人教版高一教案Unit 6 Good manners

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Period One
I. Teaching aims:
2. Learn to apologize to people.
3. Train the Ss’ speaking and listening ability.
II. Important point:
Master the ways of making apologies by listening and speaking.
III. Difficult point:
How to help the Ss use the expressions for making apologies freely.
IV. Teaching methods:
1. Pair work to practice speaking.
2. Listening-and-answer activity to train the Ss’ listening ability.
V. Teaching procedures:
Step1 Warming up
Do you like people with good manners?
Look at part1 warming up, work in pairs. Look at the pictures on the right and practice the short dialogue.
Ask students to act it out.
Step2 Listening
Now let’s learn more ways of apologizing by listening. Ask the Ss to close books and listen to the tape to get a general idea of the dialogue.
Then open their books and read the exercise to find out what information they need, listen to the tape a second time. After listening, let them fill in the blanks, and check the answers
Then , listen a third time and let them grasp what is being said. Finally, do the listening exercise in the workbook.
Step3 Speaking
Suppose you happen to meet such common mistakes as the one in the listening, what will you do? Saying the right thing at the time and the right place is very important.
Please come to speaking. Look at situation 1 and 2, according to the situations and make up two dialogues in pairs, using the expressions in the box.
Then ask them to act out.
Grasp the ways of apologizing exercise “talking” in the workbook.

Period two
I. Teaching aims:
1. Learn some useful words and expressions.
2. Get the students to learn about table manners in western countries.
3. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.
II. Important point:
1. Learn and master the following useful expressions: make a good impression, be close to, a little bit, start with, keep silent, ask for, at table, all the time, drink to
2. Help the students fully understand the passage.
III. Difficult point:
Help the students understand the passage exactly, especially some difficult sentences.
IV. Teaching methods:
1. Discussion to compare table manners in China with that in western countries.
2. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage better.
V. Teaching procedures:
Step1 Revision
Check the homework
Step2 pre-reading
Let the Ss discuss in groups to write down the rules for being polite in the following situations in Chinese culture.
Situation Rules for being polite in China
At a dinner party
Greeting your teacher
Receiving a birthday present
Paying a visit to a friend’s house
Step3 Reading
Looking at the title and the pictures, I guess that the reading text is about dinner parties in restaurants. Read the text silently and quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph.
Para1: It explains all the things we will find on a dinner table and introduce some Chinese items for the Chinese dinner table.
Para2: It tells us the starter and the soup.
Para3: It tells about the main course.
Para5: It tells about the final course of a formal dinner, drinks.
Para6: It tells us that table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.
Step 4 post- reading
Let the Ss do the exercises in order(1-4)
Step 5 listening
Listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Step 6 Language points
1. impression n. 印象
have /make a good ~ on sb. 给某人留下好印象
2. custom n. 习惯,风俗
keep up a ~ = follow a ~ 遵从习俗
break a ~ 打破习俗
manners and ~s 风俗习惯
3. course n. 过程,进行方向,课程, 一道菜
in the ~ of 在------当中
a summer ~ 暑期课程
take a ~ in law 上法律课
in the ~ of the discussion, many opinions are heard.
A dinner of five ~s = a five-~ dinner五道菜的一餐饭
4.start with
begin with /end up with
5.drink to ------ 为------干杯 为------ 祝酒
let’s drink to the friendship between our two peoples.
We all drank to Tom’s success in the experiment.
6. fashion n. 流行,时髦,时尚
a ~ show 时装表演
follow the ~ 赶时髦
come into ~ 流行起来
be in ~ 正流行 be out of ~ 不再流行
7. When drinking to someone’s health you raise your glasses.
---- you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with friends or family.
这两句中划线部分师省略句。完整的句子分别是when you are drinking to someone’s health 及 while you are having dinner with friends or family.
Please be careful when crossing the road.
You need to be careful while reaching the apple on the top of the tree.
Recite the text.
Finish the exercise “Vocabulary” in the workbook.

Period Three
I. Teaching aims:
1. Learn some negative prefixes to master the word formation rules of changing the meaning of a word to its opposite.
2. Learn more about table manners in China.
3. Grammar: understand the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.
II. Important point:
1. Master the word formation rules to improve students’ ability to enlarge their vocabulary.
2. Get the students familiar with the Attributive Clause.
III. Difficult point:
Help the students get clear about the differences between the Restrictive and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.
IV. Teaching methods:
1. Practising to learn the word formation rules.
2. Comparative and inductive methods to tell the differences between the Restrictive and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.
3. Use exercises to consolidate the word formation and the grammatical item.
V. Teaching procedures:
Step1 Revision
Check the reciting of the text.
Check the homework
Step2 Language study
1.Word study
The prefixes in-, im- , non-and un- all change the meaning of a word to its opposite.
2.Do Ex. 2 in this part. Have the students do it individually and then check the answers together.
Step 3 Grammar
The restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause.
At first, explain the two clauses to the Ss. Then do the exercise on page41. Finally check the answers.
Step 4 Practice
So Ex 1 and 2 in the workbook on P118. Make sure that all the students understand the grammar well and do the exercises well.
1.Revise the grammar.
2.Ex1 in the workbook.

Period Four
I. Teaching aims:
1. Revise the language points in this unit.
2. Get the students better at intergrating skills.
II. Important point:
Improve the Ss’ reading and writing skills.
III. Difficult point:
How to write a thank-you letter.
IV. Teaching methods:
1. Practising revising the language points in this unit.
2. Inductive method to help the students learn to write a thank-you letter.
V. Teaching procedures:
Step1 Revison
Check the homework
Step2 Reading and writing
Read the following thank-you letter and finish the exercise on Page42
At last, write a thank-you letter.
Step3 Workbook
Ask the Ss to read the text fast to find the main idea of the text.
Listen to the text and the teacher should ask more detailed questions about it.
Pick out some difficult sentences for the students to discuss and get the idea of them. Then read again and do the exercise on Page 119, then check the answers with the whole class.
Step 4 Workbood
Do Ex. 3. Translate the sentences into English. If they have any problem doing it, they may discuss with their partners. Check the answers with the whole class.
Do Ex. 4. Work in pairs do talk about good manners and then fill in the blanks. Check answers together.
Revise the content of Unit 6.




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