新课标七年级Unit10 Can you play the guitar?

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Unit10 Can you play the guitar?
一. 教学目标
1. 为顺利完成本单元的教学,需掌握的词汇有但dance, swim, sing, playchess, paint, speak Japanese, play the guitar, art, music, drums , piano, trumpet ,violin等。
2. 进行谈论时,要用的句型有
(1)——Can you dance? ——Yes, I can.No, I can’t.
(2) ——What club do you want to join?
——I want to join the music club.
(3) ——I can’t sing.
——What can you do ?
——I can dance.
1. 通过谈论话题Joining the club,培养学生的群体意识,从而达到运用所学语言知识之目的。
2. 结合教材内容,通过完成阅读任务,培养学生的略读技巧。倡导成立English club,并能用制作广告、海报等。
3. 继续培养训练学生的听力和口语能力,之间生成利用上、下文进行解题的技巧。
1. 本单元的语言功能是谈论能力(talk about abilities),因此可激励学生在班级中展示才艺,增强学习的乐趣。
2. 通过让学生模拟应聘,意识到能力的重要,从而激发学生不断进行探究,自主学习知识,为今后的人生道路积累更多的、更丰富的才艺。
二. 教学重点、难点
1. 掌握理解情态动词can的肯定、否定句,can的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及肯定、否定回答,这些是单元重点内容之一。
2. 理解IYouHeSheItWeThey can……及IYouHeSheItWeThey can’t……等是难点。
3. 理解和掌握:What club do you want to join? What can you do? May I know your name? Can you help kids with swimming?等问句及其应答语既是重点也是难点。
4. play the guitarpiano rumpetviolindrums等乐器名称前用定冠词,学生动手制作海报及招聘广告等是学生应掌握的重点内容和具备的才能。
三. 教学方法
本单元的教学内容围绕Joining the club这个话题,突出的语言功能是对能力的谈论。在教学是采用情境法,通过设计不同的任务,让学生快速阅读、结合语境进行推理等手段来实施教与学。
四. 教具
五. 教学过程
Step 1 Warming up
Step 2 Presentation
1.( play a song) Ask :Do you like this song?
I can sing, (表演动作:演奏吉他,但表演不好) but I can’t play the guitar.
2.(Show some pictures) Teach new words . Ask:Can you sing (dance swimplay the guitarplay chessspeak Englishpiant)?
Step3 Practice
1.Ss look at the pictures again, ask and answer in pairs with “Can you…?”
2.Ask a student T: Can you play the guitar?
S1: Yes,I Can.
T: Can you play it well?
S1: No, I can’t.
Say: S1can play the guitar, but he can’t play it well.
Then ask three students what they can do ,then tell you class.
Step 4 Ask and answer
(Show a picture of Clubs)
1. Say: Look at the picture .How many clubs can you find in the picture? What club do you want to join? What can you do? Then ask Ss to answer these questions
2. Pairwork: (show pictures) ask Ss to make their own conversations.
Using: -----What club do you want to join?
-----I want to join….
Step 5 Make a survey
1. T: Our headmaster wants to know if you like the clubs we have now. So we are going to do a survey. I’ll give you three minutes . Group leaders. Try to find out if your partners like the clubs and then fill in the chart. After that, please report to the class.
Name Likes Doesn’t like

2. T: Our headmaster has already known that you don’t like some of the clubs. He really wants to know what your favorite clubs are . If it’s possible, he will take your advice. Now please ask your partners “What club do you want to join? What can you do ?”
Name Clubs wants to join Can

Step 6 Listening(1a,2a.2b)
1.Say: Open your books ,turn to page59.Look at the picture. There are many children in the picture. They are talking. Listen and number the conversation (1-3)
2.Say: There are another two conversations.
What club do they want to join, listen and circle the clubs you hear. Then listen to the first conversation again and complete the conversation with the words in the box..
Step 7 Groupwork job interview (4)
Focus students on the advertisement(on the screen). Elicit the kind of personal qualities that would be good for the job, eg: a good teacher, a good swimming, and write them on the board. Then elicit questions from the qualities on the board., e.g. can you teach children? Can you help kids with swimming?
Divide the class into small groups and have them take turns interviewing each other for the job.
Step 8Homework:
Write something about what you can do, and what club do you want to join.
Writing on the Bb:
Can you sing? Dance ,swim, play chess
Yes, I can. Paint, speak ,English
No, I can’t.
What club do you want to join?
I want to join art club.
What can you do?
I can play the guitar.



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