人教版高一教案Unit5 The Silver Screen

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Period One
I. Teaching aims:
1. Train the Ss’ listening and speaking ability.
2. Talk about movies and stars
3. Learn about two American famous stars
II. Important points:
1.Talk about films and famous actors and directors
2. words and expressions about screen. (in teaching procedures)
III. Difficult point:
How to talk about films, actors and directors.
IV. Teaching methods:
1. Listening-and-answer activity to help the students go through with the listening text.
2. Pair work or group work to practice speaking..
V. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Freetalk
Start a free talk about their favorite stars to encourage the students to talk and lead in the new text as well.
Show some pictures of pop stars on the screen to get the students excited and ask them why these
pop start are famous. Ask: Do they work harrd?
Step 2 Presentation
Show the students some words about the screen. Ask the students to think of as many words he
knows as possible about the screen and at the same time bring in some new words .
Drama Film Role Script, Award, prize
Academy Awards=Oscar
Director Actor actress
Studio movie tragedy comedy
Step 3 knowledge about Oscar
A knowledge of Oscars: (show a picture of the Oscar Statue)
1. The origin of the Oscar
2. The Awards of the Oscars
Step 4 Scanning
A quick look at the passage to get information about Meryl streep and Keanu Reeves
(fill in a resume of them on the screen and show their pictures and talk about their famous films to get the students interested in the topic and show some clips of these films at the same time)
Meryl Streep
•Name: Meryl Streep
•Birthday: 1949
•Born : America
•Movies: Julia(1977)
Kramer vs kramer(1979)
Sophie’s Choice(1982)
Out of Africa(1985)
Music of the Heart(1999)
Family: Married in 1978, three daughters
Keanu Reeves
•Name : Keanu Reeves
•Birthday : in 1964
•Born: Toronto
•Movies: Wolfboy(1984)
The Matrix(1999)
Sweet November(2001)
Step 5 Summary
Ask the students read the passages again and say something about the two stars without looking at their books. ( Get the students to think of as much as they know about the two stars in English so that to practice words and sentences in the text).Allow them to look at the resumes on the screen.
Step 6 activity
An interview. Ask one student to be Meryl Streep or Keanu Reeves and the others are journalists. This is a very active and lively activity. The students will have to think of creative questions and answer them properly.
Step 7 Language Points
 句子的省略。状语从句中,如果谓语包含有be 动词(be+表;或 be +doing/done),而从句主语又和主句主语一致,或者从句主语为it ,那么就常常可以把从句中的主语和谓语的be 省略掉。
Examples in this unit:
While still a student, she played roles in many plays =While she was still a student,…
…she won many more prizes while acting in famous films …,=while she was acting…
When asked about the secret of his success, Steven said …=When Steven was asked about---, he said
When asked to do the jobs, she says ….= When she is asked to do the jobs, she says ---
Practice(on the screen)
Water will boil when ______(heat)
When______(complete),the museum will be open to the public.
The research is so designed that once ______(begin)nothing can be done to change it.
While ______(walk)to school yesterday morning , I met a frind of mine.
You don’t need to worry about all these rules while ______(have)dinner with friends or family.
When ______(cross) the road , the old man was yun over by a car.
 特殊疑问词+do you think /believe/guess/suppose+…?其中do you think 等通常被视作插入成分,置于特殊疑问词之后。句子的剩余部分为陈述语序,但若把do you think 改为do you know,则句子不再采用双重疑问句,此时句型应为:Do you know why Jane was in such a hurry?
例:1、How do you think the film will end?
2、What do you think has happened before the scene?
1. Retell their life stories
2. Preview the reading text

Period Two
I. Teaching Aims:
1. Train the Ss’ reading ability.
2. Learn the following words and phrases: create, scene, script, studio, work on, take off, blockbuster, cut---in pieces, dinosaur, go wrong, follow-up, cruelty, win over, in the end, etc.
II. Important points:
1. How to make the students understand the reading text better.
2. Learn and master the following phrased: work on, take off, cut---in pieces, hit, go wrong, win over, in the end, owe---to---
III. Difficult points:
1. The differences between the following pairs of words or phrases: be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth., high/ highly
IV. Teaching methods
1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.
2. Question-and-answer activity to get the detailed information in the text.
V. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Review
Talk about Meryl Streep and Keanu Reeves
Step 2 Lead-in
Introduce the new topic of directors. Show some clips of White Shark, Forrest Gump to get the students interested in the director. Show some pictures of Steven Spielberg.
Step 3 Presentation.
Skim the text with the following questions (show two questions on the flashboard).
How many parts can we divide the text? Why?
In which order is the text organized?
Step 4 Listening
Listen to the text to get more information part after part. For each part, get the students to find key sentence and read again and then answer more detailed questions.
Step 5 Retelling
Write a summary of Steven Spielberg’s life story with the help of these time clues.
1946→at the age of 12→at the age of 13→at the age of 16→1975→1982→1993→1999
Help the students to get a summary like the following:
Steven Spielberg was born in 1946 in a small town in America. He started making short films when he was still a young boy. In 1959,he won a prize for a short film. He made a film called Fierlight at the age of 16. Jaws, one of his films, is about a big white shark that attacks swimmers who are spending holidays in a small village by the sea. Spielberg has also made two films about outer space, one of which is called ET. It is about a young boy who makes friends with a small creature from outer space. The other is Jurassic Park. It is about a very rich man who keeps different kinds of dinosaurs when the park is hit by the storm.
Step 6 Activity:
Free talk(learn more about western culture)
what do you know about Steven?
What does he want to show us in most of his films?
What makes him produce such films?
Retell Spielberg’s life story.

Period Three
I. Teaching Aims:
1. Review the words learned tin the last two periods.
2. Learn the Attributive Clause with prepositions.
3. Learn the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs “where, when and why’.
II. Important points:
1. The usages of “prep.+ the relative pronoun”.
2. The usages and functions of the relative adverbs.
III. Difficult points:
1. The choice of the prepositions in the attributive clause.
2. The choice of the relative adverbs.
IV. Teaching methods
1. Consolidate the words learnt using the review method.
2. Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.
V. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Review
Ask the students to retell the text.
Step 2 Language points
List the following phrases on the screen and ask the students to read the complete
sentences out in the text and try understanding what they mean and how they are used.
take off, from outer space, do some research, go wrong, man-eating animals, in the film, industry, follow up, owe…to, in total, grow up, run after, cause trouble, think highly of, make comments on…
Step3.Some other points
1. During the 1980s and 1990s she won many more prizes while acting in famous films such as …
win a game / a prize / an honor…
win against/over sb
beat/defeat sb
Our team won the game 8 to 7.
He won by five points.
He won her love at last.
2. The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low.
For this reason, 因为这个理由
the reason for sth/doing sth
The reason why…is that….
This/That/It’s because….
3. This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really took off.
(1)career n.
follow a business career
have a great career as a pianist
He planned to make law his career.
(2)take off
Take your coat off.
You should take your toys off the table.
The plane took off very smoothly.
4. When the park is hit by a storm, things start going wrong.
go wrong/ bad/ blind/ grey
5.Steven Spielberg said that he owed much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.
owe… to… 受到恩惠…, 归功于…
We owe a great deal to our parents and teachers.
I owe it to you that I am still alive.
owe n. 欠, 负债
I owe $ 100 to my uncle. = I owe $ 100 to my uncle.
How much do I owe you?
6. English-speaking countries
Fun-making people
Peace-loving Chinese
Snow-covered mountains
Home-made cookies
Ask the students to do the following exercises on the screen if time allows:
1. –-How long have you ______your wife ?
__Almost 20 years.
A. got married to B. married C. been married with D.been married to
2. The plane ______at 9:30 I must check in now.
A. is going to fly . B. takes off C. will take over D. is to take up
3. She ______all her success to her parents
A. got B. seized. C. owed D. owned
4. Have you any ______to make on the recent developments?
A. role B. award C. comment D. scene
5. His dream ______to China never_____
A.of coming ; came true B. to come ;came true C. of coming ; realized. D. to come; was made true
6. How much time do they spend______English among______each day?
A.practising spoken; themselves B. in practice speaking ;themselves C. in practising to speak ;themselves D. in practising to speak ,them
7. As director of the company, I can’t______three weeks away from work.
A.carry B. cost C.pay D. afford
8. Not only I but also Jane and Mary______tired of having one examination after another
A.are B. is C.am D.be
9. Frank is the kind of person whom people like to _______
A. make friend with B. make friends of C. make friends D. make friends with
10. The boy was afraid ______behind others , so he was afraid ______out for play.
A.to fall ;to go . B. of falling; of falling C. of falling to go D. to fall ;of going
Do the Workbook Ex.2-3

Period 4
I. Teaching Aims:
1. Do some reading work.
2. Practise making comments and giving opinions.
3. Revise the attributive clause with some practice on the screen if time permits.
II. Important points:
1. How to train the Ss’ writing ability.
2. How to make comments and give opinions.
III. Difficult points:
How to improve the Ss’ integrating skills.
IV. Teaching methods
1. Ask-and-answer activity to go through the reading material.
2. Individual or group work to train the Ss’ writing ability.
V. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision
Revise the points they ‘ve learnt
Step 2 Lead-in.
Ask the students to name some interting Chinese films and Chinese directors they like best
Step 3 Fast eading
What’s the film Not One Less about?
What do you think of the film?
Step 4 Language points
Help the students to get clear about some difficult language points in this text so as to help them know more clearly about the text.
Step 5 Revise the Attributive Clause
The fellow to whom I spoke made no answer at first(speak to)
The west Lake, for which Hangzhou is famous, is a beautiful place. (be famous for)
2. 根据先行词来确定介词。
In his room ,we saw a big table on which there were all kinds of books (on the table)
Yesterday we had a meeting at which we disussed many problems (at the meeting)
3 根据定从所表达的意义来确定介词
Air, without which man can’t live ,is really important.
In front of the house Tom is planting a tree, under which he will be able to sit and read some day.
介词一般放在关系代词which 和whom 之前,但也可放在原来的位置上,但若介词和句子动词是固定词组时,这个介词一般不前置,如:This is the book(which /that I’m looking for
Step 6 Practice on the screen
Fill in the blanks with that, which, when, where
1. I returned to the town ________I grew up.
2. I returned to the town ________I visited last year.
3. I don’t remember the year _________ that earthquake broke out.
4. I don’t remember the year_________ I spent in the countryside.
5. The library_______ has been built is rich in new books.
6. The library_______ I always read books is rich in new books.
7. Can you find a situation________ you use this phrase?
8. We’ll visit the factor________ your father works.
9. We’ll visit the factory_______ there is much new equipment.
10. We’ll visit the factory ________ lies in the north of Huanghua.
1. I’ve read all the books which you lent me.
2. This is the last lesson which Mr Green taught me.
3. Is there anything else which I can do for you?
4. They talked about the persons and things which they in the old days.
5. My hometown is no longer the place which it used to be
6. Dinner starts with a small dish, that is often called a starter.
7. He lives in the room, the window of that faces the south.
8. He is one of the students who has been received by the president
9. The man with who I worked has left
10. The student is standing there is our monitor
11. Do you still remember the place where we visited last year?
12. Do you still remember the day that you first went to school?
13. Is this the reason why he gives for being late?
14. Who’s the man who shook hands with you just now?
15. This is the jacket which I bought it last month.
16. Is this the museum where Jane has worked there for 20 years?
1. Do you know the library---they borrowed the book?
Do you know the girl___they borrowed a book.
2. Which is the girl---they were talking?
3. Do you still remember the day---we visited the Great Wall last year?
4. The doctor___the nurse is talking is leaving for Africa next month.
5. The room ---there is a printing machine is my workshop.
6. This is the comrade---I once worked in the factory.
7. The pencil___she was writing
8. The big tree___the old are playing chess is about 30 years old.
9. Would you tell us about the girl___you were writing a letter?
10. The novel ___you are interested was written by Mark Twain.
Do the writing work at home.




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