高二英语05-06同步课程Unit 3 Art and architecture |
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高 二 英 语 主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学) [教学内容] 高中英语第二册(上) [教学要求] 1、掌握本单元的单词,词组与句型。 2、学会几句常用口语: I’d rather buy a house than an apartment. 我宁愿买一幢小洋房而不愿买一套公寓。 I’d rather you never played pc games. 我宁愿你从不打电脑游戏。 I wouldn’t feel happy if I lived in a noisy town. 如果我住在闹市我会觉得很不开心的。 He really prefers to take the subway. 他真的喜欢坐地铁。 What I like is old-style houses. 我喜欢的是老房子。 I can’t stand the smell of the polluted river. 我无法忍受那脏河水的气味。 3、语法:过去分词作宾补。 [知识重点与学习难点] 一、重要单词: architecture architect preference design heater honey modern convenient block style passage ugly construct steel concrete impress roof cathedral balcony fantastic seashell stadium nest structure workshop rent development 二、重点词组 act as 充当,扮演 fill up with 用…装满 belong to 属于 paint sth red 将某物漆成红色 set aside 把…暂搁一边,留出 [难点讲解] 1、If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? 如果你能自由设计自己的梦中家园,那房子看上去会是怎么样的? If … were …, …would …是典型的虚拟语气结构,表示与现在事实相反的假设,又如: If I were you, I would spend more time on English. 如果我是你的话,我就会在英语上多花时间。(事实是我不是你) If he were attentive in class, he could answer the question. 如果他认真听老师讲课的话,他就能回答这个问题。(事实是他没好好听,回答不出这问题,这语气不能用can) 2、Architecture looks at the man-made living environment. 建筑学关注的是人造的生活环境。 这里look at 不解为看,而是论及,探讨的意思: Agriculture looks mainly at what human beings eat. 农业主要是研究人类的吃饭问题。 3、To many people modern architecture equals progress. 在许多人看来,现代建筑就等于进步。 这里用means也可以,但equals更强调: Destroying forests equals killing ourselves. 毁灭森林就等于自杀。 meams equal的常见用法: Three times two equals (v.t) six. Is equal(adj) to 3乘以2等于6。 All men are created equal(adj). 所有人生来就是平等的。 4、Modern buildings impress us because they are huge, but many people do not find them beautiful. 现代建筑由于形体庞大而给我们深刻印象,但许多人并不认为它们美。 impress 给……印象,让……明白……,常与on,with搭配使用: 他的幽默感我印象很深。 The book didn’t impress me at all. 这本书我一点也没印象。 I was impressed favorably with Jane. 我对珍妮印象很好。 We were very much impressed by/at/with Liu Dehua’s performance. 我对刘德华的演出印象很深。 I often impress on my students the importance of mastering English. 我常常让学生明白掌握英语的重要性。 His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话深深地印在我的脑海里。 5、You do not feel invited to enter them. 面对这些现代建筑你不会有欢迎你进去的亲切感。 注意invited作表语的意境: We always feel invited in the small town. 在这个小镇上我们总是觉得人们很亲切。 I felt invited at the delicious food. 看到这可口的食物我食欲大振。 比较inviting: The food looks inviting. 这食品令人垂涎三尺。 This is an inviting room. 这是一个可爱的房间。 invited含有受到邀请欢迎的感觉,而inviting则是吸引人的,令人感到亲切的意思。 6、Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Gaudy was a modern architect. 尽管高迪使用传统材料,他却是现代建筑师。 这里Despite the fact that …可改成:Although he used traditional materials, …意思不变,都是表达让步意义的状语。 despite与in spite of在后面接名词、代词等,而although,though引导从句。 7、Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird’s nest made of tree branches. 从顶上看体育场仿佛覆盖着一张灰色的钢网,看上去就象树枝搭的鸟巢。 这里seen是过去分词有被动意义,其逻辑主语是it(体育场),是体育场从顶上被看的,如果用seeing就错了,成了体育场在看什么了,试比较以下例句: Seeing the sports star Liu Xiang, they got very excited. 看到体育明星刘翔,他们激动万分。 Seen from space, our earth looks like a beautiful huge blue ball. 从太空上看,我们的地球象一个美丽的兰色大球。 8、It is usually difficult to find other companies to move into the old buildings, because the floor plan——the size and the number of halls——does not fit their company. 通常很难会其他公司迁入这些旧建筑,因为楼层的设计,即厅堂的大小与数目,不适合他们的公司。 fit用法的小结: ①适合,(大小)合身: v.t. The dress fitted her perfectly. The key doesn’t fit the lock. 这钥匙不配这把锁。 His behavior doesn’t fit his important new position. 他的行为不符合他重要的身份。 v.i. Does the coat fit? The lid fits badly. 盖子盖不上。 This pair of shoes doesn’t fit (well). 这双鞋不合脚。 转义:Let the punishment fit the crime. 罪罚相当。 He fits the description. 他与描写的相符。 ②合适的 adj She’s not fit to live by herself. 她不适合独自生活。 The food is not fit to eat. 这食品不可吃。 Tom was fit for his work. 汤姆胜任他的工作。 偶尔也作定语: He is not a fit person to decide what should be done. 他不适合来决定应该怎么办。 fit有时作身体好解: You look very fit, Milk. 迈克,你看上去很健康。 He’s not a fit man; he has an unusual illness. 9、They are decorated with small round windows that remind you of ships, … 它们用小园窗装点,使你想到轮船,… remind 使……想起,常与of连用: The novel reminded me of the “cultural revolution”. 这本小说使我想起了“文化大革命”。 The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. 看到钟提醒我迟到了。 My wife reminds me to take medicine every morning. 我老婆每天早晨提醒我吃药。 Did you remind him of/about that book he borrowed? 10、Some art companies asked if they could move into the empty space and rent parts of the factory. 某此艺术公司询问他们能否搬进空场地,租借部分厂房。 rent可表达租借,出租两种意义,而有些常用单词不一样,如buy买,sell卖及borrow借入,lend借出;看rent的一些用法,从上下文来表明是租入还是租出: I rented a car to travel around the city. 我租了一辆车在这城市里转转。 We rented the flat to a young couple. 我们把那套公寓租给了一对小夫妻。 The house rents at/for $2000 a month. at a big sum. 这房子出租, 租金每天2000美元 租金很贵 Is there a store nearby that rents out bicycles? 附近有出租自行车的店吗? 11、so that … 表示结果,有时so或that省掉一个,意义不变: George often told stories that weren’t true, so (that) no one believed him when he told about a UFO landing on the grass in front of his house. 乔治常常说假话,以至当他说到飞碟在他家门前草坪降落时没有人相信他。 My pencil fell under my desk (so) that I couldn’t see it. 我的铅笔掉在课桌下面,我看不见。 12、on display与on show基本上同义,on display更正式些: Some of her paintings are on show /on display in Suzhou this month. A new kind of car was on display/on show in the shop. 13、Classical art, such as valuable paintings, precious statues and other fine arts, usually ends up in the collections of museums, companies or rich people. 古典艺术品,如有价值的油画、珍贵的雕塑及其他美术品通常最后成了博物馆,公司或有钱人的收藏。 end作动词的一些用法: v.i. The war ended in 1975. The book ends on page 364. The novel ended in tragedy. 这小说悲剧结尾。 Everything ended happily. 大满园结局。 The roads ends here. 这条路到此为止。 v.t. The chairman ended the meeting at ten. He ended his letter with best wishes to the family. 用于一些成语: The plan ended in failure. 这计划以失败告终。 The word ends in -ous. 这单词以ous结尾。 The greedy high official ended (up) in prison. 这个大贪官以坐牢告终。 14、Given these facts, why are architects and artists asked to create new art works. 人们知道了这些事实,为何还要建筑师与画家创造新的作品呢? 显然这句中的Given…的逻辑主语是指我们大家,而不是指建筑师,画家,这种结构的特点是分词的逻辑主语是我们大家,人们,或众所周知的,这时与句子主语不一致是能接受的,但主要是一些现在分词,偶尔也有过去分词如上句,或不定式: Strictly speaking, you shouldn’t enter the lab without permission. 严格地说,你不应该没获准许进实验室。 Judging from past performances, he is not likely to do well in his exams. 从他过去的表现判断,他在这次考试中不可能考得很好。 To tell you the truth, all the rivers here are seriously polluted. 说实话,这里每条河都严重污染。 Informed of the coming storm already, the beach was almost empty now. 预先通知了暴风雨要降临,海面上几乎空无一人。 以上用法,不要随意使用,常见的只是一些习语。 [语法] 过去分词作宾语补足语 过去分词的宾补,有被动,完成的意义,少数不及物动词,当然无被动意义: 常接过去分词宾补的动词有see notice hear watch feel think make have get keep help like want wish order etc. We should keep them informed of what is going on here. 我们应该让他们了解这儿发生的情况。 Everyone thought the game won. 每个人都认为比赛赢了。 He soon made the news known to all. 他很快让大家都知道了这个消息。 The mathematician always works in his study with the door locked. 这数学家总是锁着门在书房工作。(这句是介词宾语的补足语。) They found the guests gone. 他们发现客人都走了。(这句gone当然无被动意义) 在被动语态的句子中,宾补就成了主语补足语了。 例:Her dress is seen hung behind the door. 有人看见她的衣服挂在门后。 His cell phone and laptop were found stolen when he woke up. 同步练习 一、单项选择: 1、If he ______ addicted to pc games, he would finish his homework every day. A、is not B、were not C、was D、is 2、________ high GDP _______ a developed country? Choose the wrong answer: A、Is, equal to B、Is, equal C、Does, mean D、Does, equal 3、Dr Hawking _________ his thoughts and ideas as large as the universe. A、impressed us B、impressed on us with C、impressed on us D、was impressed with us 4、________ another ten minutes, I can finish doing all these exercises. A、Given B、Giving C、To give D、Having given 5、Choose the wrong sentence: A、He is fit for the post of monitor. B、The T-shirt doesn’t fit for me. C、The door fits badly. D、He’s fit, away from illnesses. 6、In his composition he said he didn’t like the summer vacation, which _________Harry Potter’s. A、reminded him B、he remembered C、reminded of him D、reminded him of 7、The boy fell off the tree ________ he broke his right leg. Choose the wrong answer: A、in order that B、so that C、so D、that 8、The engineers discussed the plan that they would like to have _______ the next month. A、carry out B、carried out C、carrying out D、to carry out 9、With a lot of high buildings ________, the small town looks sort of modern. A、built B、to build C、building D、being built 10、Jane asked her boss not to leave the door _____. A、closing B、closed C、close D、to close 二、阅读理解 “What we want is rest,” said Harris. “Rest and a complete change,” said George. “Change of scene, and no need to think about anything.” I agreed with George, and suggested we should look for some quiet place far from crowds and the noisy world. Harris said he thought it would be terrible. He said he knew the kind of place I meant; where everybody went to bed at eight o’clock, and you couldn’t get an Evening News for love or money, and had to walk ten miles to the nearest cinema. “No, ” he said, “if you want rest and a change, you had better take a sea trip.” I was strongly against a sea trip. A sea trip does you good when you are going to have a couple of months of it, but for a week, it is pointless. George said, “Let’s go up the river,” He said we should have fresh air and rest, the constant change of scene would broaden our minds, and the hard work would give us a good appetite and make us sleep well. Harris said he didn’t think George ought to do anything that might make him sleepier than he already was but all the same he agreed the river would suit him. Harris, perfectly. It suited me too and we therefore decided to go up the river. 1、George’s idea of rest and a complete change is _________. A、having nothing on his mind B、not having any worries in life C、relaxing in new places D、not thinking about new scenes 2、When Harris said, “You couldn’t get an Evening News for love of money”, he meant “you couldn’t get a paper ________.” A、by any means B、for its selling price C、simply to read about love or money D、as a kindness 3、When Harris also said, “One had to walk ten miles to the nearest cinema”, he means ____. A、there was no cinema ten miles round B、he nearest cinema was about ten miles away C、the nearest cinema was too far away for him D、there wasn’t a cinema, even ten miles away 4、When the writer said it was pointless to go on a sea trip for a week, he mean _______. A、it was a pleasure to have nothing to do for a week B、a week was too short C、it was better than going for two months D、you did not go to a certain place 5、The hard work would give them a good appetite because ________. A、they would eat a lot B、they would drink a lot C、it would make them sleep well D、it would make them hungry 参 考 答 案 一、1、B 2、B 3、C 4、A 5、B 6、D 7、A 8、B 9、A 10、B 二、1、C 2、A 3、C 4、B 5、D |
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