人教版高三英语(必修)第三册Unit 14 Zoology备课 |
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Unit 14 Zoology教案(教师版) 第一部分课文理解 Warming up Read the following proverbs and then match the Chinese meaning of each proverb. 一贫如洗 回家生闷气 饥肠辘辘 勿惹事生非 不要过早打如意算盘 披着羊皮的狼 一燕不成夏 拦路虎 把好人与坏人分开 亡羊补牢 班门弄斧 倾盆大雨 蠢得像头猪 江山易改,本性难移 人靠衣装,佛靠金装 小时偷针,大时偷金 潜移默化 爱屋及乌 1.To teach a fish how to swim.班门弄斧 2.The sparrow near a school sings the primer.潜移默化 3.Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌 4.Look the barn door after the horse is stolen.亡羊补牢 5.He that will steal a pin will steal an ox.小时偷针,大时偷金 6.Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.不要过早打如意算盘 7.as poor as a church mouse一贫如洗 8. Let sleeping dogs lie.勿惹事生非 9.I'm SO hungry that I could eat a horse.饥肠辘辘 10.Go home and kick the dog.回家生闷气 11.Separate the sheep from the goats.把好人与坏人分开 12.A lion in the way.拦路虎 13.One swallow doesn’t make a summer.一燕不成夏 14.A wolf in sheep’s clothing.披着羊皮的狼 15.Fine feathers make fine birds.人靠衣装,佛靠金装 16.You can’t make a crab walk straight.江山易改,本性难移 17.It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨 18.as stupid as a goose.蠢得像头猪 Read the text and then match the general idea of each paragraph. Para 1 1.The circle dance Para 2 2.A brief introduction of the bee Para 3 3. Whether bees could tell each other the exact position. Para 4 4. The wagging dance. Para 5 5. Pro. Karl von Frisch built special hives to study bees. Para 6 6. The number of wagging dances indicates the exact distance to the feeding place. Para 7 7. Something about the professor Para 8 8. “Bee-line” and “ to make a beeline for ” Key: Para 1 2.A brief introduction of the bee Para 2 5. Pro. Karl von Frisch built special hives to study bees. Para 3 1.The circle dance Para 4 4. The wagging dance. Para 5 6. The number of wagging dances indicates the exact distance to the feeding place. Para 6 3. Whether bees could tell each other the exact position. Para 7 8.“Bee-line” and “ to make a beeline for ” Read the passage carefully and then do the following exercises Para.1 ①Q: Why is it the honey-bee that has interested scientists most? Because of the language they use to communicate with each other. ②You can find out the topic sentence of the text simply in para.1 from ____. A.the first sentence B. the second sentence C.The fifth sentence D. the last sentence ③The scientists can study the language of honey bees only after the development of ____. A.the modern beehive B.experiments C.dishes of honey D.both A and B Para.2 ①Karl von Frisch made an experiment to research ____. A.the food of honey bees B.the dance of honey bees C.the ways honey bees communicate D. The hive of honey bees ②The phrase “tell the bees apart” in para.2 means____. A.let the bees live separately B.tell one bee from the other C.drive the bees away D.tear the bees into pieces ③Which of the following statements is right? A.Animals do have a language like that of human beings. B.When Professor Karl von Frisch placed little dishes of milk on the table, bees soon came. C.In order to be able to watch the bees scientifically, he built some special hive, a glass wall and marked the bees with little spots of colour. D.When a marked bee returned to the hive from the feeding table, it began to perform a dance on the surface of the ground. ④What was Professor von Frisch puzzled by? When he placed little dishes of honey on a table, bees soon came. As soon as one bee discovered the honey, many more came to it one after another in a short time. Para.3-4 ① The Language of Honey Bees Dance A circle dance A wagging dance Food is near. Food is far away. ②How did the marked bee tell the message of food to the other bees? Give the follows in right order. a.The marked bee returned to the hive from the feeding table. b.It repeated these circles over and over again. c.The marked bee made a circle to the left. d The marked bee made a circle to the right. e.The other excited bees dance together. f.The bees left the hive and went to the feeding place. A.abcefd B.cadefb C.adcbef D. dacebf ③Different dance indicate different ____. A.food B.feeding places C.steps D.semicircles ④The circle dance communicates ____. a.the distance of food b.the information of food c.the amount of food d.the kind of food A.abc B. abd C.ab D.bc ⑤Can you describe how the circle dance performed? And how the wagging dance performed? the wagging dance The dancer ran in a straight line, wagging from side to side. Then it turned in a semicircle, ran straight again, and turned in another semicircle to the opposite side. It kept the “steps” over and over. the circle dance First it made a circle to the right, then to the left. It repeated these circles over and over again. Then the surrounding bees trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movements. Para 5 ①What did the scientists discover? They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was. ②What a maximum distance do the bees fly? Bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 kilometres between their hive and a feeding place. ③The phrase“come to light”in Paragraph 5 means______. A.become known B.come to a bright place C.turn bright D.both A and B ④The number of the wagging dances per minute told______. A.the position of the feeding place B.the amount of the food C.the distance of the feeding place D.all the information about food What does "bee-line" mean ? straight line; the shortest distance between two places Para.8 ①According to the this passage please give the information about Karl von Frisch Nationality: ____________ Austrian What’s he? ________________ zoologist/scientist Research work: _________________ the amazing ways honey-bees communicate in their dark hives. How to find it out: _________________ by doing experiments His discovery: ______________________ circle dance & wagging dance Prize:_____________________________won the 1973 Nobel Prize in physiology(生理学) or medicine. ②.After reading the text, you can infer the writer is likely to write about ____ in the next para. A.Whether the circle dance told them what food was in feeding place B.Whether the bees can tell one colour from the other C.Whether the wagging dance tell the bees the distance and the direction of the food D.Whether the language of honey bees is the most useful language of all animals ③Which of the statements is possible according to the last paragraph? A.We human beings can communicate as honeybees do. B.We human beings can go as quickly as honeybees. C.We human beings can come to help each other in a fast way. D.We human beings can learn something from animals’behavior. 根据课文内容填空: There are many _________(varieties) of bee. Among the different types of bee, it is the honey-bee that has most interested scientists because of the “language” they use to _______________(communicate) with each other. The scientists Von Frisch built special hives to find out how one bee communicate the news of food to the other bees in the hive. To his _____________(surprise), the bee who found the feeding place began to _________(perform) a dance on the ________ (surface)of the honeycomb. The dance seemed to _______(excite) the surrounding bees. They _________(trooped) behind the first dancer, _________(copying) its movements. Then the bees left the hive and went to the _______ (feeding)place. He found that the bees did the circling dance when the food is near, and that the bees did the ___________(wagging) dance when the food was far away. He also found that the number of wagging dances per _________(minute) told how far away the food was. 第二部分语言点 课文前面部分 1.A small animal that helps the police get hold of thieves. 一种能帮助警察捉贼的动物。 get hold of …= take/catch hold of …意思是“抓住…”;“获得…” get hold of …= take/catch hold of …意思是“抓住…”;“获得…” He took hold of the rope and pulled. 他抓住绳子用力拉。 I need to get hold of some money quickly.我需要马上就能有点钱 hold a conversation/meeting 进行交谈/开会 hold the line = hold on 别挂电话 hold … back 阻止… hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 2.An animal that isn’t telling the truth. 一种会撒谎的动物。 tell the truth“说实话”的意思,tell的相关类似短语有: tell a/the lie = tell lies 撒谎 tell a story 讲故事 3. You are going to hear an interview with a woman who works in a zoo。 你将听到对一位在动物园工作的妇女的采访报道。 interview 在这里是名词“采访”的意思,还有“面试”之意。 interview 在这里是名词“采访”的意思,还有“面试”之意。 The film star agreed to give an interview after the wedding.这位影星同意在婚礼后接受采访。 Your interview for the job is tomorrow你的求职面试定在明天 interview “采访”,要区别与cover的用法。interview 可以用interview sb. 或interview sth.但cover只能说cover sth. A reporter interviewed the prime minister.一位记者采访了首相。 She’s being interviewed for the job.她正在接受求职面试。 They sent a great many reporters to cover the conference 他们派遣了很多记者报道这次会议。 cover除了“采访”的意思外还有“用……遮盖;覆盖”“占有…(面积);掩饰” “涉及…(内容)”等含义。请学习下面例句中cover 一词的各种用法 Since water covers most of the earth, Corsteau knew we should keep the seas clean. 由于水覆盖了地球的大部分,库斯托知道我们应该保持海洋清洁。 He tried to cover (up)his mistake. 他想掩盖他的错误。 He said he could cover the distance on foot in two hours. 他说这段路程两个小时能走完 How many pages have you covered? 你读了多少页了? What are the main points you’re going to cover in your talk ? 你的报告主要涉及哪些内容。 We have only just covered our expenses. 我们所收入的仅够开支而已。 cover作名词,作“盖子”、“封面”解。 When the water boils, take the cover. 当水开的时候,把盖子揭开. The book needs a new cover . 这书需要装个新封面. 4.What’s the problem with the animals at the zoo? 动物园里的动物有什么问题? What’s the problem with…=What’s the trouble with…=What’s the matter with… =What's your problem?=What's wrong with you? 都用来询问“…(你)怎么回事?” 5.The two teams take turns speaking. 两支队伍轮流发言。 take turns doing sth. “轮流干…”,turn是名词。 复习turn的用法 作名词用 It’s one’s turn to do sth轮到某人做某事 It's your turn to make a decision.该你来做出决定了。 turn one’s turn to do sth=do sth in turn=do sth by turns 作名词用:转动,转向,翻转 turn right/left=turn to the right/left turn to sth./sb.(for help) turn to page 84 作系动词用:变得…… turn green/yellow 变绿/黄了 Ten years later,he turned teacher. A./ B.a C.an D.the 注: 此题考查turn作连系动词的特殊用法,即turn作连系动词时后接表语名词,省略冠词.所以此题的答案为A.如果turn 后加into 则须在名词前加冠词a. 固定词组: turn against背叛 turn down 关小/拒绝 turn from side to side 把身体转来转去 turn in 上交 turn...into... (使……)成为…… turn off(水源、煤气、电灯等)/避开(问题等) turn on 开(水、煤气、 电灯、无线电等)/对……发怒 turn on the radio turn out结果是/证明是/生产出 turn over(使)打翻/翻身/翻动/翻耕(土地)/转危为安 turn up 开大/出现/找到/证明是(=turn out to be) 6.When all the teams are ready, the teacher will start and time the debate. 当所有队伍都准备好以后,老师就开始为辩论计时. time是动词,"计时"的意思,还有“安排好时间,使合拍子;安排……的速度" How long can you hold your breath underwater ? Take a deep breath and I’ll time you . 你在水下能潜多久呢?深呼吸一下,我给你计时。 He timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark . 他安排好了他的旅程,以便能在天黑以前到达旅馆。 He tried to time his steps to the music.他尽力与音乐合节拍。 课文部分 1.Professor Karl von Frisch, a scientist from Austria, spent many years of his life researching the amazing ways honey-bees communicate in their dark hives.奥地利科学家卡尔•冯•弗里希教授,一生中花去了许多岁月,研究蜜蜂在黑暗的蜂箱里是以怎样巧妙的方式传递信息的。 amaze vt. 使惊愕;使大为惊讶: He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.令人惊讶的是他竟通过了驾驶考试。 amazing “令人惊异的”;在西方人的口中,表示惊讶,经常可以听到amazing这个词。如果有些事情发生得出乎意料,难以置信,也可以用amazing来形容。 You’re amazing. 你真了不起。 It was amazing that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly. 那男孩能这样快地解完这道题,真是令人惊奇。 有些漂亮或另类的东西,总能吸引许多眼球,就可以说是amazing things. I am always looking for new and amazing items.我总是在寻找让我眼前一亮的新东西。 amazed 使(某人)感到惊奇,常用be amazed at / by 感到惊奇。 He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish. 他对五颜绿色和各种美丽的鱼感到惊奇。 We are amazed at the changes in Beijing. I can’t even find where my old house is. 北京的变化使我们感到惊奇。我几乎找不到旧房子了。 2.In order to tell the bees apart ,he painted some bees with little dots of colour. 为了把蜜蜂区分开,他在一些蜜蜂身上涂上色斑. tell...apart 识别,辨别 (复习) Can you tell Jane and Lucy apart? For they look so alike.你能区别开简和露丝吗?她们长得太像了。 tell A from B 把A与B区别开 Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? 你能把汤姆和他的双胞胎哥哥区别开吗? It’s difficult for us to tell Lily from Lucy. 我们很难区分开莉莉和露丝。 3.They trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movement. 它们成群结队地跟在第一只跳舞的蜜蜂后面,模仿它的动作。troop ①n.一群,大量 A troop of children went into the Museum.一群学生走进了博物馆。 troops of visitors 一群一群的访问者 troops 军队,部队 The local people demanded the withdrawal of the foreign country troops. 当地的人们要求外国军队撤离。 ②vi.集合,群集;成群地涌向,结队而行 Children trooped out of /into the hall after the lecture.演讲结束后,孩子们成群地走出了/进教室。 4.over and over again=again and again=time and time again=over and over一再地,经常地,重复地 The old man always thinks of his happy old days over and over again. 这位老人总是一次又一次地回忆起以前的美好时光。 5. One was close to the hive. The other was much farther away ,beyond some trees. 一个靠近蜂箱,另一个远离蜂箱,几棵大树之外. beyond prep(复习) ①在……那边,越过(场所) The house is beyond the bridge.房屋在桥的那边。 I can not see anything beyond the river because of the fog 由于雾,河的那边我什么也看不见。 ②(指时间)超出,晚于 Don’t stay out beyond 10 o’clock.不要在外边停留到10点钟还不回家。 ③超出,为……所不能及(程度) Your work is beyond all praise你的作品真让人赞扬不尽。 He lives beyond his income 。他的生活入不敷出。 beyond one’s control 无法控制;无法管理 The watch is beyond repair . 手表无法修理了 This problem is far beyond me /my comprehension 这个问题超出了我的能力/理解力 6.come to light 发现,暴露 Much more new evidence has come to light,so the judges have to sentence the man to death. 新的证据不断发现,所以法官不得不判这人死刑。 When the old woman died,it came to light that she was actually very rich. 老太太死后,人们发现她其实很富有。 7.compare A with B 把A与B比较一下(复习) Compare British English with American English,and you can tell the differences between them. 把美国英语与英国英语比较一下,你就会发现它们之间的不同点。 compare A to B把A比作B Poets have compared sleep to death.诗人把睡眠比作死亡。 compared to...=compared with...与……比起来 Compared to/with the earth,the sun is much bigger.与地球比起来,太阳要大得多。 8.come up ①前进,进来 My mother came up to me and held my hands tightly.母亲走向前紧紧地抓住我的手。 ②上升 The sun came up at that time.那时太阳已升起来了。 He has stayed underwater for 2 minutes,but he hasn’t come up yet. 他在水下呆了2分钟了,还没上来。 ③长出,发芽 These seeds haven’t come up yet.这些种子还没有发芽。 ④被提出讨论 The question came up at the meeting yesterday.这个问题在昨天的会议上被提出来了。 ⑤与come有关的短语: come about发生; come across 碰见,受欢迎; come at袭击; come down下降,流传 come out with 说出,透漏; come to oneself苏醒 9.include vt.(复习) 包括,包含 Your duty includes putting the baby to the bed.你的职责包括让孩子上床睡觉。 There are five chapters in this book,including two chapters written by our teacher. 这本书有5章,包括由我们老师写的两章。 Everyone will go to the cinema,Lao Xiao included.每个人都要去电影院,包括老肖。 10.transparent adj. ①透明的;清澈的 。 ②显而易见的;一目了然的[+that] It was transparent that her pride was hurt.很显然,她的自尊心受到了伤害。 ③坦率的,光明正大的 He is a man of transparent sincerity. 他是一个坦率诚恳的人。 11.surrounding n. 环境;周围的事物[P] He didn’t pay much attention to his surroundings. 他没有多注意他周围的环境。 adj. 周围的;附近的 Foxes started coming in from the surrounding countryside. 狐狸开始从附近的乡下跑进来。 12.apparent ①adj 表面的,外观的;未必真实的 The apparent cause of his illness was excessive drinking, but the real cause was his deep grief at his wife’s death. 他生病的表面原因是饮酒过度,但实际原因是丧妻之痛。 ②明显的,显而易见的;明白无误的 [(+to)][+that] It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel. 他的健康状况显然不宜旅行。 13.So another astonishing fact came to light. 于是又发现一个令人惊讶的情况。 come to light 暴露,真相大白 The scandal came to light when the politician was seen with the lady. 当有人看到那位政客跟那位女士在一起时,真相就大白了。 A political scandal has recently come to light. 最近一桩政治丑闻暴露出来 14.maximum (反minimum) ① n.最大量,最大数,最大限度[C][(+of)] Our goal is to achieve the maximum of efficiency. 我们的目标是取得最高的效率。 ②顶点;(法定的)最高极限;(公路行车的)最高速[the S][(+of)] Drivers must not exceed a maximum of 55 miles an hour. 司机不得超过每小时五十五英里的最大时速。 ③adj. 最大的;最多的;最高的;顶点的 The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour. 这辆车的最大时速为一百五十英里。 15.precise adj. ①精确的;准确的;确切的;丝毫不差的;恰好的 I can’t give you a precise date. 我无法告诉你确切的日期。 at the precious moment 正在那时 ②明确的;清晰的 His instructions were not very precise. 他的指示不太明确。 ③严格的;细致的 We had precise orders to come home by nine o’clock. 我们得到严格的命令须于九点前回家。 ④刻板的,拘泥的 He was very precise in his manners. 他的一言一行都有板有眼。 16.adequate ①adj.能满足需要(量)的,足够的[(+for)][+to-v] Martin thought that he had no adequate proof.马丁认为他没有充足的证据。 Is your salary adequate to support your family ?你的薪水足够养家吗? ②适当的;适当的[(+to/for)对于…](不置于名词前) a solution adequate to the problem 适合这个问题的解决方法 ③胜任的 [(+to)] She proved adequate to the job. 事实证明她能胜任此项工作。 ④尚可的,差强人意的 That hotel is merely adequate. 那家旅馆只能说是差强人意。 17.clarify vt. ①澄清;阐明 His explanation clarified the mystery. 他的说明解开了这个谜。 ②净化 It requires of us great efforts to clarify sewage in cities. 净化城市的污水需要我们很大的努力。 ③使清楚,使清醒 My mind was clarified on this issue. 对这个问题我的头脑变得清楚了。 18.changeable adj. ①易变的;不定的 His temper’s been changeable this week, so don’t annoy him. 这星期他脾气变化无常,所以不要惹他生气。 ②可改变的,可能被改变的 ③闪光的;闪色的 changeable silk 闪光丝绸 19.adaptation n. ①适应,适合[U] He made a quick adaptation to the new environment. 他很快适应了新的环境。 ②改编,改写[U];改写本 [C] This play is an adaptation of a novel. 这一剧本是由小说改编的。 20.Von Frisch assumed that the dance conveyed more information. 冯•弗里希想弄清这种舞蹈能不能说明喂食处有多远. assume vt. 表示“假设,主观认为,假定; ①assume that… We assumed that you understood the situation.我们认为,你了解形势。 ②assume +名词+(to be)+名[形] . I assumed him to be an honest man。我认为他是个诚实的人。 ③assuming和given,supposing,provided/providing(that)等词一样都可以引导状语作用相当于if. Supposing your father saw you playing computer games , what would he say? =if your father saw …… Assuming that the weather is favourable, Farmers will have a good harvest 假如风调雨顺,今年农民将获丰收。 Given that it doesn’t rain tomorrow,I will go camping.如果明天不下雨,我就会去野营 另:assuming自负的,傲慢的,过分自信的 ④assumed 假装的,假的;假定的,设想的: an assumed cheerfulness伪装的高兴 an assumed result假定的结果, His look of astonishment was assumed.他那惊讶的样子是装出来的。 ⑤assumption假定,假想 I was under the assumption that you were coming tomorrow. 我原以为你明天来。 My assumption that he had passed the exam was wrong . 我本以为他已通过了考试,结果我错了。 21.He marked all the bees that came to the nearby feeding place blue, and all the bees that went to the faraway place were marked red. 他给所有来到近的喂食处的蜜蜂标上蓝色,给飞到远的喂食处的蜜蜂标上红色。faraway(远方的)是由 far + away构成的合成形容词。 nearby(附近的)是由 near +by构成的合成形容词。它们在句中都作定语。 a faraway forest远处的森林 faraway times遥远的时代 a nearby hotel附近的一家旅店 nearby hills附近的小山 注意:faraway在作定语时通常都连写,作表语或作状语时则分写(far away)。如: The house is not far away. 那座房子并不远。 He lives far away from the school. 他住得离学校很远。 nearby既可作定语,又可作状语;既可以连写(nearby),也可以分写(near by),还可以加连字符(near-by)。 I saw her going to a near-by post-box before lunch. 我看到她午饭前去附近的信箱投信。 They live nearby----less than a kilometer. 他们住在附近,不到一公里。 He gave up his seat to the old man standing near by.他把座位让给站在附近的老人了。 Unit 14 Zoology学案 第一部分课文理解 Warming up Read the following proverbs and then match the Chinese meaning of each proverb. 一贫如洗 回家生闷气 饥肠辘辘 勿惹事生非 不要过早打如意算盘 披着羊皮的狼 一燕不成夏 拦路虎 把好人与坏人分开 亡羊补牢 班门弄斧 倾盆大雨 蠢得像头猪 江山易改,本性难移 人靠衣装,佛靠金装 小时偷针,大时偷金 潜移默化 爱屋及乌 1.To teach a fish how to swim. 2.The sparrow near a school sings the primer. 3.Love me, love my dog 4.Look the barn door after the horse is stolen. 5.He that will steal a pin will steal an ox. 6.Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. 7.as poor as a church mouse 8. Let sleeping dogs lie. 9.I'm SO hungry that I could eat a horse. 10.Go home and kick the dog. 11.Separate the sheep from the goats. 12.A lion in the way. 13.One swallow doesn’t make a summer 14.A wolf in sheep’s clothing. 15.Fine feathers make fine birds. 16.You can’t make a crab walk straight. 17.It rains cats and dogs. 18.as stupid as a goose. Read the text and then match the general idea of each paragraph. Para 1 1.The circle dance Para 2 2.A brief introduction of the bee Para 3 3. Whether bees could tell each other the exact position. Para 4 4. The wagging dance. Para 5 5. Pro. Karl von Frisch built special hives to study bees. Para 6 6. The number of wagging dances indicates the exact distance to the feeding place. Para 7 7. Something about the professor Para 8 8. “Bee-line” and “ to make a beeline for ” Read the passage carefully and then do the following exercises Para.1 ①Q: Why is it the honey-bee that has interested scientists most? Because of the language they use to communicate with each other. ②You can find out the topic sentence of the text simply in para.1 from ____. A.the first sentence B. the second sentence C.The fifth sentence D. the last sentence ③The scientists can study the language of honey bees only after the development of ____. A.the modern beehive B.experiments C.dishes of honey D.both A and B Para.2 ①Karl von Frisch made an experiment to research ____. A.the food of honey bees B.the dance of honey bees C.the ways honey bees communicate D. The hive of honey bees ②The phrase “tell the bees apart” in para.2 means____. A.let the bees live separately B.tell one bee from the other C.drive the bees away D.tear the bees into pieces ③Which of the following statements is right? A.Animals do have a language like that of human beings. B.When Professor Karl von Frisch placed little dishes of milk on the table, bees soon came. C.In order to be able to watch the bees scientifically, he built some special hive, a glass wall and marked the bees with little spots of colour. D.When a marked bee returned to the hive from the feeding table, it began to perform a dance on the surface of the ground. ④What was Professor von Frisch puzzled by? When he placed little dishes of honey on a table, bees soon came. As soon as one bee discovered the honey, many more came to it one after another in a short time. Para.3-4 ① The Language of Honey Bees . . ②How did the marked bee tell the message of food to the other bees? Give the follows in right order. a.The marked bee returned to the hive from the feeding table. b.It repeated these circles over and over again. c.The marked bee made a circle to the left. d The marked bee made a circle to the right. e.The other excited bees dance together. f.The bees left the hive and went to the feeding place. A.abcefd B.cadefb C.adcbef D. dacebf ③Different dance indicate different ____. A.food B.feeding places C.steps D.semicircles ④The circle dance communicates ____. a.the distance of food b.the information of food c.the amount of food d.the kind of food A.abc B. abd C.ab D.bc ⑤Can you describe how the circle dance performed? And how the wagging dance performed? . . Para 5 ①What did the scientists discover? They discovered that the feeding station was, the dance was. ②What a maximum distance do the bees fly? Bees between their hive and a feeding place. ③The phrase“come to light”in Paragraph 5 means______. A.become known B.come to a bright place C.turn bright D.both A and B ④The number of the wagging dances per minute told______. A.the position of the feeding place B.the amount of the food C.the distance of the feeding place D.all the information about food Para 7 What does "bee-line" mean ? Para.8 ①According to the this passage please give the information about Karl von Frisch Nationality: ___________ _ What’s he? ________________ Research work: _________________ How to find it out: _________________ His discovery: ______________________ Prize:_____________________________ ②.After reading the text, you can infer the writer is likely to write about ____ in the next para. A.Whether the circle dance told them what food was in feeding place B.Whether the bees can tell one colour from the other C.Whether the wagging dance tell the bees the distance and the direction of the food D.Whether the language of honey bees is the most useful language of all animals ③Which of the statements is possible according to the last paragraph? A.We human beings can communicate as honeybees do. B.We human beings can go as quickly as honeybees. C.We human beings can come to help each other in a fast way. D.We human beings can learn something from animals’behavior. 根据课文内容填空: There are many _________of bee. Among the different types of bee, it is the honey-bee that has most interested scientists because of the “language” they use to ____________ with each other. The scientists Von Frisch built special hives to find out how one bee communicate the news of food to the other bees in the hive. To his _____________, the bee who found the feeding place began to _________ a dance on the ________of the honeycomb. The dance seemed to _______ the surrounding bees. They _________behind the first dancer, _________ its movements. Then the bees left the hive and went to the _______ place. He found that the bees did the circling dance when the food is near, and that the bees did the __________dance when the food was far away. He also found that the number of wagging dances per ________ told how far away the food was. 第二部分语言点 课文前面部分 1.A small animal that helps the police get hold of thieves. 一种能帮助警察捉贼的动物。 get hold of …= take/catch hold of …意思是“抓住…”;“获得…” get hold of …= take/catch hold of …意思是“抓住…”;“获得…” He and pulled. 他抓住绳子用力拉。 .我需要马上就能有点钱 hold a conversation/meeting hold the line = hold on hold … back hold one’s breath 2.An animal that isn’t telling the truth. 一种会撒谎的动物。 tell the truth“说实话”的意思,tell的相关类似短语有: tell a/the lie = tell lies 撒谎 tell a story 讲故事 3. You are going to hear an interview with a woman who works in a zoo。 你将听到对一位在动物园工作的妇女的采访报道。 interview 在这里是名词“采访”的意思,还有“面试”之意。 interview 在这里是名词“采访”的意思,还有“面试”之意。 The film star agreed to give an interview after the wedding. 。 Your interview for the job is tomorrow你的 定在明天 interview “采访”,要区别与cover的用法。interview 可以用interview sb. 或interview sth.但cover只能说cover sth. A reporter interviewed the prime minister. 。 She’s for the job.她正在接受求职面试。 They sent a great many reporters . 他们派遣了很多记者报道这次会议。 cover除了“采访”的意思外还有“用……遮盖;覆盖”“占有…(面积);掩饰” “涉及…(内容)”等含义。请学习下面例句中cover 一词的各种用法 Since water covers most of the earth, Corsteau knew we should keep the seas clean. 由于水覆盖了地球的大部分,库斯托知道我们应该保持海洋清洁。 He tried to cover (up)his mistake. 他想掩盖他的错误。 He said he could cover the distance on foot in two hours. 他说这段路程两个小时能走完 How many pages have you covered? 你读了多少页了? What are the main points you’re going to cover in your talk ? 你的报告主要涉及哪些内容。 We have only just covered our expenses. 我们所收入的仅够开支而已。 cover作名词,作“盖子”、“封面”解。 When the water boils, take the cover. 当水开的时候,把盖子揭开. The book needs a new cover . 这书需要装个新封面. 4.What’s the problem with the animals at the zoo? 动物园里的动物有什么问题? What’s the problem with…= …= … = ?= ? 都用来询问“…(你)怎么回事?” 5.The two teams take turns speaking. 两支队伍轮流发言。 take turns doing sth. “轮流干…”,turn是名词。 复习turn的用法 作名词用 It’s one’s turn to do sth轮到某人做某事 .该你来做出决定了。 turn one’s turn to do sth=do sth in turn=do sth by turns 作名词用:转动,转向,翻转 turn right/left= turn to sth./sb.(for help) turn to page 84 作系动词用:变得…… turn green/yellow 变绿/黄了 Ten years later,he turned teacher. A./ B.a C.an D.the 固定词组: 背叛 关小/拒绝 turn from side to side 把身体转来转去 上交 ... (使……)成为…… (水源、煤气、电灯等)/避开(问题等) 开(水、煤气、 电灯、无线电等)/对……发怒 turn on the radio turn out (使)打翻/翻身/翻动/翻耕(土地)/转危为安 开大/出现/找到/证明是(=turn out to be) 6.When all the teams are ready, the teacher will start and time the debate. 当所有队伍都准备好以后,老师就开始为辩论计时. time是动词,"计时"的意思,还有“安排好时间,使合拍子;安排……的速度" How long can you hold your breath underwater ? . 你在水下能潜多久呢?深呼吸一下,我给你计时。 He timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark . 他安排好了他的旅程,以便能在天黑以前到达旅馆。 He tried to time his steps to the music. 。 课文部分 1.Professor Karl von Frisch, a scientist from Austria, spent many years of his life researching the amazing ways honey-bees communicate in their dark hives.奥地利科学家卡尔•冯•弗里希教授,一生中花去了许多岁月,研究蜜蜂在黑暗的蜂箱里是以怎样巧妙的方式传递信息的。 amaze vt. 使惊愕;使大为惊讶: .令人惊讶的是他竟通过了驾驶考试。 amazing “令人惊异的”;在西方人的口中,表示惊讶,经常可以听到amazing这个词。如果有些事情发生得出乎意料,难以置信,也可以用amazing来形容。 You’re amazing. 。 that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly. 那男孩能这样快地解完这道题,真是令人惊奇。 有些漂亮或另类的东西,总能吸引许多眼球,就可以说是amazing things. I am always looking for new and amazing items.我总是在寻找让我眼前一亮的新东西。 amazed 使(某人)感到惊奇,常用be amazed at / by 感到惊奇。 He all the colours, and all the beautiful fish. 他对五颜绿色和各种美丽的鱼感到惊奇。 . I can’t even find where my old house is. 北京的变化使我们感到惊奇。我几乎找不到旧房子了。 2.In order to tell the bees apart ,he painted some bees with little dots of colour. 为了把蜜蜂区分开,他在一些蜜蜂身上涂上色斑. tell...apart 识别,辨别 (复习) ? For they look so alike.你能区别开简和露丝吗?她们长得太像了。 tell A from B 把A与B区别开 ? 你能把汤姆和他的双胞胎哥哥区别开吗? . 我们很难区分开莉莉和露丝。 3.They trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movement. 它们成群结队地跟在第一只跳舞的蜜蜂后面,模仿它的动作。troop ①n.一群,大量 children went into the Museum.一群学生走进了博物馆。 troops of visitors 一群一群的访问者 troops 军队,部队 The local people demanded the withdrawal of the foreign country troops. 。 ②vi.集合,群集;成群地涌向,结队而行 Children after the lecture.演讲结束后,孩子们成群地走出了/进教室。 4.over and over again=again and again=time and time again=over and over一再地,经常地,重复地 The old man always . 这位老人总是一次又一次地回忆起以前的美好时光。 5. One was close to the hive. The other was much farther away ,beyond some trees. 一个靠近蜂箱,另一个远离蜂箱,几棵大树之外. beyond prep(复习) ①在……那边,越过(场所) The house is .房屋在桥的那边。 由于雾,河的那边我什么也看不见。 ②(指时间)超出,晚于 .不要在外边停留到10点钟还不回家。 ③超出,为……所不能及(程度) Your work is beyond all praise 。 He lives beyond his income 。 。 beyond one’s control .手表无法修理了 This problem is far beyond me /my comprehension 。 6.come to light 发现,暴露 Much more new evidence has come to light,so the judges have to sentence the man to death. ,所以法官 。 When the old woman died,it came to light that she was actually very rich. 老太太死后, 。 7.compare A with B 把A与B比较一下(复习) ,and you can . 把美国英语与英国英语比较一下,你就会发现它们之间的不同点。 compare A to B把A比作B .诗人把睡眠比作死亡。 compared to...= ...与……比起来 ,the sun is much bigger.与地球比起来,太阳要大得多。 8.come up ①前进,进来 My mother .母亲走向前紧紧地抓住我的手。 ②上升 The sun came up at that time. 。 He has stayed underwater for 2 minutes,but he hasn’t come up yet. 他在水下呆了2分钟了,还没上来。 ③长出,发芽 .这些种子还没有发芽。 ④被提出讨论 .这个问题在昨天的会议上被提出来了。 ⑤与come有关的短语: come about ; come across ; come at袭击; come down下降,流传 come out with 说出,透漏; come to oneself 9.include vt.(复习) 包括,包含 Your duty includes putting the baby to the bed.你的职责包括让孩子上床睡觉。 There are five chapters in this book, . 这本书有5章,包括由我们老师写的两章。 Everyone will go to the cinema, .每个人都要去电影院,包括老肖。 10.transparent adj. ①透明的;清澈的 。 ②显而易见的;一目了然的[+that] It was transparent that her pride was hurt. 。 ③坦率的,光明正大的 He is a man of transparent sincerity. 他是一个坦率诚恳的人。 11.surrounding n. 环境;周围的事物[P] He didn’t pay much attention to his surroundings. 。 adj. 周围的;附近的 Foxes started coming in from the surrounding countryside. 。 12.apparent ①adj 表面的,外观的;未必真实的 The apparent cause of his illness was excessive drinking, but the real cause was his deep grief at his wife’s death. 。 ②明显的,显而易见的;明白无误的 [(+to)][+that] he was in no condition to travel. 他的健康状况显然不宜旅行。 13.So another astonishing fact came to light. 于是又发现一个令人惊讶的情况。 come to light 暴露,真相大白 when the politician was seen with the lady. 当有人看到那位政客跟那位女士在一起时,真相就大白了。 . 最近一桩政治丑闻暴露出来 14.maximum (反minimum) ① n.最大量,最大数,最大限度[C][(+of)] Our goal . 我们的目标是取得最高的效率。 ②顶点;(法定的)最高极限;(公路行车的)最高速[the S][(+of)] Drivers must not exceed a maximum of 55 miles an hour. 。 ③adj. 最大的;最多的;最高的;顶点的 is 150 miles per hour. 这辆车的最大时速为一百五十英里。 15.precise adj. ①精确的;准确的;确切的;丝毫不差的;恰好的 I can’t give you .我无法告诉你确切的日期。 at the precious moment ②明确的;清晰的 His instructions were not very precise. 。 ③严格的;细致的 We had precise orders to come home by nine o’clock. 。 ④刻板的,拘泥的 . 他的一言一行都有板有眼。 16.adequate ①adj.能满足需要(量)的,足够的[(+for)][+to-v] Martin thought .马丁认为他没有充足的证据。 ?你的薪水足够养家吗? ②适当的;适当的[(+to/for)对于…](不置于名词前) a solution adequate to the problem ③胜任的 [(+to)] She proved . 事实证明她能胜任此项工作。 ④尚可的,差强人意的 That hotel is merely adequate. 。 17.clarify vt. ①澄清;阐明 His explanation clarified the mystery. 。 ②净化 It requires of us great efforts to clarify sewage in cities. 。 ③使清楚,使清醒 My mind on this issue. 对这个问题我的头脑变得清楚了。 18.changeable adj. ①易变的;不定的 His temper’s been changeable this week, so don’t annoy him. ,所以不要惹他生气。 ②可改变的,可能被改变的 ③闪光的;闪色的 changeable silk 闪光丝绸 19.adaptation n. ①适应,适合[U] He the new environment. 他很快适应了新的环境。 ②改编,改写[U];改写本 [C] This play is an adaptation of a novel. 。 20.Von Frisch assumed that the dance conveyed more information. 冯•弗里希想弄清这种舞蹈能不能说明喂食处有多远. assume vt. 表示“假设,主观认为,假定; ①assume that… .我们认为,你了解形势。 ②assume +名词+(to be)+名[形] . .我认为他是个诚实的人。 ③assuming和given,supposing,provided/providing(that)等词一样都可以引导状语作用相当于if. Supposing your father saw you playing computer games , what would he say? =if your father saw …… Assuming that the weather is favourable, Farmers will have a good harvest 。 Given that it doesn’t rain tomorrow,I will go camping. ,我就会去野营 另:assuming自负的,傲慢的,过分自信的 ④assumed 假装的,假的;假定的,设想的: an assumed cheerfulness 假定的结果, His look of astonishment was assumed. ⑤assumption假定,假想 I was under the assumption that you were coming tomorrow. 。 . 我本以为他已通过了考试,结果我错了。 21.He marked all the bees that came to the nearby feeding place blue, and all the bees that went to the faraway place were marked red. 他给所有来到近的喂食处的蜜蜂标上蓝色,给飞到远的喂食处的蜜蜂标上红色。faraway(远方的)是由 far + away构成的合成形容词。 nearby(附近的)是由 near +by构成的合成形容词。它们在句中都作定语。 远处的森林 faraway times 附近的一家旅店 nearby hills 注意:faraway在作定语时通常都连写,作表语或作状语时则分写(far away)。如: The house is not far away. 那座房子并不远。 He lives far away from the school. 他住得离学校很远。 nearby既可作定语,又可作状语;既可以连写(nearby),也可以分写(near by),还可以加连字符(near-by)。 I saw her going to a near-by post-box before lunch. 。 ----less than a kilometer. 他们住在附近,不到一公里。 He gave up his seat to .他把座位让给站在附近的老人了。 Unit14 Zoology授后练习 一、单项填空 1.—I really need to talk to you.______? —Certainly.What’s the matter? A.Where are you going B.What shall I tell you C.Can you spare me a few minutes D.When are you free 2.—Since you like the fur coat so much,why not buy it? —Well,I can’t afford______coat. A.that expensive a B.a that expensive C.that an expensive D.an expensive that 3.After a day’s work I was very tired and my legs______.So I didn’t visit you. A.took over B.gave out C.put off D.set up 4.You can never imagine what great trouble I had______the poor boy who was hurt seriously. A.help B.to help C.helped D.helping 5.The old man returned to Qingdao,______he left in the 1940s. A.where B.what C.which D.how 6.—Dick sometimes makes me mad. —______too.I wish he______a little polite. A.I;is B.I;were C.Me;is D.Me;were 7.The great temple______when I went to visit it last autumn.It must have been open to the visitors now. A.was rebuilt B.was being rebuilt C.had been rebuilt D.was to rebuild 8.—Was it because the traffic was very heavy during the rush hour______you were late again? —Well,I’m afraid so. A.when B.that C.why D.how 9.As we know,the sooner coastal populations are______a coming tsunami(海啸),the greater their chances of escaping. A.used to B.informed with C.warned of D.known about 10.In some countries,______is called “equality”does not really mean equal rights for all the people. A.which B.that C.what D.who 11.You______pay too much attention to your reading skill,as it is so important. A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.won’t 12.Dr. Hans Selye is______member of University of Montreal faculty,and he is now organizing______International Institute of Stress in Montreal. A.a;the B.a;/ C.the;the D.a;an 13.That voice on the phone was exactly as she ______it would sound.Just exactly like her father’s. A.dreamed B.had dreamed C.would dream D.was dreamed 14. I often see lights in that empty house.Do you think I ______ report it to the police? A.should B.may C.will D.can 15. You ______ be tired—you’ve only been working for one hour. A.must not B.won’t C.can’t D.may not 16.—I don’t mind telling you I know. —You ______.I’m not asking you for it. A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t 17.—I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. —You ______ her last week. A.ought to tell B.would have told C.must tell D.should have told 18.Last year he starred in the film ___________ of Bill Cornshaw’s best-selling novel . A. adaptaion B. adoption C. promotion D. profession 19. There is more than ____________ rain this year, so some parts of the country have been flooded. A. extra B. plenty C. adequate D. little 20. School in the north tend to be better equipped,__________ those in the south are relatively poor. A. because B .as C.when D. while 21.What ____________ her apart from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas. A. pulled B. set C. told D. took 22.With the aid of the most advanced equipment ,new facts about the ancient pyramids in Egypt have recently ________ A.brought to light B.seen the light C. thrown light D. come to light 23. —She’s a lot older than you , is’t you? —Fifteen years, to be ____________ A. frank B. precise C. honest D. fair 24.They believed that these modern paintings____in shanghai Art Gallery were as valuable as these in the museum A. collect B. collecting C. being collected D. collected 25.At that time we had to make a assumption__________ the disease was nbspreading and take action to stop it. A. that B. whether C.what D. which 26. — Would you mind going to ____________the kids from school ? —No,_______________ A. fetch; go ahead B. fetch ;not in the least C. take; not at all D. carry ; of course not 27. —-Have you had many visitors yet? —-No, __________, you are the first . A. by the way B. as a matter of fact C. as a whole D. in other words 28. —-Why didn’t you help the little boy? — Oh, sorry.He struggled to his feet _________I ran over. A.until B. after C. before D. since 29. A lot of the children at the school do not live in the town , but come in from the _________ countryside. A. surrounded B. surrounding C. surroundings D. surround 30.It was not until dark__________ he found ___________he thought was the correct way to solve the problem. A. that ;what B. that ;that C.when; what D. when; that 31.It was becoming increasingly ____________ that he could no longer look after himself. A. disgusting B . changeable C. transparent D. apparent 32.We need’t get ready yet; the guests___________ come for another hour. A. mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 二、用动词的适当形式填空 1.This is the best way (lead)to success. 2.It’s at the school (name)after the hero that he is studying. 3. (compare)to that book,this one is of great value. 4.Some waste must be thrown into the sea, (depend)on the nature of the waste. 5.The only (remain)question is whether or not we can collect enough money for wildlife. 6.The boy is an (advance)child. 7.Our plane will (fly)over the ocean at this time tomorrow. 8.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not a easy task because technology______(change)so rapidly. 三、句型转换:完成B句,使其与A句意思相同或相近。(每空一词) 1.A.Because there is not enough money,they can’t rebuild the school. B.There ______not enough money,they can’t rebuild the school. 2.A.The house which belongs to him has been handed down for several generations. B.The house ______ to him has been handed down for several generations. 3.A.The dances seemed to excite the surrounding bees. B.The surrounding bees are ______ at the dances. 4.A.After this problem was settled,another came up. B.After this problem was settled,another ______. 5.A.Many valuable paintings were discovered in the deserted house. B.Many paintings ______ ______ ______ came to light in the deserted house. 6.A.Following the director,the actors came in one by one. B.Following the director,the actors came in ______ ______ ______. 7.A.Everyone wants to go along a straight and direct course for success. B.Everyone wants to______ ______ ______ ______ success. 8.A.If you don’t go to see our former English teacher,I won’t,either. B.If you don’t go to see our former English teacher,______ ______I. 9.A.He marked all the bees that came to the feeding place blue. B.All the bees that came to the feeding place ______ ______ ______. 10.A.After the meeting,they set out to solve the problem. B.After the meeting,they ______ ______ ______ the problem. 四、单句改错:下列句子均有一处错误(或多一词;或缺一词;或错一词),请找出并加以改正。 1.Every time when the baby listens to music,he always begins dancing. 2.As is reported that the storm is on the way. 3.An accident was happened to him when he was on the way to the cinema. 4.It was during the civil war when Mark Twain’s life as a writer began. 5.I have offered a scholarship at the university for my further education. 6.The plan that you put forward to at the meeting is great value. 7.Your second-hand car is similar with his new one. 8.Liu Xiang set about to break the word record at that time. 9.He built a transparent wall through that he could observe what was going on. 10.Now a teacher is often compared with a candle. 参考答案 单项填空 1-5CABDC 6-10 DBBCC 11-15 CABAC 16-20 DDACD 21-25 BDBDA 26-32 BBCBADC 用动词的适当形式填空 1. leading 2. named 3. Compared 4. depending 5. remaining 6. advanced 7. be flying 8. is changing 句型转换 完成B句,使其与A句意思相同或相近。(每空一词) 1. being 2. belonging 3. excited 4 appeared 5. of great value 6. one after another 7. make a beeline for 8. neither will I 9were marked blue 10. set about solving 单句改错 下列句子均有一处错误(或多一词;或缺一词;或错一词),请找出并加以改正。 1. every time为名词短语,在句中起连词作用。 答案:去掉when或when改为that 2. It is reported that 句型中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。答案:As改为It 3. happen 意思是“发生”,无被动形式。答案:去掉was 4.此处为强调句型。答案:when改为that 5句意为:“我被授予大学奖学金以便继续深造”。答案:have后加been 6 be of great value意思是“具有极大的价值”。答案:is后加of 7. be similar to为固定短语,意思是“和……相似”。答案:with改为to 8set out to do...=set about doing...。答案:about改为out 9.在定语从句中介词后不能跟that引导的定语从句。答案:that改为which 10 compare A with B意思是“A与B相比”。compare A to B意思是“把A比作B”。 with改为to |
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