Unit 3 Going Places

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The 1st Period Date
Teaching objectives and demands:
1. The activity is designed to encourage students to think about going places and traveling and to activate relevant vocabulary.
2. Ask the students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transportation, plan a route and explain the plan
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice
Key points:
1. Everyday English for communication.
2. Words and useful expressions
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Warming up
1. Brain-storming
When we talk about traveling, what can we think of?
2. Back-up questions:
How can we go there? (transports)
Where are we going? (destination)
With whom are we going traveling?(accompanies)
What can we eat? (food)…
3. Compare different transports and discuss in a 4-person group and tick the transport if it suits the condition.
Bus Train Ship Air-plane
On land
Without much money
Discuss the best transport for students of Senior One in Beijing to travel to Shanghai.
Step 2 Listening
Boarding calls commonly heard in airports and wrote down the information they hear.
1. Excuse me, I am flying to Japan today, but I don’t know where I should gop. Could you please help me?
2. Excuse me, can you help me ? I am flying to Changsha and it says on my ticket that the gate is A25. Well, this is gate A25, but there’s no one here.
3. Hi, excuse me, I need some help. I am going to Paris at 11:45. Someone told me that there’s been a change. Do you know anything about that?
Extension Ask the Ss to write announcements about the following situations. the announcements can be read to the class or used for pair work.
1. Flight 225 to NewYork has been delayed and will depart one hour later.
(Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. Flight 225 to NewYork has been delayed and will depart one hour later.)
2. Flight 2312 from Nanjing to Shanghai will depart from Gate D5 in twenty minutes.
3. Flight 778 to Berlin will depart from gate C3, not gate C7.
Extension 3 Page 97 workbook airport theme.
1. Your attention, please. Flight CA1145 from Beijing to Tokyo is now boarding at gate D45.Please get your boarding cards ready and go to the gate.
2. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? The gate for flight UA445 from Beijing to Changsha has been changed. The new gate is gate A15. We will begin boarding in about ten minutes. Thank you.
3. Attention all passengers on flight SE3765 from Beijing to Paris. Your flight will be twenty minutes late because of bad weather. Please be ready to board the flight at gate E34. Thank you.
key to the listening exercise:
Beijing Forbidden City, Great wall, Tian’an men Square Train
Paris /France Eiffel Tower, Museum, saw “Mona Lisa” Bus and lift
North Pole/South Pole Walked, saw animals plane, walked
The Moon looked at the earth, jumped Spaceship
In the Ocean Looked at fish Swam had to swim
Step 3.Speaking
Time machine
Useful Expressions:
I would like to travel to the year…
I would like to know what life was like….years ago
I want to know what life will be like … years from now
To which year do you want to go?
Do you want to travel to the future or to the past?
Step 4. Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises of Unit 3 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
(3)List the friend they get to know in class and write down some thing they want to know.
Evaluation of teaching:
The Second Period Date
Teaching objectives
1. Develop the students’ comprehension of explorative passages, especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.
2. Offer the students chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about the adventure travel out-
3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about the friend and friendship
4. Learn some words and useful expressions from the text.
Teaching Approach
1.Communicative Approach should be used throughout the class. Stress should be laid on:
2.Learner-centeredness; learning-centeredness
3.Task-based learning
4.Activity-based teaching (class work; individual work; group work)
Teaching type: Reading comprehension
Teaching Procedure
Step 1. Report in class
A student is asked to report something interesting he or she picks up from newspaper or magazines.
Step 2.Review and check
Ss have a word dictation and check their homework in workbook
Step 3 Notes:
1. travel, journey, trip, and voyage
travel is uncountable, and means much the same as traveling in general.
Journey is countable, a long distance from one place to another.
trip is a return journey, is often used together with the activity which is the reason for the journey
voyage journey at sea
2. round-trip ticket,one-way ticket
Step 4 pre-reading (group work )
Many people like traveling, but for what reasons do people like it?
It takes time and costs money
It may not be as comfortable as you are at home.
Why do people like traveling? can you give /name any reasons?
Step 5 Reading Listen to tape and finish the following items
The reading states that people are beginning to travel for new reasons.
for a change, fun ,knowledge, sightseeing
1. to see famous and nature beauty
2. to meet new people
3. to try new kinds of food
4. to experience life in other places
5. to get away from the bad weather
6. to look for an unusual experience and adventure
Hiking is a good way to combine exercise, travel, and adventure.
Hiking is easy, fun and cheap.
A hike will be more successful if you put safety first and plan the hike carefully.
Good points Bad Points
1.close to nature Dangerous
2.inexpensive,cheap Uncomfortable
3.fun and exciting easy to get tired, exhausting, tiring
4.good to take fresh air no fun, inconvenient
5. easy to do and helpful t take exercise boring, long walking with heavy bags
6.not much equipment unhealthy food
7.easy to decide where to go and stay poor living conditions(sleep in open air)
Rafting is another kind of adventure. Some people like to go down a quiet stream, others like the more adventurous white water rafting.
There are basic safety rules and skills you must learn before you go rafting. P18
1.the basic equipment a raft, paddles, good clothes, helmet, life jacket
2.the places to travel on rivers or streams or whitewater
3.activities to do try whitewater fating to be careful not to hit rocks trees and other dangers think about safety, wear good clothes
4.basic skills how to handle the raft, paddle and to get in and out the raft, how to swim
Suggestions for some vocabulary of the reading text:
what is the text about?
what kind of words will be used?
adventure travel
life jacket
Step 6 Post-reading
Key to post –reading exercise 1 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.c
Similarities Hiking Rafting
Step7. Homework
(1) workbook
(2) Revise the key points of this Unit.
Evaluation of teaching:
The Third Period date
Teaching aims and demands
1. The students are asked to master the Grammar
2. Integrating Skill: reading
3. Oral practice: manipulate oral practice relevant to the reading material.
Key points: grammar and reading
Teaching methods: Reading —Sentence structure----explanation
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.
Step 2. Language study
Task: writing about 60 words to finish the story
We paddle all day today. We saw monkeys in the trees, but we saw no human being. We like our canoe. It is a local canoe made of solid wood. The river is fast-flowing and there are some rapids. We had to get out and carry the canoe in some places. It was very happy!
What a terrible day! We paddled all morning. The river got narrower and narrower. there were bends in the river and lots of rocks. At about midday, the river disappeared. We saw a wall of white water in front of us. It was a huge waterfall. At the bottom of the waterfall were lots of sharp rocks. We made our way between the rocks to a small beach below the water. It was very hard work because the water was so fats. Then we had to carry the canoe on our heads up the steep bank of the river to the top of the fall.
It took us two hours to carry, push and pull the canoe all the way up the side of the waterfall. We stopped at the top and put down the heavy, awkward canoe in a small pool. We drank some water form our bottle sand lay ,exhausted, in the shade.
Suddenly, Alex shouted, “where is canoe? ”I sat up and started at the pool. The canoe had gone.” There!” Screamed Paddy. Then I saw it. The canoe had drifted out into the river. It was almost at the top of waterfall.
Step 3 Integrating skills
The trip should combine travel and learning about the environment. (Red-river village, snow-Mountain)
where he wants to go and why and try to get the others to agree
1. Decide who will represent each destination
2. Prepare a role card based on the example in the book/
3. 3.Complete the role cards
4. Review the rules of the discussion.
5. Let each group member introduce himself and state their opinion
6. When each member has stated his opinion, ask question, discuss, and debate
7. Try to reach a decision
Step 4 Grammar
P19 Ex1
Common words used in continuous tense
go, come ,leave. start. arrive, get ,return ,fly ,meet, stay, see….off, take off ,die
3.Extra Exercise
Step 5 Writing
Step 6 Homework
(1) Finish off the work in work book
(2) change the 10 sentences into indirect speech
(3) Try to write a news story in about 100 words on page 88
(4) Revise the grammar on page 178 to page 180
Evaluation of teaching:
The Fourth Period
Teaching aims and demands
1. Integrating Skill
2. Grammar and writing
3. Get the students to write an email
Key points: 1. Useful expressions; 2.writing 3.grammar
Teaching methods: Written practice and grammar.
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the work exercises.
(2)A test for unit 1
To get the students to Review the grammar and write the passage on page 88
Pal Restaurant is one of the many restaurants where people come to eat, drink, talk and enjoy music. It is different from other restaurants because its owners are a group of college students. “We run this restaurant to make friends,” says the manager, Hu Ming.
But the students’ parents say that they are unhappy about this. “We can’t stop them but we want them to put study in the first place.” Teachers do not support them, either. Hu Ming says that a teacher has already told him that he should spend more time on study.
All the managers say that running a business takes a lot of time. “We don’t have the money to hire enough waiters or waitresses, so we do most of the work ourselves,” says Liu Tao. “Sometimes we have to skip classes to keep an eye on the restaurant,” says another boy.
But Liu Tao says they are doing OK.
3 Answers may vary. Possible titles/headlines include “Study First or Business First?” “Students Running Bar”
Step 2. Integrating Skill
Instruction: The reading describes different kinds of friends. Let the students read the first paragraph and answer questions 1-3, then ask them to think of words that can be used to describe the different kinds of friends. You can also tell the students to choose words from the “5-star friend” activity in the student’s book.
Extension What does it take to make a friendship work? The students can work in groups and select one kind of friendship described in the reading and think about the advantages and disadvantages of such a friendship. What problems might arise? How could they be solved? (The students can refer to the listening activity).
Suggested answers
1 C
2 A fair-weather friend will only like you when you are happy and popular; a forever friend is a true friend and will help you when you are in trouble.
3 List the characteristics of each kind of friend:
A fair-weather friend only likes you when you are happy and popular, doesn’t help you when you have problems. (students can add more)
A school friend studies and plays together with you, sees you in school. (students can add more)
A forever friend knows everything about you, always listens to you. (students can add more)
4 Sarah helped Janet overcome her shyness and deal with her classmates. Janet helped Sarah study math.
5 Answers may vary.
6 You can make friends with people from other countries by reading e-pal/pen pal ads in newspapers or on the Internet.
7 One of the advantages of having friends in other countries is that you can learn more about the world. You can also learn more about other languages and cultures. There are a few disadvantages, including the fact that it can be difficult to be friends if you live far away from each other.
8 Answers may vary. One possible interpretation is that all the people around us could be our friends; friendship is a two-way relationship and it takes work and patience to develop a good friendship.
Step 3 Writing
Ask the students to read the e-mail and find out what the girl wants to know more about. Tell the students to think about what they want to tell the girl. As a pre-writing activity, the students can list the things they want to include in the e-mail. When the students have written the e-mail, you can compare what they have written.
A learner log is a set of questions that will help the students to reflect on how and what they have learnt. The students are asked to rate their “comfort level” and summarize what they have learnt. You can use this as an activity in class or let the students complete the log at home. Throughout the book we offer different assessment tools and we recommend that you try as many of them as possible. Learner logs and other similar assessment tools are simple to use and have a positive effect on the students’ learning and learning habits over time. The students may find it difficult to answer the questions at first, but if you use the log consistently it will help the students pay more attention to their learning strategies and set better goals. Once the students are used to the format and expectations, you can use the learner log and other assessment activities in combination with discussion and goal-setting activities.
Ask the students to read the e-mail ads in Unit 1 and choose one to reply to. Before the students start writing, they should think about what they want to write.
Extension Use real e-pal ads from the Internet and let the students find a real e-pal from another country. If your students do not have easy access to the Internet, you can simply copy more e-pal ads and bring them to class.
Sample E-mail
Hi Jane:
My name is Xiao Fei and I come from Hunan. Hunan is in the south of China. I am a middle school student and I like speaking English. I read your e-pal ad and I would like to be your e-pal. You wrote that you like rock music. Can you tell me what bands you like? Have you ever heard any Chinese rock bands? You also wrote that you like talking and joking around. I do too! I think you and I can be good friends. Please send me an e-mail as soon as possible.
Xiao Fei
Assessment Criteria:
An e-mail is less formal than a letter and more formal than speaking. A good response to the e-pal ads should include information about who you are and where you are from. Try to encourage the students to use indirect speech to refer to the e-pal ad.
Step 5. Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises in the workbook.
(2)Write an email into my email-box.
(3) Summary the key points in this unit
Evaluation of teaching:
The Fifth period Students have an Integrating examination
The Sixth period Teachers comment the examination and Review the unit.




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