高三英语学案Unit 15 Popular Youth Culture

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一、 话题:Talking about youth culture and interests of young people.
二、 词汇:voluntary, annual, acknowledge, elder, elderly, breathless, dizzy, eyesight, weekly, beneficial, communist, satisfaction, eager, worthwhile, timetable, starve, adjustment, mature, jeans, uniform, casual, shopkeeper, adolescent, recent, whereas, possess
三、 功能:提出观点(Presenting ideas)
I/We think… I /We chose this because…
In my opinion… Perhaps/ Most likely/ Probably…
Take… for example
四、 词组
1. International Volunteers Day 国际志愿者日
2. make a contribution/ contributions to / towards + n /doing 对……作出贡献
3. make a /no difference 有影响/没影响
4. live alone 独居 /live in groups 群居
5. help with sth. 帮助做某事
6. concentrate on … 集中在……
7. apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请……
8. straight away /off =without hesitation /delay =immediately/right away
9. big hearts 宽阔的胸怀,高尚的气度
10. be eager to do/ for sth. 渴望做某事/某物
be eager for sb. to do 渴望某人做某事
be eager(that)热切地希望
11. have a great/good time doing sth. 很高兴做……
12. achieve astonishing results 取得惊人的成就
13. the pass rate for the national exams
14. be essential to/for…对…必不可少,对…很重要
It is essential that…
It is essential to do sth…
15. open up 开发,开拓,开辟;(使)开张,开办,开设;开启,打开,使(展现),使显现;开火
16.build confidence 树立自信心
17. master’s degree 硕士学位
18.starving children
starve to death 饿死
die of starvation 饿死
starve for sth./to do渴望;急需要
19. go without… 没有……也行
20.a great success 一件非常成功的事/一个成功的
21. fit in (使)互相适合,处得融洽;定时间去看某人或做某事) 22. at times 有时
23.handle the pressure of studying 处理学习压力
24.as a consequence 结果
25.school uniform 校服
in uniform 穿制服
26.casual clothes 便服
27.from year to year 年年
28.be/go out of fashion 不流行=be not pupular
be in fashion 流行
29. be employed in sth/doing sth 忙于做……
be employed as…受雇做……
30.a reputation for………的名声/名望
31. dream of…梦见;梦想
32.approve +(of) +n./v-ing 称赞,赞成
33.be through 经历
be through with 结束
go through 经历,经受;仔细检查,用完, 被通过,参加,履行
34. be decorated with…用……装饰
add to增加,增添
add up把…加起来
add up to 总数是,总
36. in many respects 在许多方面
37.a turning point 转折点
38. chat online 网上聊天
39. solutions to the problems 解决问题的办法
40. in the chat rooms 在聊天室
41.large amounts of time 大量时间
42. be involved in
五、 重点句型
1. Mr Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself without getting breathless and dizzy, so I give him some assistance.
2. It’s time to have fun and relax.
3. It’s time for young people to take off their school uniform and put on their favourite casual clothes.
4. It was about sixty years before people started to buy jeans for fashion as well as for work.
5. This is how American jeans were introduced to the world.
6. Many schools in the USA did not approve of students wearing jeans to school and they forbade them.
7. …but it is with young people that they continue to be most fashionable…
8. …and it seems likely that they will remain part of international youth culture for many years to come.
六、 部分知识点讲解
 voluntary adj. 志愿的,自愿的
The police asked for his voluntary appearance.警察要求他自动露面。
拓展:volunteer①n.“志愿者”,Are there any volunteers for the event? 有主动做这件事情的人吗?
②v.常用volunteer sth./to do sth./for sth. 自动提供;自动贡献;自愿效劳。
He volunteered some information. 他自动提供一些消息。
He volunteered to get some information. 他自愿去获取某些资料。
He volunteered for the campaign. 他自愿参加这次战役。
 acknowledge vt 为…表示感谢,承认( admit ; express thanks for)
① acknowledge +n. Do you acknowledge defeat?
② acknowledge +doing The opponents acknowledged having been defeated.
③ acknowledge +n. +as /to be…认为…是…
I acknowledge your statement to be true.
He is acknowledged to be one of the greatest writers.
④ acknowledge +that…
The opponents acknowledged that they were defeated.
⑤We must not fail to acknowledge his services to the town. 我们必须感谢他对本市的贡献。
 elder
①adj. old的比较级,用于名词前,不与than 连用,指“(两个兄弟、姐妹之中)年龄较大的,年长的”。
Jane is Mary’s elder sister.(一般不用older)简是玛丽的姐姐。
②n.(尤指两人中)年纪大的人,长者,长辈 He is my elder by several years.他比我大几岁。
Should we always follow the advice of our elders? 我们永远听长辈的劝告吗?
 beneficial adj.有益的,有用的
Fresh air and good food are beneficial to health. 新鲜空气和优良的食物有益于健康。
拓展:benefit①n.利益,好处,恩惠 a benefit concert 慈善音乐会
常用短语:be of benefit to 对……有益 / for the benefit of 为了……的利益
③vi.得益于 We benefit from/by daily exercises. =Daily exercise benefits us.
 apply(for sth.)(to sb.)请求;申请
You may apply in person or by letter.你亲自或通信申请均可。
He applied to the manager for that job.他向经理申请做那份工作。
拓展:①applicant n. 申请人(后常接for)
②application n.申请;请求(常接to sb. for sth.)
That applicant for the job filled in an application form.那个职位的申请者填了一个申请表。
We made an application to the court for an inquiry.我们请求法院调查。
 fit in: be in harmony with sb./sth (使)互相适合,处得融洽;定时间去看某人或做某事)
She doesn’t fit in with the rest of the class.
Doctor white can fit you in on Thursday afternoon. 医生可以在星期试四下午去给你看病
 ①approve +(of) +n./v-ing 称赞,赞成 I approve of your decision.
② 批准,认可The minister approved the building plans.
③approve vt.宾语只能是物或事,不能是人,也不能在人称代词之后接不定式.
I don’t approve (of) your going out with him.
(误) My father approved me to go to a border region.
(正) My father approved me going to a border region.
④ approval n. (U)同意,批准,赞许 At last, they met with general approval at the plan.




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