人教版高二Unit 7 Living With Disease

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Teaching plan of
Teaching aims and demands
1. Goals: Talk about deadly diseases and attitude towards AIDS, cancer, etc..
Practise talking about imaginary situations
Practice supporting and challenging an opinion
Learn to use Subjunctive Mood: if I were you, I would …., I wish I could….
Write a personal narrative
2. Vocabulary and useful expressions:
Virus, via, mosquito, prevention, persuade, defenseless, illness, treatment, liquid, unprotected, sex, lack, proper, discourage, cheer, network, specialist, meaningful, boyfriend, identify, billionaire, stranger, weep, cell, chemical, radiation, fighter, contrary.
Cheer….up, a great many, on the contrary
3. Function:
Supporting an opinion:
I think that …. Because ….
One reason is that…..
For example, …..
If we/they were to …. We/ they could …..
Challenging an opinion
Perhaps, but what if/ about….
Have you thought about….
What makes you think that ….?
Could you please explain ….?
If I were you, I would …..
Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)
If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives might be saved.
I wish that she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.
I wish I could remember more about my mum.
We wish we could have arrived there two hours earlier.
Teaching procedure:
Period 1.
Step 1.Warming up
1. Brainstorming:
Activity: a quiz to test the knowledge of first aid.
2. Following the steps of the warming-up on page 57.
Step 2. Pre-reading
1. Show some pictures of people suffered from AIDS.
2. group work: discuss the difference between HIV and AIDS.
Step 3. While-reading
1. Scanning: Ss read quickly and discuss
How much do you know about AIDS?
2. How HIV is transmitted?
3. How HIV is not transmitted?
Step 4. After-reading
Discussion: how to treat people who is suffering from AIDS?.
Step 5. Assignment
Surf the internet and get more information about AIDS..
Period 2.
Step 1. Warming up
Ask some Ss to retell the passage that they have learnt in last period.
Step 2. Learning about the language
Teacher explain some language points in the text on page 59--60.
1. People who see Xiaohua would never guess that she is one of millions of children in the world living and dying with AIDS.
Analyze the sentence structure to the students.
2. AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses.
Break down
They broke down a door.
The car broke down on the way.
He has broken down from overwork.
The wind and waves can break the waste down.
3. For some, medicine can help keep them alive, but the treatment is expensive and doesn’t cure them.
Keep + object+object supplementary
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.
He wants you to keep him informed of how things are going with you.
Keep the door open, please.
You’d better keep the child away from the fire.
Once a cold kept him in bed for 3 days.
4. “I wish I could remember more about my mum,” Xiaohua says, “I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.”
Wish 后接宾语从句时,从句多用虚拟语气。
I wish you would not smoke any more.
I wish very much you could manage to come over.
I wish I could help him.
5. The disease is spreading faster in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education.
6. She also goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up.
Cheer up
I cheered up at the news.
Cheer up.
Step 3. Practice
Ss finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 61 by themselves.
Step 4. Assignment
1. Learn the useful expressions by heart.
2. Finish Wb. Ex1 –2 on page 124.
Period 3.
Step 1. Revision
Check the answers of Wb Ex 1 – 2 on page 124.
Step 2. Discovering useful structures
1. Ss look at the following sentences and translate them into Chinese.

If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives might be saved.
I wish that she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.
I wish I could remember more about my mum.
We wish we could have arrived there two hours earlier.
2.Ss study more examples on p53.
I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.
If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug.
If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.
3.More exercises to consolidate the Grammar.
.EX1—6 on p53--54
Step 3. Talking
1. Ss four in one group and have a discussion about the topic on page 124
2. Ss make notes during the discussion, and try to make your opinion clearly made in the group.
Step 4. Speaking : finish the task on P50 using the following structures.
Supporting an opinion:
I think that …. Because ….
One reason is that…..
For example, …..
If we/they were to …. We/ they could …..
Challenging an opinion
Perhaps, but what if/ about….
Have you thought about….
What makes you think that ….?
Could you please explain ….?
If I were you, I would …..
.Step 5. Assignment
Finish Wb Ex 1 -2on P125-126
Period 4.
Step 1. Warming up
Ask Ss some questions about how to give first aid and how to get along with AIDS patients.
Step 2. Reading
1. Ss read the passage on P54:
Diagnosed with cancer: the day my life ended… and began!
2. Help Ss to understand the passage entirely.
3. Finish the comprehending EX on P55
Step 3. Writing
a. read the passage quickly and get a main idea .
b. Finish the writing task on p 56.
Period 5. (Listening)
Step 1. Listening
1. Ss finish the listening task on page 50.
2. Ss listen to the tape again and check the answers.
Step 2. dealing with the Ex 1—2 on p 123 of Workbook.
Step 3. Listening skills
Give the students some tips on how to improve listening while checking the Ex.
a. make notes while listening;
b. grasp the most important information
Period 6. (Writing )
Step 1. Pre-writing
1. Ss read the passage on P127 and get the general idea about it.
2. Explain the skills on how to organize a paragraph.
Step 2. While-writing
1. Ss write a short paragraph to explain why you think that the problem you have chosen is most important and suggest what could be done to solve the problem.
2. Ss exchange their writing and correct the mistakes.
3. Ss rewrite the process again.
Step 3. After-writing
Choose some samples and show them in class.
Tips on writing:
Pay attention to reasoning.
Pay attention to the tense while writing.
Pay attention to the structures of the sentences.
Step 4. assignment
Prepare a lecture on AIDS.
Period 7.
Teachers can use this period freely.
Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish Assessing on page 129. It is very important to improve their learning and let them have a sense of achieving gradually.




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