision he made
B. His interest to study the volcano
C.That he didn’t take the eruption seriously
D. that he wanted to rescue Pompy after rescuing Rectina Para 4.
7.What does the writer mean with the last sentence of the letter?
A.It is no easy task to be a history writer
B.He reminds Tacitus of his uncle’s bravery
C.He is sorry that he can’t tell Tacitus more about the eruption
D.He leaves it for Tacitus to decide which parts are important for his history book
Step 4 Homework
Find out the difficult sentences and new expressions in the text

Unit 10 Frightening nature
Period 3 Language Points and Word Study
* Teaching Aims:
Learn some useful words and expressions.
* Teaching Important Point:
Learn and master the important words and phrases in this period.
* Teaching Difficult Point:
How to master the important language points in the passage.
* Teaching Method:
Explanation to help Ss master some language points.
* Teaching Aids:
the blackboard
* Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual
Step 2 Revision
Revise the passage by listening or giving a summary.
Step 3 Language points:
1. threat[Wret] n.恐吓, 威胁;迹象, (坏)兆头
a threat against sb.'s life. 对某人生命的威胁
The threat of flood has been relieved. 洪水的威胁解除了。
There was a threat of typhoon. 有刮台风的兆头。
2. observe vt.遵守, 奉行(法律、习俗、规章等);纪念; 庆祝(节日、生日等);注意到; 监视; 观察[测];说; 评述
observe a rule 遵守规则 observe a person's birthday 庆祝某人的生日
I observed him going out. 我看见他出去了。
He observed that we should probably have rain. 他说我们可能遇雨。
3. attention 注意, 关心; 注意力 [pl. ]殷勤, 款待 关照; 礼貌 【军】立正
attention span 一个人能集中注意力于某一问题的时间
pay attention to state affairs 关心国家大事
Give your whole attention to what you are doing. 把全部注意力用于你所做的事。
Never mind about me. Please pay attentions to ladies.不要管我, 请好好款待女客。
Your application will have attention. 你的申请会得到考虑。
attract attention引起注意 draw attention 引起注意 be all attention 十分注意, 全神贯注 bring sth. to sb.'s attention 使某人注意某事 call sb.'s attention to sth. 促使某人注意某事 draw sb.'s attention to sth. 促使某人注意某事 invite sb.'s attention to sth. 促使某人注意某事
4. beg vt. (begged; begging) 乞求, 乞讨,恳求, 请(原谅); 请(允许)(礼貌用语) (将未证实的事)视作当然 ; 回避; 躲避
beg one's bread 讨饭 beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事
The statement begs the very point we are disputing.那种说法将我们正在争论不已的焦点视为当然。
5. call for 需要;要求;值得:
to call for bid 招标
The occasion calls for a cool head. 这种场合需要冷静的头脑。
6. flee [fli:] vi. (fled[fled];fled) 逃走; 逃避;消失, 消散
The enemy fled in disorder. 敌人溃逃了。
Color fled from her cheeks. 红晕从她的双颊上消失了。
7. urge vt urged, urging 驱策,赶(马等) ;催促;怂恿
He urged her to rest. 他催促她休息。
When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. 当我的老朋友布赖恩怂恿我接受一支香烟时,我实在熬不住了。
(常与on, upon连用)强调 He urged its importance. 他强调其重要性。
8. arrival 到达; 到来; 到港 ; 抵达;到达者(有时指新生的婴儿), 到达物;达到(某一目的或状况) ; (地震)波至
arrival at port 入港 arrival notice 抵港通知书(声明已具备装卸货条件)
arrival of goods (AOG) 货到, 到货
We waited for his arrival. 我们等候他的到来。
The new arrival is a boy. 新出生的是个男孩。
His arrival at this conclusion was the result of much thought.
9. bath. baths 沐浴 ;浴水; 浴具 ; 浴室 [常用复]有温泉或矿泉的名胜地,浴场湿淋淋的状态;浸物的溶液;希伯来的液量单位(约等于10至11美国加仑);【摄】定影液;【化】浴, 浴器; 浴锅; 电镀槽;【冶】池铁桨(指反射炉中的铁);镀液; 电解液;卤水
a cold [warm, hot, steam]bath冷水[温水、热水、蒸汽]浴
a sand bath沙浴 take [have] a bath 洗澡 a wooden bath 木制澡盆 a public bath公共浴室 Sea-water baths. 海水浴场。
He went into the bath to take a shower.他进浴室去洗淋浴。
Your bath is ready.洗澡水给你准备好了。
Bath vt. 替...洗澡
You have your little girl to bath and put to bed.
你给你的小女孩洗个澡, 然后让她上床睡觉。
Step 4 Word Study
1. What a __________ dog! Even the bravest boys are __________ (frightened).
2. Look, the sun is _______ (rise) from behind the mountain .What beautiful scenery !
3. The volcano suddenly become active and people were_______ (terrify) by the eruption.
4. The famous writer was warmly welcomed on his _________(arrive)
5. She was________ (bath) her baby when Bob called last night.
1. frightening; frightened 2. rising 3. terrified 4. arrival 5. bathing
Step 5 Homework
Finish the exercise in Language Study in workbook

Unit 10 Frightening nature
Period 4 Grammar
* Teaching Aims:
Get the students to learn and master Grammar: Ellipsis.
* Teaching Important Point:
Learn about Ellipsis of different types.
* Teaching Difficult Point:
How to use Ellipsis to make a sentence brief and clear.
* Teaching Method:
Explanation to help Ss master some language points.
* Teaching Aids:
worksheets, the blackboard
* Teaching Procedures:
1、省略主语 祈使句中主语通常省略;其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。
(1) (I) Thank you for your help.
(2) (I) See you tomorrow.
(3) (It) Doesn’t matter.
(4) (I) Beg your pardon.
(1) (There is) No smoking .
(2) (Is there) Anything wrong ?
(3) (Will you) Have a smoke ?
(4) What/How (do you think) about a cup of tea ?
(5) Why (do you) not say hello to him ?
(1) –Are you going there? --Yes, I’d like to (go there).
(2) He didn’t give me the chance, though he had promised to (give me the chance).
(3) –Are you an engineer? --No, but I want to be.
(4) –He hasn’t finished the task yet. --Well, he ought to have.
(1) –Are you thirsty? --Yes, I am (thirsty).
(2) His brother isn’t lazy, nor is his sister (lazy).
(1) Let’s meet at the same place as (we met) yesterday.
(2) –-Have you finished your work ?
---(I have) Not (finished my work) yet.
(1) ( I’m ) Sorry to hear you are ill.
(2) ( It’s a ) Pity that he missed such a good chance.
(1) –Is he coming back tonight? --I think so.
(2) –She must be busy now? --If so, she can’t go with us.
(3) –Is she feeling better today? --I’m afraid not.
(4) –Do you think he will attend the meeting? --I guess not.
这种用法常见的有:How so? Why so? Is that so? I hope so. He said so.及I suppose/believe/hope not.
(1) My father is a doctor and my mother (is) a nurse.
(2) I study at college and my sister (studies) at high school.
(3) When summer comes, the day is getting longer and longer, and the night (is getting) shorter and shorter.
(1) 宾语从句中常省略连词that,但也有不能省略的情况。
(2) 在定语从句中,that在从句中作宾语时可省略.另外,凡是进行时态和被动语态的定语从句都可省略关系代词和be 动词。
(1) When (he was) still a boy of 10, he had to work day and night.
(2) She tried her best though (she was) rather poor in health.
(3) If (you are) asked you may come in.
(4) If (it is) necessary I’ll explain to you again.
When (she was) very young, she began to learn to play the piano.
While (I was) at college, I began to know him, a strange but able student.
When arriving, send me a telegram. (When you arrive, send me a telegram.)
Don’t come in until (you are) asked to.
Whenever (it is )possible, you should come and help.
You should let us know the result as soon as(it is) possible.
我们不可说As walking, she found a nice shining thing on the ground.
where(ver) possible, where(ver) necessary,Lay these books where possible you can find them easily. 把这些书放在你可能容易找到的地方。
Put in articles wherever necessary in the following passages.
常用的句型是:if necessary, if possible, if true, if anyone等。如:
Send the goods now if (they are) ready.
He will come if (he is) asked. 如果叫他来,他就来
If (it is) necessary, ring me at home.
Come along with me if (it is) possible.
If (it is) true, this will casue us a lot of trouble.
There are few people nowadays, if (there are) any, who remember him. 很少有人能记起他。
You should stay where you are, unless (you are) asked to leave. 。
He is a good man, though sometimes (he is) rather dull. 他真是个好人,尽管有时有点无聊。
Even if (I am ) invited to, I won’t go to such a bad lecture. 即使邀我去,我都不想听如此坏的报告
She can play the piano just as wonderfully as you (do). 她钢琴弹的我你弹的一样好。
She has finished the work earlier than (it has been) expected. 她这项工作比预料的提前完成
as if/as though后还可加n./a./ad./介词短语/现在分词/过去分词/不定式。
He acts as if (he were) a fool. 他的行为举止好象是个傻子。
She talked to the stranger as if (she were) absent-minded. 她和陌生人谈话似乎很不在意。
He opened the desk, as if (he was) in search of something important.
The boy is running impatiently here and there as if (he is) searching for something lost on the sports ground. 这男孩很不耐心地在操场上到处跑着仿佛在找什么东西。
The football player is rolling on the ground as if (he is) hurt badly in the leg.
He moved his lips as if (he wanted )to speak. 他的嘴动着仿佛要说什么。
(1) 并列的不定式可省去后面的 to.
I told him to sit down and wait for a moment.
(2) help 当“帮助”讲时,后面的宾语或宾补的不定式符号to可带可不带.
I will help (to) do it for you.
I will help you (to) do it.
(3)介词but前若有动词do,后面的不定式不带 to.
The boy did nothing but play.
(4) 某些使役动词(let, make, have)及感官动词(see, watch, hear, notice, observe, feel, look at, listen to等)后面作宾语补足语的不定式一定要省去 to, 但在被动语态中须将to 复原。
I saw the boy fall from the tree.
The boy was seen to fall from the tree.
The boss made us work 12 hours a day.
We were made to work 12 hours a day.
(5) 主语从句中有动词do,后面作表语的不定式的 to可带可不带。
All we can do now is (to) wait.
(6) find 当“发现”讲时,后面作宾语补足语的不定式符号to可带可不带。
We found him (to) work very hard at the experiment.
但如果是不定式 to be,则不能省略。
She found him to be dishonest.
(1) Had they time, they would certainly come and help us.
(2) Were I you, I would do the work better.
(3)Should there be a flood, what should we do?
The sooner (you do it), the better (it will be).
1. If_____, we’ll continue our experiment after office hours.
A. being necessary B. be necessary
C. is necessary D. necessary
2. Raining hard, ____?
A. doesn’t it B. dose it C. is it D. isn’t it
3. Have you been here long?
A. No, not very B. Not much
C. Yes, only little D. No, only yesterday
4. ------Does your brother intend to study German?
------Yes, he intends______.
A / B. to C. so D. that
5. Generally speaking, ________according to directions, the drug has no side effect.
A. when taking B. when taken
C. when to take D. when to be taken
6. Though ________ money, his parents managed to send him to university.
A. lacked B. lacking of
C. lacking D. lacked in
7. When ________, the museum will be open to the public next year.
A. completed B. completing
C. being completed D. to be completed
8. The research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it.
A. begins B. having begun
C. beginning D. begun
9. If ________ the same treatment again, he's sure to get well.
A. Giving B. give C. given D. being given
10. While building a tunnel through the mountain, ________.
A. an underground lake was discovered
B. there was an underground lake discovered
C. a lake was discovered underground
D. the workers discovered an underground lake
11. --- You should have thanked her before you left.
--- I meant ________, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.
A. to do B. to
C. doing D. doing it
12. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ________.
A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to
13. --- I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?
---Not at all. ________.
A. I've no time B. I'd rather not
C. I'd like it D. I'd be happy to
14.What would have happened ________, as far as the river bank?
A. Bob had walked farther
B. if Bob should walk farther
C. had Bob walked farther
D. if Bob walked farther
15 --- Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?
--- ________.
A. I don't believe B. I don't believe it
C. I believe not so D. I believe not
16. ---What do you think made Mary so upset?
---________her new bicycle.
A. As she lost B. Lost
C. Losing D. Because of losing
17. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and________.
A. the other is white B. another white
C. the other white D. another is white
18. --- Would you like some wine?
--- Yes, just ________.
A. little B. very little C. a little D. a few
1. She can hold her longer than I can hold my breath.
2. Do not bathe if you do not want to bath.
3. She could not decide whether to go on a trip or not to go on a trip.
4. They had a meal, they went out for a walk and they came back to sleep.

Unit 10 Frightening nature
Period 5 Integrating Skills
* Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the new words and expressions of this period.
2. Read a passage about typhoon.
3. Write a passage about how the story will end..
* Teaching Important Point:
1. Learn and master the important words and phrases in this period.
2. Learn to write about terrible weather.
* Teaching Difficult Point:
1. Master the expressions and sentences such as dirty weather, she has done for...
2. Improve the students’ integrating skills – reading skill and writing skill.
* Teaching Method:
1. Fast-reading and reading to get the students to grasp the detailed information.
2. Writing practice to get the students to learn how to describe something terrible.
3. Pair work or group work to get the students to be active in class.
* Teaching Aids:
the blackboard
* Teaching Procedures:
Step1 Reading
Fast reading
Skim the passage and get the general idea of the text.
Typhoon When
Careful reading
Task1. Scan the passage and find the answer to the following questions:
Task2. Try to explain the sentence in red in English.
1.Where did the ship meet the typhoon?
The Nansan met the typhoon on her way from south to Fuzhou. Maybe it was on the west Pacific Ocean.
2.What was the weather at first?
It was fine, for there was no wind and the heat was close.
=There’s no freely moving air and it was stuffy and hot.
3. Why did the capital say that it looked as if a typhoon was coming on?
Because he observed the barometer fell and he knew that a terrible storm would come soon.
=saw that the figure on the barometer became lower .
4. Where were they when the full force of the hurricane struck the ship?
When the hurricane struck the ship with full force, they were all on the bridge.
The bridge: It was a higher position on the ship.
5. What should they do in such terrible weather?
They could only move the ship over the high sea and into the very eye of the wind.
high sea : wild/stormy sea
the eye of the wind: the center of the storm
6.What does the sentence “ Another one like this, and that’s the last of her” mean?
It means that if another white tower of water struck the ship, it would sink.
7. Why did the capital strike a match? What did he see?
Because there was no light and the capital wanted to see the barometer. He saw the barometer stood very low. It was the lowest reading he had ever seen in his life. He knew that the worst was to come yet.
reading: a figure shown by a measuring instrument.
It was the lowest figure shown on the barometer he had ever seen.
Task3.T or F questions.
1. A steamship called Nanshan was sailing for the province of Fujian from the south.
2. It was fine in the morning although there was some wind.
3. The engineer Jukes predicted that there was some dirty weather knocking about.
4. Captain MacWhirr and Mr. Jukes were on the bridge when the full force of the hurricane struck the ship.
5. All of them were sure that the storm had been over because there was no wind all of a sudden.
6. The lowest reading on the barometer meant the worst storm was to come.
Step 2 Language Points
1.on board = in or on ( a ship, an aircraft or public vehicle)
eg. 1) Have the passengers gone on board yet?
2) 一上船, 我总想吐。
As soon as I’m on board I always feel sick.
2.close adj. = lacking fresh or freely moving air /oppressive/heavy
eg. She noticed that the air was very close.
The atmosphere in a steam- heated building is often close.
Guess: close = ?
1)They used to be close friends.
2)There were so many people in the streets that the firefighters couldn’t get close to the burning building.
注意! closely adv.
eg.1)The father held his son closely.
2)Listen closely so that we may find something in it.
close n. = end bring sth. to a close
eg.Everybody wants to bring the boring lecture to a close soon.
close v.
eg. 1)We always close business at 7 p.m.
2)The factory closed down for Christmas.
3) 窗户关不上了。
The window won’t close.
3.dirty adj. = ( of the weather ) rough and unpleasant
4.knock about = knock around ① “ 漫游, 流浪” ② “ ( 狠 )打”
eg. He has knock about all over Europe.
After he graduated from college, Joe knocked about for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his father’s business.
They say he knocks his children about.
5. all of a sudden = suddenly / unexpectedly
eg. 1)All of a sudden, the tyre burst.
He turned around but fell down all of a sudden.
6.do for sb./ sth. “破坏, 使…失败.”
eg. 1)The spelling mistake in the exam did for him.
The factory will be done for it if capital can’t arrive in fifteen days.
do for “ 设法弄到” 常用于how , what 开头的疑问句中.
eg. How did you do for food when you were in the desert?
7. as though = as if
eg.1)I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.
2)She felt as if the girl were a member of her own family.
The milk smells as if it is sour.
8. all at once =suddenly and unexpectedly/ at the same time.
eg. All at once she lost her temper.
A number of things happened all at once.
9. swear v. = promise or declare formally
eg. 1)证人宣誓保证一定讲实话。
The witness swore to tell the truth.
Step 3 Discussion
Task1 Discussion & Interview
1. How can we reduce the damage of a typhoon?
2.How can we protect ourselves in a typhoon?
3.What do you think of the typhoon? Besides its bad effects, can you think of some good effects?
Task2. Use your imagination and discuss the end of the story in groups of four.
What do you think of the end?
Will the ship live though this?
Step 4 Homework
1. Oral homework: Suppose you are a newspaper reporter and are interviewing the captain. Make up the dialogue. Think it over: What questions will the journalist ask?
2. Written homework: Write the end of the passage on your exercise book.




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