河北版式七年级上册Unit 5,Lesson 36

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Teaching Plan
Lesson 36 Families Play and Work
By Lu Caifeng
§ I. Analysis of the Teaching Material
This lesson is chosen from Lesson 36 Unit 5 in JESB published by Hebei of Grade Seven A.In this lesson, Ss learn to express by using the Present Continuous Tense.
§ II. Teaching Goals
Goals of Abilities
•Learn the following words and phrases: play, work, talk, cry sing, make dumplings , together
•Sentence patterns: What is he /she doing?
He /She is _________.
What are they doing?
They are ________.
•Important point: through practicing Ss can talk about sb’s activity by using the Present Continuous Tense.
• Difficult point: to improve their communicative abilities.
Goals of emotion
•Cultivate Ss’ strong interest in studying English.
•Train Ss’ spirit of cooperation and collective sense of honor.
§III. Teaching Methods:
• Playing Games.
• Multimedia Teaching Method.
§IV. Learning Methods
• The Ss will seize the chances of communicating in English.
• The Ss would try their best to summary the knowledge by themselves.
• The Ss would complete the tasks by using the target language while cooperating with others.
§V. Teaching Aids:
a multimedia computer , OHA (高射投影仪), a tape recorder
§VI. Teaching Process
Step 1. Lead in ( 3’)
1. Exchange greetings with the Ss.
2. Sing together---- Are You Sleeping?
Step 2. Presentation ( 8’ )
1. Revise old words and lead in the new sentence patterns:
What is he / she doing?
He /She is ________.
What are they doing?
They are _________.
2. Show pictures and learn the new words by asking and answering in groups with the sentence patterns.
Eg. Group 1: What is he doing?
Group 2: He is laughing.
Step 3. Listen and Read ( 8 )
a. Books closed! Listen carefully.
b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the reading notes. At last, check the answers.
Step 5. Practice ( 13’)
a. Six Ss make up a small group. One of them act and ask the others in the group, “What am I doing?” Then it’s the turn of the next one to act and ask.
b. Get some of the Ss to act in front of class, one of them ask like this “ What is he/she doing?” Then the others answer.
Step 6. Competition (7’)
Have a guessing game among the four groups. Get the Ss to look and guess. “Is she / he doing sth.?”
Step 7 Summary ( 5’ )
Help the Ss to sum up “Present Continuous Tense”.
Step 8. Homework (1’ )
1. Act and guess in pairs. Show some pictures as examples.
2. Talk about your family doing.



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